Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 02: GOVERNANCE – Board of Trustees
Series 04: ADMINISTRATION – Directors
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff, Trustees, Guests & Visitors,
Community Families, Consultants, Friends
Series 19: STUDENTS


Sign for Pine Mountain Settlement School, founded 1913. [Picture-147.jpg]

TAGS: lists of links to individuals associated with PMSS, directors, staff, administrators, boards of trustees, students, community residents, friends and visitors, community families


BIOGRAPHY – A-Z is a listing of the many individuals who have played a part in the 100-plus-year-old history of Pine Mountain Settlement School. A name that is in bold and underlined indicates a link to that person’s biography on this site. This is an on-going project and names may be added or linked as the site develops.

Please request assistance from the PMSS OFFICE if you need access to the physical files. Appointments are required and not all requests can be honored. 

BIOGRAPHY – A-Z begins with a chronological list of Directors of the School from the School’s beginning to the current day. The remaining lists are in alphabetical order under the following categories. (The categories are accompanied by links to pages with further details.)

Staff and Administrators:
ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PMSS Workers 1913-1930 (link)
BIOGRAPHY PMSS Workers Guide 1913-2000s (link)

Members of the Boards of Trustees:
GOVERNANCE BOT Alphabetical Guide (link)
GOVERNANCE BOT Chronological Guide (link)

Boarding School Students:
BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS Guide 1929-1949 Full flat list (link)
BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS 1929-1949 Searchable database (link)

Community School Students 1950 – 1960:

Visitors, Writers, Friends, Consultants, Scholars:

Community Families and Residents:
EARLY FAMILIES in Pine Mountain Valley Community GUIDE (link)
COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1910s-1940s Guide Includes residents of Greasy Creek, Turkey Fork, Little Laurel, Big Laurel, Line Fork, Cutshin, Divide, Bledsoe, and more … (link)

DIRECTORS (Chronological Order)

Katherine Pettit (Co-Founder* & Director 1913-1930) ; Ethel de Long Zande (Co-Founder* & Co-Director 1913-1928) ; Mary Angela Melville (Interim Associate Director 1928-1930) ; Hubert Hadley (Director 1930-1931) ; Evelyn K. Wells (Acting Director 1931) ; Glyn Morris (Director 1931-1942) ; Dodd, Arthur (Interim 1942) ; William Webb (Acting Director 1942-1944) ; H.R.S. Benjamin (Director 1944-1949) ; Gladys Hill [Interim Director 1949?] ; Burton Rogers (Director 1949-1973) ; L. Alvin Boggs (Director 1973-1983) ; James Urquhart (Director 1983-1986) ; Carol Urquhart (Interim Director 1986) ; Paul Hayes (Director 1986-1996) ; Mildred Mahoney (Interim Director, Oct. 1996 – Aug. 1997) ; Robin Lambert (Director 1997-2001) ; William Caudill (Interim Director 2001) ; Nancy Adams (Director 2001-2013) ; Lane, Penne (Director 2013-2014) ; Pride, Miriam “Mim” (Interim Director 2014-May 2015) ; Marietta, Geoff (Director June 2015 – February 2019 ; Preston Jones (Interim Director March 2, 2019 – ) ;

*Co-founders with K. Pettit and E. de Long Zande: Creech, Sally and Creech, William(See also Creech Family and William & Sally Creech Family.)



This list attempts to be comprehensive, but many workers only stayed for a brief time and may not be recorded in annual records.

GUIDE TO PMSS 1913 – 1930 (linked to above list)

This list is largely complete but includes only staff/personnel at the School from 1913-1930. It is based on an inventory by Evelyn Wells, school secretary, and is included in GUIDE TO WELLS RECORD OF PINE MOUNTAIN SETTLEMENT SCHOOL 1913-1928 prepared just prior to her departure from the School in 1931.

STAFF  1913 – Present

The following list is on-going of individuals who have worked at the School. Names in bold indicate those with completed biographies. Names with asterisks* indicate those who have also served in an administrative post or on the PMSS Board of Trustees.

A – B

Adams, Nancy; Ambrose, Colleen* ; Anderson, Anna; Anderson, Bette ; Anderson, Jonathan (Al) ; Angel, August* ; Angel, Susie ; Arny, Malcolm E. ; Ayers, Georgia [see Dodd, Georgia (Ayers) ; Ayers, Ellen (“Mattie,” “Mac”) [see Hayes, Ellen Ayers] ; Ayers, Joanna ;

Babson, ? ; Bailey, Clark Dr.* ; Bailey, Sarah ; Baird, Lexine ; Baker, Golda (Pensol) Baker, Richard & Lutrella ; Barry, Alice Trumbull (Scoville)Barry, Stuyvesant (Peter) ; Bartlett, Barbara (Merrill) ; Bartlett, Helen ; Bartnik, George ; Bassett, Kendall ; Bates, Lilliath Robbins (see Robbins, Lilliath Bates) ; Beale, Aaron* ; Beeler, Lucille ; Begley, Benjamin Clay (Ben) ; Begley, Patricia (Pat) ; Belser, Rob ; Benedict, Jill ; Benjamin, H.R.S* ; Bidstrup, Marguerite Butler (see Butler, Marguerite) ; Bishop, Birdena ; Blackburn, Mary ; Blodgett, Tom ; Roberta Blomberg ; Boggs, Alvin* ; Boggs, Matthew ; Bolles, Dorothy* ; Branan (Brannan,?) Bill ; Brannan (Brannan,?), Lauranell ; Brewster, Margery ; Brockschlager, Anna ; Browning, Louise Will ; Browning, William ; Buchanan, Margaret (Maggie) ; Bunch, Chloe (Smith) (see Smith, Chloe) ; Burden, Leona P. and Jess ; Burdine, Howard ; Burger, Sallie ; Burks, Marguerite ; Burns, Martha ; Butler, Amy ; Butler, Harriet Butler, Marguerite (Bidstrup) ; Brosi, Connie Fearington ; Burkhard, Fred J. ; Burkhard, Esther Weller (see Weller, Esther) ;


Callahan, Boone ; Callahan, Debra ; Campbell, Cora Lee ; Campbell, Gerna* ; Campbell, Ruth E. ; Canterbury, Edith ; Cardwell, Susie Lee ; Carter Gertrude King (Mrs. Lillard Carter) ; Cathcart (Holton), Celia; Cartozian, Karoun ; Caudill, William* ; Cawood, Edward* ; Chase, Richard ; Cheney, Frank “Unk” ; Christian, Lucille ; Christian, Lela ; Christian, Ruth ; Christensen, Abby Winch ; Cobb, Alice* ; Cold, BerthaCold, Edith ; Collin, Emma ; Conley, Vernon ; Conn, Hilda ; Conner, Jessie ; Coolidge, Margaret ; Coolidge, Olive (Mrs. Robert Butman) ; Cook, Clella Sergent ; Cooper, Margaret ; Cornett, Jess and Sallie ; Creech, James Charles ; Creech, Emily (see Hill, Emily) ; Creech, Henry C. ; Creech, Ruth (Smith) ; Cummisk, Gary ; Cummisk, Gia ; Cunningham, Mary ; Crutchfield, Harriet

D – G

Dalton, Mark ; Daniels, Donna* ; Daniels, Florence ; Darracott, Nell ; Davies, Mary Ellen ; Davis, Clara ; Davis, Rachel H. ; Dawn, William C. “Bill” ; Day, Jasper and Delphia ; de Long, Ethel [see Zande, Ethel de Long] ; Dennis, Ruth ; Deschamps, Leon ; Duetsch, Ann ; Dunne, Colette ; Dodd, Arthur* ; Dodd, Georgia (Ayers) ; Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence ; Dougherty, Marguerite ; Dresser, Mary ; Drosky, Andy ; Dunbar, Minnie ; Durgin, Helen ;

Eberhardt, Ann Angel* ; Edgerton, Lillian ; Emerson, Marguerite ; Engberg, Sara ; Epler, Dr. Blanch ; Epstein, Esther ; Everitt, Evelyn ; Eversole, MacClellan ;

Fagg, Helen ; Faulkner, Barbara ; Faulkner, James L. ; Fawcett, Edna ; Felde, Maurice ; Felde, Marcella ; Fightmaster, Pearl ; Foster, Duncan ;

Gaines, Ruth B. ; Gampert, Rachel ; Garfield, Lucretia ; Garrison, Elihu Afton ; George, May D. ; Gill, Laura D. ; Goins, Annie LeeGoodale, Dora Hill Read ; Gould, Kenneth Dr. ; Green, Phil ; Greene, III, James S.* ; Greiner, Gladys ; Gulliver, Eunice ; Guy, N.S.* ;


Hadley, Hubert* ; Halliday, Anne P. ; Hamilton, Cami ; Hannon, Helen ; Hanson, Mrs. Wayne ; Harpham, Emily ; Harris, Kristen* ; Hartridge, Lyn ; Hatch, Helen (1899-1984) ; Hatfield, Minnie ; Hayes, Ellen (Mattie) Ayers ; Hayes, Fern Hall ; Hayes, Paul* ; Hayes, William* ; Heinz, Caroline ; Heist, Norma ; Hellekson, Ruth ; Hench, Elizabeth C.* ; Henderson, Elizabeth MD ; Henderson, Ronald A. ; Heney, Eva ; Henneberger, Anna ; Hepler, Jane ; Hill, Emily (Emma Jane) HillHill, Gladys; Himmelsbach, Julia ; Himmelsbach, Marion ; Hirschy, Mrs. N. ; Hobart, Ella ; Holbrook, Amita (?) ; Holbrook, Maude ; Holladay, Iva ; Holt, Dr. Evelyn ; Holton, Celia Cathcart [see Cathcart, Celia] ; Hook, Mary Rockwell* ; Horwitz, Frances ; Hottenstein, Mrs. Emily ; Hougham, Tom ; Huff, Becky May ; Hughes, Ann ; Hughes, John ; Humes, Margaret ; Huse, Grace Dr. ; Hutchins, Geneva ; Hynes, Agnes ;

I – L

Ingling, Dr. Howard H. ; Irwin, Ethel ;

Jeacock, Blanche ; Jenkins, Barbara ; Johnston, Dean ; Johnston, Miriam ; Jones, Emily ; Jones, Florence Houghton ; Jones, Tracy, Dr ;

Kahler, Fannie ; Keen, Martha Anne ; Keith, Alice Joy ; Key, Betty ; King, Lura J. ; Kingman, Marian*; Kingsbury, HelenKneller, Oscar ; Knollenberg, Lillie ; Kraatz, Margaret [see Wright, Margaret Kraatz] ; Krauss, Anna ; Kuykendahl, Nat ;

Lacy, Preston* ; Lambert, Robin* ; Lansing, Gertrude ; Lanier, Ruby ; Larrabee, Euphemia ; Larson, Gary ; LaRue, Glenn & DorothyLavender, Frances ; Lawson, Nina ; Lee, Hortense ; Lehman, Dr. Wilmer S. ; Lehman, Anna M. ; Lewis, Aileene [Nesbitt] ; Lewis, Annie ; Lewis, Omer ; Light, Ella C. ; Lincoln, Margaret ; Little, Abby N., Dr. ; Little, Helen F. ; Liu, Grace Feng ; Livengood, James Cooper ; Loomis, Sarah Marcia (“Sally”) ; Love, Emily Rockwell ;

M – N

McBride, Elizabeth ; McClelland, Candy ; McClennan, Isabel [Isabelle McMeekin] ; McCorkle, Constance ; McCullough, Ethel ; McGovern, Elizabeth ; McIntire, Ruth ; McKee, Pam ; McKee, Steve ; McReynolds, Nina ; McSwain, Horace ; MacKay, Hazel Helen ; MacKaye, Robin ; Mahoney, Mildred* ; Manee, Mr. & Mrs. James ; Mann, Nell ; Manning, Egre ; Manson, Mildred ; Mathews, Jane* ; Matthies, Scott Medcalf, Anne Ruth ; Melcher, Margaret ; Melville, Angela,* ; Merril, Ellen ; Merrill, Josephine M. ; Merrill, Louise; Merrow, Dr. Llewella ; Messer, Jake ; Milan, Nan ; Miller, Karoun ; Miller, Matthew ; Miller, Sandy* ; Milner, Virginia Helm ; Minshall, Julia ; Minter, Doug ; Minter, Jill ; Moller, Peder ; Montgomery, Harriet ; Moretz, Ann ; Morris, Glyn* ; Morris, Jeff ; Moser, Mrs. E.B. ; Mosley, Dan* ; Motter, Margaret ; Mumford, Mabel ; Murray, Beatrice ;

Nace, Dorothy [see Tharpe, Dorothy Nace] ; Nace, Margaret ; Nesbitt, Aileene Lewis ; Nesbitt, Charles Franklin ; Newman, Eve* ; Newman, Elizabeth (Mrs. Frank Newman) ; Newman, Dr. Frank W. ; Nice, Delores (Dee) ; Nicholson, Lucy ; Norris, Jackie ; Northam, Mrs. Adelaide ; Norton, Ethel S. ; Noyes, Martha ; Nutter, Dr. Wyndham H. ;

O – R

Olds, Florence ;

Painter, Sidney ; Palmer, Frances (Conquist) ; Parke, Roberta ; Parkinson, Marguerite ; Parsons, Jennifer* ; Parsons, Lura ; Pavey, Anne ; Peabody, Carol ; Peabody, Jeanette ; Peabody, Margaret ; Peck, Margery ; Pensol, Golda (See Baker, Golda Pensol) ; Peters, Anna K. ; Pettit, Katherine* ; Phelps, Rachel ; Phillips, Dorothy ; Phillips, Rick ; Piel, Bertha ; Pinke, Rev. Roland ; Pitchford, Philip ; Powell, Winifred ; Powers, William ; Price, Jessica Purbrick, Marian ;

Ratliff, Alice ; Ray, Corcas ; Read, Marion Pugh ; Reeves, Florence ; Reinhardt, Catherine ; Reinhardt, Keith ; Reitz, Martha ; Remembrance, Chipman ; Renz, Eleanora ; Rhodus, Eva ; Riemer, Steve ; Ritchie, Sabrina ; Ritchie (Deschamps), MayRittenhouse, Katherine [Catherine] ; Robinson, Cassie [Flegler] ; Robbins (Bates), Lilliath ; Roberts, Leonard WardRoberts, Edith ; Roberts, Leonard ; Roberts, Rita ; Roderick, Charlotte ; Rodgers, Amy ; Roeder, Rita Rebecca ; Roelofs, Lyle D.* ; Roettinger, Elizabeth (Elisabeth) ; Roettinger, Esther Rogers, Burton* ; Rogers, Mrs. Clark ; Rogers, Mary Rogers, Mrs. Mary E. Cook ; Rogers, Peter ; Rood, Grace M. ; Ross, Jessie ; Rothery, Margaret ; Rouse, Margery ; Rucker, Anita ; Rupe, John ; Russell, Jane ; Russel (Goddard), Kitty S. ;


Sandige, Daisy ; Sandstrom, Esther ; Sather, Nancy* ; Shopbach, Katherine ; Schubert, Leah ; Schugar, Marilyn ; Scott, Edit ; Secor, Joy ; Settle, Mary Winifred ; Seymour, Clare ; Sheltman, Constance ; Shera, Alice Carter ; Shipley, Elizabeth ; Sicilian, Ann ; Sidelinger, Eldora ; Sidelinger, Mabel ; Siegenthaler, David ; Simmons, Nellie ; Skidmore, Mrs. Mary ; Slusser, Florence ; Smith, Chloe (Chloa) ; Smith, Elizabeth G. ; Smith, Gertrude ; Smith, Larry Edward ; Smith, Mary Anne ; Sommers, Cora D. ; Sourthworth, Bonnie ; Sparrow, MinervaSpelman (Allen), Barbara ; Spelman III, John ; Spencer, Louise ; Stapleton, Ida S., Dr. ; Stapleton, Robert, Rev. ; Starbuck, Robert ; Stockin, Eleanor ; Stone (Viner), Helen Wilmer ; Stone, May ; Storer, Edith ; Storer, Emily ; Stoughton, Norma ; Stowe, Andrew ; Strong, Helen ; Sudo, Maya ; Swinerton, Lena ; Swisshelm, Dorothy ;

T – Z

Talbot, Ruth ; Taylor, Stella ; Thompson, Deborah J.* ; Thompson, Margery ; Tharpe, Dorothy Nace ; Thorp, Erica ; Tucker, Emma, Dr. ; Tucker, Francis, Dr. ; Turner, James A.* ; Twichell, Margaret Frost ;

Urquhart, Carol* ; Urquhart, James* ; Urquhart, Zina ;

Vallette, Alice ; Van Bezey, Annette ; Van Meter, Martha ; Vaughn, Charlsie (Stearly) ;

Waid, Mary ; Walker, Cornelia ; Walker, Margaret ; Ware, Caroline ; Warner, Jennie ; Watkins, Nellie ; Watts, Elizabeth ; Watts, Margaret ; Webb, Nancy ; Weber, Cora Lee ; Weller, Esther (Burkhard)Wells, Evelyn K.* ; Westover, Peter*; Wheat, Marie Moss ; Wheeldon, Constance ; Whiting, Elizabeth ; Whitis, Sallie Belle ; Whitaker, Charles Lee (Charlie) ; Whitaker, Joyce ; Whitmore, Laura ; Whitmore, Virginia ; Whittaker, Mable ; Wilder, Brit ; Wilder, Hobart ; Wilder, Melinda* ; Will, Louise ; Williamson, Sunny ; Wilson, Clara ; Wilson, Judge* ; Winfrey, Samuel ; Wise, Jean ; Wilson, Everett K. ; Withington, Alfreda, Dr. ; Wood, Harriette ; Work, Mary ; Workman, Eleanor ; Workman, Jerry ; Wright, Ethel ; Wright, Katherine B. ; Wright, Katherine O. ; Wright, Margaret Kraatz Wrigley, Elizabeth ; Wulf (Pishzak), Anna ; Wykle, Helen* ;

Yocum, Ruby (Thatcher) ; 

Zande, Ethel de Long* Zande, Luigi ; Zulich, Marie ;

 (alphabetical order)

CURRENT as of 2017:

Ambrose, Colleen ; Archer, Hugh ; Berry, Dr. Chad ; Crawford, Roy ; Evans, Marc ; Gentry, Dreama ; Gift, Dr. Nancy ; Greene III, Dr James ; Guy, Dr. N.S. ; Hensley, Judy ; Hudson, Karen ; Lewis, Preston ; Mathews, Jane ; Miller, Sandy ; Roelofs, Dr. Lyle ; Woodward, Dr. Andrea ; Wilder, Dr. Melinda ; Wykle, Helen Hayes ;

HONORARY: Long, Allen Culbreth (Vanderstar), Elizabeth ; Shipp, Becky ; Eberhardt, Ann (Angel); Lewis, Preston;

PREVIOUS TRUSTEES: (List is incomplete)

The following are members of PMSS Boards of Trustees for the years 1914-1949 and 1996-2013. (Names are yet to be added for 1950-1995.)

This list also includes members of the General Advisory Boards for 1913-1920 and the Advisory Council Chairs for 1996-2012 as well as the non-voting Executive Directors.*

A – C

Angel, August ; Angel, Patrick ; Ayars, Caudill, Rebecca [Ayers] Ball, Mr. W.W. ; Barrows, Prof. Harlan H. ; Bentley, Richard ; Best, Bill ; Bingham Sr., Barry ; Bird, Ray (Advisory) ; Blackson, Walter ; Bouma, Jill ; Boyd, Bill ; Boyd, Dr. Tom ; Bullock Jr, Waller O. ; Butler, Dr. Willis H. ; Bolles, Dorothy F. ; Campbell, Dr. Elizabeth ; Cathcart Celia (Mrs. Caryl Holton) ; Cobb, Alice ; Cook, Clella Sergent ; Cooper, Thomas ; Craig, Cuba ; Creech, Kermit ; Crutchfield, James S. ; Culbreth (Vanderstar), Elizabeth ;

D – J

Dabney, Edward S. ; de Long, Ethel (Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande) ; Dieter, Ruth Shuler ; Douglas, Sid ; Eberhardt, Ann Angel (Honorary) ; Elsmith, Dorothy Olcott, (Mrs. Leonard Elsmith) ; Fultz, Bud ; Gabbard, Elmer ; Gratz, Fannie (Mrs. Anderson Gratz) ; Guy, Dr. N.C. ; Haight, Charles S. ; Hall, Robert ; Haydon, Jody ; Hayes, Paul* ; Hayes, William (Bill) ; Hench, Elizabeth ; Hobgood, Jane Bishop (Advisory Chair) ; Holton, Mrs. Caryl (see Cathcart, Celia) ; Hook, Mrs. Inghram D. (see Rockwell, Mary); Hoskins, Gladys ; Hoskins, Lois ; Hoskins, R. Springer ; Hutchins, Francis S. (President of Berea College 1939-1967) ; Jack, Mrs. C.A. ;

K – N

Karnosh, Louis ; Kendall, Dr. Calvin N. ; Kingman, Marian ; Lavender, Frances ; Leach Robert (Advisory Council Chair) ; Leach, Dr. William (Bill) ; Long, Allen (currently Honorary) ; Lord, Daniel M. ; Mahoney, Mildred ; Manning, Charles N. ; Martin, Darwin D. ; Martin, John Mullins (Jack) ; McCutcheon, Margaret ; McKee, Steve ; McKinney, Gordon ; Medcalf, Anne Ruth ; Metcalf, Edna Mae (see Patterson, Edna Mae) ; Melville, Angela ; Michel, Carl ; Moore, Elizabeth ; Morton, J.R.* ; Morton, Mrs. J.R.* ; Moss, Ray B. ; Moss, Sandra ; Newman, Eve ;

O – S

Olcott, Dorothy (Mrs. Leonard Elsmith) ; Olson, Richard ; Patterson, JessPatterson, Edna Mae (Metcalf)Pettit, Katherine* ; Pride, Dr. Martha ; Ramsay, William (Bill) ; Mary Rockwell* (Mrs. Ingram D. Hook) ; Roelofs, Lyle ; Roettinger, Philip ; Rogers, Burton* Samuels, Mr. R. E. ; Sather, Nancy ; Seabury, Charles Ward ; Sexton, Bob ; Shepherd, Robert ; Shipp, Becky (Honorary) ; Sparrow, Minerva ; Stephenson, John B. ; Stiles, Mrs. Russell (see Sullivan, Viola) ; Shinn, Dr. Larry (Honorary) ; Sullivan, Viola (Mrs. Russell Stiles) ; Swift, Prof. Arthur L. Jr. ;

T – Z

Taylor, Mr. Francis ; Thompson, Dr. Kenneth Ralph ; Troyer, Jerry C. ; Van Vleck, Jr., Prof. Joseph ; Weatherford, Willis D.Wells, Evelyn K.* ; Whitaker, Janet ; Wilder, Dr. Melinda ; Wilkerson, David ; Wilson, The Rev. Alfred Lee* ; Wilson, Samuel M. ; Wyman, Loraine ; Young, John Howard ; Zande, Mrs. Ethel de Long* (see de Long, Ethel) ;

See Also:
GOVERNANCE BOT Chronological Guide
GOVERNANCE BOT Alphabetical Guide (link).



BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS Guide 1929-1949 Full flat list (link)
BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS 1929-1949 Searchable database


The following table includes Boarding School years and Community School. The list is not complete and may exclude some students whose time at the School was very brief. The years shown on the table indicate the dates on papers and correspondence in the students’ files and may be in addition to their actual years as PMSS students.

namespan of yrsaddtl yr(s)start yrend yrgrad?notessource
Adams, Burnett193319331933West Wind Records
Adams, Edward 1929-193319291933yesGraduated May 1934
Adams, Eva Dale 1942-194519421945yes
Adams, Fredia?-1944?1944yes
Adams, Herbert 194119411941
Adams, Lake 1941-194219411942
Adams, Lillian1942-194319421943
Adams, Luther1931-193419311934
Adams, Mattie May1948-1949194819499th grade 1949
Adams, Nellie Day1948-19491948194910th grade 1949
Adams, Olpha Laverne1948-1949194819499th grade 1949
Adams, Otis1933-193919331939
Adams, Spencer1934-193619341936
Adkins, Merle Wayne1944-194519441945
Anderson, Anna1934-193719341937yesPMSS staff 1937-1939
Anderson, Dennis1927-193419271934
Anderson, June1938-194119381941yes
Angel, William 1935-193619351936
Asher, LaRue 1948-1949194819499th grade 1949
Asher, Rice192919291929
Atkins, Benjamin Dudley1930-1931193019319th & 10th
Atkins, Donald 1948-1949194819499th
Atkins, Gordon Gray1930-1931193019319th
Ayers, Bonnie1939-194719391947yes
Ayers, Georgia1933-193719331937yesPMSS staff 1938-1951
Ayers, Joan1931-193919311939yesGraduated May 1935; PMSS staff 1935-1939
Ayers, Mary Evelyn1942-194519421945yesGraduated May 1946
Ayers, Mattie Ellen1937-194119371941yes
Ayers, Ruby1935-194019351940yesGraduated May 1939
Bach, Eugene1944194419449th
Bailey, Elmer1935-1937 19351937
Bailey, Emily1942-194619421946yesGraduated in 1947
Bailey, Florence1947194719479th grade 1947
Bailey, Harley194019401940
Bailey, Herman1934-193519341935
Bailey, Homer1942-194319421943
Bailey, Omar1938-193919381939
Baker, Arlee1937-193819371938
Baker, Charles1934-194019341940
Baker, Covy193519351935
Baker, Delphia1947-1949194719499th grade 1949
Baker, Fred1947-19501947195010th grade 1949
Baker, Lee Roy1947-19491947194911th grade 1949
Baker, Mary Sue1942-194519421945yes
Baker, Mossie 1941194119419th grade 1941
Baker, Paul 1942-194619421946
Baker, Polly1937-193819371938
Baker, Richard1942-194419421944Deceased 1945
Baker, Tipton 1947-194919471949Had completed 9th; 10th incomplete
Baker, William 193219321932
Baker, William Marion1932193219329th
Baldwin, Robert1928-193219281932
Ball, Ralph 1945-194619451946Completed 9th, 10th incomplete
Ball, Virginia 1938-193919381939
Banks, Carlos1945-194919451949
Banks, Ray 1943-194719431947yes
Banks, Roy 1943-1947 19431947yes
Beeler, Anne Lucille1939-194319391943yes
Beeler, Mable Frances1936-194119361941yes
Begley, Anna Louise1941-194419411944
Begley, Arlena1935-193619351936
Begley, Becky Mae1937-194319371943yesGraduated May 1942
Begley, Bettie 193819381938
Begley, Chester 1929-193519291935
Begley, Floria 194319431943
Begley, Louise?-1945?1945yes
Begley, Mallie1935-193719351937
Begley, Mary Elizabeth1929-194019291940
Begley, Nora 1937-194019371940
Begley, Robert B.1943-194819431948yesGraduated May 1947
Begley, Turner 1940-194319401943
Begley, Victoria194219421942
Belcher, Ada Lee1941-194219411942
Belcher, Margie 1945-194919451949
Belcher, Owen 1942-194319421943
Bennett, Edwin193619361936
Bennett, Jimmie W.1944-194619441946
Bennett, Marjorie1945-194919451949
Berry, Loretta 1948-194919481949Freshman
Bird, Alma1926-192919261929yesGraduated May 1934
Bird, Edward1932-193619321936
Bird, Mary Ruth1944-194719441947
Bishop, James Monroe1941-194419411944yes
Bishop, Mary Jane1940-1944 19401944yes
Blackson, Buster?-1943?1943yes
Blackson, Maurice Richard1939-194319391943
Blackson, Walter1945-194919451949
Blackson, William1944-194719441947yes
Blair, Alpha1940-194419401944yes
Blair, Bill Jr.1940-194419401944yes
Blair, Charles1940-194119401941PPM
Blair, James Hager1940-194119401941
Blair, John E.1947-194819471948
Blair, Margaret Audrey1944-194719441947
Blair, Norma Joyce1941-194319411943
Blake, Virginia1945-194719451947
Blanton, Clyde1931-193719311937yes
Blanton, Jack1943-194519431945
Blanton, Janey Louise1943-194719431947yes
Blanton, Jimmy1943-194719431947yes
Blanton, John1934-194919341949
Blanton, John Paul1946-194719461947
Blanton, Robert Lee1938-194219381942
Blevins, Mellie Marie194419441944
Blevins, Reba 1945-1947 19451947
Blevins, Willis1940-194219401942
Boatright, James Astor1940-194319401943
Boatright, Steve William1941-194319411943yesGraduated May 1944
Boggs, Audrey Vivian1940-194419401944yes
Boggs, Boyd1938-193919381939
Boggs, Brutus 1947-194819471948
Boggs, Ella Jane1939-194019391940
Boggs, Emma Ailene194619461946
Boggs, Freda193719371937
Boggs, Genella 1943-194719431947yesGraduated May 1946
Boggs, Geraldine1946-194919461949Jr. 1949; Big Laurel - Married Lloyd Brown
Boggs, Geraldine Gaye1944-194619441946
Boggs, John, E. Jr.1943-1945 19431945Jr. 1945
Boggs, June193619361936
Boggs, Lemora1944-194519441945
Boggs, Mae1931-193319311933
Boggs, Maretta LaAnge1948-194919481949
Boggs, Marjorie194819481948
Boggs, Mary Ellen1937-193919371939
Boggs, Mary Katherine1948-195019481950Freshman, Spring 1949
Boggs, Muriel1946-194819461948
Boggs, Nancy Carol1935-193719351937
Boggs, Ora Mae1945-194919451949
Boggs, Paul1938-194119381941
Boggs, Robert193619361936
Boggs, Rosa1938-194119381941
Boggs, Rosezell1943-194519431945
Boggs, Sallie1937-193919371939
Boggs, Shirley Elizabeth1948-194919481949
Boggs, Woodrow1933-193519331935
Bonza, Peggy Ethel193519351935
Brackett, Jack1935-193619351936
Brackett, Joe Glen1946-194919461949Jr. 1949
Branson, Phyllis1948-194919481949
Brashear, Zobrist193619361936
Brock, Carlos (Charles)1948-194919481949
Brock, Catherine1944-194519441945
Brock, Cleta1942-194419421944yesGraduated May 1945
Brock, Earl1945-194919451949
Brock, Ernest193719371937
Brock, Florine1942-194419421944
Brock, George O.1935-193619351936
Brock, Lonnie Dale1948-194919481949
Brock, Oscar193019301930
Brock, Roscoe193019301930
Brooks, Harry1932-193619321936
Brooks, Jack Edwin194819481948
Brooks, Ronald1948-194919481949
Broughton, Nellie1941-194219411942
Brown, Earl1945-194919451949
Brown, Eddie Hoid (Hold?)1947-194919471949Junior 1949
Brown, Glenn (Glen?)1942-194519421945yesGraduated May 1946
Brown, Lelah1938-193919381939
Brown, Lloyd1941-194319411943yesWWII Vet (2 yrs in Navy)
Browning, Berry Jr.193919391939
Browning, Creola1934-193819341938
Browning, Harry Wayne1935-194019351940yes
Browning, Homer1934-193519341935
Brummett, Mary Rose1943-194419431944
Bryant, Claud Eugene1940-194119401941
Bryant, Ted Parker1944-194719441947
Bums, Myrtle Lou 1936-194819361948
Bunch, Herbert1934-193619341936
Bunch, Ottis193119311931
Burdine, Howard192519251925
Burdine, Hubert1932-193419321934
Burdine, Irene1925193019251930
Burdine, Mary193619361936
Burdine, Ruth192319231923
Burgan, Otta Mae1941-194419411944
Burgan, Wilma1941-194319411943
Burgen, Dakota1929-193019291930
Burkhart, Betty Jane 1943-194619431946yesGraduated May 1945
Burkhart, Bonnie 193519351935
Burkhart, Hazel 1947-194819471948
Burkhart, Jane 1944-194819441948
Burkhart, Luther 1933-194119331941
Bush, Lonnie 1932-193419321934
Caldwell, Cora 1941-194319411943
Caldwell, Fannie Mae 1946-194819461948
Caldwell, Marie 193219321932
Caldwell, Martha 193219321932
Caldwell, Mossie Ann 1941-194319411943
Caldwell, Ozal 1946-194919461949
Callahan, Blanche 193419341934
Callahan, Marie 193519351935
Callahan, Virginia Lee 1937-194319371943
Calloway, Grover Douglas 194319431943
Calloway, Robert Howard 1943-194619431946yesGraduated May 1947
Calloway, Willie 1934-193519341935
Cambrel, Viola Katherine1940-194319401943yesGraduated May 1944
Camp, Glen D. Jr. 1943-194719431947
Carpenter, Robert 1935-193619351936
Carpenter, Ruby 1932-193319321933
Carr, Ruth 1939-194019391940
Carroll, Gladys Irene 1943-194719431947yes
Carroll, Jack 1935-193819351938
Carroll, Lavinia 1933-193919331939yesGraduated May 1937
Carter, Anna Mae 1947-194919471949
Carter, Bazzel 1936-193819361938
Carter, Clyde 1947-194819471948
Carter, Lydia 1934-193519341935
Caudili, Lena Mae 1944-194519441945
Caudill, Billy Jean 194719471947
Caudill, Emma 194719471947
Caudill, H. Lloyd 1945-194619451946
Caudill, Harold 1945-194919451949
Caudill, Oma Jo 1945-194719451947
Caudill, Perry 1938-194119381941
Cawood, Robert 193619361936
Cay, Colleen Anis 1942-194619421946yes
Cecil, Elmer Edd 1939-194219391942
Centers, Alvis 1945-194819451948
Centers, Eamie 193319331933
Centers, James1938-194219381942yesGraduated in 1941
Centers, Lester Clifton1942-194619421946yes
Centers, Mildred Irene1940-194519401945yesGraduated May 1944; PMSS staff 1945
Centers, Thelma Louise1939-194219391942
Charles, Tilmon1943-194419431944
Cheek, Bill193619361936
Cheek, J. Boyd1946-194719461947
Cheney, James F.1947-194819471948
Christian, Lela1934-194019341940yesGraduated May 1936
Christian, Lucille1935-194019351940yesGraduated May 1939
Christian, Ruth1935-193819351938yes
Clark, Iva Lee1941-194219411942
Clemens, Oveline1935-193619351936
Clemm, Lavina Ellen1931-193219311932
Coats, Roscoe193119311931
Cochrane, Howard1932-193519321935
Cochrane, Raymond1934-193619341936
Collier, Betty June1944-194519441945
Collier, Betty Sue1947-194919471949Freshman 1949
Collier, Billy Joe1946-194819461948
Collier, James Eugene1947-194919471949Freshman 1949
Collier, Wanda Lee1942-194619421946yesGraduated May 1947
Collins, Alba1930-193119301931
Collins, Albert Lee1946-194819461948
Collins, Alma Lee1936-193719361937
Collins, Alta1933-193719331937yes
Collins, Anna Mae1935-194019351940
Collins, Bemice1930-193119301931
Collins, Ben1935-193919351939
Collins, Bert?-1936?1936yes
Collins, Dave193519351935
Collins, Dishman1933-193519331935
Collins, Lexine Gladys1946-194819461948
Collins, Lois Jean1947-194919471949
Collins, Lowell1933-193919331939
Collins, Norman1933-193419331934
Collins, Odis1931-193319311933
Collins, Robert19291934-193719291937yesGraduated May 1936
Collins, Theodore1936-194019361940
Collins, Wallena193719371937
Collinsworth, Elsie Irene1930-193119301931
Combs, Cleon1932-193419321934
Combs, Earl193719371937
Combs, Frances1935-193719351937
Combs, Harold1935-193619351936
Combs, Harry194419441944
Combs, Hatle1935-193619351936
Combs, Homer1934-193619341936
Combs, Irene1931-193519311935yes
Combs, Izene1939-194119391941
Combs, Luther1936-193719361937
Combs, Martha Evelyn1936-193719361937
Combs, Rufus1940-194219401942
Comett, Corena194719471947
Comett, Edna1933-193619331936
Comett, Estil1938-194619381946
Comett, Frances1941-194219411942
Comett, Winfield1926-193319261933yes
Cooper, Frona1929-193119291931yesGraduated May 1933
Coots, Della1941-194219411942
Coots, Melvin1944-194819441948
Cornett, Addie1928-193419281934yesGraduated 1933
Cornett, Bertie Lou1942-194419421944
Cornett, Com193519351935
Cornett, Earl193719371937Little School
Cornett, Edray1932-193519321935
Cornett, Ethel193419341934
Cornett, Eunice1928-193219281932yesGraduated May 1932 or 1934
Cornett, Eunice1928-192919281929
Cornett, Eva193919391939
Cornett, Glyn A.1947-194919471949
Cornett, Harrison1940-194219401942
Cornett, Helen Ruth1936-194119361941yes
Cornett, Hubert1931-193619311936yesGraduated May 1935
Cornett, Jack Dale1942-194619421946
Cornett, John1932-193319321933
Cornett, Lester1947-194919471949
Cornett, Mark194019401940
Cornett, Mary Ann1939-194319391943
Cornett, Rankin Roger1928-193019281930
Cornett, Ruth Ann1935-194219351942yes
Cornett, William1935-194119351941
Cornett, Willie1939-194019391940
Cornett, Woodrow1929-193219291932yesGraduated May 1934
Couch, Alma Jean1947-194919471949
Couch, Chester1933-193619331936
Couch, Fred1938-194019381940
Couch, Henry194419441944
Couch, Joseph1935-194119351941
Couch, Sara193519351935
Cox, Anna Belle1942194219426 days
Cox, Billy1935?1935?1935?
Cox, Harold Roy1944-194719441947
Cox, Ray1941-194519411945yes
Craft, Jasper193219321932
Crase, Charles1939-194019391940
Crase, Lake Erie1939-194219391942
Crase, Roy1944-194619441946
Creech, Alberta1931-193519311935yesGraduated May 1934
Creech, Angela1943-194719431947
Creech, Bertha1937-194319371943yes
Creech, Carol1937-193919371939
Creech, Charles193419341934Uncle Wm's grandson; Henry Creech's oldest son
Creech, Christa Belle193819381938
Creech, Earl194019401940
Creech, Elmer1938-194019381940
Creech, Elsie1914-191619141916
Creech, Emily Jeanette1934-193519341935
Creech, Evelyn1932-1938193219384th-9th grades
Creech, Helen Golde1934-193519341935
Creech, Henry1939-194019391940
Creech, Hobart193719371937
Creech, Mary Hope1939-194019391940
Creech, Oma1914-191619141916
Creech, Raleigh Garland1937-193919371939
Creech, Reginald Burton1938-194019381940yesSenior 1940
Creech, Robert1933-193719331937
Creech, Rosalie1936-193819361938
Creech, Sarah Ellen1947-194819471948
Creech, Sue Ellen1948-194919481949Soph.
Creech, Walter Lee1934-193519341935
Creech, William1932-193319321933
Creech, Wilma?-1934?1934yes
Creech, Wilmer1929-193419291934
Crider, Edna Georgia194119411941
Crider, Kenneth Ray194719471947
Crider, Lola Mae1941-194219411942
Cross, Louis193819381938
Daniel, Hettie193619361936
Daniel, Virginia Mae1935-193619351936
Daniels, Flossie Mae194919491949Freshman, 2nd semester
Daugherty, James Archer 1943-194519431945
Davis, Blaine Edward 193519351935
Davis, Denver 1935-193919351939yes
Davis, Howard 1935-193619351936
Dawn, Mildred 193819381938
Day, Alice 193419341934
Day, Barry 193619361936Little School
Day, Carl 1941-194219411942
Day, Coleman 1942-194619421946
Day, Elizabeth 193619361936Little School
Day, Hazel 193619361936Little School
Day, Jessie Mae 1942-194419421944
Day, Roy Marshall 1941-194219411942
Day, Sally 193419341934Little School
Day, Shirley 193519351935Little School
Dean, Johnny Talmadge1935-194019351940yes
Deaton, John Henry 1940-194419401944yes
Deaton, Opal 1933-193419331934
DeHart, Jake 1936-193819361938
Dixon, Beatrice 1948-194919481949
Dixon, Ethel 1934-193519341935
Dixon, Manon 1930-193419301934
Doan, Arthur ???
Dockery, Ruby Bernice 1944-194619441946
Draughn, Burnett 1934-193519341935
Draughn, Delma 192619261926
Draughn, Herman 1926-19271931-193319261933yes
Duff, Dorothy 193419341934
Duff, Harvey 193919391939
Duncan, Densel Edward 1943-194719431947yes
Edwards, Haze! 1938-194019381940
Elam, Estill 1938-194219381942
Elliot, Betty Beatrice 1940-194219401942
Engle, Herbert 1935-193819351938
Engle, Ida 1927-193319271933
Engle, Kenneth 1939-194219391942
Enix, Clyde Edward 1935-194919351949
Enix, Willard Earl 1938-194219381942yes
Enix,Jeanett 193619361936
Estepp, Charles 1933-193419331934
Estridge, Marion 1934-193519341935
Evans, Lois 193819381938
Evans, Ralph Curtis 1943-194419431944
Fagan, Lida 1934-193519341935
Farlely, Raymond Bruce1941-194319411943WWII Vet (5 yrs in Army)
Farley, Carine 1933-193519331935
Farley, Carl Elmer 1938-194319381943yes
Farley, Coy193919391939
Farmer, Ella Wanda1940-194219401942
Farmer, Lovenia1936-194819361948
Farmer, Oakley193619361936
Fee, Elva1930-193319301933
Fields, Bryant193419341934
Fields, Carl1942-194319421943
Fields, Carlus1935-193619351936
Fields, Clayton193419341934
Fields, Edna1942-194419421944
Fields, Etta Belle1945-194619451946
Fields, Leona Ruth193619361936
Fields, Lillian1935-193819351938
Fields, Maerine1933-193419331934
Fields, Mary1936-193719361937
Ford, Flora Mae1941-194219411942
Fortner, Ted Mrtchel1947-194819471948
Foster, Linda1918?1918?1918?Arrived with Miss Pettit (see photo)
Foster, William Albert193519351935
Fraley, Charles1933-193419331934
Fraley, Charles1933-193419331934
Franklin, Renavae1941-194419411944
Franklin, Walker1940-194419401944yes
Franks, James Burton1936-193819361938
Frazier, Anderson Jr.1938-194019381940
Frazier, Bulah1933-193619331936
Frazier, Charles1932-193419321934yes
Frazier, Earl Louis1929-193419291934
Frazier, Herma1927-192919271929
Frazier, Janie1935-193819351938yesGraduated May 1937
Frazier, Lake Eril1937-193819371938
Frazier, Madge1936-193819361938
Frazier, Maxine1927-193119271931yesGraduated May 1932
Frazier, Norma?-1933?1933yes
Frazier, Shirley?-1934?1934yes
Freeman, Donald Gene1945-194619451946
Frost, Bonnie Joyce1942-194419421944
Frost, Harry (Jack)1931-193619311936yes
Frost, James193519351935
Frost, Pauline1934-194019341940yes
Fugate, Rufus1948-194919481949
Gallagher, Paul1934-193519341935
Gambrel, Beatrice1946-195019461950
Gambrel, Roxie1946-194919461949
Garrett, Clarence1945-194719451947
Garrett, Irene Elsie1937-194319371943yes
Garrett, Mary Elizabeth1944-194719441947
Garrett, Reba Lee1937-194219371942yes
Gary, Robert 193519351935
George, Jack1937-193919371939
Gibbs, Larue1947-194819471948
Gibson, Claude193219321932
Gilley, Grace193519351935
Gilley, James1933-193619331936yesSenior 1936
Gilliam, Ben1940-194219401942WWII Vet (4 yrs in Army Air Corp)
Gilliam, Gertrude1943-194419431944
Gilliam, Mabel1937-194019371940yes
Gilliam, Paul1938-194219381942WWII Vet (4 yrs in Navy)
Goode, Bobby1948-194919481949
Goode, Ivah Lee1948-194919481949
Goode, Ralph Eugene1941-194319411943
Gore, Harold193519351935Application only
Goss, Charles Eugene194319431943
Graves, Jack1945-194719451947
Grayson, Flora Georgia1940-194119401941Co-op
Green, Cora1939-194019391940
Griffith, Eugene Robert1942-194619421946
Griffith, Geraldine1939-194119391941
Griffith, Travis1943-194419431944
Griffith, Versa193919391939
Griffith, Wallace Berry1942-194319421943yes
Gross, Webster1937-193819371938
Halbumt, Jack1943-194419431944
Halcomb, Jack1939-194119391941
Hale, Mable Virginia193519351935Application only
Hale, Steve Junior1941-194219411942
Hall, Arnie1935-193919351939yes
Hall, Chad1939-194019391940
Hall, Charley193719371937Stayed one day
Hall, Corbett Kenneth1941-194319411943
Hall, Enoch, Jr.1935-193719351937
Hall, Eula Fern1931-193619311936yesPMSS staff 1934-1952
Hall, Flora Patsy1940-194419401944yes
Hall, Frances (Francis?)1938-194219381942yes
Hall, Fred1948-194919481949Co-op; Treasurer, PMSS Board of Trustees 2000-?, 2004-2008
Hall, Herbert1942-194419421944
Hall, James193319331933Application only
Hall, Joseph1933-193419331934
Hall, June1936-193919361939yesGraduated May 1938
Hall, Mabel1931-193319311933
Hall, Mary Jane1941-194219411942
Hall, Melvin1937-193919371939
Hall, Opal June1940-194419401944yes
Hall, Robert1946-194919461949yesPMSS Board of Trustees 2000-?
Hall, Sam 1939-194019391940
Hall, Susie (Sue) 1930-193519301935yesGraduated May 1934; PMSS staff 1933-1937
Hall, Wendell 1946-194919461949Junior, 1949
Hamilton, Ruby Ethel 1935-193619351936
Hamilton, Samuel Newton 1940-194119401941
Harbin, Kathleen 1934-193619341936
Harler, J.T. 1935-193919351939
Harler, Ted 1936-193719361937
Harris, Aubra 1937-193819371938
Harris, Boyd 1932-193419321934
Harris, Charles Webster 1947-194819471948
Harris, Ethel deLong Zande 1931-193219311932
Harris, Evelyn Ruth 1941-194519411945yes
Harris, Frank Junior 1937-194019371940
Harris, Haywood 193219321932
Harris, Katherine Pettit 1931-193219311932
Harris, Marjorie 1946-194919461949 Junior, 1949
Harris, Ruby 1937-193819371938
Hart, John 1932-193519321935
Haverly, Bill 1937-193919371939
Haverly, Laton 1936-194019361940yes
Hawn, Louise 1935-194319351943yes
Hayes, Bill 1934-193719341937yesGraduated May 1938; PMSS staff 1937-1955;Member, PMSS Board of Trustees 1980s
Hayes, Paul 1936-194019361940yesPMSS Director 1987-1995
Hayes, Silven 1931-193419311934
Haynes, Tounsel 193619361936
Hays, Franklin Leonard 194219421942
Helton, Georgia Lee 1948-194919481949
Helton, Grace 193519351935
Helton, Sidney Albert 1941-194219411942
Hendren, Gwendolyn Margaret (Gwyn)1938-194219381942yes
Hendricks, Dewey 1938-193919381939
Hendricks, Henry 1937-193919371939
Hendricks, Lillian 1938-194019381940
Hendrix, Dan 1947-194919471949
Hendrix, L K. 1948-194919481949
Hensley, Betty Jean 1944-194619441946
Hensley, Hilard 1935-193719351937
Hensley, Howard Woodrow 1943-194619431946
Hensley, June 1932-193519321935
Henson, Karl Hesper 19221939-194119221941
High, Jean Frances 1946-194819461948
Hill, Betty Lou 1948-194919481949
Hill, Robert Lee1948-194919481949
Hines, Evelyn1935-193619351936
Hinkle, Nathan Carl1947-194819471948
Holbrooke, Maude (Holbrook?)1934-194119341941yesGraduated May 1936; PMSS staff 1936-1940 (housemother & dietician)
Holbrooke, Maxine1935-194019351940yes
Holbrooke, Milburn1931-193319311933
Holbrooke, Shirley (Holbrook?)1941-194619411946yes
Holbrooke, Walden193819381938
Holcomb, Arnie1945-194619451946
Holcomb, Cappie1933-193419331934
Holcomb, Eulamae193519351935Application only
Holcomb, Rowena1946-194819461948
Holcomb, Ruby193519351935Application only
Holcomb, Virgil1934-193619341936
Hollins, Charles1936-194119361941
Holmes, Celia1933-193719331937yes
Holmes, James???
Holmes, Lania1933-193619331936yes
Hood, Georgia1940-194219401942
Hoskins, Charles Walter1935-193719351937
Hoskins, Corbett1936-193719361937yes
Hoskins, Fred1937-194019371940
Hoskins, Waldo193319331933Application only
Howard, Adrain Jack1938-193919381939
Howard, Axie J.1948-194919481949
Howard, Beacher Oneil1938-193919381939
Howard, Billy (Wm.) Gus1946-194819461948
Howard, Billy Eugene1947-194919471949
Howard, Charles Petrie1946-194719461947
Howard, Genevieve1947-194919471949
Howard, Georgia Rose194219421942
Howard, Iris1939-194019391940
Howard, Jacky1943-194419431944
Howard, Mary?-1947?1947yes
Howard, Mary E.1936-193719361937
Howard, Mary Theda1936-194019361940
Howard, Miller1945-194619451946
Howard, Noel1937-193919371939
Howard, Oral Austin1938-194219381942yes
Howard, Paul194819481948Report of physical exam only
Howard, Theda?-1942?1942yes
Huddleston, E.R.?-1941?1941yes
Huddleston, Robert Lucian1939-194119391941yes
Huff, Betty Jean1944-194819441948
Huff, Callie193419341934
Huff, Carlie Mae194019401940
Huff, Faye194319431943
Huff, Mellie1929-193419291934
Huff, Pearly193519351935
Hughes, Charles Timuel1939-194019391940
Hughes, Paul1943-194519431945
Humphrey, Florence1938-194019381940
Humphrey, Leona1937-193819371938
Hyde, Jacquelynn1947-194919471949
Ingram, Lillian1941-194219411942
Ingram, Malcolm193819381938
Irick, Elizabeth194419441944yes
Irick, Herman Atha1940-194219401942
Irvin, William Shafter1936-193719361937
Irvine, Christine1946-194919461949yes
Ison, Eli1945-194619451946
Ison, France1932-193419321934
Ison, Georgia Pearl1941-194219411942
Ison, Hassell1932-193419321934
Ison, Luvilla1932-193419321934
Ison, Margaret1946-194719461947
Ison, Navire1933-193419331934
Jackson, Alex193919391939
Jackson, Geneva193219321932
Jackson, Gladys1932-193319321933
Jackson, John193619361936
Jackson, Oma1944-194619441946
Jackson, Ora1939-194119391941
Jackson, Orville194219421942
Jackson, Raleigh193519351935
Jackson, Rosa Mae1946-194719461947
Jackson, Ruby193319331933
James, Robert, Jr.193519351935
Jenkins, Vema1940-194119401941
Johnson, Bobby Jean194919491949yes
Johnson, E. E.1932-193419321934
Johnson, Harvey193719371937
Johnson, Lettie Jane194819481948
Johnson, Russell193819381938
Jones, Calvin1937-194219371942yes
Jones, Daniel Leon193519351935Application only
Jones, Fred1935-194019351940yesGraduated May 1941
Jones, Nadine Majel1936-194019361940yesGraduated May 1941
Jones, Nell (Nelle?)1942-194619421946yes
Jude, Nancy1934-193819341938yes
Kelleman, John1936-193819361938
Kelly, Clyde194119411941
Kelly, Grace1935-193819351938
Kelly, Lawrence1935-193819351938yes
Kelly, Marjorie1938-193919381939
Kelly, Robert Boyd193419341934
Kilgore, Hazel1942-194619421946yes
King, Geraldine1945-194719451947
King, Naomi Ruth1945-194719451947
Kinnard, Edna193419341934
Kinnard, Harvey Jude1939-194119391941
Kinnard, Ralph1938-193919381939
Kirby, Ann?-1932?1932yes
Kirby, Anna (Ann?)1930-193219301932yes
Kirby, George1940-194119401941
Kirk, Harold193619361936
Langford, Clarence B.1940-194319401943
Lanhorn, Ray193519351935Application only
Large, Lake1933-193419331934
LaRue, Beth1943-194719431947yes
LaRue, Gerald W.1943-194619431946yes
LaRue, Robert Karr (Bob?)1943-194719431947yes
Lawson, Dewey Jr.194119411941Application only
Lay, Albert Jr.1942-194519421945
Lay, Herbert193619361936
Ledford, Daisy193919391939Application only
Lewallen, Eileen1930-193419301934
Lewis, Arch1943-194719431947yes
Lewis, Arnold1948-194919481949
Lewis, Bennett193419341934
Lewis, Bertha1935-194119351941yesGraduated May 1942
Lewis, Bill193919391939
Lewis, Charline1946-194819461948
Lewis, Chester, Junior1948-194919481949
Lewis, Darwin1945-194919451949
Lewis, Daylo1943-194419431944
Lewis, Earl C.1940s?-19471940s?1947yesKilled in Korea 1950. Entire folder sent to A.Dodd
Lewis, Elmer Green1943-194719431947
Lewis, Emily Rose1938-194019381940
Lewis, Eva1927-193319271933yesGraduated 1934
Lewis, Evelyn193519351935
Lewis, Fred1935-193619351936
Lewis, Gertrude1931-193319311933
Lewis, Grace1937-193819371938
Lewis, Gus1930-193119301931
Lewis, Herbert1931-1936193119366th, 7th, 8th
Lewis, Ida Mae1944-194819441948
Lewis, Imogene1948-194919481949
Lewis, isabelle193819381938
Lewis, James Owen1944-194819441948
Lewis, Jesse1941-194319411943
Lewis, June1930-193419301934
Lewis, Lloyd1939-194319391943yes
Lewis, Lonnie Carlos1943-194719431947yes
Lewis, Lucy1941-194219411942
Lewis, Madge1944-194619441946
Lewis, Maggie1932-193319321933
Lewis, Martha?-1944?1944yes
Lewis, Melva1946-194819461948
Lewis, Mossie Katherine194019401940
Lewis, Norma1926-192719261927yesGraduated May 1932
Lewis, Omer1934-194619341946
Lewis, Polly1928-193219281932
Lewis, Reba1948-194919481949
Lewis, Rita1944-194519441945
Lewis, Rosa1929-193019291930
Lewis, Roscoe1943-194419431944
Lewis, Una1934-193819341938
Logan, Betty Zane1943-194619431946yesGraduated May 1947
Long, Allen1947-194819471948President, PMSS Board ofTrustees 2006-2010
Lucas, Jeanette1942-194619421946yes
Lucas, Jolene1943-194619431946yesGraduated May 1947
Lucas, Marvin1933-193419331934
Lucas, Patsy Ruth1946-194919461949Junior 1949
Madden, Christine1947-194919471949
Madden, J. A.1948-194919481949
Madon, Helen1935-193919351939yes
Madon, Thomas1931-193719311937yes
Maggard, Carrie1922-192419221924
Maggard, Larue193219321932
Mahan, Harold Ray???Application only
Mahan, Hazel Manie1936-193819361938
Malicoat, Allene1931-193619311936yes
Malicoat, George1931-193619311936yes
Manning, Egre1928-193219281932yesPMSS staff 1932-1933 (asst farmer)
Manning, Jene1933-193619331936
Manning, Shelt1928-193219281932
Markley, Henrietta 194919491949
Markwell, Everett193319331933
Martin, Edward Avis1943-194519431945
Martin, John Mullins (Jack)1942-194719421947yesGraduated May 1945; WWII Vet (2 yrs in Air Force); Member, PMSS Board of Trustees 1980s & 2000s
Martin, Lelia 1935-193719351937
Martin, William David1940-1943194619401946yesWWII Vet (3 yrs in Navy)
Mclntyre, Alex1931-193619311936yes
Mclntyre, Audrey1933-193619331936
Mclntyre, Cleon1934-193519341935
Mclntyre, Peggy1933-19341936-193819331938
Mclntyre, Richmond193319331933
Mclntyre, Watson (Buster)1940-194219401942
McNulty, Sarah1931-193419311934
McPherson, Lawrence1933-193419331934
McWilliams, Clara Anna193619361936
Meeks, Alma Faye 1942-194519421945
Merion, Wilbur Francis???
Metcalf, Ann 1946-194819461948Graduated 1949?; Assisted in PMSS infirmary 1949
Metcalf, Mary Winifred 194119411941
Metcalf, Ruth Ellen 1935-193619351936
Milan, Jacqueline 194119411941
Milan, Nannie Louise 1933-193719331937yes
Milan, Ruth 193319331933
Miller, Donald Baxter 1940-194119401941
Miller, Eston 193519351935
Miller, Geneva 1935-193919351939yes
Miller, Gladys 1940-194119401941
Miller, Johnnie 194419441944
Miller, Leo 193419341934
Miller, Otis David 1940-194119401941
Miller, Ray 1938-194019381940
Miller, Scott S., Jr. 1940-194119401941
Miller, Walter Lee 1934-193619341936
Miniard, Alafair 1929-193519291935
Miniard, Alice 1930-193519301935yes
Miniard, Birdie 1945-194919451949
Miniard, Claude 1936-193819361938
Miniard, Cumile 194219421942
Miniard, Jesse 1936-193819361938
Miniard, Katherine 1937-193819371938
Miniard, Nancy 1943-194419431944
Miniard, Nancy Margrette 1936-193719361937
Miniard, Pauline 1937-193819371938
Minyard, Elizabeth 1936-193819361938
Mitchell, Elizabeth Francis 1929-193519291935yes
Mitchell, Hazel 1934-193719341937
Mitchell, John Henry 1934-193519341935
Mitchell, Margaret Marie 1935-193719351937
Mitchell, Mary 1935-193919351939
Moore, Clara 1931-193319311933
Moore, Evangeline 1948-194919481949Junior 1949
Moore, Harrison Lester1936-193919361939yes
Moore, Opal 1929-193219291932
Morelock, Jessie 1940-194219401942
Moretz, Leroy (Leo) 1942-194319421943
Moretz, Ralph Lana 1941-194219411942
Morgan, Allison 1934-193619341936
Morgan, Ballard Winston 1944-194519441945
Morgan, Doris Blanche 1933-193519331935
Morgan, Fred 1934-193519341935
Morgan, Gleason1934-193519341935
Morgan, Mildred Kathleen1933-193519331935
Morgan, Walta193719371937Little School
Morissey, Christine1934-193519341935
Morissey, James Jr.1931-1935193119359th grade
Moses, Shirley Maxine1942-194619421946yes
Mosley, Amanda1934-193519341935
Mosley, Essie193419341934
Moss, James C.193719371937Application only
Mullins, Emma (Emmy) Lou1938-194119381941yes
Mullins, Lena Mae1939-194119391941yes
Mullins, Lula Mae1946-194719461947
Murr, Arthur Carl1926-1927193219261932
Myrick, Luther Paterson1937-194019371940
Nantz, Hansel1941-194219411942
Napier, Burl1930-193319301933
Napier, Glynn (Gwendolyn)1930-193319301933
Napier, Haney1930-193119301931
Napier, Lillian193719371937
Napier, Opal1934-193519341935
Nave, Mabel Lena1934-193519341935
Neff, Betty Kathleen1947-194819471948
Neff, Vennie1929-19301934-193519291935
Nichols, Betty Jo194419441944
Nicholson, Mildred1929-193119291931
Nickels, Douglas1938-193919381939
Noe, Alma Mae1935-193619351936
Noe, Anderson Blanton193519351935
Noe, Edna1931-193219311932yes
Noe, Elsie1936-193719361937
Noe, Geneva1941-194319411943
Noe, Gladys193619361936
Noe, Juanita1943-194419431944
Nolan, Alice1940-194119401941See Nolan, Geogia Lee
Nolan, Berto1932-19331935-193619321936
Nolan, Betty Elaine1940-194119401941
Nolan, Bobbie Jean194019401940
Nolan, Clarence193919391939
Nolan, Cora Lee1939-194219391942
Nolan, Deloria Berniece1942-194319421943
Nolan, Edna Mae1937-193819371938
Nolan, Etta1937-193819371938
Nolan, George193019301930See Nolan, Georgia Lee
Nolan, Georgia Lee1927-193519271935Little School
Nolan, Helen Josepha1938-194119381941
Nolan, Katherine Mary1942-194419421944yes
Nolan, Leon1937-193819371938
Nolan, Marcella1944-194619441946
Nolan, Marie1938-194119381941
Nolan, Marlow1940-194119401941
Nolan, Ruth Jones193819381938
North, Edna193519351935
North, Lois Faye1943-194719431947yes
Nunn, Nellie193519351935Application only
Oliver, Rose Jacquelyn1940-194219401942
Pace, Denny1936-193719361937
Pace, Ethel Freeda1940-194219401942
Pace, Mary1936-194219361942yes
Page, Belva1931-193319311933
Parkey, Jack194419441944
Parsons, Ruth193519351935Application only
Partin, Betty Burton194319431943
Patterson, Ruby1936-194819361948
Patterson, William Emmitt1945-194919451949Married Christine Kinnaird, PMSS teacher 1953-1956
Payne, Douglas Randall1946-194719461947
Peace, Oscar1930-193519301935yes
Pennington, Amy1927-193219271932Little School
Pennington, Hazel Lee1935-193719351937
Pennington, Raymond1935-193819351938
Pennington, Rebecca1935-193819351938
Perciful, Vernon1934-193519341935
Perciful, William1933-193419331934
Perkins, Lucille1930-193419301934yes
Peters, Georgia Elvyn1944-194619441946
Peters, Martha Elizabeth (Marbeth) 1940-194319401943yesPMSS staff 1944, 1945
Peters, Velma Edna 1939-1942 19391942yes
Phillips, Bobbie 1936-193719361937
Pittman, Vernon Eugene (Pete) 1944-194519441945
Pittman, Wanda 1945-194819451948
Polly, Joyce Evelyn 1947-194919471949
Powell, Vinia Jane 1943-194519431945
Pratt, James 1933-193519331935
Profitt, Marion 194019401940
Quiett, Juanita 1932-193419321934
Quiett, Lucile (Quiet, Lucille?) 1931-1933 19311933yes
Rainey, Jewell 1931-193319311933
Raleigh, James Emit 194219421942
Randolph, Charles Dewey (Collie)1940-194119401941
Ratcliff, Delmer 194119411941
Reasor, Freida 1936-193819361938
Reasor, Lester Clifford 1940-194119401941
Reasor, Lila Ruth 1947-194919471949
Reese, Johnnie Margaret193519351935
Reeves, Willia 193619361936
Revis, Walter1935-194019351940yes
Reynolds, Bonnie Faye1945-194919451949yes
Reynolds, Douglas Wade 1943-194719431947yes
Reynolds, Harold 1941-194419411944yes
Reynolds, Jimmy Rex1947-1949 19471949
Richards, Frank Powell1943-194619431946yes
Richmond, Clifford Owen1946-194719461947
Richmond, Marie1940-194419401944yes
Roark, Christina193219321932
Robinson, Juanita Pearlie1939-194119391941
Robinson, LaVelle Earnestine1940-194219401942
Rodgers, Doris Elizabeth1940-194119401941
Rose, Olen Lee1947-194919471949
Rose, Robert Thomas1936-193819361938
Rutherford, James Carl1938-194019381940
Saylor, Helen Lorene 1942-194519421945
Scarborough, William Robert (Pete)193919391939
Scearse, Franklin P. 193319331933
Schroeder, Iva 1932-193519321935
Schroeder, Lucy 1930-193319301933yes
Scott, Delores Jean1934-194719341947yes
Scott, Katherine Louise1948-194919481949
Scott, Ralph Douglas1945-194919451949yes
Scott, Russell Jennings (Jack)1944-194719441947
Selvey, Ann Mae1943-194419431944
Selvey, Frances1945-194719451947
Selvey, Millard 1943-194619431946yes
Sergent, Clela Mae1944-194819441948yes
Sergent, Ethel1946-194719461947
Sergent, Martin Vernon194919491949
Sexton, Dochia 1932-193419321934
Sexton, James194419441944
Shackleford, Ulysses1929-193319291933yes
Shell, Emily1948-194919481949
Shell, Mae1939-194119391941yes
Shell, Tressie1939-194019391940
Shephard, Cuma1927-193519271935yes
Shepherd, Asbel1932-193419321934
Shepherd, Beulah1935-193619351936
Shepherd, Estill194119411941Application only
Shepherd, Hobart194119411941
Shepherd, Sarah1939-194319391943yes
Shepherd, Sye194319431943Application only
Shera, Caleb1934-193619341936yes
Shoope, Helen193119311931
Short, Fred193419341934
Short, Jethro Bob1938193819383 days
Shoupe, Dorothy194319431943Prep Group
Shuler, Ruth1936-194019361940yesPMSS staff 1942-1944 (bookkeeper & teacher); Member, PMSS Board of Trustees 1980s
Shuler, Virginia Nelle1939-194319391943yes
Sibert, Loretta1935-193619351936
Siler, Opal1931-193919311939
Sizemore, Bertha193519351935Application only
Slusher, Chloe1948-194919481949yes
Slusher, Margaret????
Smith, Carol1940-194119401941
Smith, Charles A.193819381938
Smith, Charles Paul194319431943
Smith, Cloa1931-193619311936yesGraduated in May 1935
Smith, Edith Fern1940-194119401941
Smith, Ersil B.1930-193119301931
Smith, Gola1931-193519311935yes
Smith, Harold Hutchinson194119411941
Smith, Helen1933-193519331935
Smith, Herman193519351935
Smith, Hope Claiborne1944-194619441946
Smith, Lacey Franklin193519351935Application only
Smith, Malcom1937-193819371938
Smith, Mildred1932-193319321933
Smith, Onos1930-193119301931
Smith, Ralph194619461946
Smith, Shirley Kaye1948-194919481949
Smith, Talton1937-193819371938
Smith, Verda1941-194219411942
Smith, Virgil1924-192719241927
Snodgrass, Esther Rhea1938-194019381940yes
Sparkman, Fred193519351935Application only
Sparkman, Hazel193119311931Medical information only
Sparkman, Iddie1935-194119351941
Sparkman, Leonard Howard1937-194119371941
Spencer, Janice Lorraine1947-194919471949Junior 1949
Spencer, Mona Sue1948-194919481949
Sprinkle, Worley Ray1942-194419421944WWII Vet (3 yrs in Navy)
Spurlock, Charles Kenneth1942-194419421944
Spurlock, Pauline1935-193719351937
Spurlock, Robert194719471947
St. John, Mary Isabell1934-193619341936
Stacy, Lloyd1941-194219411942
Stacy, Olive Wanda1941-194219411942
Stamper, Beatrice1927-19291932-193319271933
Stamper, Cleo1927-1929193119271931
Stamper, James Marion1932-193519321935
Steele, Loney A.193019301930
Steen, Anita Ray1940-194119401941
Steen, Patty Summers1940-194319401943
Stephens, John1934-193519341935
Stephens, Virgil1935-193619351936
Stout, Glen Wayne194519451945
Stout, Retha1933-193419331934yesGraduated May 1935
Stringer, Ruby Elizabeth1936-193719361937
Strong, Billie Flo1947-194819471948
Stuart, Charles Nevett1935-193819351938
Sturgill, Clayton1945-194919451949yes
Sturgill, Ethel Mae1942-194419421944
Sturgill, Hattie Fay1938-194319381943
Sturgill, James1941-194219411942
Sturgill, Leone1945-194919451949yes
Sturgill, Margery1939-194019391940
Sturgill, Raymond1944-194519441945yes
Sturgilt, John Jr.1940-194119401941
Suits, Marie 1929-193119291931
Sullivan, Arthur F.1931-193219311932
Sumner, Mary1933-193419331934
Sumner, Maude1933-193419331934
Symon, Ann1930-193119301931
Taylor, Claude193619361936
Taylor, Clyde193619361936
Taylor, Delia Ann1939-194219391942yes
Taylor, Elizabeth (Bess)1945-194919451949yes
Taylor, Pearl1944-194619441946
Taylor, Stella1934-193919341939yesf
Teasley, Beatrice1928-193219281932
Thomas, Calvin D.194719471947
Thomas, Elvin Gay194719471947
Thomas, Goble1947-194919471949yes
Thomas, Nina Dean1948-194919481949
Thompson, Bobby Jean1941-194219411942
Thompson, Donald Robert 1939-194319391943yesGraduated May 1942
Thompson, Sarah193919391939Also appl.for Helmer & Willis
Thurman, Edythe1935-193619351936
Tipton, Birdie Marie1944-194819441948yes
Tolliver, Clarence1948-194919481949yes
Tolliver, Delmer1942-194319421943
Tolliver, Estella1939-194019391940
Trail, Frances Fay (Faye?)1942-194619421946yes
Trail, Herman1936-193719351937
Trent, Carleen1943-194519431945
Troglia, Rena Romana193819381938
Trosper, George?-1932?1932yes
Turner, Alberta1944-194819441948yes
Turner, Alonzo E.1929-193619291936yes
Turner, Anna Ruth1948-195119481951
Turner, Annie Rose1937-193819371938
Turner, Bennie1928-193619281936yesGraduated May 1935
Turner, Buster1936-193719361937
Turner, Charles1940-194119401941
Turner, Chester193419341934
Turner, Christopher Columbus, Jr.1943-194519431945
Turner, Curtis1943-194519431945
Turner, Della1929-193519291935yes
Turner, Earnest1934-193519341935
Turner, Eddie1933193519331935
Turner, Emily1931-193319311933
Turner, Felix193919391939
Turner, Floyd1934-193519341935
Turner, George1935-193619351936
Turner, Gertrude193719371937
Turner, Grace193119311931
Turner, Hilldred Christine1936-193919361939
Turner, Inez Doris193119311931
Turner, James194019401940
Turner, John1932-193419321934
Turner, Jueann1934-193519341935
Turner, Lela Mae193519351935
Turner, Lillian Lucille1936-193819361938
Turner, Loyd194019401940
Turner, Luther193719371937
Turner, Marion1932-193719321937yes
Turner, Minnie1934-193619341936
Turner, Ora1932-193319321933Application only
Turner, Orrin Creech194219321932Medical form only
Turner, Polly1925-193419251934yes
Turner, Ruby1939-194019391940
Turner, Sally Belle194219421942
Turner, Sarah Jane1930-193619301936
Turner, Stacy Ellen194119411941
Turner, William1936-194219361942yes
Tye, George William1943-194619431946yes
Tye, Sylvia Rose1945-194619451946
Tyree, Ercell Jr.1944-194519441945
Tyree, Glenna Jean1944-194519441945
Tyree, Gracie Mossie1943-194719431947yes
Valentine, Flora1933-193419331934
Valentine, Mae1932-193319321933
Vanover, Bessie1939-194019391940
Vanover, Mavis1943-194619431946
Vaughn, Charles1931-193319311933
Vaughn, Charlsie1939-194619391946yesGraduated May 1942; PMSS staff 1947 (nurse)
Vitatoe, John Leo194619461946
Vitatoe, Sarah Faye1941-194519411945yes
Vitoto, Billie Ernestine1944-194719441947
Vowell, Pauline193119311931
Wade, Nell Jean1938-193919381939
Wakefield, Pauline1934-193619341936
Walker, Virginia1947-194919471949
Walker, Virginia Lee194719471947Application only
Ward, Augustus1931-193319311933
Warne, John?-1939?1939yes
Warren, Jean Carol1947-194919471949Junior 1949
Warren, Jean Carroll194719471947
Warren, John J.1935-193819351938yes
Watts, Flannery1939-194019391940
Weaver, Andrew C.193519351935Application only
Weaver, Annie Jewell (Jewel?)1935-194119351941yes
Weaver, Ina Mabel1935-193819351938yesGraduated May 1937 or 1938
Whitaker, Ira194819481948
Whitaker, Louise1932-193419321934
Whitehead, Carl, Jr.1946-194919461949Physical exam report only; Junior 1949
Whitehead, Harley193919391939
Wilder, Anna Berniece1941-194519411945yes
Wilder, Barbara1948-195019481950
Wilder, Billy Gene 1936-193819361938
Wilder, Charles194819481948
Wilder, Charlie194819481948
Wilder, Covey1940-194319401943
Wilder, Hobart1943-194819431948yesPMSS staff 1948-1951 (farm asst)
Wilder, Jack Wallace1942-194719421947yes
Wilder, John C.1935-193619351936
Wilder, Juanita L.1942-194319421943
Wilder, Margaret1928-193519281935yes
Wilder, Mary1932-1936193219369th grade
Wilder, Mary Cathryn1942-194319421943
Wilder, Mildred193219321932Application only; PMSS staff 1951-1986(?) (domestic)
Wilder, Olga Mae1934-193619341936
Wilder, Polly1921-193419211934yes
Wilder, Ruth Marie1947-194919471949
Wilder, Ruth Marle194719471947
Wilder, Wilbur1935-194019351940yesGraduated May 1938
Wilder, William Kenneth1941-194319411943
Wilder, William W. (Billy) (Billie?)1938-194119381941yes
Wilkes, Betty194719471947Physical exam only
Wilkes, Betty Kathleen1947-194919471949yes
Williams, Douglas Cleo1943-194419431944
Williams, Frankie1935-193619351936
Williams, Mary Louise1936-193919361939yes
Wilson, Bertie1931-193319311933yes
Wilson, Elmer G.193919391939
Wilson, Hallie1933-193419331934
Wilson, Lucile1932-193419321934
Wilson, Richard1929-1934192919348th grade
Winstead, Robert Alan1948-194919481949
Winstead, Vivian1941-194219411942
Witt, Shirley1942-194319421943
Woods, Goldie1935-193619351936
Woodward, Bessie1932-193419321934yes
Woodward, Hazel1933-19361933193610th grade
Wooton, Jim1931-193319311933
Wooton, Quentin1940-194119401941
Worley, Lillian1929-193219291932yes
Worley, Robirda (Roberta?)1929-193219291932yes
Wright, Clarence Edward (Bud)1936-193819361938
Wright, Maxine1935-193719351937
Wright, Velma1935-193719351937
Wynne, Chester193419341934
Wyrick, Charles192319231923
Wyrick, Geneva192319231923
Yates, George Earl194819481948
York, Henry Clayton1939-194119391941yes
Yost, Lois Carolee1938-193919381939yes
Yost, Wilma Jeanette1936-193919361939


See Also:
– Provides links to pages featuring lists of student names and dates, newsletters, films, recordings, albums, and biographies.
– A guide to lists of students who have attended Pine Mountain Settlement School during the Boarding School and Community School years.

Adams, Eva Dale ; Ayers (Shaw), Bonnie ; Ayers (Dodd), Georgia ; Ayers (Houseman), Joanna (Joan) ; Ayers (Hayes), Martha Ellen (‘Mattie’) ; Ayers (Warren), Ruby ; Baker, Fred ; Baker, Mary Sue ; Banks, Ray ; Banks, Roy ; Banks, Carlos ; Bird, Ray ; Bishop (Hobgood), Jane ; Bishop, Jim ; Blair, Bill ; Blevins, Reba ; Blair, Hagar ; Boggs, Alvin ; Boggs, Matthew ; Boggs, Sue Ellen ; Bramlett, Joseph (Joe; Brown, Lena Rose ; Brown, William ; Browning, Geneva ; Burgan, Otta Mae ; Burgan, Wilma ; Byant, Claude ;

Camp, Jr., Glen D.Christian, Lela ; Christian, Lucille ; Christian, Ruth ; Combs, Zeola ; Cornett, Frances ; Cornett, Jack ; Cornett, Ralph ; Cornett, Mable; Cox, Anna Belle ; Cox, Billy SundayCox, Billy ; Cox, Eula Gray ; Creech (Fiske), Dr. Oma ; Deaton, John [“Jack”] Henry ; Deaton, John H.Dawn, Bill ; Elliott, Richard ; Enix, Clyde Edward ; Enix, Willard Earl ;

Gambrel, Beatrice and Roxie ; Gross, Green Bailey ; Hall, Arnie ; Hall, Enoch C. II ; Hall (Hayes), Eula Fern* ; Hall, Flora Patsy ; Hall, James Herbert ; Hall (Angel), Susie ; Hamilton, Ruby EthelHarber, John T. ; Harber, Ted Clarence ; Hayes, Paul ; Hayes, Silven ; Hayes, William ; Helton, Sidney Albert ; Hill, EmilyHuff, Becky May ; Holbrook, Maude ; Hollins, Charles ; Howard, Genevieve ; Howard, Harriet (Hattie) ; Howard, Nora ; Howard, William Gus (Billy) ; Huff, Becky Mae

Jackson, ? ; Johnson, Earl, Ezra, Elsie ; Johnson, Frances ; Jones (Smith), Barbara ; Jude, Nancy ; Lehigh, Celeste ; Lehigh, Kathleen (Kitty) ; Lewis, Omer ; Long, Allen ; Madon (Heath), Helen Louise ; Madon, Thomas J. ; Manning, Egre ; Martin, John (Jack) ; Martin, David ; McIntyre, Alex ; McIntire, Audrey ; McIntire, Peggy ; McIntyre, RichmondMcIntyre Watson “Buster ; McIntosh, BonnieMetcalf, Ann; Metcalf, Mary Winifred ;Metcalf, Ruth Ellen; Milan, Nan; Napier, William ; Patterson, William Emmitt ; Pennington, John Raymond

Reynolds, Faye Bonnie ; Reynolds, Harold ; Reynolds, Douglas ; Reynolds, Jimmy Rex ; Ritchie (Deschamps), May ; Ritchie, Kitty ; Ritchie, Jewel ; Ritchie, Patty ; Ritchie, Raymond ; Ritchie, Truman ; Ritchie, Una ; Roberts, Sue Carolyn ; Roberts, Margaret ; Roberts, Rita ; Rogers, Christopher ; Rogers, Peter ;

Shera, CalebSergent (Cook), Clella ; Shuler (Dieter), Ruth ; Sturgill, Hattie FaySturgill, James ; Sturgill, Margie (Marjorie)Smith, Chloe (Chloa) ; Smith, Virgil ; Spelman, Barbara F.; Spelman, John A.; Stephens Jr., John S. ; Stephens, Virgil ; Taylor, Stella ;  Trail (Deaton), Faye ; Turner, Alonzo ; Turner, Glyn Austin ; Turner, June ; Turner, Lois ; Turner (Harris), Polly ; Tye, Charles William (Bill) ; Vaughn, Charlsie ;

Wagers, John ; Watkins, Franklin ; Wilder (Engle), Barbara ; Wilder, Brit ; Wilder, Ella (Madon) ; Wilder, John ; Wilder, Phyllis ; Wilder, Thelma ; Wilder, Wilbur Earl ; Wooten, Victor GeorgeWooton Family Students ; Wooton, Quinten Joseph ;

For more details see: VISITORS GUIDE to Consultants, Guests, Related Friends of PMSS

Anderson, Becky (Handmade in America) ; Berry, Wendell (Poet, Writer) ; Black Mountain College faculty (came to Pine Mountain often during the Morris years to offer programs and to collect tips used in their own educational experiment) ; Blashfield, Albert D. & Wife (Artists) ; Blashfield, Edwin Howard (Artist) and Grace Mary (Writer) (Donors) ; Boggs, Abner (Storyteller) ; Braun, Emma Lucy (Botanist, Ecologist) ; Breckinridge, Mary (Founder, Frontier Nursing) ; Brockway, Howard (Folklorist) ;

Carr, Ellwood Jerome (Folk Botanist) ; Campbell, John C. (Russell Sage Foundation) ; Campbell, Olive Dame (John C. Campbell Folk School) ; Caudill, Rebecca [Ayars] (Author) ; Cawood, James A. (Supt. of Harlan Co. Schools, Dir. of Guidance Institutes) ; Chang, Fu Liang (Researcher – Sociology, Berea College) ; Chase, Richard (Author, Folklorist, lived at PMSS on several occasions) ;

Drake, Richard B. (Professor, Berea College), Dees, Morris (Director Southern Poverty Law Center) ; de Long, Helen (Ethel de Long’s sister) ; Dodge, Victor K. (Researcher, Univ. KY) ; Dos Passos, John (Writer, Activist) ; Dreiser, Theodore (Journalist, Novelist, Social Activist) ; Duncan, Joseph Smith (Invented the Addressograph) ; Eller, Ron (Author, Historian) ;

Fay, Judith (British teacher; Volunteer at Little Laurel 1937) ; Ferris, William (NEH Chair; Author, Folklorist, Historian) ; Fisher, Park W. (WWI Lecturer) ; Fox, Jr., John (Author, “Little Shepherd of KIngdom Come” and other) ; Funkhouser, William D. (Zoologist, Univ. KY) ; Furman, Lucy (Author, Hindman Settlement School) ;

Garner, Ray & Virginia (Photographer, Producer, Cinematographer, Writer) ; Giffin, Roscoe, Dr. (Researcher – Head of Sociology Dept, Berea College) ; Gadd, May (Country Dance Instructor, CDSS Director) ; Gundersen, Ellen, and Jim Wolfe (Volunteers) ; Halbert, Lucy E. (Hindman Settlement School nurse) ;  Hamner, Earl (Author, Television Writer, Producer) ; Hatcher, Orie Latham (Educator, English Scholar, Vocational Guidance Leader) ; Horton, Myles (Director, Highlander Center) ;

Hutchins, Robert Maynard (American educational philosopher, President (1929–1945) and Chancellor (1945–1951) of the University of Chicago, and earlier dean of Yale Law School, 1927–1929). He was the husband of novelist Maude Hutchins (1940-1966), educator, and brother of Francis Stephenson Hutchins (5th President of Berea College, member of PMSS BOT 1949- ?) husband of Dr. Louise Gilman Hutchins ; Hutchins, William J. (4th President of Berea College, 1920-1939) ;

Jones, Loyal (Storyteller) ; Karpeles, Maud (Folklorist, Musicologist, Cecil Sharp’s assistant) ; Lewis, Uncle John (Fiddler) ; Lewis, Aunt Louize (Storyteller) ; Lomax, Alan and Elizabeth (Folklorists) ; Lynn, Paul (Photographer, PMSS employee) ; MacKaye, Percy (Playwright, and poet and brother of Benton MacKaye who developed the Appalachian Trail) ; Merritt-Hawkes, Mrs. O.A. (Writer and music critic for the Cleveland Plain Dealer – was at Pine Mountain for ten days on her way to Mexico to prepare an article for a British journal) ; Miller, Arthur McQuiston (Geologist, Univ. KY) ; Moser, Joan, Irene, and Artus (Storytellers) ;

Nolan, Singing Willie (Folk Music) ; Norman, Gurney (Author) ; Osborne, Teresa (Storyteller) ; Pope, Clifford H. (Herpetologist) ; Rannells, Blanche (Philanthropist) ; Ritchie Jr., Baylis Wilmer ; Roberts, Leonard Ward (Storyteller) ; Sharp, Cecil M. (Folklorist, Musicologist) ; Shepard, Bertha (Journal Author) ; Stiles, Dorothy (Hindman Settlement School Worker) ; Still, James (Author, “River of Earth” and other Appalachian writings, Librarian at Hindman Settlement) ; Strang, Ruth (Educator) ;

Thompson, Deborah J. Dr. (Storyteller) ; Ulmann, Doris (W.P.A. Photographer) ; Weidler, Albert G. (Berea College Dean of Labor who advocated work-study and credit unions) ; West, Don (Author, Educator, Civil Rights organizer, Highlander Center) ; Wolcott, Marion Post (W.P.A. Photographer) ; Wolfe, Jim, and Ellen Gundersen (Volunteers) ; Wyman, Loraine (Folklorist, PMSS Board Member) ;


Anderson, Chris ; Baker, Phronie ; Begley, Mrs. John and Baby (Ethel de Long Begley) ; Blanton Family ; Boff, Art ; Boggs, Cy ; Boggs Family ; Boggs, Hobart ; Boggs, Stacy Ellen ; Brashear, Mr. and Mrs. William ; Bunch, Mr. & Mrs. Hayes & Chloe (Smith) ; Callahan Family ; Callahan, James Madison ; Causey, Abner ; Causey, Bill ; Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ; Cobb, Ann (at Hindman) ; Coots Family ; Cornett, Dick ; Cornett Family ; Cornett, Jeff and Sallie ; Cornett, Mr. & Mrs. Winfield & Tommy ; Cornett, Ola Mae ; Cornett, Will ; Couch Family Creech, Aunt Sal ; Creech, James Columbus Creech Family ; Creech Family, James Columbus & Emily Hill ;Creech Family, William & Sally ; Creech, Mrs. D. B. and July ; Creech, Aunt Katy ; Creech, Henry C. ; Creech, Mrs. Enoch ; Creech, Uncle Lewis ; Creech, Uncle William ; Day, Aunt Polly Ann ; Day, “Black” Sol ; Day Family ; Day, Mellie ; Dixon, Aunt Nance ; Dixon, Grant and Bill ; Enix Family ; Farley, Mrs. ; Gillam (Gilliam?), Jonathan ; Hall, Aunt Betts (Uncle Wm’s sister) ; Hall Family ; Hall, Mrs. Frank ; Harris, Enoch ; Harris, Tom ; Harrison, Mrs. ; Howard, Enoch (Rosspoint postmaster, 1918) ; Howard Family ; Howard, Marcus ; Hurff, Mr. and Mrs. ; Jackson Family ; Lewis, Crit ; Lewis, Ell ; Lewis, Gib (Gilbert) ; Lewis, Arwilla (Mrs. Gib Lewis) ; Lewis, John (mailman)Lewis, Uncle John (Fiddler) ; Lewis, Aunt Louize ; Lewis, Nance, Philip and Normy ; Lyttle, Lewis Rev. ; Maggard, Sam ; Maggard, Charlotte ; Metcalf, Ann ; Metcalf, Dora ; Metcalf Family ; Metcalf, William M. (furniture & dulcimer maker) ; Napier, Id and Lira ; Nolan, Calvin H.Nolan, Elhannon Murphy (“E.M.”) ; Nolan Family ; Ritchie, Edna, Mallie & Kitty (corn husk doll-makers) ; Scearse (Scearce) Family ; Scearce, Lizzie (Nolan) Metcalf ; Scott, Aunt Betts (Aunt Sal’s sister) ; Settle, Mary Winifred ; Shell, John Dixon ; Shell, Old John ; Shell, Mary Elizabeth “Aunt Sis” (Nolan) ; Smith, Aunt Larthy ; Smith, Aunt Leah ; Sweeny, Miss Mary ; Taylor, Robert ; Turner, Aunt Jude ; Turner Family ; Turner, Harriet ; Turner, Joanna ; Turner, Judy ; Wilder Family ; Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ; 


A list of residents in the community of the Pine Mountain Valley and in the neighboring hollows and valleys served by the Settlement School. The list has an accompanying hand-drawn map that shows the location of families during the 1940s when the map was created as part of a sociological study.

List includes among many others: Boggs Family ; Cornett Family ; Creech Family ; Day Family ; Jackson Family ; Scearse Family ; Turner Family ; etc.


Blanton FamilyBoggs Family Browning FamilyCallahan Family ; Caudill Family ; Causey Family ; Combs Family ; Coots FamilyCornett FamilyCouch Family ; Creech Family ; Creech Family, William & Sally ; Day Family ; Ely Family ; Enix FamilyHall FamilyHoward Family ; Huff FamilyJackson Family ; Lewis FamilyMetcalf FamilyMiniard (Minyard) Family ; Napier Family ; Nolan FamilyScearse (Scearce) Family ; Shell FamilySturgill Family ; Turner Family ; Wilder FamilyWooton (Wooten) Family ;

PINE MOUNTAIN VALLEY COMMUNITY Residents List 1910s – 1940s (link)

PINE MOUNTAIN VALLEY COMMUNITY Residents List 1910s-1940s is a table with columns indicating names of the residents, sources of the information about them, dates of the information, and notes, mostly derived from ALICE COBB STORIES and MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS. This list is not comprehensive and focuses on the 1920s through the 1940s.

LAND USE: MAP Community Residents 1934 – 1942 (link)