BIBLIOGRAPHY Harlan County Kentucky

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Non-Fiction, Fiction related to
Harlan County, Kentucky


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TAGS: Bibliography, Harlan County Kentucky, non-fiction, fiction, film, poetry, ancestors, genealogy, books, authors, publishers

BIBLIOGRAPHY Harlan County Kentucky

[*The following bibliography is alphabetical by the author — unless author not given. Then, by title — within subject categories.

Harlan County Kentucky: NON-FICTION


Bell, A. W. B., & McGhee, L. K. (1959). Family Bible records of people who lived in Harlan County, Kentucky: One year before the Civil war commenced, during which the families were separated, many never to meet again. As taken from the 1860 Census of the United States at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C: publisher not identified.

Brown, A., & Harlan Heritage Seekers (Ky.). (1900). Lee County, Virginia marriage book II, 1856-1916: (listing only those names with a Harlan County connection). Harlan, Kentucky: H.H. Seekers.

Bryson, J. H. (1972). Harlan County: The Martin’s Fork connection. Place of publication not identified: publisher not identified.

Burns, A. W. (1930). A complete record of marriages, births and deaths of Harlan County, Kentucky, for the period of 1852-1862 inclusive. Frankfort, Ky.

Burns, A. W., & United States. (1900). Family Bible records of Harlan County Kentucky people: (as taken from the 1830 United Census, which shows names of head of families and a listing of total number of males and females, with their approximate age). Washington, D.C.

Burns, A. W. (n.d.). Kentucky vital statistics: Record of marriages in Harlan County, Kentucky for the period of years as follows: 1818 to and including 1851 ; 1863 to and including 1870.

Burns, A. W. (1958). Family Bible records of the people who lived in Harlan County, Kentucky: One year before the Civil War commenced. Washington, D.C.

Burns, A. W. (1930). Record of marriages, Harlan County, Kentucky. Washington? D.C.: A.W. Burns.

Burns, A. W. (1935). Marriages in Harlan County, Kentucky for the period of years 1852 to 1862. Washington, D.C: Bell.

Burns, A. W., & McGhee, L. K. (n.d.). Family Bible records … Harlan County, Ky. Washington, D.C.

Burns, A. W. (1958). Howard records of Harlan County, Kentucky, Revolutionary War soldiers and Eastern Cherokee Indians. Washington, D.C: L.H. Walker.

Burns, A. W. (1932). Harlan County, Kentucky marriage records 1818-1851 and 1863-1870. Washington, D.C: Burns.

Burns, A. W., United States., United States., United States., & United States. (1959). Family Bible records of the people living in Harlan County, Kentucky, six years after the Civil war ended, as taken from the 1870 census of the United States at the National Archives, Washington, D.C: Also 1840 census of Harlan County, Ky. And Civil war draft list, 1863 to 1864. An Union soldiers living in Harlan County, 1890 … Names of slave owners of Harlan County, Ky., 1850 & 1860. Washington, D.C: A.W. Burns.

Burns, A. W. (1962). History records of Harlan County, Kentucky people. Washington, D.C.

Burns, A. W. (1960). History records of Harlan County, Kentucky, people. Washington, D.C: A.W. Burns.

Burns, A. W. (1900). Revolutionary soldiers and 1812 wars soldiers who drew pensions while residing in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Burns, A. W., & United States. (1900). Harlan County, Kentucky 1850 U.S. Census. Washington, D.C..

Coulter, J. D., & Bell County Historical Society (Ky.). (1992). 1860 Harlan County census. Middlesboro, KY: Bell County Historical Society.

Daffron, J., Ogle, H., & Wayne County Museum (Ky.). (2009). Documentation of African-American Civil War soldiers from Wayne County, Kentucky. Monticello, Ky: Wayne County Museum.

Dunham, F. Y. (1987). Harlan connections. Pensacola, Fla.: F.Y. Dunham.

Edgerly, D. R., & Edgerly, R. H. (1999). John Murphy Ward of Harlan County, Kentucky. Oceanside, California: D. Edgerly. [John Murphy Ward was born ca. 1810, in Orange County, North Carolina, to Richard C. Ward and Mary Ann Murphey Ward. John married Nancy (Warren or Walker) ca. 1828 in Claiborne County, Tennessee. They were the parents of 13 children. Nancy died 10 June 1857. John married second, Chloe Hall, daughter of Owen and Susanna Hall of Lee County, Virginia. They were the parents of 4 children. Chloe died ca. 1886. No record of John’s death is available. Descendants have lived in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri, California, Kansas, Colorado and elsewhere in the United States.]

Fee, H., & Genealogical Society of Harlan County, Kentucky. (1985). 1820 Harlan County, Kentucky, census and tax list, annotated. Harlan, KY (P.O. Box 1498, Harlan 40831: Genealogical Society of Harlan County, Kentucky.

Fee, H. (1986). Harlan County, Kentucky marriages: Book 1, 1818 to 1850. Harlan, Ky. (P.O. Box 1498, Harlan 40831: Footprints Publications & Research.

Fee, H. (1986). Harlan County, Kentucky marriages. Harlan, Ky: Footprints Publications & Research.

Fee, H. (1990). Devil Jim Turner: Of Harlan County, Kentucky. Harlan, KY: Footprints P & R.

Fee, H. (1987). Saylor family footprints: Being the family and descendants of Solomon & Sarah Saylor of Harlan County, Kentucky. Harlan, Ky: Footprints Publications & Research.

Fee, H. (1992). Harlan County, Kentucky: A brief history. Harlan, Ky.: publisher not identified.

Fee, H. (1992). 1900 census of Harlan County, Kentucky. Harlan, Ky: Footprints.

Fee, H. (1987). 1880 census of Harlan County. Harlan, Kentucky: Footprints Publications & Research.

Fee, H. (1990). Browning family of Harlan County. Harlan, KY: Footprints P & R.

Fee, H., & Dunham, F. Y. (1989). 1860 Harlan census. Harlan, Ky: Footprints P & R.

Fee, H. (1987). History of the town of Mount Pleasant, Harlan County, Kentucky. Harlan, Ky: Footprints Publications & Research.

Foley, R. K. L., & Schwendeman, F. (2016). Cherokee lineage: Bird/Byrd, Burkhart, Dove, Foley, Noe, Pennington, Sargent/Sergent, Shell, Sixkiller, & related families of Harlan County, Kentucky.

Freeman, F. A. (2004). Lewis family of Lewis County, Kentucky, 1662-2004. Madison, Alabama: F.A. Freeman.

Genealogical Society of Harlan County, Kentucky., & Foot Prints Publications & Research. (1982). Harlan footprints. Harlan, Ky: Genealogical Society of Harlan County.

Gioe, J. C., Masley, B., Gioe, C., & Researchers (Firm). (1996). Harlan County, Kentucky records: #1. Indianapolis, IN: Researchers.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1960). Births, marriages, deaths. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1970). Marriage records, 1820-1956; indexes, 1830-1979. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1991). Discharge records. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1991). Miscellaneous books, 1893-1926. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1991). Mortgage books, 1832-1960. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County, Kentucky marriages 1819-1850. (1989). Indianapolis, In: The Researchers.

Harlan Heritage Seekers, Inc. (1986). Lee County, Virginia, marriage book II: (listing only those names with a Harlan County connection), 1856-1916. Harlan, Ky. (P.O. Box 853, Harlan 40831: Harlan Heritage Seekers.

Harlan Heritage Seekers, Inc. (1986). Harlan mountain roots. Harlan, Kentucky: Harlan Heritage Seekers.

Heinemann, M. (1992). The family of Ezekiel Wells of Letcher and Elliott County, Kentucky. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Hensley, G. H., Bryson, J. H., Asher, M. B. H., Britton, B., Campbell, D. H., Fowler, M. H., Hamlin, C., … Wilson, H. (1993). Harlan County: The Martin’s Fork connection.

Hensley, Judith Victoria. (2016) A Blessed Life: Faith, Family, and Friends [by Ernest Hensley and Judith Victoria Hensley]

Hensley, Judith. Hamlin Gathering (2017)   [Gladys Hensley and Judith Hensley]

Hoskins, W. W. (1975). John Ball of Lee County, Virginia and his descendants: Bell County, Kentucky, Harlan County, Kentucky. Radford, Va.: Commonwealth Press.

Ledgerwood, M. C. (1991). The family of Bennett Ball: Harlan County, Kentucky to Madison County, Arkansas and allied families Creech, Gray, Lewis, Masters, Shumate, Sisemore. Hot Springs Village, Ark: M.C. Ledgerwood.

Nolan, G. (1992). Harlan County 1860 census. Harrison, Ohio (10846 New Biddinger Road, Harrison 45030: The Author.

Nolan, G. (2000). 1860 Harlan County census. Harrison, Ohio (10846 New Biddinger Rd., Harrison 45030: G.G. Nolan.

Nolan, G. (1990). 1880 Harlan County census. Harrison, Ohio: G.G. Nolan.

Nolan, J., & Nolan, G. (1987). 1870 Harlan County census. Evansville, Illinois: Whipporwill.

Nolan, J. G. (1990). [Index to 1910 Harlan County census]. Harrison, Ohio: J.G. Nolan.

Pope, H. (1982). 1900 census of Harlan County, Kentucky. London, Ky: H. Pope.

Researchers (Firm). (1980). Harlan County, Kentucky, marriages, 1794-1870. Indianapolis, IN: Researchers.

Sizemore, W. L., Sizemore, A. J., Rogers, J. M., & Madison County Genealogical & Historical Society (Ark.). (2009). Descendants of Mary Ball and James Sisemore: From Harlan County, Kentucky to Madison County, Arkansas in 1837. Huntsville, Ark.: Madison County Genealogical and Historical Society.

Sistler, B., Sistler, B., & Sistler, S. (1992). 1850 census, [state region or name of county] Kentucky. Nashville, TN: Byron Sistler & Associates.

Trail, K. H. (1991). 1910 census of Harlan County. Harlan, Ky: Harlan Heritage Seekers.

Trail, K. H. (2004). Harlan County (KY) veterans who served in wars from the Revolutionary War thru Civil War (a partial list). Louisville, KY (8606 Smithton Rd., Louisville 40219: K.H. Trail.

Trail, K. H. (2004). Harlan County (KY) veterans who served in the Spanish-American War, 1898-1899 and/or World War I, 1914-1918: A partial list. Louisville, KY (8606 Smithton Rd., Louisville 40219: K.H. Trail.

Trail, K. H. (1989). Cemeteries in southwestern Harlan County, Kentucky: Fresh Meadows to the Bell County line : annotated. Louisville, Ky. (8606 Smithton Rd., Louisville 40219: Trail’s Enterprises.

United States., & Burns, A. W. (1950). Family Bible records of Harlan County, Kentucky people (as taken from the 1820 Census) which shows names of head of family and a listing of total number of males and females, with their approximate ages. Washington: A.W. Burns.

United States., & In Burns, A. W. (1950). Family Bible records of Harlan County Kentucky people (as taken from the 1830 United States Census, which shows names of head of families and a listing of tital number of males and females with their approximate age. Washington: A.W. Burns.

United States., Burns, A. W., & In McGhee, L. K. (1950). Family Bible records of the people who lived in Harlan County, Kentucky one year before the Civil war commenced, during which the families were separated, many never to meet again: As taken from the 1860 Census of the United States at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Washington: A.W. Burns.

Wallace, L. E. T., & Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio). University Library. Department of Archives and Special Collections. (1993). John Shell of Leslie County, Kentucky: (a compilation of papers useful to researching John Shell). Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Williams, J. A. (2007). County court records, 1822-1837, Perry County, Kentucky. Banner, Ky: Williams.


Foster, G. S., Schock, J. M., Poyser, S., Western Kentucky University., & Kentucky Archaeological Surveys Collection. (1972). Archaeological survey of proposed realignment of highway 119, Harlan and Letcher counties, Kentucky. Bowling Green, Ky: Western Kentucky University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

McGraw, B. J., & Kentucky Archaeological Surveys Collection. (2005). Phase I archeological survey of the Cloverfork Mining & Excavating, Inc. Mill Creek permit area Harlan County, Kentucky. Lexington, Ky: McGraw Consulting Archeologist.

Harlan County Kentucky: ART

Spelman, J. A. (1978). At home in the hills: Glimpses of Harlan County, Kentucky, through the media of the linoleum block and the woodcut. Pine Mountain, Ky: Pine Mountain Print Shop.

Mullinax, M., Harris, R., Billings, D. B., University of Kentucky., & University of Kentucky. (2012). It’s about being a resident of a place: A case study of practicing civic engagement through community-based art and oral history in Harlan County, Kentucky. Lexington, Ky: publisher not identified.


Advertising Concepts Inc. (1981). Welcome to Harlan & Harlan County, Kentucky. Cincinnati, Ohio: Advertising Concepts Inc.

Harlan labor news. (1974).


Appalachian Archives. (1987). Harlan County coal camps, Lynch and Benham, Kentucky: Cultural transition from rural to urban communities : industrial documentary photography, 1912-1948. Cumberland, Ky: Appalachian Archives.

Dreiser, T., & National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners. (2015). Harlan miners speak: Report on terrorism in the Kentucky coal fields. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.

Ritch, Barbara Ford and Paul R Jordan. (1991) Coal Camp Kids Coming Up Hard and Making It. 

“This epic story is intertwined with the history of the coal mining industry from 1900 through 1960. This book encompasses the life and times of the coal miners children in the camps and how their lifestyle tempered them to succeed at any cost after they matured and left the mining camps. This limited-edition 352 page hardcover book is heavily illustrated with 365 photographs detailing the daily struggles of life in a company-dominated coal camp. …”


Keenan, C. M., & United States. (1944). Final report of mine explosion, Three Point Mine, Three Point Coal Corporation, Three Point, Harlan County, Kentucky, September 16, 1943. Place of publication not identified: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.

Miller, J. W., Jolley, T. R., & Sokaski, M. (1955). Preparation characteristics of coal from Harlan County, Ky. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.

Wallace, J. J., Dowd, J. J., Travis, R. G., Abernethy, R. F., Reynolds, D. A., & United States. (1954). Estimate of known recoverable reserves of coking coal in Harlan County, Ky. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.


Citizens public inquiry into the Brookside Strike, March 11 and 12, Harlan County, Kentucky. (1974). Philadelphia, Pa: Journal of Current Social Issues.

Dollars for Duke Power: Hell for Harlan County. (1974). Place of publication not identified.

Dreiser, T., & National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners. (2015). Harlan miners speak: Report on terrorism in the Kentucky coal fields. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.

Ewen, L. A. (1979). Which side are you on?: The Brookside mine strike in Harlan County, Kentucky, 1973-1974. Chicago: Vanguard Books.

Forester, W. D. (1990). Harlan County goes to war. United States: W.D. Forester.

Forester, W. D. (1986). Harlan County: The turbulent thirties. Place of publication not identified: Forester.

Forester, W. D. (1995). Harlan County in the fifties: A little before and afterwards : from riches to rags. U.S: Braun-Brumfield.

Gannes, H. (1932). Kentucky miners fight.

Hao, F. (2012). Social capital, solidarity, and cohort effect: An analysis of the production of social capital among Union Miners in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Hevener, J. W. (2002). Which side are you on?: The Harlan County coal miners, 1931-39. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Kentucky Miners Defense. (1938). Bloody Harlan: The story of four miners serving life for daring to organize a union, daring to strike, daring to picket. Facts from the court records in the Harlan frame-up trials. New York.

Kopple, B. (2009). Harlan County USA. Artefact Media.

Lennon, M. E. (2002). Creating coalitions: “outside agitators” and the Harlan County coal strike, 1931-1932.

Lewis, J., & Center for United Labor Action. (1981). Till every battle’s won: The Brookside strike of Harlan County. Atlanta: World View Publishers.

Tankel, P. (1968). “Bloody” Harlan, 1931-1938: An Appalachian coal county in the thirties. Waltham, Mass.

Taylor, P. F. (1955). The coal mine war in Harlan County, Kentucky, 1931-32. Lexington: University of Kentucky.

Taylor, P. F. (1979). Coal and conflict: The UMWA in Harlan County, 1931-1939.


Childers, K. (2014). A road to change: Harlan County. [This book complements the documentary DVD of the title “Harlan County: a road to change”–Cover]

Kentucky., Kentucky., Kentucky., Kentucky., & Harlan County Chamber of Commerce. (1950). Industrial resources. Frankfort, Ky: Agricultural and Industrial Development Board of Ky.

Kentucky. (1985). Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts audit examination of the major disaster claim submitted by Harlan County Fiscal Court: Harlan, Kentucky, project application number FEMA-705-PA-095-00000. Frankfort, Ky.: Office.

Kentucky., Harlan County Chamber of Commerce (Ky.), & Harlan County Industrial Development Authority (Ky.). (1994). Kentucky resources for economic development. Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development.

Kentucky., & Kentucky. (1970). Summary of industrial resources. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Dept. of Commerce, Division of Research and Planning.

Kentucky., & Kentucky. (1970). Summary of industrial resources. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Dept. of Commerce, Division of Research and Planning.

Kentucky., & Tri-City Chamber of Commerce (Harlan County, Ky.). (1970). Industrial resources. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Dept. of Commerce.

Kentucky. (1999). Resources for economic development [for 1999]. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Commerce Cabinet, Dept. of Economic Development.

Kentucky., Kentucky., & Harlan County Chamber of Commerce (Ky.). (1980). Resources for economic development. Frankfort, Ky: Dept. of Economic Development, Division of Research and Planning.

Kentucky. (1966). Population-economic study, Harlan-Harlan County, Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky.?: Commonwealth of Kentucky, Dept. of Commerce, Division of Community Planning and Development.


Burkhart, J. M., & Kentucky. (1967). Co-ordinated program of vocational rehabilitation and special education for the mentally retarded in Harlan County, Kentucky: Final report. Harlan, Ky: The Bureau.

Harlan County revisited. (1974). Philadelphia: Division of Higher Education and the American Missionary Association.

Harlan County (Ky.) Public Schools. (1900). Report of Harlan County schools. Harlan, Ky: Harlan County Board of Education.

Pine Mountain Guidance Institute. (1939). Findings of the Pine Mountain guidance institute held at Pine Mountain settlement school, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky, August 20-26, 1939. Pine Mountain.

Pine Mountain Settlement School (Pine Mountain, Ky.). (1941). Experiences in consumer cooperation at Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky. Pine Mountain?.

University of Kentucky. (1947). Public education in Harlan County, Kentucky: A survey report. Lexington.

Warren, C. E., & Educational Resources Information Center (U.S.). (1993). Harlan County Public Library: Final performance report for Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Title VI : Library Literacy Program. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center.

Woolum, L. F. (1960). History and partial evaluation of in-service education in Harlan County, Kentucky.


Southern Engineering (Firm). (1987). Welcome to Harlan, Kentucky ; Harlan County, Kentucky. Burnsville, MS: Southern Engineering.


Childress, J. D., United States., United States., Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station., & Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet. (1992). Soil survey of Bell and Harlan counties, Kentucky. Washington, D.C.?: Soil Conservation Service.

United States. (1980). 1978 census of agriculture, preliminary report, Harlan County, Ky. Washington: Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.


Davies, W. E., & Geological Survey (U.S.). (1973). The landslide at Cumberland, Harlan County, Kentucky. Reston, VA?: U.S. Geological Survey.

Davis, J. D. (1943). Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of Taggart-bed coal from mines 30 and 31, Lynch, Harlan County, Ky: And the effect of blending this coal with Pocahontas no. 3-and no. 4-bed coals. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.

Englund, K. J., & Geological Survey (U.S.). (1963). Geology of the Ewing quadrangle Kentucky and Virginia.

Fieldner, A. C., & United States. (1939). Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of High Splint-bed coal from Closplint mine, Closplint, Harlan County, Ky. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.

Gates Engineering Company. (1979). Investigation of coal reserves, western and eastern tracts, Gabes Creek and Greasy Creek, Harlan County, Kentucky, Letcher County Steam and Stoker, Inc. Beckley, W. Va: The Company.

Hodge, J. M., & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1916). Supplementary report on the coals of Clover Fork and Poor Fork in Harlan County. Frankfort, Ky.: State Journal Co..

Jillson, W. R., & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1928). Map of the structural geology of Bell County Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Geological Survey.

Jones, D. J., Wilder, N. M., Maurice, J. F., & Kentucky. (1934). Mountain bumps in the coal fields of Harlan County, Kentucky. Lexington: University of Kentucky.

Kentucky Geological Survey. (1991). Low-silica and high-calcium stone in the Newman Limestone (Mississippian) on Pine Mountain, Harlan County, southeastern Kentucky. Lexington: Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky.

Maughan, E. K., Tazelaar, J., Geological Survey (U.S.), & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1973). Geologic map of part of the Rose Hill quadrangle, Harlan County, Kentucky. Washington, D.C: U.S. Geological Survey.

 Miller, R., Withers, S., & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1949). Structural geologic map of Harlan County, Kentucky. Lexington, Ky: Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky.

Miller, R., Withers, S., & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1927). Map of the structural geology of Harlan County, Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Geological Survey.

Withers, S., Jillson, W. R., Chisholm, D. B., Miller, R., & Kentucky Geological Survey. (1928). Map of the structural geology of Bell County Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky: Kentucky Geological Survey.

Wolfson, D. E., & Birge, G. W. (1956). Carbonizing properties of Harlan County, Ky., coals. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.

Yarbrough, R. E. (1980). A geographical study of a micro-region in Appalachia: The Clover Fork River Valley of Harlan County, Kentucky.


Miller, Iva B. 1932 Health Survey of Harlan County, Kentucky. Published by Save the Children Foundation.


Condon, M. G. (1962). A History of Harlan County. Nashville, Tenn: Parthenon Press.

Fuson, H. H. (1942). History of Harlan county, Kentucky: Some chapters. Harlan, Ky.: publisher not identified.

Harlan County. (1968). Harlan, Ky: Durham Printing and Offset.

Harlan County, Kentucky. (2012). Place of publication not identified: Book On Demand.

Harlan County memories. (1995). Wallins Creek, Ky.: Wallins Elementary School.

Jones, G. C. (2013). Growing Up Hard in Harlan County. The University Press of Kentucky.

Kentucky., & Dawson, J. R. (1973). Benham, Harlan County, Kentucky: Population 1,874. Frankfort: The Division.

Kentucky., & Dawson, J. R. (1981). Lynch, Harlan County, Kentucky: Population 1,609. Frankfort: The Division.

Kentucky., & Hedges, B. R. (1981). Wallins Creek, Harlan County, Kentucky: Population 461. Frankfort: The Division.

Owen, J. (1990). Early settlers on the Poor Fork of the Cumberland River, Harlan County, Kentucky, and adjoining counties. Salisbury, N.C: J. Owen.

Pearce, J. E. (1994). Days of Darkness: The Feuds of Eastern Kentucky. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.

Portelli, A. (2012). They say in Harlan County: An oral history. New York: Oxford University Press.

Strong, H. (1978). Harlan Strong, feuds in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Glen Rock, N.J: Microfilming Corp. of America.

Stump, W. C. (1984). The tarnished knight: The story of Paul Louis Browning, Jr.’s rise and fall as sheriff of Harlan County, Kentucky, 1981-1983. Loyall, Ky.: W.C. Stump.

Wilson, J. O. (2002). In the sweet by and by: Surviving in the coal fields of the Appalachian Mountains in Harlan County, Kentucky. Place of publication not identified: J. Osborn & Associates.


Harlan County [Ky.] Court deed records: Deed book “D” [1841-1853]. (n.d.). Place of publication not identified.

Burns, A. W. (1935). Kentucky land records: Deeds of Harlan County, Kentucky. Washington, DC: A.W. Burns.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1991). Report of commissioner’s division of land, 1876-1913. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1970). Deeds, 1820-1901; deed index, 1820-1961. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court. (1991). Record of encumbrances on real estate, 1896-1962. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court., & Harlan County (Ky.). Sheriff. (1991). Sheriff’s deed book 1, 1893-1917. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court., & Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County). (1991). Affidavit of descent books, 1962-1989. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Harlan County (Ky.). (1820). Tax assessment books.

Harlan County (Ky.). (1871). Commissioners’ Deed Books.

Noel, E. G. (1971). Deed book D, Harlan County, Kentucky, 1853-1858. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.


Douglass, S. B., & Harlan County Planning and Development Council. (1967). A survey of legal problems in Harlan County, Kentucky. Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

Kentucky. Circuit Court (Harlan County). (1999). Equity and ordinary cases. Frankfort, Kentucky: Kentucky Department of Archives and Libraries.

Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County), & Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County). (1970). Wills. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County). (1970). Order books. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County). (1991). Administrator and guardian settlement books, 1866-1942. King, North Carolina: W.S. Phelps.

Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County), & Kentucky. County Court (Harlan County). (1970). Administrators bonds, 1888-1903. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah.


Sanborn Map Company. (1932). Harlan, Harlan County, Kentucky: Including Baxter. New York: Sanborn Map Co.


Brockway, H., & Wyman, L. (1918). Brother Green or The dying soldier: (Harlan County, Kentucky). New York: H.W. Gray.


Harlan County, Pictorial History. (1995). Harlan, Ky: Harlan Daily Enterprise.

Gumpert, R. (1975). Harlan County, Kentucky: A photo documentation. Place of publication not identified: Red Hill 30.

Gumpert, R. (1975). Harlan County, Kentucky. Kensington, Calif: Red Hill.


Bush, C. A. (2006). Faith, power, and conflict: Miner preachers and the United Mine Workers of America in the Harlan County mine wars, 1931-1939.


Hardt, J., & Appalachia–Science in the Public Interest. (1978). Harlan County flood report. Corbin, Ky: Appalachia – Science in the Public Interest.

United States. (1992). Flood insurance study: City of Cumberland, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington, D.C.?: Federal Emergency Management Agency.

United States. (1982). Harlan County, Kentucky flood hazard mitigation plan. Wash., D.C: Federal Emergency Management Agecny.

United States. (2003). Flood insurance study: City of Harlan, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington, D.C.: Federal Emergency Management Agency.

United States. (1979). Flood insurance study: City of Lynch, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington: Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration.

United States. (1978). Flood insurance study: Harlan County, Kentucky (unincorporated areas). Washington: Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration.

United States. (1981). Flood insurance study: City of Wallins Creek, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington, D.C.?: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration.

United States. (1981). Flood insurance study: City of Loyall, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington, D.C.?: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration.

United States. (1980). Flood insurance study: City of Evarts, Kentucky, Harlan County. Washington: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration.


Kentucky. (1965). General highway county maps of Kentucky. Place of publication not identified: Kentucky Department of Transportation.


Scott, S. L. (1990). Where there is no middle ground: Community and class consciousness in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Winston, A. R. (2002). Factions and corporate political strategies in Harlan County, Kentucky: Implications for community sustainability


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BIBLIOGRAPHY Harlan County, Kentucky: FILM

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Harlan County, Kentucky: POETRY

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