TAGS: Publications Related Guide, published material, ephemeral literature, scrapbooks, bibliographies, rural settlement school movement, Berea College Southern Appalachian Archives, news articles
The archive at Pine Mountain contains a rich assortment of published material that is related to the School, to its evolving mission, to its institutional associations, and to its history. Some of this literature must be read as part of the value systems of its day but the eclectic publications clearly help to draw out the many contexts in the evolution of the institution. The publications and ephemeral literature found in scrapbooks and in files in the archive are gathered under PUBLICATIONS RELATED GUIDE.
This artificial aggregation of literature not only provides the background of the institution’s development but also serves as a sub-text for regional studies of the Southern Appalachians.
Also included in the PUBLICATIONS RELATED GUIDE are several bibliographies that have an association with the settlement school movement or with other settlement schools in the Southern Appalachians. This small body of work complements the larger holdings found in the Berea College Southern Appalachian Archives.
In addition to the full-text documents, there are news articles and associated lists of materials available to scholars and those interested in discovering the interests of the settlement school staff, administration, and board at specific points in time. The literature is particularly rich in information related to the rural settlement movement.
Only material published before 1924 is represented in full text, due to copyright restrictions on some later publications.
Anon. “Haint Tales in the Community”
Anon. “How Long Fork Began to Play on Sunday.” An article in The Survey, December 15, 1924, on page 333.
Boccardy, Joseph A. and Willard M. Spalding, Jr. Effects of Surface Mining on Fish and Wildlife in Appalachia: A Special Report of the Division of Fishery Services, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, US Department of the Interior, June 8, 1968.
CASTANEA Journal Southern Appalachian Botanical Club. Issues of journals from 1959 to 1981 donated to PMSS by Ellwood J. Carr, Naturalist.
Council of Southern Mountains, Inc. “Authentic Resources Southern Appalachia” – A list of items that could be ordered from the Council of Southern Mountains, published 1963.
Furry, Margaret S. and Bess M. Viemont. “*USDA Home Dyeing With Natural Dyes.” December 1935.
Halbert, Lucy E. “Mountain Children in Kentucky” American Journal of Nursing, Dec. 1922, Vol. XXIII, No. 3. A Hindman Settlement School nurse describes in her article the conditions in and around Hindman. She also elaborates extensively on the companion settlement school at Pine Mountain and its medical outreach and culture.
Harpham, Emily C. “A Day in a Kentucky Mountain School,” College Club of Akron: Bulletin, Dec. 17, 1920. Vol. 2, No. 2. A Coyl Branch School teacher who worked for six weeks in 1920 at Pine Mountain Settlement School’s extension service, Line Fork Settlement, writes about her experiences.
Hussey, Lillian. “Icy End of the Plank,” “Have Heart and Cravin'” and “What is Pine Mountain?”, fundraising articles written by Lillian Hussey, National Director of Beta Sigma Omicron sorority, and published in the Urn, the ΒΣΟ magazine, 1951 and 1952.
Kim, Agnes Davis. Uses of Corn Husks – How To. Industrial Arts Cooperative Service. Located at 519 West 121st St., NYC, 1930s
Kramer, Loren. SIA Settlement Institutions of Appalachia. 1989 A comprehensive inventory, guide and commentary on Settlement Institutions and similar educational and religious settlements throughout the Appalachian region. Full inventory available online. See LOREN KRAMER Staff
Kramer, Loren. SIA SETTLEMENT INSTITUTIONS OF APPALACHIA Inc. Brochure 1970 Serving in Appalachia. See LOREN KRAMER Staff
MacKaye, Marion Morse and Percy MacKaye. 5 poems by Marion and Percy MacKaye “God, Humanity, and the Mountains” : Adventures in Harlan County, Kentucky, when its highlands were at once a new world and an old — all but untouched for two centuries. Survey Graphic, August 1946, p. 287-293, 302. [The first of 3 articles — a second by Mrs. MacKaye; the third, an unpublished sketch by Percy MacKaye of the “Oldest Man in the World”.
Medcalf, Ann Ruth. “In the Line Fork Country.” American Child Health Magazine, Dec. 1924.
Rogers, John Almanza Rowley (1828-1906). Birth of Berea College: A Story of Providence, 1903. Philadelphia: H.T. Coates & Company. (The PMSS Collections holds a badly-damaged copy of this foundational Berea College history book, originally part of the personal collection of Katherine Pettit, PMSS co-founder, Director.) Archival material. Print book and eBook available online, Library of Congress
Semple, Ellen Churchill. PUBLICATIONS RELATED 1901 Ellen Churchill Semple “The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains …” Images and transcriptions of the original article, published in The Geographical Journal [London] for June 1901, by the Royal Geographical Society of London. It is an important window into early interpretation of the culture of the Central Appalachians. Available online, Library of Congress.
Shepherd, Bertha, Dorothy Whiteside, and Labrida Handy. “Little Journeys.” Personal journal of travels to eastern Kentucky, 1921 as well as Canada. Contains illustrations by the author.
Southern Mountain Handicraft Guild. Images and contents of meeting minutes, letters, newsletter, & brochures, 1941-1942.
Southern Mountain Workers. Program for the Twelfth Annual Conference of Southern Mountain Workers, April 8-10, 1924.
Stiles, Dorothy. “Kentucky Travel 1915.” A personal travel narrative of a journey to Eastern Kentucky, 1915.
Stone, Wilmer Viner. Katherine Pettit Dye Book.
U.S. Dept of Interior. Effects of Surface Mining on Fish and Wildlife in Appalachia, 1968.
U.S. Bureau of Education. “Town and Country Nursing Service, Its Purpose and Scope.“ ARC 203, Supersedes ARC 90. August 24, 1917. An early WWI brochure outlining the role of nurses in a rural environment and instrumental in shaping early rural health programs at PMSS.
Wilson, Leonard S. “Settlement Forms in the Northwest Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky,” Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences, Vol. 6, 1938. [Reprint, permission of the author.]
Weidler, Albert G. “Berea’s Program in the Light of Basic Economic Trends and Needs of the Berea Territory.” Study, 1940.
Wilson, Woodrow. “Our Last Frontier.” Berea Quarterly. January 1908, Vol. 11, Issue 4. pp. 5-8. See transcription here: Woodrow Wilson Our Last Frontier [Appalachia].
(Newspapers, newsletters, periodicals, narratives, etc., from scrapbooks are listed below. Selected titles are linked to pages with images and/or transcriptions of the full text on the PMSS website.)
“A Mountain Farm Girl” (1922)
“School for Mountain Folk in Alabama” (1923)
“Asheville Home School.” Asheville Normal (1923)
Hudson, Irene. “School Ma’am of Sandy Ridge” & Response by Evelyn K. Wells (1920-21)
“Danish Educators Take Part in Dedication of Folk School in W.N.C.” (19 ??)
Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs newsletter (1925)
“Doings on Troublesome” by Ethel de Long (1912)
“The English of the Mountaineer” by Henderson Daingerfield Norman (1923)
“Folk Schools [Brasstown] in the Southern Mountains” by Clark (192?)
“A Forgotten People: The Pennsylvania Mountaineer” by Shoemaker (n.d.)
Frost, William. “Our Contemporary Ancestors in the Southern Mountains” by William Frost (1890)
Frost, William. “Educational Rally at Big Stone Gap” ‘Ladder of Success’ speech by William Frost
Frost, William. “Southern Mountaineer: Our Kindred of the Boone and Lincoln Type” by William Frost (1900)
Frost, William. “In the Southern Mountains” by William Frost (1898)
“A Glimpse of the Kentucky Mountains,” about Pine Mountain (1921)
“Highways and Schools Sounding the Death Knell of Mountain Dialect” (n.d.)
McKaye, Percy. “Kentucky Hits Us in Four Places at Once” by Percy McKaye (1924)
“Mountain Music” by Winifried Kirkland (1929)
de Long, Ethel. “Mr. Campbell Once Said … ,” review of The Southern Highlander by Ethel de Long (1911)
Burton, James D. “Pathfinders of the Cumberlands” (1923)
“Indignant Over the Perry County Pardons” (1910) Newspaper article
“On the Banks of the Red Bird” (n.d.)
“Are You Too Old to Learn” [Moonlight Schools] (1920)
Bradley, William Aspenwall. “The Women On Troublesome” 1898
Chaskin, R., & Richman, H.(1992). Concerns about school-linked services. Institution-based versus community-based models. In The future of children: School linked services. 2(1). Center for the
Future of Children, The David and Lucille Packard Foundation.107-117.
Dodd, A. (1949). [Letter dated April 5, 1949] announcing Pine Mountain Settlement closing of its high school
See Also:
BOOKS That Mention PMSS
ETHEL S. NORTON Scrapbook and Photograph Album Part 1
ETHEL S. NORTON Scrapbook and Photograph Album Part 2
ETHEL S. NORTON Scrapbook and Photograph Album Part 3
ETHEL S. NORTON Scrapbook and Photograph Album Part 4
LOCAL HISTORY SCRAPBOOK Guide 1920-1980 (Selected items – full text)
PUBLICATIONS Related – Overview