BIOGRAPHY PMSS Workers Guide 1913 to Present

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
PMSS Workers Guide 1913 to Present
Staff Lists and Links to Biographies

BIOGRAPHY PMSS Workers Guide 1913 to Presen

48 Full PMSS Staff photograph. Bramlett Album II. Staff 1947: Kingsbury; Gladys Hill; H.R.S. Benjamin; Mrs. Benjamin; Peter Barry; Alice Cobb; Abbie Christensen; Willis; Sparrow; Dorothy La Rue; Glenn La Rue. Front row: Mr. Henderson; Dr. Henderson; Miss Cold; Dorothy Nace; Margaret Nace; Ruth Creech; Georgia Dodd ; Birdena Bishop. [ser_19_workers_misc_groups_0048.jpg]

TAGS: Lists of PMSS staff, original PMSS staff list 1913-1930, updated PMSS staff list, PMSS workers guide 1913 to present

BIOGRAPHY PMSS Workers 1913 to Present Guide

[NOTE: Table may not display properly on MOBILE DEVICES]

The PMSS WORKERS 1913 TO PRESENT GUIDE contains the following two staff lists:


The above list, compiled by Evelyn Wells in 1930, contains the names of workers at Pine Mountain Settlement School from 1913 until 1930. The list is not complete, as a few workers had very brief stays at the School and may not be represented on the list. 

From 1913 to 1930, 191 workers stayed only a year at the School. Workers with the longest length of service were, Miss Pettit and Miss de Long (Zande), with 15 years each. Miss Ruth Gaines, housekeeper and dietitian had 18 years and Evelyn Wells, secretary, had 13 years. And both their tenures continued beyond 1930. Leon Deschamps, farmer, forester and teacher, was at Pine Mountain for 9 years and Wilmer Stone, housemother, and Marguerite Butler, teacher and extension worker, were each in residence for 8 years. Most workers came for about two to three years during the early period of the School’s history and some were only summer workers, as the list indicates.

UPDATED STAFF LIST (Flat File) 1913-Present (1,009 records)

[NOTE: *Asterisk indicates Former Student. Click or tap on linked (underlined) names for more information about the individual. Titles such as Miss, Mrs., Rev. and Dr. (except for “Mr.”) have been added when that information was available.]

last name 1st & other names job title(s) description/notes pine mt year(s) 
Abbott Anna Office Help For a few months 1924
Abbott Miss Lois Assistant
Didn’t like the work Sep-28
Adams Caroline Housemother 1921
Adams Miss Henrietta Worker 1929-1930
Adams Miss Mary E.; SEE Link, Mrs. Mary
Adams Mary Louise Intern Feb – May 1982
Adams Nancy Director 2002 – 2013
Aibi (Albl?) Miss Jasmine Home Ec. Teacher; Practice Housemother Spring term 1933
Aims Miss Idaline Secretary 1931-1932
Alderman Mrs. Alice Big Laurel Length of PMSS service
2 years
Alexander Susie Intern Mar – May 1981
Algava Alisa Intern Spring 1991
Allen June; SEE Fisher, Mrs. Douglas
Allen, Jr. Mrs. Barbara; Mrs. Collin F. Allen Jr. SEE Spelman, Miss Barbara F. Bookkeeper 1940-1942
Allender William E. Trustee 1978-
Altemus Claudia Intern 1980; Mar – May
Ambrose Colleen Trustee Class of 2010; Committees:
Community Resources & Services, Development &
Public Relations
Ames Miss Agnes Secretary 1931
Anderson Al Teacher, Environ.
Posslbly husband of Betty
Aug 1984 – Summer
Anderson* Miss Anna; Mrs. Gibbey Erwin Weaving at Med.
Settlement (with
Chloe Smith);
tried to start a
business at Glyn Morris’ urging, but was
Pine Mt. Settlement School Graduate; father was PMSS night watchman; sister had leukemia & Bill Hayes donated blood to her. 1937-1939
Anderson Miss Astrid Bookkeeper 1928-1929
Anderson Mrs. Bette; Mrs. Al Anderson Teacher,
Birth Date: Jan 15, 1950 July 1984 – Christmas
Anderson Jonathon Coordinator,
Birth Date: June 17, 1945 July 1984 – ?
Andrews Alice Housemother Summer or part-time worker. 1917-1921
Angel August David Teacher/Print Shop;
Science Teacher
1933-1937, 1941-
Angel Patrick N. Member, Bd of Trustees; Cmtes in 2000: Building & Grounds, Education Programs August & Susie Angel’s son 2000-2007
Angel* Mrs. Susie (Hall); Mrs. August Angel Teacher; Housemother 1933-1937
Appleburry L. A. Teacher Antioch Student 1932-1933
Areson Carl Supervisor of Power Plant; Teacher: Mechanics Antioch Graduate Jul 1939 – Apr 1941
Areson Mrs. Carl Boys’ House Mother Part of this time; dropped
hollyhock seeds on campus,
still blooming in 2008; After PMSS, taught High School at Evarts, KY
Jul 1939 – Apr 1941
Argetsinger Glenn Antioch Teacher (app) 1928-1930
Arny Malcolm Student Counselor;
Teacher of Civics, Current History, etc.
Glyn Morris sent Fern Hayes &
Georgia Dodd to assist with Arny’s secretarial tasks.
Arny Mrs. Martha Ann; SEE Keen, Miss Martha Ann
Atkins Miss Mary Teacher, Dom.
Inactive 1920-1921
Atwell Miss Gladys Volunteer – Medical
Died Feb. 1943 1935-1937
Austin Miss Louise Teacher Aug 1954 – June 1956
Ayars Mrs. Rebecca Caudill Honorary Member,
Bd of Trustees
Good friend of Mary Rogers;
known by pen name, Rebecca
Caudill; wrote many important
books about Appalachia
Ayers Miss Georgia; SEE Dodd, Mrs Arthur
Ayers* Miss Joan; Mrs. Burton Houseman Office 1935-1936; Bookkeeper 1936 – July 1939 Born in 1916; Oldest of 6 sisters; Coal miner’s daughter; sister of Georgia Ayers Dodd & Matty Ayers (Paul Hayes’ wife);  PMSS Graduate 1935; best friend of Fern Hayes; lived in Infirmary upstairs ; After PMSS, attended Dennison College, OH, then Yale Divinity School. 1935-1939
Baber Miss Emma Teacher 1923-1924
Babson H. Housemother 1918
Bailey Dr. Clark Doctor; Advisory Board; Member, Bd of Trustees Physician for PMSS 1940s
Bailey Sarah Worker Craftswoman; member of the
community; folk savvy; friend of Millie Mahoney & Mary Rogers.
Baird Lexine Nurse 1932-1934 &1935-1936; Medical Settlement 1934-1935 Knows all about flowers, plants,
wild things; Everyone liked her;
Cared for Fern Hayes when she
had scarlet fever.
June or July 1932
to June 1936
Baker Mrs. Lutrella; Mrs. Richard E. Baker Line Fork Medical
Aug 37-Apr 41
Oct 41-Aug 48
Aug 49-Mar 50
Bakers’ son died of appendicitis
when no doctor was available.
Daughter was named Mary Sue.
Baker Martin Night Watchman Lived in old farmhouse on
Shell Farm
1943, 1944
Baker Rev. Richard E. SEE ALSO Baker, Lutrella Line Fork Medical
Aug 37-Apr 41;
Oct 41-Aug 48;
Aug 49-Mar 50
Sister: Aberta Abler, (Ahler?)
Box 5102, Fountain City, TN
Baldi Gia Intern EE ? Jan – May? 1984
Baler Miss Golda; SEE Mrs. Pensol, Golda
Ball Mrs. D. B.; Miss Addie Bell Housemother Inactive, married, address
Ball Mr. W. W. Trustee 1940s
Barber Miss Ruth; Mrs. L.A. McLaughlin Teacher 1919
Barker Lucy Teacher, Remedial
Barnes Maude ? Summer 1927
Barrett Liz Intern Spring 1978
Barron Miss Annie L. Worker Mail returned Nov 1935; Card
removed from active file and
plate from mailing list
Barry Alice Community School
1945, 1946
Barry Peter Stuyvesant Teacher of Science, Dramatics, Social Studies; Athletics, Grounds Wife: Alice Scoville; may have
been a Quaker. had a religious
session at Open House. Lived in
Old Log. His nephew, Sam
Scoville, attended Duke Univ &
became professor at Warren
Wilson College. Sons, Frank
(oldest) & David: David became
screenwriter & wrote scripts for
“Cops” & others. Daughter,
Roxanna, was born at PMSS &
wrote definitive bio of
Georgia O’Keeffe.
1944, 1945, 1946, 1947
Bartlett Mrs. B.M.; SEE ALSO Merrill, Miss Josephine (sister) Housemother Practice House, Far House, Boys House; Housemother & Dietitian Laurel House 1935-1936 Is now librarian in Newport 1930(?)-1936
Bartlett Miss Helen; Mrs. Norman Johnson Secretary 1943, 1944
Bartnik George Teacher, Environ.
Sept 1981 – Sept 1982
Bassett Kendall Teacher; Member, Advisory Board Antioch Coop; produced many
photographs of the school.
Batcheldor Miss Alice Summer Worker Summer 1923
Bates Mrs. Searl; Miss Lilliath Robbins Teacher; Housemother $30 in 1925; Length of PMSS
service 3(?) years
Batson Steve Intern Jan term & Spring 1980
Battles Margaret ? Summer 1927
Baugh Jesse Farmer Farmer after McSwain in
early years
Baugh Mrs. Jesse Teacher, Domestic
Beals Dr. Lester H. Doctor Doctor April 23, 1942, to
approx. August 1942
Becker R.N. Miss Ada Second Nurse Oct 1947 – Sept 1948
Beeler* Miss Lucille Kitchen 1943-1944
Begley Ben; SEE ALSO Pat Begley Teacher, Environ.
Mar 1986 – current
Begley Louise Laurel House First semester. 1945
Begley Mrs. Pat; Mrs. Ben Begley Teacher, Environ.
Mar 1986 – current
Belknap Mrs. William B.; Miss Helen Strong Teacher $5 – $10 a year till 1929 1916-1918 (?)
Bell Miss Addie; SEE Ball, Mrs. D.B.
Belser Rob Teacher, Environmental Education, 1976-1977; Intern, 1975 Mar – May 1975;
Jan 1976 – May 1977
Benedict Miss Imogene; SEE Costello, Mrs. Imogene
Benedict Jill Teacher, Environmental Education, Feb – Mar 1981; Intern, Jan Term 1980, Jan Term 1981 1980 Jan Term; 1981
Jan Term; Feb &
Mar 1981
Benjamin Mr. H.R.S. Director, 1944-1949 Came to PMSS from China
where he was missionary.
Son, Steve, killed in South
Pacific in WWII; after PMSS,
bought a little farm in AR.
Benjamin Mrs. H. ? 1944-1945
Berry Chad Member, Bd
of Trustees
Class of 2009; Committees:
Educational & Development & Public Relations
Best Dr. Bill Member at Large,
Bd of
Graduate of Berea College;
wrote 2-3 books; coordinator for
Berea’s Outward Bound;
excellent swimmer
Bicknell Mrs. Barbara; SEE Coots, Mrs. John Medical Settlement
Glyn Morris sent her to Medical
Settlement where she met Coots (or Turner?); left PMSS &
had big family.
Bidstrup Mrs. Marguerite;
Mrs. George
Bidstrup; OR SEE
Butler, Miss
Teacher, Housemother, Office, Special Asst to deLong to oversee & assist in building of Line Fork Medical Settlement. Later, part owner of Open House; Line Fork Medical Settlement; Extension Worker Had scholarship to Denmark
1923 from a Scandinavian Fdn
while at PMSS; After PMSS,
married George Bidstrup. farmer at John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown. NC; major player at J.C.Campbell Folk School; PMSS has extensive collection of her letters. Close friend of de Long.
1914-1922; 1969-1970
Bilbrey Miss Daisy; Mrs. Hancock Fireside Industries Inactive. 1921-1922
Binford Miss Myra Dietitian Brother’s Home: Guilford College, NC; Replaced by Louise Fliermans Sept 1947-Apr 1950
Bingham Miss Alice G. Line Fork Medical
Summer 1925
Bingham, Sr. Barry Honorary Member,
Bd of Trustees
Bird Mrs. ? Nurse Replaced Bohnenblust. 1955
Bird Miss Sylvia Housemother, Laurel
two comforts 1934 1933-1934
Bishop B. Kitchen “Left.” 1945-1946?
Bishop Mrs. Birdena Community Group
1942, 1944
Bishop Miss Evangeline Teacher Inactive since 1926 1913
Bishop Mrs. Gordon Teacher, Community Group ‘Coordinator’ 1940-1944; Dietitian 1944-1946 Sister: Mrs. Peter Heinz; Jane
Bishop Hobgood’s mother.
Blackburn Miss Mary Bookkeeper Gave 1919-1920 1919-1920
Blackwell ? Housemother 1916
Bladiston Sky Intern Spring 1992
Blaisdell Mrs. William; SEE Jenkins, Miss Barbara
Blodgett Mrs. Joann; Mrs. Tom Blodgett Intern 1977
Blodgett Tom Teacher, Environ.
Sept 1977 – Feb 1979
Blomberg Roberta; Robbie Teacher, Environ.
March 1973 – June
1973; 1974
Boggs Alvin Director, 1973-1983; Vocational – Recreational Community Projects 1955 1955- ;1973-1983
Boggs* Boyd Maintenance 1973-1974
Boggs Bruce Intern Interned for 12 weeks. 1978
Boggs Donny Maintenance Matt Boggs’ son. Birth Date:
Aug 02, 1959
June 1985 – 1986?
Boggs Miss Ila; Ila Boggs Turner Kitchen Assistant Daughter of Abner Boggs;
1941, 1942, 1943
Boggs Matthew; Matt Farm in 1940s; Grounds; Night Watchman 1973-1974; Teacher, Environmental Education 1987 – Summer 1990 Married Mae Huff Boggs, who
died of cancer; 2 children, Donny & girl; lived in the Cabin; As of 2008 was living in Charles & Ruth Smith Creech’s house, which was purchased by PMSS from the Creeches. Birth Date: Jan 13, 1930.
Boggs Mrs. Ruth; Mrs. Alvin Boggs Teacher & Community Projects 1955-1963?; Supervisor of Laurel House & Guest House; Bookkeeper 1973-1974 Also,  Laurel House in 1963 1955-1963?;
Bohnenblust R.N. Miss Sadie Nurse: Sept 1952-1955; Supervisor of Nurses: May 1955-Aug 1955 Daughter was Bonnie; Lived in
Far House; She did public health
nursing; friend of Atha Stall.
Bolles Miss  Dorothy Dancing Length of PMSS service: 6 years;
Summer or part-time worker.
OR 1923-1928?
Bouma Mrs. Jill Trustee Class of 2008; Committees:
Community Resources & Services, Development & Public Relations
Boyd Dr. Tom Member at Large,
Bd of Trustees
Bradner Miss Harriet Farm Inactive 1915
Bradner Ruth Housekeeper 1915
Branan Bill Teacher,
Environmental Educ.
Aug 1974 – Jun 1976
Branan Mrs. Laura Nell Branan; Mrs. Bill Branan Intern 1974
Brewster Miss Margery Teacher Inactive; Length of PMSS service
2 years
Briggs Miss Annie Hospital Helper Spent non-resident term helping
in hospital
Jan-Mar 1949
Briscoe Mrs. Helen Nurse 1918
Brockschlager (Brookschlager?) Miss Anna On P.M. Campus Winter 1924-1925; Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1926-1928; Outdoor Worker 1926-1928 Miss Pettit says never have her
here or ask her to give
OR 1926-1928?
Brooks ? Housemother 1920
Brooks Miss Susan M.; Miss Susie Brooks Weaving Teacher Had a “blue pot” – a blue dye for
wool containing bran, indigo, etc., that needed to kept at constant temp. Located in Girls’ Industrial where the weaving room was.
1933-June 1936
Brosheer Miss Elizabeth Little School 1933-1934
Brown Mrs. ? ? 1948-1949
Brown Miss Anna Housemother Gave $15 in 1926 1925
Brown Miss Carrie M. Big Log Housemother Jan 1949-June 1949
Brown Dr. Gordon Doctor July 1940-Nov 1951
Brown Mrs. Ralph Wheeler; Miss Nell E. Mann Summer Worker Summer 1920
Browning Asbel Maintenance 1973-1974; Superintendent 1986-? Birth Date: Aug 02, 1931 May 1968-?; 1973-
1974; 1986-?
Browning Bill Farmer First farmer at PMSS; native of
Perry Co; attended Berea College?
Browning Mrs. Bill; Miss Louise Will Music Teacher; Housemother 1921-1929
Browning Lorraine Domestic, Laurel
House/West Wind
Birth Date: Feb 08, 1937 Oct 1968 – 1986?
Browning Mr. Marsh Miner Related to Bill Browning; Lived
at head of Little Laurel;
Committed suicide due to
poor health.
1943, 1944
Bryant Miss Katherine Housemother Inactive 1921
Bryant Mrs. Louis Housemother 1921
Buchan Miss Evelyn Office Inactive 1916
Buchanan Maggie Teacher, Environ.
Feb – Aug 1981
Buffum Miss Laura C. Domestic Science Teacher One semester 1932
Bunch* Mrs. Hayes; Miss Chloe Smith Assistant to Dietitian 1933-1937; Kitchen & Dining Room; Weaving at Medical Settlement 1938-1939 See Anderson, Anna; Was married at PMSS Chapel; She & her sister Gola came from Leatherwood in Perry County, KY 1933-1939
Burchfield Stephanie Volunteer May 6-28, 1973 or 1974 May 1973 or 1974
Burden Jess Teacher, Mechanics Came from Berea, KY; Lived in Old Log 1941-1942
Burden Mrs. Jess Teacher, Home
Burdine* Howard Farm Manager Came from Berea, KY; one of first 2 graduates from Pine Mt. The other was Charlie Cornett; Developed a
new variety of sweet corn.
June 1935 – July 1937
Burdine Mrs. Howard; Miss Edrye Willson Housemother, Farm
House; Teacher of Geometry
June 1935-1937
Burger Miss Sallie Teacher $25 in 1931 Aug 1925 – May 1927
Burkhard Mrs. Esther Weller Teacher, Little School 1936; Counselor 1937-1940 From Antioch College; Home was in St. Joseph. MO. Her first
daughter, Eleanor, was born
at PMSS.
Burkhard Fred J. Teacher, Printing Earned B.A. at Berea College;
Came from Louisville
Courier; After PMSS, lived in
KS for awhile then founded
Casey County News; His aunt
taught at Buckhorn Boarding
Sept 1937 – June 1940
Burks Miss Marguerite Teacher; Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1923
Burns Carol Librarian Substitute 1968
Burns Mrs. Martha Dairy After PMSS, ran farm at Hindman Settlement School. 1921, 1925-1930
Burtard Joann Volunteer May 6-18, 1973-1974 May 1973-1974
Butler Miss Alice Teacher; Housemother $5 AS 1920
Butler Amy Environmental Education; Library Sept 1973 – Apr 1974
Butler Miss Harriet Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
$3 in 1916; Marguerite Butler’s
Butler Miss Marguerite;
SEE Bidstrup,
Mrs. Marguerite
Butler Harriet ? Length of PMSS service 5 years ?
Butler Dr. Willis H. Member, General
Advisory Board
Butman Mrs. Robert; Olive Dame Coolidge Asst to Nurse Sept 1941 – Feb 1942
(or Mar 1942?)
Byrd Dexter Teacher, 10th Grade Replaced by Tootell, then
E. Henderson.
Sept 1954 – June 1957
Byrd Mrs. Dexter; Joyce Gilliam Nurse Sept 1955 – Jun 3 1957
Cain R.N. Elizabeth Asst to Miss Rood Berea graduate 1940
Caldwell Miss Helen Apparently a Secretary July 1928 – Jan 1928
Callahan Boone C. Woodworking; Repairs From Berea College & Bradley
Institute; Daughter, Virginia,
had scarlet fever same time
as Fern Hayes.
Campbell Mrs. Cora Lee; Campbell, Mrs. Gerna Teacher, 5th & 6th grades Came from Perry Co; Had one child, Barbara. After PMSS, taught at school in Harlan. Aug 1953-1965
Campbell Mr. Gerna Principal; Teacher, 7th & 8th grades Aug 1953-1965
Campbell Miss Ruth E. Secretary; Teacher Member, Advisory Bd 1927-1931
Canterbury Miss Edith R. Teacher 1916-1918? or
Cardwell Miss Susie Lee; SEE Kendricks, Mrs. Susie Lee
Carpenter Miss Valley Little Laurel Inactive 1927-1929
Carter Mrs. Lillard Housemother Brief stay 1932
Cartosian Karoun Teacher,
Aug 1982 – Aug 1986
Cary Hazel Teacher 1919-1920
Cassell Mrs. Elmer; SEE Heatherly, Miss Mary Lou
Cathcart Miss Celia; Mrs. Caryl Holton OR Mrs. Celia Cathcart Holton Teacher 1915, 1918-1919; Member, Bd of Trustees until 1935 Traveled and spoke for road;
Length of PMSS service 3 years
1915, 1918-1919
Caudill William Interim Director; Member, Bd of Trustees 2000- Served as Director between
Robin Lambert & Nancy Adams;
2000 Bd Cmtes: Community
Resources & Services,
Building & Grounds
Cawood Edward Treasurer, BOT 1979-
Centers* Miss Mildred Irene Hospital First semester. 1945
Chang Mr. Fu Liang Research Was a forester; Lived in The
Cabin (where the men gathered
to smoke after meals).
Chang Mrs. Louise; Mrs. Fu Liang Chang; Miss Louise Huie Research 1951
Chase Richard; “Uncle Dick” Community
Programs: Prod. Mummer’s Play,
led singing, told
tales, etc,
Helped edit 1952 Calendar;
Folklorist; Wrote “The
Grandfather Tales” and
“The Jack Tales”
Dec 1948 – Mar 1949
Cheek Pauline Intern June 1985
Cheney Frank Woodwork Shop Was prisoner of war with
Japanese during WWII; Adopted a German boy who became a bank examiner. After PMSS, taught in Dayton, KY, at a high
Childs Miss Alberta Housemother; Teacher Length of PMSS service 2 years 1923-24 1924-1925?
Chipman Remembrance Intern Spring 1976; Sept –
Dec 1976
Christensen Miss Abby (Abbie) Winch [“Winnie”] Housemother, Far House 1924-1948; Craft Teacher (Weaving) Dec 1944 – Jun 1949; Dancing 1933-on; Mechanical Drawing 1944-1945; Craft Teacher (Weaving) Dec 1944 – Jun 1949 1924-1949
Christiansen Aggie [same as Abby] Secretary ?
Clarke (Clark?) Miss Mary Eliza; Mrs. Wilbur Summer Worker 1921
Clopton Connie Intern  Aug 1985 – May 198 (?)
Clouse John ? Antioch Coop 1930-1931
Cobb Miss Alice; Dr. Alice Cobb Teacher; Secretary, Publicity  1932-1937, 1942-1943; Member, Bd of Trustees 1983- Became Honorary Trustee;
Author of numerous children’s
books; friend of Mary Rogers;
traveled for Glyn Morris on
fundraising trips; After PMSS,
taught at a TN college.
1932-1937; 1942-1943,
Cold Miss Bertha Dietitian Student at Pratt Institute;
sister of Edith Cold.
June 1933 – June 1935
Cold Miss Edith Group B Teacher of English 1934-1947; reading Bible & history 1942-1943; Librarian 1940-1947 Earned A.B. at Hilsdale College
and M.A. at Univ. of Mich;
sister of Bertha Cold
Collier Susan Intern Summer 1978
Collins Miss Alice Teacher Inactive mail returned 1930 1921-1922
Collins Miss Emma Asst to Mrs. Gaines Inactive 1916
Collins Mrs. Mary; Mrs. William Collins Teacher, 2nd & 3rd
1954; Sept 1956;1957
Collins William; Edward; W.E.; Ed  Teacher, 9th Grade Daughter was Gwynn; lived in
Old Log
Sept 1954 – June 1957
Combs Mrs. Bertha Housekeeper at Med.
Settlement, Big Laurel
June – Oct 1930
Comer Mrs. John P.; SEE Garfield, Miss Lucretia
Congleton Mrs. Ray; SEE Hepler, Miss Jane
Conkey Albert Teacher of History, Social Studies; Librarian 1940-1947 Antioch Coop; brought Cairns
(Skye terriers) to PMSS for
Conley Mrs. Mariana; Mrs. Vernon Conley Teacher; Bookkeeper Also, secretary? In 1963;
Returned in 1969
1961- 1963?; 1969
Conley Vernon Teacher, Environ. Education – part-time. 1970s 1968 Study Year; Returned
in 1969
1961?;1969; Summer
1971- May 1974
Conn Miss Hilda; SEE Corbin, Mrs. R. Alexander
Conner Miss Jessie Teacher $5 – 1928 and 1929 1921
Conquist Mrs. Frances Palmer; SEE Palmer, Miss Frances
Cook, Sr. Mrs. James Summer
Cooke Clella Teacher, Environ.
Intervention Program 1987
Coolidge Miss Margaret; Mrs. Robert Sturtevant Girl Scouts, etc.; Office Related to U.S. President Calvin
Coolidge (?); Summer or part-time worker; Length of PMSS service 3 years; Helped at PMSS early spring 1957; Summer or
part-time worker
3 months in 1922;
Coolidge Miss Olive; SEE Butman, Mrs. Robert
Cooper Miss Margaret S. Housemother Gave books in 1925 1925
Coors (Koors?) Karen Intern Summer 1989(?)
Coots Mrs. John; Miss Barbara Bicknell Social Worker; Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1935 – Jan 1937
Corbin Mrs. R. Alexander; Miss Hilda Conn Bookkeeper; Teacher One time she did a modern dance on the Burkham Schoolhouse stage along with Barbara Faulkner, as a demonstration. Sept 1929 – 1931
Cornett Jess Night Watchman & Groundskeeper 1940s; Maintenance 1970s Had a little general store just
outside PMSS gate; Married Sally Wilder, sister of Brit Wilder.
1941-1942; 1973-1974
Cornett Mrs. Sally; Mrs. Jess Cornett Laundry; Housemother, Big Log; Relief 1941, 1942, 1943
Corsi Miss Mary Summer Recreation 1951
Costello Mrs. Imogene; Miss Imogene Benedict Asst to Miss Gaines Inactive; removed from
ml 1927
Couch Judy Maintenance Part-time. Nov 1985 – 1986?
Cox Miss Ruth Summer Worker Teaches in Somerset. KY 1925
Craft Mrs. Virginia Summer Worker 1918
Craig Cuba Trustee 1980s
Crawford Mrs. Elizabeth; SEE McBride, Miss Elizabeth M.
Crawford Rev. Glenn Line Fork Medical
Fall 1943 – Apr 1944
Crawford Mrs. Glenn Line Fork Medical
Fall 1943 – Apr 1944
Crawford May Catlin Housemother
at Far House
Sept 1943 – Dec 1943
Crawford Roy Trustee Class of 2008: Committees:
Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Building &
Creaghead Miss Elizabeth Summer Worker Wrote 1934 asking that no further mail be sent her – gave no address. She is no longer at
Covington, where we have been
sending literature.
Creech Mrs. Emily (Emma); (Jane); Miss Emily Hiss ; Mrs. Columbus Creech Assistant in Kitchen 1921-1923, 1925-1928; Kitchen Summer 1933, 1934; Housemother 1931-1932 From Jeff, Perry Co., KY; Worked with Miss Gaines in the kitchen. 1921-1923; 1925-1928;
1931-1932; 1933, 1934
Creech Miss Evelyn; Mrs. William Johnson Kitchen – Dietitian Charles Creech’s sister. Aug 1943 – Jan 1944
Creech James Charles Maintenance; Farm Henry & Ruth Creech’s son; Uncle Wm’s grandson. Born in Pine Mt. Community. Friend of Bill Hayes. He bought & built house on Creech farm, which PMSS bought. Matt Boggs lived there next, later Judy Lewis. Oct 1950 – Nov 1951
Creech Kermit Trustee 1980s
Creech Mrs. Ruth; Miss Ruth Smith; Mrs. James Charles Creech English Teacher & Office Help, Mar 1946 – May 1947; Teacher 2nd – 3rd Grades; Librarian in 1955-1957 Mar 1946 –  May 1947,
1952; 1955-1957
Creech Mrs. Sally Dixon; Miss Sally Dixon; “Aunt Sal” Donor Wife of William Creech 1910s
Creech William; “Uncle William” Donor Donated original tract of land to PMSS; First cousin to Fern Hayes’ grandfather; mother (Sara or Sally) was a Campbell. 1912- ?
Cross Mrs. J.F.; Miss L. Elizabeth Lyman Teacher, Community
Group & Business
Sept 1939 – June 1940
Crutchfield Miss Harriet Teacher; Advisory Board 1929-1930
Crutchfield James S. Chairman, Bd of Trustee; President of Board 1941-1944? Director of American Fruit
Growers Inc.
Culbreth Elizabeth (SEE ALSO Vanderstar, Elizabeth) Trustee Class of 2009; Committees:
Educational, Development &
Public Relations (Chair); 2000 Bd
Cmtes: Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Development &
Public Relations; Married to John
Vanderstar, chief legal counsel
for NFL
Cumisk Gary Teacher, Environmental
Intervention Program Jan-84
Cunningham Miss Mary Dancing; Advisory Board Related to Merce Cunningham??; Length of
PMSS service 5(?) years; Summer or part-time worker.
1923; 1925-1928
Curell Trudi Secretary 1973-1974
D. (?) Martha Intern Apr 1974 – May 1974
Dabney Edward S. Honorary Member,
Bd of Trustees
Dadourian Mrs. Harountune;
Miss Ruth
Outdoor Worker $5 – $2 until 1924 1916
Dalton Mark Teacher, Environmental
EE Coordinator, Feb –
Sept 1981; Intern,
Spring 1978
Spring 1978; Jan term
1979; Mar 1980 – Sept
Damon Mrs. William; Miss Verna Floeter Weaving 1936-1937
Dana Mary H. Office 1914
Daniels Miss Florence Fireside Industries; Weaving 1925-1928
Danner Miss Ruth Second Nurse 1944-1945
Darracott Miss Nell Office Inactive, whereabouts unknown 1921-1922
Davies Miss Ellen Teacher in charge of Line Fork Medical Settlement Narrator or writer of
“Impressions at Line Fork”; After PMSS, returned to Chicago.
Davis Miss Clara Reed; Mrs. Henry W. Davis Nurse 1913-1915
Davis Miss Louie Housemother 1929-1931; Housemother West Wind 1947-1949 Emergency:  Mrs. W.C. Fields Jr.,
Simpsonville, KY
1929-1931; 1947-1949
Davis Mary Line Fork Medical
Davis Miss Rachel Housemother, Big Log: Office Returned another year to Big Log while Miss Pettit took world tour; Length of PMSS service 3 years. 1924-1926
Dayhuff Miss Helen; Mrs. Helen Utterback Housemother; Temporary Worker in Neighborhood Salary paid by Beta Sigma
Omicron: Length of PMSS service 2 (?) years.
De Berry Mrs. Elliott; Miss Erica Thorp Teacher; Advisory Board Died Feb 1943 1916-1917
De Vries Miss Johanna Nurse Dec 1934 – June 1935
Deaton John H. Trustee 1978-
de Long Miss Ethel; Mrs. Luigi Zande Co-Director; Co-Founder; Member, Bd of Trustees: Member, General Advisory Board; Executive Committee Graduate of Smith College;
Co-Director with Katherine Pettit during foundation years. Born 1878; Died 1928.
Dennis Miss Ruth Langtry; Mrs. John Clifford Line Fork Medical Settlement; Advisory Board Arranges meetings. “A Chicago girl, the Head Social worker of the Lime (sic) Fork Settlement.” Did “social upbuilding of the
community”. (per Ellen Davies’ narrative); Length of PMSS service 4(?) years; Summer or part-time worker.
1920, 1923, 1927-1928
Denton Miss Blanche Teacher 1927-1929
Deschamps Leon F. Teacher 1918-1924; Forestry/Farm 1916-1927 Length of PMSS service: 9 (?)
years [Should be 11 years?]
1916-1927, 1918-1924
Deutsch Ann Teacher, Environmental
Jan 1983 – Aug 1983
Dickason Miss Miriam Summer Worker $5.00 in 1913 1920
Dieter Mrs. John P.; SEE Shuler, Miss Ruth
Dodd* Mrs. Georgia; Miss Georgia Ayers; Mrs. Arthur Dodd Community Worker; Housemother, Big Log Sept 1938-1940: West Wind 1942-1944; Dietitian Sept 1950-1951 Daughter, Elizabeth Oaks Dodd, was born at PMSS in 1943. After PMSS, was dietitian at Ganado Mission, AZ 1938-1951
Dodd, Jr. Arthur W. Principal 1934-1949; 2 years as Business Manager; Acting Director at various times, including 1942; Teacher Music & Science 1932-1934; History; Printing Pianist. Earned B.A. at Berea
College & Masters at Columbia
Univ in NYC. After PMSS, was
school principal at Ganado
Mission, AZ.
Dorsey Clarence Farm 1919
Dorsey Mrs. Dorsey Farm 1919
Dougherty Marguerite Teacher 1923
Douglas Sid Trustee Bd Cmte:  Planning 1980s
Douglass Miss Grace; Mrs. T. Guy Fortney Summer Worker Helped with errands in Harlan. 1919
Doyle Mrs. Leonard; Miss Mary Alice Parro Commercial Teacher 1933-1934; Substitute for Secy 1934 Summer Antioch Coop. 1933-1934
Doyle Mike Intern Jan 2000
Dunbar Miss Minnie Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
$10 in 1924 1921-1923
Dunn Miss Colette Secretary Dec 1928 for most of a year 1928
Durgin Helen Housemother 1918-1919
Easton Miss Merle Medical Settlement Feb to July 1935
Eaton R.N. Miss Joann (Joan?) Hospital Oct 1950 – Sept 1952
Eberhardt Mrs. Ann Angel; Mrs. Ann Angel Bissell Member, Bd of Trustees; Assisted Helen Hayes Wykle with archiving & digitizing PMSS historical materials. 2004 – current (2020) BOT Class of 2010; Committees:
Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Development & Public Relations; Daughter of August & Susie Angel, former PMSS staff; sister of Pat Angel, former Trustee.
2004 – current (2020)
Edgerton Miss Lillian Summer Worker 1921; In charge of Line Fork Medical Settlement 1921 “…An attractive Quaker girl”, per Ellen Davies in her narration, “Impressions at Line Fork” 1921
Edinger Miss Betty; Catherine Elizabeth Edinger Secretary to Director,
Elliott Harold Doctor; Substitute – Temporary Summer 1949, 1950
Ellis Mrs. Ada L.; Mrs. D.M. Parker Teacher, Grades 4 & 5 1952-1953
Elsmith Mrs. Leonard; Miss Dorothy Olcott Trustee Mrs. Elsmith & her children
donated to renovation of
swimming pool in 1938-1939.
She was chairman of committee to supervise a Silver Jubilee Benefit Performance in NYC in
1938 to celebrate PMSS’s 25th anniversary.
Emerson Miss Marguerite Country Cottage $5.00 AS to 1929 1926-1928
Engberg Miss Sara; Mrs. Arthur H. Etzold Outdoor Worker 1917
Epler Dr. Blanch Summer Worker Inactive. mail returned 1924 1914, 1915
Epstein Miss Esther Music Teacher Gift 1936 1930-1932
Ermatinger Jeff Intern Feb – June 1982
Esau R.N. Miss Betty Nurse Home: Hillsboro, KS 1949; Summers 1951,
Estabrook Mrs. Arthur E.; Miss Anne Ruth Medcalf Nurse, Line Fork
Medical Settlement
Etzold Mrs. Arthur H.; SEE Engberg, Miss Sara
Evans Marc Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Committees:
Educational & Building &
Grounds; Wrote book on rare
wildflowers & “Biodiverse Atlas of KY”
Everitt Evelyn Teacher 1925
Eversole McClellan Teacher; Director of Athletics Antioch Coop; Length of PMSS service 2 (?) years Sept 1925 to Dec 1926
Fagg Mrs. Elias B. Summer Worker Inactive 1918
Fagg Helen Summer Worker Graduate of Boston School of Art; Hoed corn all summer. 1918
Fall Alice Funk Intern Spring 1977
Faraday Sue Intern Aug – Nov 1982
Faulkner James L. Auto-mechanics & Power Plant 1933-1937 Antioch Student 1930-1931 1930-1937
Faulkner Mrs. James L.; SEE Wilbur, Miss Barbara
Fawcett Miss Edna Teacher; Housemother, Farm $10.00 AS 1926-1934; Length of PMSS service 3 years 1917-1919
Fay Miss Judith Volunteer Worker Jan – May 1937
Fearington Miss Connie; Connie Fearington Brosi Teacher Former Director Geoff Marietta’s mother-in-law. 1965
Fecker Miss Rose L. Supervisor of Nurses Replaced Miss Snyder in June
Apr 1953 – May 1955
Feeman Kim Intern Jan Term 1978
Felde Marcella High School Teacher 1958-
Fenn Miss Lois Dietitan 1942-1943; Summer Housemother 1947 1942, 1943, 1947, 1948
Fenster Emily Intern Fall 1989
Fields Mrs. ? Supervisor of Teachers at Line Fork Settlement School; Trustee of Line Fork Settlement School c.1920
Fightmaster Miss Pearl Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Fisher Mrs. Douglas M.; Miss June Allen R.N. Nurse Sept 1949 – Jan 1950
Fisher Kari Intern Feb – May 1986
Fliermans Mrs. Louise; MIss Louise Richards; Mrs. C.W. Fliermans Home Economics, Feb 1948-1949; Dietitian Summer 1950 Father: P.M. Richards Olivet, IL Feb 1948 – Summer
Floeter Miss Marie Dietitian Sept-Dec 1936
Floeter Miss Verna; SEE Damon, Mrs. William
Foltz Mrs. Evelyn Nurse Oct 1954 – June 1955
Fong Sammy Intern Feb – May? 1984; June
1985? Or 1986?
Foote MIss Agnes English Teacher; Volunteer 1931-1932
Ford Jud Intern Spring 1985
Fordyce ? Housekeeper 1915
Fortney Mrs. T. Guy; SEE Douglass, Grace
Foster Duncan Teacher 1918
Frank Miss Emily Principal 1932-1934
Freiberg Miss Margaret Summer Worker 1929
French Miss Toppy; SEE Kramer, Mrs. Toppy
Frenyear Miss Marion Housemother, Big Log 1933-1935
Friedman Marci Intern Apr – May 1976
Frisbie Miss Charlotte; SEE Webb, Mrs. William Dorland
Fullington Jan Intern Mar 1976 – May 1976
Fultz Bud Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Committees:
Community Resources &
Services, Finance
Gadd May Visitor From Berea; Folk Dance
Specialist; Listed in Mary Rogers’ chron with Esther Avril.
Gaines Miss Ruth B. Housekeeper; Dietitian Dietitian at Brasstown, NC;
Length of PMSS service:18 years
Gallagher Miss Sarah General Assistance Two months 1928
Gampert Miss Rachel Library Helped set up children’s library Jan – June 1951
Garber Nancy Intern Jan – May? 1984
Garfield Miss Lucretia; Mrs. John P. Comer Girl Scouts Granddaughter of U.S. President
James A. Garfield; Husband
taught at Williams College in MA; Gift 1936; Length of PMSS service 4 years; Summer or part-time worker.
Garrison Afton Teacher, Environmental
Retired May 1986 Sept 1973 – May 1986
Gates Mrs. Olcott; SEE Hooper, Miss Jane
Gaunt Miss Bessie V. Housemother; Bookkeeper 1922-1928
Geckeler Mrs. George D.; SEE Heist, Miss Norma
George May D. Music Sally Loomis’ Aunt; Left before
Dec. apparently
George Mrs. Nicholas; SEE Vaughn, Miss Charlsie
Gibbey Mrs. Erwin; SEE Anderson, Miss Anna
Gilbert Fanny Housemother; Farm (Chickens) 1922-195(?)
Gill Laura D. Teacher 1921-1922
Gilliam Joyce; SEE Byrd, Mrs. Dexter
Gilmour Mrs. Eve; SEE Newman, Miss Eve
Gobelman Joan Intern Fall 1982
Goddard Mrs. Wendell C.; SEE Russell, Miss Kitty
Goins Miss Anna Lee; Mrs. Fred Carl Green Home Management Earned B.S. at Berea College. Dec 1937 – May 1940
Goldberg Rachel Intern Fall 1984; Spring 1985
Goodnow Miss Minnie Asst. Nurse June 1946 – Apr 1947; Volunteer June 1947 – Oct 1947 1946-1947
Gordon, Jr. Harry Mechanics Aug 1938 – July 1939
Gough Herbert ? Antioch Student 1928-1929
Gould Miss Anne Line Fork Medical
Married now. Mrs. B.Bishop
would know.
Summer 1941
Gould Kenneth N. Physician 1932-1933
Grant Miss Janet M. Secretary to Director Jan 1941 – Aug 1943
Gratz Mrs. Anderson Member, Bd of Trustees 1940s
Gray Mary Jane Medical Student –
Assistant in Hospital
Summer substitute, 1954,
for 1 month,
Summers 1946, 1947,
1948, 1954
Gray Opal Bookkeeper Birth Date: Aug 20, 1951 Jan 1986 – ?
Gray, Jr. James C. Superintendent,
Birth Date: Apr 14, 1949 July 1985 – 1986?
Green Mrs. Fred Carl; SEE Goins, Miss Anna Lee
Green Myrtle Lee Teacher of Home
Itinerate teacher Sept 1940 – Dec 1940
Green Phil Teacher, Environmental
July 1972 – Apr 1975
Greenacre Mrs. Carolyn Summer Teacher, Little
Greene III Dr. James; Jamie Vice President, Bd of
Trustees, 2004-2008
Class of 2008 Committees:
Regional Heritage (Chair) &
Interpretation, Finance; 2000 Bd
Cmtes: Budget & Finance,
Educational (Chair)
1980s; 2000-?;
Greiner Miss Gladys H. Outdoor Worker Inactive 1917
Grumbine Lucy Laurel House Mother Temporary Sep-24
Guilford Helen Teacher 1968
Gulliver Eunice Summer Worker 1923
Gunter Miss Garnett; Mrs. Clyde Starkey Housemother, Farm House; Teacher English & Geography Garnett – Legal & original
given name
Guthrie Cathy Intern Sep-88
Guttahr Dale Intern Feb 1976 – Aug 1976
Hackman Miss Vera Housemother & Teacher 1939-1940; Teacher of English 1940-1941 Currently teaches at
Elizabethtown (PA) College (1945).
Hadley Hubert Director, 1930-1931 1930-1931
Hadley Mrs. Ruth Big Log Son: Jarvis Hadley, Natl Park Service, Gatlinburg, TN 1947 – Mar 1948
Hall Miss Fern; SEE Hayes, Mrs. Fern
Hall Fred Treasurer, Bd of Trustees
2008; Advisory Council
Class of 2008 Committees:
Community Resources & Services, Building & Grounds; 2000 Bd Cmte: Community Resources & Services
2000-?; 2004-2008
Hall Robert Member, Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Cmtes: Development & Public Relations, Regional Heritage & Interpretation 2000-?
Halliday Miss Ann Pillow Teacher Length of PMSS service 2 years 1924-1925
Hamilton Cami Teacher, Environmental Education, 1979-1980; Intern, 1975-1976 Sep 1975 – Apr 1976;
Mar 1979 – Dec 1980
Hancock Mrs. SEE Bilbrey, Miss Daisy
Hannon Miss Helen Summer Worker Inactive mail returned 1930 1914
Hansel Sandy Teacher 1969
Hanson Mrs. Wayne Outdoor Worker 1918-1919
Harpham Miss Emily C. Line Fork Medical
Narrator or writer of “The
Aeroplane Comes to Line Fork”
Sept – Oct 1920
Harrap Eileen Teacher, Little School 1963
Harrap Elena Teacher, Little School 1963
Harris Alice Laurel House 1973-1974
Harris Cynthia Summer Worker 1942-1943
Harris Patricia Secretary Oct 1984 – ?
Harshbarger Ernest Carpentry; Maintenance 1928-1929
Hartridge Lyn Office 1919
Hatfield Miss Minnie Teacher Inactive. 1923-1924
OR 1924-1925
Haugam Tom Teacher, Environmental
Jan 1983 – Aug 1983
Haugan Laurie Intern Spring 1978; 1979
Havey Mrs. Simon; SEE Malan, Miss Oradelle
Haydon Jody Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s
Hayes* Mrs. Fern; Miss Fern Hall Asst in Office 1934-1937 Secretary 1937-1941 Secy to Director 1949-March 15, 1952; Housemother Far House 1940-1941 Graduate of Pine Mt. Settlement School. 1934-1952
Hayes* Mrs. Ellen; Mrs. Paul Hayes Teacher, Environmental Education, 1986; Community Outreach Summer 1986
Hayes* Paul Director Began as interim director, replacing Urquhart; William Hayes’ brother. 1987-1995
Hayes* William; Bill Farm and Dairy Manager; Member, Bd of Trustees 1984- Graduate of Pine Mt. Settlement School; Sept 1955 – Forester, Putney,  KY; On House & Grounds Committee of Board. Replaced in 1955 by Brit Wilder. Paul Hayes’ brother. Jul 1937 – Aug 1955; 1984-
Head Mrs. Neil C.; SEE Lincoln, Miss Margaret
Headley Miss Louise; Mrs. Forest Snyder Housemother, Practice House 1935-1936; Home Economics 1935-1937 1935-1937
Heatherly Miss Mary Lou; Mrs. Elmer Cassell Practical Nurse June 1955 – June 1957
Heebner Miss Flora Boys House Housemother Rev. Harvey K. Heebner,
2509 N.30th St., Phila., PA
Died Nov 1947.
Heil Miss Mary Ruth Teacher; Office Assistant 1948-1949
Heinz Miss Caroline; Mrs. Luigi Zande Secretary; Housemother 1925-1927
Heist Miss Norma; Mrs. George D. Geckeler Summer Worker $25.00 AS cancelled in 1930 1916
Hellekson Ruth Summer Worker 1916
Hench Miss Elizabeth Member, Bd of Trustees 1914- ; Secretary, General Advisory Bd 1914-
Henderson Dr, Elizabeth; Mrs. Ronald  M. Henderson Medical Doctor; Health: Summer Relief in 1954, 1957 Father: Rev. H.L. Thral, Galva,  IL 1945 – June 1950; 1954;
Henderson Ronald Teacher of Science 1945-1949; 7th,8th, 9th 1949-1950 Father: Alexander Henderson, 7016 Stewart Ave, Chicago, IL 1945-1950
Hendrickson Miss Eugenia M. Volunteer Worker Nov 1931-?
Heney Miss Eva Nurse Mail returned Nov 1935 from
NYC address.
Henneberger Anna Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel Medical
Henry Christina Intern Fall 1989
Hensley Mrs. Judy  Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2008; Committees:
Educational Programs &
Development & Public Relations;
Wrote book “Terrible Tina.”
Henson Miss Martha Weaving Jan 1930 – June 1930
Hepler Miss Jane; Mrs. Ray Congleton Summer Worker Graduated Randolph Macon 1926
Herbner Miss F.B. Boys House? Summer 1945
Hettinger Annette Intern Spring 1978
Hewins Miss Elizabeth Big Log Sept 1921 – Mar 1922
Hill Mrs. Bess Nurse From Alabama; wife of a doctor 1950 summer
Hill Miss Emily (Emma) J.; SEE Creech, Mrs. Emily
Hill Miss Gladys Housemother Big Log; Teacher Science & Mathematics 1929- ; Coop Course 1937-1949 5th & 6th Grades; Member, Bd of Trustees 1949- Earned A.B. at Eastern State
Teachers College; Died March
1952; Sister: Mrs. Clyde Adams,
Richmond, VA
Hill Mrs. Roy Nurse; Summer Relief Summers 1950-1955
Himmelsbach Miss Julia Summer Worker Jean Wise Lincoln (?) says it
was 1923.
Himmelsbach Miss Marion; Mrs. Norman Nyhce Summer Worker $25-$8 1925-1928 1922
Hinkle Elizabeth Worker Fall 1929
Hirschy Mrs. N.C. Housemother Substitute housemother for a
few weeks.
Oct 1925 OR 1926
Hiser Mrs. Berniece;  Miss Berniece Terry Weaving Had to leave because of
mother’s ill health.
Hoague Miss Katherine; Miss Katherine Perkins; Mrs. Louis L. Hoague Summer Worker 1920
Hobart Miss Ella Housemother $15, $2 – 1927, 1928 1927
Hobgood Jane Bishop Member, Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Cmte: Regional Heritage & Interpretation (Chair), Budget & Finance 2000-?; 1980s
Hoeber, Jr. Mrs. Paul; SEE Schnetzler, Helen
Holbrook Amita (?) Teacher, Environ.
Intervention Program 1987
Holbrook (Holbrooke?)* Miss Maude Housemother at Big Log 1936; Practice House; Dietitian 1938 – 1940 From Gilly, KY; Graduate of Pine Mt. Settlement School 1936-1940
Holladay Iva Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel Medical
Holton Mrs. Celia Cathcart; SEE Cathcart, Miss Celia
Holzinger (Holsinger?) Mrs. Mary Bradshaw Housemother at Boys House, Summer 1948; Teacher of Weaving; Volunteer, assisting in many places Also  worked in other depts,
such as community work &
guest house. Died March 23,
1955, after 7 years on PMSS staff.
Hook Mrs. Inghram D.; Miss Mary Rockwell; SEE ALSO Hook, Mary Rockwell Trustee 1920s;1940s
Hook Mrs. Mary Rockwell; Mrs. Inghram D. Hook. SEE ALSO Mary Rockwell Architect who designed major PMSS buildings; Honorary Member, Bd of Trustees 1977-1978
Hooper Miss Jane; Mrs. Olcott Gates Housemother Summer 1941
Hoose Barbara Community Recreation June – Sept 1956
Horwitz Miss Frances M. Summer Worker Inactive. 1918
Hoskins Gladys Member Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Cmtes: Community
Resources & Services,
Development & Public Relations
Hoskins Mrs. Lois; Mrs. Springer Hoskins? Member, Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Cmtes: Community
Resources & Services,
Building & Grounds
Hoskins Springer Member, Bd of Trustees 1970s Bd Cmte: Finance; 2000
Bd Cmte: Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Budget &
Finance (Chair)
1984-(?) and/or 1978-
(?); 2000-?
Hottenstein Mrs. Emily Teacher 1924-1926; Housemother Far House, Mar 1948 Took Dennis Anderson west for
seven years. but experiment a
failure. Took Wm. Nolan – very
1924-1926, 1948
Houseman Mrs. Burton; SEE Ayers, Miss Joan
Houts Mrs. August; SEE Key, Miss Bessie
Huff Miss Becky Mae (May?); Mrs. Ova Sexton Teacher of Weaving 1930 (1931?) -1932
Hughes Miss Ann Housemother Inactive. Mail returned
Hughes John Summer Worker 1915
Humes Mrs. Margaret Outdoor Worker; Office $150 AS till 1925. 1921
Hunt Miss Nellie; Mrs. R. Fuller Watkins Medical Settlement, Big Laurel Inactive removed 1923 1914
Hurff Miss Mary Elizabeth, Mrs. Jerry (George B.) Moffat Teacher of English; Office Assistant Sept 1947 – June 1948
Huse Dr. Grace Doctor, Big Laurel Medical
$50 in 1917 1918-1923
Hutchins Geneva Housemother 1922
Hutchins Dr. Francis S. Member, Bd of Trustees Became Honorary Trustee. 1979-
Huyett Miss Beatrice Worker 1928
Hynes Miss Agnes Teacher, Medical
Settlement, Big Laurel
$1 in 1927 1923-1924
Ingling Dr. Howard H. Doctor July 1939 – June 1940
Irwin Miss Ethel Summer Worker 1918
Jack Mrs. Clyde A. Member, Bd of Trustees Late 1930s
Jackson Chester Miner 1943, 1944
Jarvis R.N. Miss Margaret Nurse Violet Radle was a very
close friend; In 1952 both
died in a car crash in Ohio
or Indiana.
June 1950 – 1952
Jeacock Blanche Housemother 1919
Jenkins Miss Barbara; Mrs. William Blaisdell Outdoors Worker 1927
Jewel(l) David Summer Recreation May – Sept 1950
Jewell Mrs. Steffie; Mrs. David Jewell Summer Recreation May – Sept 1950
Johnson Barb Intern Feb – May 1981
Johnson Mrs. Mickey; SEE Withrow R.N., Miss Mickey
Johnson Mrs. Norman; SEE Bartlett, Miss Helen
Johnson Mrs. William M.: SEE Creech, Miss Evelyn
Johnston Dean Teacher, Environ.
Birth Date: Oct 07, 1951 Aug 1985 – Summer
Johnston Miriam; Mrs. Dean Johnston Teacher, Environ.
Aug 1985 – Summer
Jones ? Summer Worker 1919
Jones Mrs. Bayard Secretary Sept 1940 – Jan 1941
Jones Carol Intern Sept – Dec 1978
Jones David E. Bookkeeper 1932-1933
Jones Miss Emily Bookkeeper $5.00 AS until 1930 1925-1928
Jones Isabel Teacher, Practice Cottage 1932-1933
Jones Dr. Tracey Doctor Part-time doctor. Summer 1952
doc for Henders.
Feb 1952 – June 1955
Jones Mrs. David Housemother, Practice
Kahler Miss Fannie; Mrs. E.W. White Line Fork Medical Settlement 1924-1925; Teacher, Bear (?) Branch 1923-1925
Karpels (Karpeles?) Maud Visitor Revered as leading expert in
folklore & folk music. Assistant
to Cecil Sharp. Subject of “Song
Nov 1927
Kaufman Eunice Intern Feb – May 1979
Kaylor Mrs. Effie S.; Mrs. Frank Kaylor Housemother at Big Log During Miss Spinney’s absence. Oct 1943 – Jan 1944
Keen Miss Martha Ann; Mrs. Malcolm Arny Teacher, English Had a rust-colored Irish setter
Sept 1941 – June 1943
Keezel Mrs. Clara Boys House 1928-1929
Keith Mrs. Alice Science Teacher Group D Earned B.S. at Columbia; M.A. at
Univ. of Ca. (Campbell, CA)
Sept 1937 – June 1945
Kelly Mrs. Albert Tallman; Miss Virginia Whitmore Teacher Oma Creech Fund 1918-1919
Kendall Calvin N. Member, General
Advisory Board
Kendricks Sam Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Kendricks Mrs. Susie Lee; MIss Susie Lee Cardwell Teacher 1923; Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1933-1934 1923, 1933-1934
Key Miss Bessie (Betty);
Mrs. August
Nurse 1927-1928
Kincer Mrs. ? Teacher Her name on Mary Rogers’ list
has a question mark beside it.
Replaced Ruby Yocum who left
PMSS after wedding.
Kincheloe Marian Worker c.1920
King Miss Lura J. Housemother 1924
Kingman Miss Marian; Mrs. Marian Orndorff Teacher Home Economics (Domestic Science) 1928-1932; Member, Bd of Trustees 1979- ; Became Honorary Trustee. 1928-1932; 1979-
Kingsbury Miss Helen Teacher Home Ec. 1942-1947
Kinnaird Miss Christine Patterson; Mrs. Wm. Emmitt Teacher Her husband was a graduate of
Pine Mt. School in 1949.
Aug 1953 – June 1956
Kirkwood R.N. Miss Elizabeth Nurse Replaced Eaton, who left. Nov – Dec 1951
Kivimaki Miss Anna Secretary Here for one month; She was
“Dutch”; replaced Fern Hayes
in the Office.
Klein Kate Mar-88
Kneller Oscar Dairyman, Farmer; Teacher of Agriculture Injured in dynamite accident. 1931-1934
Knollenberg Lillie Bookkeeper 1916
Kolken, Dr.
[see: van Kolken]
Preston James Physician Apr 1940 – Apr 1941
Koors (Coors?) Karen Intern Summer 1985(?)
Kraatz Miss Margaret; Mrs. Ted Wright Little School 1931-1932
Kramer Loren Teacher; Recreation From Berea College; Great
Kramer Mrs. Toppy French; Miss Toppy Teacher 1965-1968
Krauss Anna Nurse, Medical
Settlement, Big Laurel
Kriever Kay Intern Fall 1984
Kuykendahl Nat Teacher, Environmental Education, End date: Apr 1974; Intern, Late fall 1973 1973 – 1974
Lambert Mrs. Robin Director Husband: Robert Gipe, head of
the Appalachian Studies Assn.
Langtry Mrs. John Clifford; SEE Dennis, Miss Ruth
Lanier Miss Ruby Secretary; Bookkeeper 1947-1962 or 1963
Lansing Miss Gertrude; Mrs. S.S. Witmore Farm $5 – $10 1918-1924 1918-1919
LaRose Lynn Intern Mar – May 1979
Larrabee Euphemia Nurse 1916
Larseen Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Summer Worker; Preacher Summer pastoral work. 1925
LaRue Mrs. Dorothy F.; Mrs. Glenn LaRue Relief (Part-time) Nurse 1943-1944; Relief Housemother 1944-1947 The LaRues were missionaries
from the China Inland Mission,
on furlough.
LaRue Rev. Glenn Teacher, Manual Arts (Woodworking); Maintenance The LaRues were missionaries
from the China Inland Mission,
on furlough.
Lavendar (Lavender) Miss Frances; Mrs. Rex Truman (1946) Nurse $5 1919-1923 Continuing
annual subscription
Lawson Miss Nina; Mrs. Paul Warner Housemother 1919
Layton Mrs. Forest; Miss Elizabeth McGowan (Govern?) Housemother 1923
Leach Robert Member, Bd of Trustees; Advisory Council Class of 2010: Committees:
Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Development &
Public Relations; Bill Leach,
former bd mbr, is his brother,
They are sons of a daughter of
Henry Creech (their grandfather).
Leach Dr. William M.; Bill Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s Bd Cmte: Personnel; 2000s Bd Cmtes: Educational, Budget & Finance 2000-?; 1982-
Lee Miss Hortense Summer Worker 1919
Lehman Dr. Wilmer S. Doctor From Univ. of Michigan;
Died Oct 1950
Lehman Mrs. Wilmer S. Teacher, Bible & History 1938-1939
Lewis Miss Aileene Medical Settlement, Big Laurel; General Worker 1923-1925
Lewis Annie Line Fork Medical
Lewis Gary Intern 1977
Lewis Henry Farm Assistant; Furnaces 1943, 1944
Lewis Marion Outdoor Worker 1927
Lewis Ruth Domestic, Laurel
House/West Wind
Birth Date: July 29, 1929 June 1978 – 1986?
Lewis Preston 2004-1008 Secretary,
Bd of Trustees
Class of 2008 Committees:
Community Resources & Services (Chair); & Finance; 2000-? Bd Cmtes: Development & Public Relations, Regional Heritage & Interpretation
2000-?; 2004-2008
Light Mrs. Ella C. Housemother 1915-1926
Lillie Miss Margaret Housemother 1928-1929; Worker 1928 1928-1929
Lincoln Miss Margaret; Mrs. Neil C. Head Office $5.00 AS; Summer or part-time
1915, 1916
Lincoln Lista Intern Sept – Nov 1987
Lincoln,  Jr. Mrs. John J.: SEE Wise, Jean
Link Charles Auto Mechanics 1946 – Mar 1948
Link Mrs. Mary; Miss Mary E. Adams; Mrs. Charles Link Housemother Boys House 1946-1947; Teacher Printing 1946-1947 1946 – Mar 1948
Littell Harriet Intern Spring 1977
Little Dr. Abby Noyes Doctor Oma Creech Fund and other gifts. 1916-1918
Little Mrs. Caroline; Mrs. A. D. Little Housemother Big Log About one month. Couldn’t stand isolation. 1948
Little Miss Helen F. Line Fork Medical
May – Dec 1925
OR 1924
Liu Mrs. Grace; Mrs. T.C. Liu; Mrs. Ts’ui Chich Liu; Miss Grace Feng nurse From China; worked with the Tuckers for approximately 15 years. February 1943-1945(?)
Livengood James C.; Jimmy Mechanics Instructor From Mass. Institute of
May 1937-1938
Livengood Miss Margaret English Teacher Sept 1935 – Dec 1935
Lombard Kirk Intern Fall 1984
Long* Allen President, Bd of Trustees Class of 2010 2006-2010
Long Mrs. Ann; SEE Metcalf, Miss Ann
Long Dale Intern Mennonite summer worker 1972
Long Mabel ? Summer 1927
Longest Amy M. ? 1931-?
Loomis Miss Sallie (Sally; Sarah Marcia) Teacher, Little Laurel, Spring 1929; Taught PMSS 1929-1931 1929-1931
Love Emily Rockwell Housemother 1921
Lucas Miss Naomi Cook, Practical Nurse Oct 1952 – Aug 1955; Bookkeeper, Lab Technician, Clinic Nurse Oct 1956 Oct 1952 – Oct 1956
Lyman Miss L. Elizabeth; SEE Cross, Mrs. J.F.
Lynn Paul Photographer, Musician; Printer, Potter 1965-1967?
Lyon Mary Intern  Fall & Jan Terms 1982
MacKay Miss Helen Hazel Nurse, Medical
Settlement, Big Laurel
MacKaye Mrs. Marion Morse Writer The MacKayes came to PMSS
where they were inspired to write poems, plays, masques and articles about the Kentucky mountains and American folklife.
MacKaye Percy Visitor; Playwright, Writer The MacKayes came to PMSS
where they were inspired to write poems, plays, masques and articles abouth the Kentucky mountains and American folklife.
MacKaye Robin Summer Worker 1919
Mahoney Miss Mildred; Millie Teacher; Director; Member, Bd of Trustees 1979- ?; Honorary Trustee; Secretary Emeritus 1970s Recording Secretary of
Board and member of Board
Planning Committee; 2000 Bd
Cmtes: Community Resources &
Aug 1953 -? ;1971;
1979; 2000-?
Malan Miss Oradelle; Mrs. Simon Havey English Teacher; Library, Folk Dancing, Bible, Pine Cone, Dramatis 1932-1935
Manee Mrs. James Office 1920-1921
Mann Miss Nell E.; SEE Brown, Mrs. Ralph Wheeler
Manning Charles N. Treasurer, Bd of Trustees 1914- ; Member, Bd of Trustees 1940s; Treasurer, General Advisory Bd; Executive Committee 1914- ; 1940s
Manning* Egre (Edgar?) Asst. Farmer 1932-1933
Manning Ellen InternIntern Spring 1977
Mansell G.F. Auditor G.F. Mansell & Co. 1931-1933
Manson Miss Mildred Teacher 1920-1921
Marienburg Marjorie Intern Sept – Dec 1980
Martin Darwin D. President, BOT 1920s
Martin* John Mullins; Jack Martin Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s Bd Cmte: House & Grounds; 2000 Bd Cmte: Regional Heritage & Interpretation, Building & Grounds (Chair) 2000s; 1980s
Matthies Scott Teacher, Environmental
Mar 1979 – May 1981
Maxwell Miss Alma Line Fork Medical
Settlement Volunteer
Few weeks. 1926
McBride M. Elizabeth; Miss Crawford Housemother, Far House 1943-1944; Teacher of Ethics Jan – June 1944
McCarthy ? Summer Worker 1917
McClennan Isabelle (Isabella?); SEE McLennan, Isabella
McCorkle Miss Constance Housemother $5.00 AS to 1933 – changed to
$1.00 AS 1936
McCormick Maggie Intern Feb – Aug 1986
McCullough Miss Ethel Summer Worker $5.00 AS 1914
McDavid Miss Theresa Housemother Big Log 1929-1930
McFarlan Lynn Intern Jan – Apr 1976;
Spring 1978?
McGowan  (Govern?) Miss Elizabeth; SEE Layton, Mrs. Forest
McIntire Miss Ruth; SEE Dadourian, Mrs. Harountune
McKaye (sic) SEE MACKAYE Percy Visitor Writer – wrote plays based on his PMSS experiences, such as “This Fine-Pretty World”; Promoted PMSS; worked in the community; Wife: Marion MacKaye 1920s
McKee Mrs. Pam; Mrs. Steve McKee Intern 1976
McKee Steve Teacher, Environmental Education 1970s; Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2008 Committees:
Educational Programs (Chair) &
Building & Grounds; 2000 Bd
Cmtes: Community Resources &
Services, Development & Public
Aug 1977 – May 1978;
2000-?; 2004-2008
McKinney Gordon  Trustee 2000 Committees: Educational,
Budget & Finance
McLaughlin Mrs. L.A.; SEE Barber, Miss Ruth
McLellan Candy Teacher, Environmental
Nov 1972 – June 1973
McLennan (McClennan) Miss Isabella
(Isabelle); Mrs.
Teacher, Line Fork
Medical Settlement
Writer or narrator of
TheBeginning of Line Fork
McMillen Mrs. Ellen L. Teacher Maiden name unknown. About 1913 or 1914
McReynolds Miss Nina Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
$3 1929 1927
McSwain Horace Farmer Responded to 1935 (1934?)
Notes with cordial letter &
small gift.
Medcalf Anne Ruth; SEE Estabrook, Mrs. Arthur E.
Melcher Dr. Margaret Housemother $5.00 AS 1917-1930 1917
Melville Miss Angela Office 1915-1920; Associate Director with Miss Pettit Aug 1928-1930 In 1916-1920, organized office,
was speaker to raise funds for
endowment, Line Fork Medical
Settlement  & genl school expenses.
1915-1916; 1919-1920;
Merrill Ellen Teacher 1913
Merrill Miss Josephine;
Mrs. B.M.
(her sister)
Housemother, Boys House 1933-1946, 1947-1949; Teacher of English, Bible, History; Medical Settlement 1931-1933  Earned B.A. at Wellesley before
PMSS. Had broken arm, followed by blood poisoning; arm became disabled; Died 1954.
Merrow Dr. Llewella Line Fork Medical
Settlement Physician
Metcalf* Miss Ann; Mrs. Ann Long Assistant in infirmary
from Jan 1949 for several
Graduate 1949. 1949
Miller Mrs. Frank; SEE Mumford, Miss Mabel
Miller Karoun Teacher Environmental
Birth Date: Sept 25, 1960 Aug 1982 – ?
Miller Matthew Teacher, Environmental
Birth Date: Mar 28, 1959 Aug 1982 – Aug 1986
Miller Ruth ? Summer 1928
Miller Winnie Teacher, Home Economics Jan 1941 – May 1941; Kitchen to relieve (?) June 1941 1941
Mills Johnnie
Intern Spring 1980; Feb 1982?
Milner Virginia Helm Summer Worker 1918
Minshall Miss Julia Housemother 1918
Minter Doug Intern Aug – Nov 1982
Minyard Alice Medical Settlement Staff 1930s
Modder Mrs. Montague;
SEE Work,
Miss Mary
Moehring Mrs. E.C.; SEE Piel, Miss Bertha
Moffat Mrs. George (Jerry) B.; SEE Hurff, Miss Mary Elizabeth
Moller Peder Farmer; Teacher Danish 1931-1932
Montgomery Harriet Summer Worker 1917
Moody Miss Ruth Dietitian Nov 1941 – May 1942
Moore Elizabeth Member, General
Advisory Board
Moore Miss Fernanda Intern Aug 1985 – May 1986?
Moretz Anne Teacher, Environmental
Dec 1978 – Aug 1979
Morris Rev. Glyn Alan Director 1931-1942; Member, Bd of Trustees Chaplain (Capt), US Army 1942-1945; Became Honorary Trustee 1931-1942
Morris Mrs. Gladys (Evarts?); Mrs. Glyn Morris Nurse 1931; Home Management 1933 . 1931, 1933, 1940
Morrison Forrest Orville ? Feb – June 1929
Morton Mrs. J.R.; Mrs. Ge?? Morton Secretary, 1st meeting of Board of Trustees 1913; President, General Advisory Bd Read minutes of 1st PMSS
meeting at the first Annual
Meeting of Board of Trustees
on Jan 3, 1914
Morton Mrs. J.R. Vice President,
Bd of Trustees
Moser Mrs. E.B. Teacher 1927-1928
Moss Sandra Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Community
Resources & Services, Finance
Mott Arabella Volunteer Nov – Dec 1928
Motter Miss Margaret R. Principal & Teacher 1928-1932; Teacher English 1946-1947 1928-1932, 1946-1949
Mowbray Mrs. Henry S.; SEE Twitchell, Miss Margaret
Mullins Mabel ? Served with Distinction in WWII;
Wrote “Memories of Miss
Gaines,” 1980; John (Jack) Martin’s aunt.
Mumford Miss Mabel (Mable);
Mrs. Frank
Line Fork Medical Settlement; Teacher 1921-1922
Murray Beatrice Teacher 1916
Murray Miss Ellen Summer Recreation 1951
Nace Miss Dorothy A.; Mrs. Jac L. Tharpe Secretary & Bookkeeper, June 1944-1949; Publicity 1950 – July 1957; Teacher 3rd & 4th Grades in !949 Married Nov 1955; Departed in
1956. Was on PMSS staff for
12 years.
Nace Miss Margaret; SEE Starbuck, Mrs. Robert
Nadeau Mrs. E.J.; SEE Tanner, Miss Frances P.
Nesbitt Charles Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Mail returned Nov 1935 1923-1924
Newcomb Bradford W. English; Music Sept 1939 – June 1940
Newman Miss Eve; Mrs. Eve Gilmour Office & Field Secretary Length of PMSS service 2 (?) years 1913-1915
OR 1914-1915
Newman Dr. Frank W. Doctor Probably now in China (1947) 1933-1935
Newman Mrs. Frank Nurse Probably now in China (1947) 1933-1935
Nice Dee Teacher, Environmental Education, Spring 1981; Intern, July – Sept 1980 July – Sept 1980;
Spring 1981
Nichol Nancy Intern Aug 1985 – May 1986?
Nichols Rev. Gordon Teacher of Printing; Teacher of Bible Married student, Betty Huff,
Aug. 1948
Nicholson Lucy Fireside Industries 1923-1924
Niles John Jacob Visitor ?
Noordyk R.N. Wilhelmina Summer Nurse Summer 1948
Norris Mrs. Jackie; Mrs. Jeff Norris Teacher, Environmental
Spring 1986
Norris Jeff Teacher, Environmental
Intervention Program Spring 1986
Northam Mrs. Adelaide Nurse, Line Fork Medical Settlement, 1943-1944; Relief (Substitute) Housemother Big Log 1943 – Apr 1944 1943-1944
Norton Ethel Teacher Length of PMSS service 2 (?) years 1924-1925
Noyes Martha Housemother 1917
Nutter Dr. Wyndham H. School Doctor July 1941 – Feb 1942
(or Mar 1942?)
Nyce Mrs. Norman; SEE Himmelsbach, Miss Marion
Olds Florence Summer Worker 1915
Ollinger Mrs. Bess Housemother,
Laurel House
Olson Richard Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Committees:
Educational, Building & Grounds
Orndorff Mrs. John Kenerly; SEE Crutchfield, Miss Harriet
Owens Nancy Sept – Dec 1978
Painter Sidney Summer Worker Summer 1920
Palmer Mrs. Bertha; Mrs. A. David Palmer Home Economics Teacher; Housemother at Practice House 1933-1934
Palmer Mrs. Earl; SEE Taylor, Miss Mary
Palmer Miss Frances; Mrs. William C. Cronquist Line Fork Medical
Settlement Nurse
Narrator or writer of “My Six
Months at Line Fork Settlement”
Oct – Apr 1920
Parke Mrs. Roberta Teacher 1927-1928
Parker Mrs. D.M.; SEE Ellis, Mrs. Ada L.
Parker Gertrude Little Laurel 1925-1926
Parkhill Miss Elizabeth Summer Worker 1930
Parkinson Miss Marguerite Teacher; Housemother $5 AS till 1928; Summer or
part-time worker
Parrott Miss Mary Alice; SEE Doyle, Mrs. Leonard
Patterson Edna Health Aide 1953
Patterson Edna Teacher, Kindergarten 1968
Patterson Mrs. William Emmitt; SEE Kinnaird, Miss Christine
Pauley Miss Cleo Practical Nurse Sept 1954 – ?; 1955
Pavey Miss Anne (Anna?) Line Fork Medical Settlement; Housemother 1920-1922
Peabody Miss Carol Summer Worker Died 1934 1919
Peabody Mrs. Jeannette
Summer, Housemother; First taught country dancing Advisory Board; Length of PMSS
service 2 years; Summer or
part-time worker
1919, 1924
Peabody Miss Margaret Summer Worker 1919
Peabody Miss Marion F. Writer; Community Group Worked with Community Group
about 3 wks.
Peck Miss Margery Office 1918-1919
Pennington Alice Kitchen 1943-1944
Pensol [Baker] Mrs. Golda; Miss Golda Baker [sic, Golda Pensol Baker) Teacher, 4th & 5th Grades c.1950, Mrs. Pensol developed a
music project for the academic
Oct 1949 – 1952
Perkins Mrs. Louis L.; SEE Hoague, Miss Katherine
Perry Miss Beatrice; Miss Bea Peters Vocational, Recreational; Weaving; Boys House Hostess; Guest House In Jan 1957, replaced Holzinger
when she died.
Peters Anna K. Nurse, Big Laurel Length of PMSS service 3 years 1919-1921
Peters* Miss Martha Elizabeth; Miss Marbeth Peters Assistant to Mrs. Bishop? 1944, 1945
Peterson Mrs. William S.; SEE Walker, Miss Cornelia
Peterson R.N. Miss Loretta Nurse Sept 1949 – Mar 1950
Pettit Miss Katherine Co-Founder; Co-Director; Member, Bd of Trustees Helped found Hindman
Settlement School in 1902;
Founder of PMSS in 1913;
Member, General Advisory Board; Exec. Cmte; Born 1869; Died 1936; Co-director until 1930.
Phelps Miss Rachel Teacher 1919
Philips Rick Teacher, Environmental
Sept 1989 – May 1990
Phillips Dorothy Summer Worker 1915
Piel Miss Bertha; Mrs. E.C. Moehring Teacher 1923-1924
Pinke Rev. Roland F. Mechanics Teacher 1943-1944
Pishzak Mrs. Anna; SEE Wulf,  Miss Anna
Plattenburg Mrs. Stanley W.; SEE Smith, Miss Mary Anne
Pope Mrs. Clara Trustee Class of 2010; Committees:
Community Resources & Service, Development & Public Relations; 2000 Bd Cmtes: Regional Heritage
& Interpretation, Budget &
2000-?; 2006-2010
Powell Mrs. Winfred Housemother, Boys House 1931-1934; English Teacher 1938-1939; Housemother, Big Log Aug 1937 – June 1939 Died May 1950 1931-1934, 1937-1939
Powers Bill Teacher, Environmental Education; Intern, May 1987 Intervention Program May 1987; Sept 1988-
July 1989
Pressley Mack Part-time Publicity Worker 1955-1957
Price Miss Jessica Housemother 1927
Price Jessica Housemother 1927
Price (?) Nancy Intern 1972
Pride Dr. Martha Member, Bd of Trustees;
Honorary Trustee
1970s Bd Committees: House &
Grounds, Personnel; 2000 Cmtes: Community Resources & Services (Chair), Building & Grounds
1978- (?) and/or 1984-
(?); 2000-?
Prindle Roma Trustee Class of 2009: Committees:
Regional Heritage &
Interpretation, Development
& Public Relations
Pryor Miss Lina Denton Housemother; Teacher Don’t re-employ her. 1930-1931
Purbrick Miss Marian Nurse Gives $5.00 a year. 1928-1931
Putnam Miss Sarah Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Former Worker ?
Quinby Mrs. Bill; SEE Weaver, Miss Mabel
Radle R.N. Miss Violet Nurse Left in 1952? 1949, Jan 1950
Ramsay William Member, Bd of
Trustees; Honorary
Trustee; President
Rankin Mrs. Chester; SEE Settle, Miss Mary Winifred
Rannals Blanche Board?/Visitor? Wrote paper “PMSS –
A Record, 1913-1941”
Ratliff Miss Alice Housemother 1926-1927
Ray Miss Dorcas Summer Worker $25 in 1925 ?
Read Miss Marian Pugh Housekeeper 1914
Redmond Miss Martha Helen Housemother, Big Log Couldn’t stand isolation. Oct 1948 – Jan 1949
Reed Nancy Intern 1975
Reed Mrs. Henry W.; SEE Davis, Miss Clara
Reed Sue Intern Sept – Jan 1981
Reed Mrs. Sam; SEE Thomas,  Miss Georgia
Reedy Charles High School Teacher 1957-1958
Reedy Mrs. Retha ? 1957
Reeves Miss Florence Volunteer Worker; Housemother Visitor & volunteer worker when
Zande children were young.
Reeves Mrs. Linda Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Committees:
Educational, Building & Grounds
Reitz Martha Housemother 1927-1928
Renz Miss Elenora
Teacher; Extension
Gives talks. Is assistant to Dean
of Women at Univ. of Kansas.Correspondence in 1936.
Restuccia Mike Intern Mar-87
Rhoades Mrs. Winfred; SEE Storer, Miss Edith
Rhodus Miss Eva Housemother; Teacher 1923-1924
Richards Miss Louise; SEE Fliermans, Mrs. Louise
Riemer Steve summer worker Mennonite 1973
Ritchie Sabrina Fireside Industries 1922-1923
Rittenhouse Miss Catherine Worker Father was connected to PMSS
board. See photographs from
her albums.
1910s OR Summer
Ritter Kristin Intern Spring 1985
Robbins Miss Lilliath; SEE Bates, Mrs. Searl
Robbins Loring Intern Fall 1984
Roberts Mrs. Roberts; Miss Edith Reynolds Teacher, 2nd & 3rd
Sept 1950 – May 1953
Roberts Leonard Ward Teacher, 7th & 8th Grades Sept – Dec 1952
Robertson Miss Mildred Assistant to Nurse 2 wks in June June – July 1941
Rockwell Miss Mary; Mrs. Mary Rockwell Hook Member, General
Advisory Board;
School architect
Roderick Charlotte Nurse 1919
Rodgers Amy Teacher, Environmental
Under grant Aug 1985 – Summer
Roeder Miss Rita Rebecca Line Fork Medical Settlement; Industrial Worker 1923 – 1924
Roettinger Elizabeth
Mrs. Justin M.
Summer Worker Killed in accident. 1914, 1915
Rogers Burton Brush Student Counselor 1942-1945; Chapel; Teacher 1949; Director 1949-1972; Member, Bd or Trustees Birth Date May 03, 1909; Became Honorary Trustee 1941-1983
Rogers Mrs. Clark Summer Worker 1918
Rogers Mrs. Mary; Mrs. Burton Rogers Housemother Far House 1942-1943; Teacher of Social Studies; Teacher, Environmental Education  1971; 1974; 1976; 1978-1980; 1982-1983; 1986 Community Group Supervisor;
Library in 1957; EE Coordinator
1974-1983; Birth Date:
Jan 07, 1914
1941; 1942-1945;
1957;Summer 1971;
Apr-Aug 1974;
June-Aug 1976;
May 1978 – Feb 1980;
Sept 1982 – Feb 1983;
Rogers Mrs. Mary C.; Mrs. Richard Rogers Dietitian Notify in case of emergency:
Anios Halter, Frederick, MD;
John Rabun, Reidsville, GA
Dec 1946 – Sept 1947
Rogers Peter Teacher, Environmental
1971-Sept 1973
Rogers Mrs. Phyllis; Mrs. Peter Rogers Intern 1971
Rohne Miss Caroline ? ?
Rood Miss Grace M. Hospital Nurse Jan 1938-1950; Sup. of Nurses Aug 1955- Earned B.A. at Oberlin College;
R.N. Johns Hopkins
Ross Miss Jesse Housemother 1926, 1930-1933; Volunteer summer housekeeper for Dr, Withington “Tem. I suppose. Miss Gladys Hill gave this to me. JA.” 1926, 1930-1933
Rothery Margaret Teacher 1914-1915
Rouse Margery Big Laurel 1920
Routh John Intern 1971
Rowland Miss Rachel Teacher, Home
Economics (Itinerant)
1938 – Dec 1939
Rucker Miss Anita Summer Worker Inactive. 1926
Rupe John Teacher,
Education; Summer
Mennonite summer worker Aug 1973 – Dec 1973
Russell Mrs. Wendell C.; Miss Kitty Goddard Teacher; Advisory 1929-1930
Rutkowski Sonnie Intern Apr – May 1989
Samuels R.E. Member, Bd of Trustees 1920s
Sandidge Miss Daisy Teacher 1920-1921
Sandstrom Miss Esther Nurse Inactive; mail returned 1931 1919-1920
Sather Mrs. Nancy; Miss Nancy Sather Teacher 1969; Teacher, Environmental Education 1973; Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s & 2000s Substitute teacher while Toppy
Kramer was on leave; 1980s Bd
Cmte: Planning; 2000s Bd Cmtes: Educational, Budget & Finance
1969; Jun 1973 – Aug
1973; 1980s; 2000s
Satterthwait Mrs. C.S.; SEE Smith, Elizabeth P.
Savage Henry Antioch Coop Antioch Coop 1933-1934
Schnetzler Miss Helen; Mrs. Paul Hoeber, Jr. Antioch Coop Antioch Coop 1933-1934
Schopbach Miss Katherine Outdoor Worker 1919
Schubert Miss Leah T. Bookkeeper $1 AS 1919-1920
Schwartz Stephanie Intern Spring 1992
Scott Edith Bookkeeper 1918-1919
Scott Mrs. Nobel Ray; SEE Wright, Miss Ethel M.
Scudder Dr. Galen Fisher Hospital Superintendent July 1955 – June 1957
Scudders Mrs. ? Hospital Jul-55
Sears Mrs. Walter H.; SEE Stockin, Miss Eleanor C.
Secor Miss Joy Teacher $5 – $10 till 1919; Length of PMSS service 2 years 1917-1918
Semones Mary Ann Little School 1930-1932
Settle Miss Mary Winifred; Mrs. Chester Rankin Summer Worker $5 As; Length of PMSS service
3 (?) years.
1917, 1918
Sexton Mrs. ?  Teacher 1965
Sexton Mrs. Ova; SEE Huff, Miss Becky Mae (May?)
Sexton Robert Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s
Seymour Miss Clair (Clare?) Summer Worker Mail returned Oct 1935 from
35 W. 81st St., NYC 21, NY
Sfump (Stump?) Bill Teacher 1965
Shane Miss Myrtle Housemother at
Boys House
Do not solicit – and do not
Aug – Dec 1935
Shapiro Laine Intern Sep-1990
Sharp Cecil Visitor Died Nov 1924. May-1919
Sharp Miss Myrtle Medical Settlement, Big Laurel; Teacher Mail returned Oct 1935 – Name
removed from ML
Sheehan Jack Art 1936 – Dec 1936
Sheltman Constance Bookkeeper 1920
Shera Mrs. Alice Carter Housemother Laurel House 1934-1935; Teacher Arts & Crafts 1935-1936 Her son, Caleb Shera, graduated
from Pine Mt. School in 1936.
Died of cancer on April 17, 1936,
in Harlan Hospital.
Shinn Larry Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2010 Committees:
Community Resources & Services, Finance (Chair); 2000 Cmtes: Community Resources & Services, Development & Public Rel.
2000-?; 2006-2010
Shinn Mrs. Nancy; Mrs. Larry Shinn Member, Advisory Council Class of 2010 Committee:
2000-?; 2006-2010
Shipley Miss Elizabeth T. Teacher 1917-1918
Shipp Becky Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2010; Committees:
Educational, Buillding & Grounds (Chair)
Shoup George Teacher (Antioch) 1931-1932
Shuler Mary Intern Aug 1985 – May 1986?
Shuler Reed Publicity 1942, 1943
Shuler* Miss Ruth; Ruth Shuler Dieter; Mrs. John P. Dieter Bookkeeper 1942-1943; Teacher of Dancing 1942-1944; Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s; Honorary Trustee On Personnel Committee of Board of Trustees. 1941-1943; 1982-
Sicilian Ann Intern Spring 1978
Sidelinger Mrs. Eldora Country Cottage $25 1924 1922-1923
Sidelinger Miss Mabel Teacher $3 in 1925 1920-1922
Siegenthaler David Teacher, Environmental
Feb 1980 – Jan 1981
Simmons Miss Nellie A. Teacher 1924-1925
Skidmore Mrs. Mary Nurse, Line Fork 1923
Slusser Miss Florence Nurse, Line Fork Medical Settlement; Housemother $1 AS til 1931 1923
Smith Miss Chloe; SEE Bunch, Mrs. Hayes
Smith Miss Elizabeth P.; Mrs. C.S. Satterthwait Teacher, Line Fork
Medical Settlement
$10 AS 1922-1924
Smith Miss Emma Carter Housemother, Far House 1941-1942
Smith Miss Gertrude Parker Music Teacher; Housemother, Laurel House Member, Board of Trustees Sept 1943 – June 1944
Smith Miss Leola Housemother, Practice
Smith Miss Mary Anne; Mrs. Stanley W. Plattenburg Teacher Took one of the Day children &
found home for her.
Smith Miss Ruth; SEE Creech, Mrs. Ruth
Smith Tom Maintenance Nov 1985 – 1986?
Snyder Mrs. Forest; SEE Headley, Miss Louise
Snyder Miss Mabel C. Nurse 1936 – Jan 1937; Nurse & Supt of Nurses Aug 1951 – Nov 1954 Part-time, hospital basement in
1951; Hospital Superintendent
1952; Miss Rood, Public Health
1936-jan 1938;
Sommers Mrs. Cora D. (H.?) Teacher, Line Fork
Medical Settlement
Mail returned Oct 1935 – name
removed from mailing list.; After
PMSS, returned to Harlan School.
Southworth(?) Bonnie Teacher, Environ.
Sept 1981 – May 1982
Sparrow Miss Minerva Teacher English Sept 1943 – June 1946; Teacher, Assistant Housemother 1948-1949 1943-1946, 1948-1949
Spelman Miss Barbara; SEE ALSO Allen Jr., Mrs. Collin Bookkeeper John Spelman’s sister. 1982
Spelman III John A. Teacher of Art 1937-1941; Housefather at B.H. 1939-1940 Earned B.S. at Univ. of Minn.;
Barbara Spelman’s brother.
Spencer Louise Housemother 1918
Sphyalski Jeff Community Services Under grant; Birth Date:
Mar 22, 1951
Mar 1986 – ?
Spinney Edna O. Housemother Big Log summer 1942 & 1942-1943 – June 1946; Teacher English 1947-1949 In emergency: Miss M. Elma
Pierce, 54 Breed St.,
E. Lynn, MA. Died 1954.
Stahl Miss Atha Teacher, 1st & 2nd Grades in 1949; Medical 1949 1949-1954
Stapleton Dr. Ida; Mrs. Robert Stapleton Doctor; Line Fork Medical Settlement 1926-1937
Stapleton Rev. Robert Line Fork Medical
Starbuck Mrs. Margaret; Miss Margaret Nace; Mrs. Robert Starbuck Bookkeeper Dorothy Nace’s sister; Margaret
was at PMSS before Robert
Starbuck arrived.
June 1944 – June 1947;
Starbuck Robert Maintenance; Work on
Tool House
Starbuck family lived in Infirmary building. He was a Quaker. 1950; June 1951 – July 1953
Starkey Mrs. Clyde; SEE Gunter, Miss Garnett
Stephenson Dr. John Member, Bd of Trustees President of Berea College;
Chairman of the Board
Stockin Miss Eleanor C.; Mrs. Walter H. Sears Fireside Industries 1924-1925
Stokely Mrs. Wilma Dykeman Member, Bd of Trustees 1980-
Stolzfus Ken Intern Mennonite summer worker 1972
Stone Miss Helen Wilmer; Mrs. Scrope Viner Housemother Was at Hindman S.S. with Miss
Pettit; Wrote “Quare Women”
Storer Miss Edith; Mrs. Winfred Rhoades Teacher $10 – $25 to 1932 1916-1917
Storer Miss Emily Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
$15 AS 1919-1921
Stoughton Miss Norma; Mrs. Richard C. Thompson Bookkeeper Former address: Rockefeller
Foundation, NYC,  NY; Length of
PMSS service 2 years; Summer
or part-time worker
Stowe Andy (Andie?) Teacher, Environmental Education, Sept 1981 – July 1982; Intern, Aug 1981 Sept 1981- July 1982
Strong Miss Helen; SEE Belknap, Mrs. William B.
Sturtevant Mrs. Robert; SEE Coolidge, Miss Margaret
Sudo Miss Maya Nurse 1921-1924
Sullivan Miss Viola Member, Bd of Trustees
1914- ; Member, Genl
Advisory Board
Swift, Jr. Dr. Arthur L. Member, Bd of Trustees Late 1930s-1940s
Swinerton Miss Lena Assistant to Miss Gaines; Hsekeeper at Log Cabin, Line Fork Medical Settlement Length of PMSS service 2 (?) years 1920-1921
Swisshelm Miss Dorothy Line Fork Medical
No longer here Summer 1927
Talbot Miss Ruth Teacher 1923
Tanner Miss Frances P.; Mrs. E.J. Nadeau Summer Worker Contributes. Summers 1928 – 1930
Taylor Francis Member, General
Advisory Board
Taylor Miss Marie Nurse, Med. Settlement 1927-1932
Taylor Miss Mary; Mrs. Earl Palmer Teacher Replaced Leonard Roberts
in 1953.
Jan 1953 – June 1953
Terry Berniece; SEE Hiser, Mrs. Berniece
Tharpe Mrs. Jac L.; SEE Nace,  Dorothy A.
Thatcher Mrs. Hibbard; SEE Yocum, Miss Ruby
Thomas Miss Georgia; Mrs. Sam Reed Little School Now Mrs. Sam Reed –
cf Master File
1934-1935, 1935-1936
Thompson Dr. Kenneth H. Secretary, Bd of Trustees 1978- (?) and/or 1984- (?)
Thompson Miss Marjorie (Margery?) S. Summer Worker Inactive mail returned 1925 Summer 1917
Thompson Ralph Member, Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Committees:
Educational, Building & Grounds
Thompson Mrs. Richard C.; SEE Stoughton, Miss Norma
Thorp Miss Erica; SEE De Berry, Mrs. Elliott
Tinsley Rev. & Mrs. Ben Medical Settlement Aug 1937 – Mar 1938
Tipton Mrs. Alma Teacher 1957 -1963?
Todd Laurie Intern Jun-86
Tootell George Doctor 1 month – July? Then E.
Henderson filled in.
Townsend Mrs. Justin M.; SEE Roettinger, Miss Elizabeth
Troyer Jerry C. Member, Bd of Trustees 1980s
Trufant Miss Ella D. Housemother; Teacher of Music 1940-1942
Truman Mrs. Rex; SEE Lavendar, Miss Frances
Tucker Dr. Emma; Mrs. Francis Tucker Doctor at Infirmary Can always be reached at:
c/o ABCFM, 14 Beacon St.,
Boston 8, MA. Summers
1942-1945, Summer
1949, 1950
Tucker Dr. Francis Doctor at Infirmary Can always be reached at:
c/o ABCFM, 14 Beacon St.,
Boston 8, MA. Summers
1942-1945, Summer
1949, 1950
Tucker Mrs. Emma; Mrs. Francis C. Tucker Relief housemother,
Daughter-in-law of Drs.
Feb – Oct 1943
Turner Miss Harriet Volunteer Relief Dietitian Summer 1946; Dietitian June 1951-1963 Laurel House Father: T. Wll Turner Summer 1946;
1951-1962 or 1963
Turner Sophia Domestic, Laurel House/
West Wind
Birth Date: Dec 09, 1941 Oct 1984 – 1986?
Turner Maxine Domestic, Laurel House/
West Wind
Birth: Mar 16, 1937; Part-time Mar 1983 – 1986?
Turner Myrtle Domestic, Laurel House/
West Wind
Birth Date: Feb 17, 1934;
May 1985 – 1986?
Twitchell (Twichell?) Miss Peggy; Margaret: Mrs. Henry S. Mowbray Nurse Assistant
(aide at hospital)
Updike Marcie Intern Jun-1985
Urquhart James Director Birth Date May 08, 1941 July 1983-1986
Urquhart Mrs. Carol; Mrs. James Urquhart Interim Director; Teacher, Environmental Education 1983-1984; Community Services  Director 1986 Birth Date: Jan 15, 1942 July 1983 – Aug 1986
Urquhart Zina Teacher, Environmental Education?; Intern, Aug 1986 Aug 1983 – Aug 1984;
Aug 1986
Utsch Philip Intern 1988
Utterback Mrs. Helen; SEE Dayhuff, Miss Helen
V. (?) Katinka Intern Apr 1974 – May 1974
Vallette Mrs. Alice; Mrs. Charles Vallette Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Mail returned Oct 1935; Length
of PMSS service 2 years
1921-1922 OR 1923-1924
Vamos Tara Intern Spring 1992
Van Bezey Miss Annette Country Cottage, Housemother; Teacher $25 annually to 1933; Length of
PMSS service 2 years
OR 1925-1926
van Kolken Dr. Preston Doctor Card file indicates title as
“Dr. & Mrs.”
Apr 1940 – Apr 1941
Van Meter; Vanmeter? Miss Martha Summer Worker, 1919; Teacher, Line Fork Settlement School 1920 $15 in 1933; Narrator or writer of “Some Early Experiences at
Line Fork”
Van Vleck, Jr. Dr. Joseph Member, Bd of Trustees 1940s
Vanderstar Mrs. Elizabeth C . (SEE Culbreth, Elizabeth)
Vaugh R.N. * Miss Charlsie; Mrs. George Nicholas 2nd Nurse Former student Mar – Sept 1947
Viner Mrs. Scrope; SEE Stone, Miss Wilmer
Waid Mary Teacher, Environmental
Aug 1982 – 1984
Walker Miss Cornelia; Mrs. Wm. S. Peterson Teacher, Line Fork Medical Settlement 1922-1923; Home Ec & Model House 1922-1923 ? Inactive, retired 1930 1922-1923
Walker Frederick Publicity Worker 1956-1957
Walker Miss Margaret Nurse Gave large amounts until 1926 1917-1918
Wallace Miss Bessie Teacher; Housemother Laurel House 1930-1933
Ward Miss Nannie Bess Home Economics Teacher 1940-1941; Dietitian 1941 Sept-Jan 1940-1941
Ware Caroline F. Summer Worker $10 AS 1921
Warner Mrs. Eva S. Teacher $5 in 1928 1927-1928
Warner Miss Jennie Housemother $5 in 1922 ?
Warner Mrs. Paul; SEE Lawson, Miss Nina
Warren John Teacher; Community Work, Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1925-1926
Warren Mrs. John Teacher; Community Work, Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1925-1926
Watkins Miss Nannie (Nellie?) Summer Worker 1914
Watkins Mrs. R. Fuller; SEE Hunt, Nellie
Watkins Wilson Publicity Worker Two months. 1955
Watson Kelly Intern Spring 1991
Watts Margaret Teacher 1914
Wear Dr. Pat W. Vice-Chair, BOT 1981-
Wearing Miss Lorna Big Log Housemother 1935-1936; Taught Bible 1935-1937
Weart Mrs. Bertha L. Dietitian Miss Goodnow’s cousin Sept – Oct 1946
Weatherford Dr. Willis D. Chairman, Bd of Trustees Became Honorary Trustee 1979-
Weaver* Miss Ina Mabel: Mrs. Bill Quinby Substituted for Miss Rood
at Infirmary
Graduated from Pine Mountain, 1938. Sep-41
Webb Charlotte Bookkeeper 1942, 1943, 1944
Webb Miss Nancy Housemother $25 – $12 to 1922 1921-1922
Webb William Dorland School & Maintenance Programs; Community Relations; Acting? Director, 1942-1944 Supervised the “gigantic canning
program” summer 1943, during
“these lean months.”
Aug 1942, 1943, 1944
Webb Mrs. William Dorland; Miss Charlotte F. Frisbie Bookkeeper; School &
Maintenance Programs;
Community Relations
Weber Miss Cora Lee Housemother 1925-1926
Weber Miss Evelyn Substitute Secretary Excellent person, poor health Jan-Feb 1930
Weller Miss Esther; SEE Burkhard, Mrs. Esther
Wells Miss Evelyn K. Secretary; Acting Director, 1931; Secretary, Bd of Trustees 1928(?)-1949 Secretary for (13?) 15 years (until about 1929); Acting Director for a time after Mrs. Zande’s death. 1915-1927, 1928(?) –
Wells John Principal 1952-1953
Welty Miss Ethel ? Feb – June 1929
Westover Pete Summer Summer 1971 –
Apr 1974
Wheat Mrs. Marie Moss Outdoor Worker $3 AS to 1930 1922
Wheeldon Miss Constance Housemother: Teacher $5 in 1932 1925-1926
Wheeler Robertson Auto Mechanics Teacher Mar 1936 – ?
Whitaker Charles; Charlie Teacher Sept 1956 – 1957; 1965
Whitaker Janet Member, Bd of Trustees 2000 Bd Committees:
Educational, Development &
Public Relations (Chair)
Whitaker Mrs. Joyce Teacher 1956 – 1957; 1965
White Miss Cathie (Cathy?) Nurse: Writer 1 month in summer 1954 1952-1953, Summer
White Miss E. Louise Housemother Big Log 1946-1947
White Roberta Summer Worker 1925
White Mrs. E.W.; SEE Kahler,  Mrs. Fannie
Whitenack Isabella ? ?
Whiting Elizabeth Housemother 1922
Whitis Miss Sally (Sallie?) Belle Medical Settlement,
Big Laurel
Inactive; moved, address
lost 1930
Whitmore Mrs. Laura Housemother Length of PMSS service 2 years; Summer or part-time worker. 1919, 1922
Whitmore Miss Virginia; SEE Kelly, Mrs. Albert Tallman
Whittaker Mrs. Alma Substitute Nurse For one month Fall 1949
Whittaker Miss Mabel (Mable?) Office Inactive; mail returned
1921, 1923-1924
Wilbur Miss Barbara; Mrs. James Faulkner Little School Teacher 1932-1933; Bookkeeper 1933, July 1936 Friend of Mr/Mrs Angel; married in PMSS Chapel; Oradel Malan
was maid of honor
1932-1933, 1936
Wilbur Mrs. Mary Eliza; SEE Clarke, Miss Mary Eliza
Wilder Anne Laurel House First semester. 1945
Wilder Brit Maintenance; Supervisor of Mines 1937-1950; Farm, May 1951-1953, Aug 1955- 1937-1953; 1955-
Wilder* Hobart Farm Assistant Graduate, class of 1948 1948 – June 1951
Wilder* Mildred Domestic, Laurel House/
West Wind
Birth Date: May 03, 1924 1951 – 1986?
Wilkerson David Member, Bd of Trustees Class of 2009; Cmtes: Regional
Heritage & Interpretation,
Wilkinson Marguerite Volunteer Nov-28
Will Louise; SEE Browning, Mrs. Bill
Williamson Sonnie Teacher,
End date Sept 1973 1973
Willis Flora B. Housemother, Far House Sept 1944-1947
Wilson Clara Housemother Mr. Morris met her on trip 1935;
Length of PMSS service 3 years; $10 yearly to 1924
1913, 1922-1924
Wilson Edrye; SEE Burdine, Mrs. Howard
Wilson Everett K. Teacher History, Soc. Sc., Athletics; Student Counselor 1935-1937 Antioch Coop; Born in Nova
Scotia; graduate of Antioch &
Univ of Chicago; Wrote book
“A Study in Civics” in 1937 for
PMSS students; married Elizabeth at PMSS; well-known early scholar in sociology.
Wilson Elizabeth; Mrs. Everett K. Wilson Librarian Earned B.A. at Antioch College 1938-1940
Wilson Joe Furnaces; Farm 1941-1942
Wilson Mary Teacher, Grade 1 In 1968, “still with grade 1.” 1968
Wilson Samuel M. Secretary, Bd of Trustees 1914- VP, General Advisory Bd 1914-
Winfrey Samuel Farmer 1933 – June 1936
Wise Jean; Mrs. John J. Lincoln, Jr. Housemother Far House Aug 1923; Summer Worker 1921 (?) She says it was 1923. Formerly Jean Wise of Smith
College. In Pole House in August
Summer 1923
Witcher Emily Intern “Left May” Spring 1990
Withington Alfreda Physician, Medical
Settlement, Big Laurel
Withrow R.N. Mickey; Mrs. Eugene Johnson Nurse
Witmore Mrs S.S.; SEE Lansing, Miss Gertrude
Wolfe Ellen Gunderson; (sic, Gundersen) Mrs. James Wolfe Nurse Aide Summer only. Mar 1953 – July 1953
Wolfe James Business Manager
of Hospital
Mar 1953 – July 1953
Wood Harriette Teacher 1923-1928
Wooton Joyce Teacher 1969
Work Mary; Mrs. Modder Montague Teacher, Country
Cottage 1924-1927
Will arrange meetings 1924-1927
Workman Jerry Teacher “Back again” in 1965. 1960-1968
Wright Ethel M.; Mrs. Nobel Ray Scott Teacher Length of PMSS service 2 years 1919-1920
Wright Katherine Teacher: Scouting Officer Summer or part-time worker. 1919-1921, 1923-1925,
Wright Mrs. Ted; SEE Kraatz, Miss Margaret
Wrigley Elizabeth Subst. Housekeeper 1917
Wulf Anna; Mrs. William Pishzak Teacher, Home Ec, 1925-1927; Medical Settlement, Big Laurel 1943-1944; Medical Settlement 1938-1944 1925-1930, 1938-1944
Wykle* Helen Hayes; Mrs. Helen Wykle Member, Bd of Trustees; Plays major role in digitizing and archiving PMSS historical materials, 2004 – current (2017) BOT Class of 2008; Committees: Regional Heritage & Interpretation, Finance; Daughter of Fern & Wm Hayes, former PMSS students & staff. Born at PMSS. 2004 – current (2017)
Yearly Betty Teacher 1969
Yezzi Katie Intern Sep-90
Yocum Ruby; Mrs. Hibbard Thatcher Teacher, 7th, 8th grades Left PMSS after her wedding. 1950-1953
Young John Howard Teacher of Ethics 1929-1930; Supervisor of Activities 1938-1939: Housefather Earned B.A. at Antioch College;
Antioch Coop 1928-1930
1929-1930; 1938-1939
Zande Luigi Superintendent of Grounds, Construction; Teacher Length of service: 13 (14?) years 1914-1928
Zande Mrs. Luigi; SEE de Long, Miss Ethel
Zande Mrs. Luigi; SEE Heinz, Miss Caroline
Zuercher Melanie Intern Feb – May 1981
Zulich Marie Summer Staff 1916

See Also:

BIOGRAPHY A-Z – Lists of Trustees, Students, Staff, Community Residents, Friends and Visitors with Links to their Biographies

BIOGRAPHY Alphabetical List of PMSS Workers (Staff) 1913-1930 – Database of 278 Staff Members from 1913 to 1930

BIOGRAPHY Staff Directory 1913 to Present – Database of 1,009 Staff Members from 1913 to Present