PUBLICATIONS PMSS Pine Mountain Ears 1953

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Pine Mountain Ears
Community School Newsletter
1953, May through July

PUBLICATIONS PMSS Pine Mountain Ears 1953

Pine Mountain Ears, July 4, 1953, p.1. [pmss_ears_1953_07_04_001]

TAGS: PMSS publications, Pine Mountain Ears, Community School, Dorothy Nace, Ellen Gundersen Wolfe, staff newsletter, Fair Day, student news, staff news, PMSS maintenance department news, farm news, hospital news, visitors, former staff, former students, volunteers, teachers, donations, Chapel, vespers, Starbuck family

PUBLICATIONS PMSS Pine Mountain Ears 1953

May – July (1953 Misc. Issues)

The Pine Mountain Settlement School informal staff newsletter, Pine Mountain Ears, was produced from 1949 until 1956 during the Community School years. It was edited by Dorothy Nace, a School staff member from 1949 until December 1952. Ellen [Gundersen] Wolfe served for several months as the Editor from May 8, 1953, until July 18, 1953.


May 8

001 Vol. 1, No. 1. 

WELCOME: As readers of the first issue of this news sheet which, we hope, will be published every other Friday. There will be news of the campus to help us all get better acquainted with each other…. News items will be appreciated by Ellen Wolfe, Far House….

COMING EVENTS: Pink Lady Slipper Tea, vespers, 8th grade graduation, staff picnic, Fall Fair.
DOGWOOD SUPPER HELD AT BIG LOG: Attended by 55 people.
SCHOOL NEWS: Miss Stahl’s room entertained 18 pre-school children; Mr. Wells and the 8th and 9th graders attended “Career Day” at Loyall High School.
BRIT WILDER TO HEAD FALL FAIR as general chairman; list of committees and their chairs; salary of $25 for chairman; steering committee.

002 PERSONAL MENTION: News about Robert Starbuck and family; Harrison Cornett; Sadie Bohnenblust and Susan; Burton Rogers and family; Lowell and Gwendolyn Smythe (visitors); Miss Marian Kingman (former PMSS teacher); Rose L. Fecker (nurse); Dorothy Nace; Mary Taylor; Rev. Edwin Taylor; Ben Scearce, Jr. (temporary farm worker) and wife, Ola Mae (Cornett) Scearce.
WANTED: Buyer for a piano owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Wells.
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: Work at Boy’s House, Far House, Big Log, Hill House, Farm House, Jubilee, Country Cottage; “…[E]xcavation under the carpenter shop in the Industrial Building is being done to make a room for drying lumber.”
FARM NEWS: Logging project; lumber; chicken house; 800 chicks; calves; pasture; fencing
BIRTHS at the hospital: To Mrs. Polly Jane Lewis (Big Laurel) and Evelyn and Eli Sparkman (Gilley); mobile chest x-ray unit in Harlan.

May 22

001 Vol. 1, No. 2. CLOSING EXERCISES FOR SCHOOL in the Chapel; Miss Ruby Yokum, teacher; hymns; school song “Across These Hills”; John Wells, Principal; awards. List of 8th grade students.
GENTLE REMINDER ABOUT FALL FAIR: Florence Jones, chair of the exhibits committee; Fair date, September 12.
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: Painting and staining; flooded basements; hauling logs to Holbrook’s mill.
SCHOOL PHYSICALS COMPLETED by Dr. [Tracy] Jones, assisted by Grace Rood.
HAIL AND FAREWELL to those who are leaving for short or long periods.
ENGLISH VISITORS ENJOY PINE MT.: Mrs. Eva Stilwell, sister of Mary Rogers, and her son, Nicholas, spent two months at PMSS.
LOST AT PINE MT. HOSPITAL: Tonsils and adenoids surgery on Ada Turner, Susan Bohnenblust, and Glyn Patterson by Dr. Jones assisted by Dr. Waller of Harlan. The mothers, Sadie Bohnenblust and Edna Patterson are on the nursing staff.
VOLUNTEERS needed to help clean out the pool for summer use.

002 PERSONAL MENTION: News about Dorothy Nace at the “Big Sing”; Grace Rood; Margaret Jarvis and Violet Radle, former PMSS nurses; Atha Stahl and Sue Day; Mrs. Berry Lewis and Ophie Jean Lewis; Leonard Roberts; Ruby Yokum; Marie Whitie Dove, former PMSS teacher; Dr. Tracy Jones family; John McDaniel, visitor.
SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM: ended on May 20th; directed by Harriet Turner.
NEWS FROM THE FARM: Plowing, 6 acres of corn for ensilage; alfalfa hay; lespedeza hay; 700 white leghorn pullets; 750 New Hampshire pullets.
WITH THE ANIMAL KINGDOM: Burton Rogers kills snake; Cardinals’ nest at Boy’s House.
Glossie and Juanita Scearce accepted at Red Bird school.

June 5

001 Vol. 1, No. 3. WELCOME, VISITORS TO PINE MT.: Foreign exchange students, guided by Prof. F.L. Chang of Berea.; Mrs Patton, Honorary President-General, and Miss Carraway, President-General of the NSDAR.
HOSPITAL STAFF CHANGES: News about Mable Snyder; Miss Rose L. Fecker; Mrs. Roy Hill (summer nurse); the [Jess] Pattersons.
PARTY FOLDS UP: Staff helped fold Pine Mt. stationary at Laurel House, supervised by Dorothy Nace. “The stationery, sold on mail order and in various shops in this general region, is income producing as well as a source of publicity for the school.”
ACTIVITIES ON THE FARM: Cutting spring oats, planting corn, haying (100 bales), work on new poultry house; livestock, 400 pullets; work on farm implement shed.

002 PERSONAL MENTION: News about departure of John and Betty Wells; Jones family; Philip Hayes; Alice Pennington; Marie Huff; Mrs. Ellis; Miss Rose L. Fecker; Burton Rogers; Ruby Lanier.
PUPPY HOMES WANTED by Bonnie at Far House and by the Rogers.
Volunteers helped mail out 5,000 annual appeal letters.
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS: Roger Wilder (former student) is a temporary worker; hauling logs, stacking lumber, completing staining Boy’s House and Big Log.
COPPERHEAD DESCRIBED: According to Mary Rogers.
FORMER STAFF MEMBERS: News about Peter and Alice Barry; Rev. Leon Sanborne of Berea, who led the work camp at PMSS in 1951; Ruth and Charles Creech.

June 19

001 Vol. 1, No. 4. FALL TEACHING STAFF ANNOUNCED: Lists new teachers and their education and experience: Atha Stahl, Mildred Mahoney, Christine Kinniard, Mr. and Mrs. Gerna Campbell.
LETTER to the staff from Grace M. Rood in Pontiac, MI, June 10, 1953, She tells of meeting with various people during her travels, including former PMSS students Blondie Scott Hagamon and Maxine Moses Hubbard; Atha Stahl, Lucile Lee (who applied to PMSS), and Stella Taylor.
POOL READY FOR USE: Lists several volunteers who helped clean out the pool, including Bill Hayes and Mary and Burton Rogers and their children; also, Eva and Nicholas Stilwell.
FAR HOUSE GETS PHONE; OTHER MAINTENANCE NEWS: “Far House, also known as the nurses’ residence, now has a phone connecting it with the hospital.” The phone was donated by the science department of Earlham College, through Robert Starbuck. Hospital balcony and fire extinguisher; lumber.
PERSONNEL: News about Betty Esau, R.N. (summer hospital nurse); Edna Patterson; Starbuck family leaving in August; Brit Wilder to become superintendent of maintenance department; Dorothy Nace offered to write news of former staff.

002 PERSONAL MENTION: Bonnie and Susan Rehnenblust; Jones family; Leonard and Edith Roberts.
BUTTERFLIES WANTED by Nicholas Stilwell and Steve Hayes for their collection; Miss [Edith] Cold sent Steve a pair of field glasses.
BORN AT PINE MT. HOSPITAL, a son to Otis and Emily Shell Cornett of Big Rock, KY.
VISITORS AT PINE MOUNTAIN: Foreign students, accompanied by Rev. George Strong (assistant at Union Church, Berea) and two from Berea College faculty; six students from Antioch College, including former work-campers Eva Wenkart and Niela Miller; Starbucks’ visitors.
CHICKEN HOUSE ADDITION; OTHER FARM ACTIVITIES: Maintenance department adding 50-foot second story to chicken house to accommodate 700 Leghorns; completed the tool house [II]; haying by Brit Wilder; corn-planting; Ayrshire heifer sold to Hindman Settlement School.
NEWS OF FORMER STAFF: Edith Cold; Mary Lib Hurff (Mrs. George Moffatt); Alice Cobb.

July 4

001 Vol. 1, No. 5. NEWS OF FORMER STAFF: The Tuckers; Edith Cold’s visit to Germany; Mrs. Flora Willis; Mr. and Mrs. Baker (the “Line Fork Bakers”) visit;.
CHAPEL TO GET BETTER LIGHTING: Miss Munger, donor of the Chapel and organ, “just made a special contribution for a better lighting system for the Chapel.”
SORRY WE’RE LATE !!!! The Wolfes, who visited the [Peter] Barrys in NC, returned to PMSS late, missing the deadline.
FALL FAIR PLANS CONTINUE: Brit Wilder, 1953 Fall Fair chairman, will not accept a $25 salary, as “he feels that some of the committee heads will work as hard as he without getting paid.”
SUNDAY VESPERS DURING SUMMER: Plans by the Chapel committee, including a picnic supper and vespers; list of dates and locations.

July 18

001-002 Vol. 1, No. 6. VESPERS THIS SUNDAY: Margaret (Nace) Starbuck in charge.
MAINTENANCE DEP’T NEWS: New lighting; new screens; extension telephone bell in Laurel House; radiators in Far House.
PERSONAL MENTION: News about Leonard Roberts; Dorothy Nace; Robert Starbuck and family will leave PMSS mid-August for Salem, OH; Rogers family; Miss Turner and Mrs. Holsinger; Mae Huff (hospital); Dr. Jones’ sister and Bronwyn Jones; the Wolfes.
“IT MAY BE A WHILE before another issue of this news sheet comes out.” The editor is leaving and thanks everyone who has cooperated on the publication.
NEWS OF THE FARM: 250 White Leghorn hens; work on second floor addition of chicken house; alfalfa; weed killer on the corn; purchase of new calves.
FORMER STAFF AND FORMER STUDENTS: News about Helen Kingsbury; Miss [Abby Winch] Christensen; Fred Hoskins (former student 1938-40), Callie Randolph (former student 1941-42).
HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS: News about Dr. Gordon Brown, former doctor; Dr. Jones; Ruth Hall.
FOR SALE: Several items belonging to the Roberts at Farm House.



MAY 22






See Also:
EDUCATION Community Cooperative School