Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 12: LAND USE
Letters and Documents
Katherine Pettit’s Stories

“Judge Lewis Lyttle, 1948” and “Columbus Creech.” [nace_II_album_075.jpg]
TAGS: Planning for PMSS, Katherine Pettit, Rev. Lewis Lyttle, Lewis Turner, Sally Creech, A.E. Boggs, Charles S. Robb, Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company, Mr. Shell, Henry C. Creech, donations, Columbus Creech, Richard Chaffey, E.M. Nolan, R. Chaffey, B.F. Lewis, tram road, Ethel de Long, PMSS Board of Directors, Big Log, deed
PLANNING FOR PMSS provides images and the contents of some of the critical letters and documents related to the planning for Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Kentucky, 1911-1913. Also included are anecdotal stories related to Katherine Pettit‘s impressions of the geography, the families, and the folklore of the Pine Mountain valley.
For additional documents and letters related to planning, see the biography of “UNCLE WILLIAM” CREECH and the GUIDE TO CREECH FAMILY LETTERS.
A brief chronological overview of letters and documents related to planning
May 1, 1911. Slemp, Kentucky. Letter from Reverend Lewis Lyttle to Katherine Pettit in support of the school and pledging assistance. Contains list of possible community donors. (1 page)
May 9, 1911. Slemp, Kentucky. Letter from Lewis Lyttle to Katherine Pettit describing directions to proposed School site and to his home at the head of Leatherwood. Proposes he write a letter of support for the new school. (1 page)
May 9, 1911. Slemp, Kentucky. Letter from Reverend Lewis Lyttle to Katherine Pettit regarding visit to the School site. (1/2 page)
May 9, 1911. Slemp, Kentucky. Letter from Reverend Lewis Lyttle to Katherine Pettit with information related to the proposed settlement school. (3 pages)
August 2, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Lewis Turner to Katherine Pettit inviting Pettit for a visit. (1/2 page)
August 2, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Lewis Turner to Katherine Pettit at Hindman, Ky. He writes in favor of the school and his support. (1 page) DUPLICATE ??
August 25, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Mrs. Sally Creech [wife to William Creech] to Katherine Pettit regarding lace she sent to Pettit and the receipt of flax seed from Pettit. (1 page)
October 6, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from A.E. Boggs, [agent for the Creech’s and the proposed donation of land for the school] to Katherine Pettit. (1 page)
October 6, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from A.E. Boggs for William and Sally Creech to Katherine Pettit. (1/2 page) DUPLICATE ??
October 16, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Lewis Turner to Katherine Pettit containing directions for travel to the Pine Mountain valley. (1 page)
November 15, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from A.E. Boggs to Katherine Pettit regarding Big Laurel Turner land. (1 page)
November 27, 1911. Elkins, W.Va. Letter from Charles S. Robb to Katherine Pettit regarding the proposed railroad to bring lumber from holdings of the Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company. (1 page)
November 30, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech. Sr. to Katherine Pettit. (1/2 page)
November 30, 1911. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William and Sally Creech to Katherine Pettit. Discusses Shell land and possible purchase or lease. (1 page)
December 6, 1911. Hindman, Kentucky. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Charles Robb, Elkins, West Va. regarding Robb’s response of November 27th. Pettit provides background and rationale for school. (2 pages)
n.d. [c. 1911] Jane, Kentucky. Letter from H.[Henry] C. Creech to Katherine Pettit containing names of individuals interested in the Pine Mountain Settlement School and donation amounts. (1 page)
January 12, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Henry C. Creech for his father William Creech to Katherine Pettit. (1/2 page)
January 22, 1912. Lexington, Kentucky. Letter from Henry C. Creech to Katherine Pettit, Jane, Kentucky. Discusses the acreage (108 acres) in the Robb tract. Notes that land wanted by School belong to Columbus Creech, son of William and not to William. Columbus and Henry commit 25 or 30 acres as donation to the school.
May 27, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech to Katherine Pettit regarding Mr. Shell and purchase of land. Remarks that the Shell family criticized him for “being so liberal.”
May 30, 1912. Hindman, Kentucky, Knott County. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Richard Chaffey, Elkins, West Va., requesting a statement from Mr. Chaffey regarding the purchase of land owned by the Kentneva Lumber Company. (1 page – two transcript versions)
June 17, 1912. Dryhill, Kentucky. Letter from E.M. Nolan to Katherine Pettit regarding the Shell land. (1/2 page)
June 17, 1912. Dryhill, Kentucky. Letter from E.M. Nolan to Rev. Lewis Lyttle. Discouraging prospects for Shell land. (1 page) DUPLICATE
June 24, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech to Katherine Pettit regarding the Shell property and coal reserves in area. (1/2 page) SEE DUPLICATE PAGE
July 22, 1912. William, W. Va. Letter from R. Chaffey (Manufacturer of Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber) to Katherine Pettit and her request for monetary support from Chaffey. (1 page)
August 5, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech to Katherine Pettit which describes the work that a cousin, B.F. Lewis is doing on behalf of the school. Again, mentions the flax seed and crop. Miss Clark’s pictures did not arrive. (1 page)
August 7, 1912. Dryhill, Kentucky. Letter from E.M. Nolan to Katherine Pettit. Speaks to the difficulty in persuading Mr. Shell to sell or donate land for the School. Describes coverlet drafts used by Nolan family. (1/2 page) HAS DUPLICATE 52
August 29, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Henry C. Creech to Katherine Pettit with list of potential donors and amounts. (1 page) DUPLICATE ? 53
September 17, 1912. William, W. Va., Letter from R. Chaffey to Katherine Pettit, Hindman, Ky. Sends address of Judge G.E. Gardner and notes he has spread the word about the school to the W.C.T.U President in West Virginia. Details on the proposed railroad through the School land. “…we would not want the road there for a very long time… to remove timber … six months to a year … would be removed …” (1page)
September 23, 1912. Elkins, W.Va. Letter from Charles S. Robb to Katherine Pettit. Verbal agreement arrived at with Mr. Chaffey regarding railroad [?] and land exchange.
October 12, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from Wiliam Creech to Katherine Pettit. Notes that Henry’s baby has diphtheria. Visited relatives in Laurel County, KY. Squirrel hunting is good, (1 page) DUPLICATE 56
October 12, 1912. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech to Katherine Pettit apologizes for not answering and notes that Henry’s child has diphtheria. (1/2 page)
December 5, 1912. Dryhill, Kentucky. Letter from E.M. Nolan to Katherine Pettit. Describes visit to an ailing Mr. Shell with Miss [Ethel] de Long and discussion of possible donation of small tract of land to School. (1 page) DUPLICATE 57 FULL PAGE
December 5, 1912. Dryhill, Kentucky. Letter from E.M. Nolan to Katherine Pettit. Describes visit to an ailing Mr. Shell with Miss de Long and discussion of possible donation of small tract of land to School. (1/2 page)
February 4, 1913. Elkins, West Va. Letter from Charles S. Robb to Katherine Pettit regarding the land held by the Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company. Regard the 108-acre tract of land at head of Greasy in exchange for 70 acres of Creech land further down Greasy. (1 page)
February 4, 1913. Elkins, West Va. Letter from Charles S. Robb to Katherine Pettit regarding the land held by the Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company. Read letter of Pettit from 11th at stockholder’s meeting of Kentweva company and requests the School’s Article’s of Incorporation. (1 page) DUPLICATE ? 58
February 6, 1913. Lexington, Kentucky. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Charles S. Robb regarding the survey of the Creech land donations and purchases. (2 pages)
“The Kentweva Coal and Lumber Co., agree to exchange with Mr. Creech, 108 acres in forks of Greasy for 70 acres free and sell the 98 acres to the school at $5.00 per acre. Mr. Chaffee said that he wuld [sic] try to raise the $490 to pay Mr. Creech. He said he would give $200.00 and Mr. Wilson $100. Judge Cornett said he would give something. They reserve a right of road for train road; the deed can be made to Pine Mountain Settlement School.”
…and “Mr. Creech wrote me that he thought it would be nearer 150 acres than 108 acres, but he did not say in his last letter how much.” Katherine Pettit arranges to move to Pine Mountain on April 9, 1913,” with a trained nurse, and secretary to begin the work …”
February 6, 1913. Lexington, Kentucky. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Charles S. Robb, Elkins, W. Va. duplicates information in short transcription and contains additional informatIon regarding correspondence with Congressman Slemp.
May 24, 1913. Pine Mountain Settlement School. Letter from Ethel de Long to Board of Directors reporting on progress at the School. (3 pages)
August 4, 1913, Pine Mountain Settlement School. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Board of Trustees. Describes progress of the School and work on Big Log, particularly the retaining wall supervised by Miss Wilson, a worker of Washington. D.C.. Comments on alcoholism in the region. (2 pages)
September 1, 1913. Pine Mountain Settlement School. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Mr. Merritt Wilson, Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company regarding the right-of-way for the company through school property for a “tram road.” Pettit expresses surprise that the “road” will be a railroad through the school. (1 page)
September 4, 1913. Pine Mountain Settlement School. Letter dictated to Miss Stoughton, Secretary, to the Board of Trustees regarding the progress at the school. Includes water issues and sawmill problems. Progress on the farm is also covered. (2 pages)
September 10, 1913. Harlan, Kentucky. Letter from Katherine Pettit to Judge Cornett regarding the deed between the Kentweva Coal and Lumber Company and William Creech, Sr., of Harlan County with corrected copy with paragraph struck at request of William Creech. Contract for the temporary tram road across the School grounds. Requests that a new paragraph from Mr. Creech be inserted into the contract. (1 page)
September 10, 1913. [A ?]lldell, W.Va. Letter from Merrit Wilson, President of Kentweva Coal and Lumber Co. to Katherine Pettit. Stockholders and Mr. Wilson seek to retain original wording of the contract to run a tram across land owned by School.
September 12, 1913. Harlan, Kentucky. Letter from A.S. Cornett [Judge] to Ethel de Long, Pine Mountain, Kentucky. Notes that he cannot change the Deed [contract] without consent of Kentweva Coal and Lumber Co. without invalidating deed. Notes he will forward request to change deed to Kentweva. (1 page)
September 17, 1913. Pine Mountain, Kentucky. Letter from Ethel de Long to A.B. Cornett [Judge and representative of Kentweva interests noting that a letter has already been sent to Kentweva [Mr. Wilson] requesting change in language of deed. (1 page)
September 18, 1913. Pine Mountain, Kentucky. Letter from Katherine Pettit or Ethel de Long [unsigned] regarding the dispute in the right-of-way for the Kentweva tram to cross Pine Mountain School property. Letter fully describes the School’s position. Notes that William Creech will not sign the Deed and that the School has not received a full written Deed from Kentweva only a verbal agreement. (1 page)
September 26, 1913. Elkins, W. Va. Letter from Merrit Wilson President of Kentweva by Charles S. Robb, representative, to Katherine Pettit, Pine Mountain, Kentucky. Kentweva changes language of deed to indicate that the authority to build a railroad is not in perpetuity but is a temporary measure to pull timber and mineral from adjoining land. Kentweva acknowledges that railroad “… will no doubt damage it [the land] to some extent.” The company notes it wishes to follow the stream-bed. (1 page)
October 1913. Uncle William’s Reasons [for a school at Pine Mountain.] A core document for William Creech’s pursuit of a school for the area. (2 pages)
” … so I may spend my last days in a quite moral and peaceable country and a benefit for the yet unborn children of this country. As I have put almost all I have into the Building of the new school and other friends are coming to our assistance to help us I feel it a great work and would be glad if all who can would help, as life is short and death certain, and I think it would be much better to help with the new school than try to lay up treasures here on earth.”
December 6, 1913. Pine Mountain, Kentucky. Letter from Ethel de Long to Board of Directors regarding progress of the school to date. Discusses “ditching” at the school and hauling logs to the new sawmill. Official work toward a road across Pine Mountain begun with petition to Harlan County court. Surveyor has been appointed and money from the Fiscal Court is expected to follow in April. Purchase of a portable organ for the school from the Estey company.
August 5, 1945. Jane, Kentucky. Letter from William Creech to Katherine Pettit that describes the breakthrough regarding the Shell land. Creech notes that Shell will “let you have some land for the school and we think that would be good of him to do so. And he also told Henry that he would let you have some good timber for building purposes …” (1/2 page)
n.d. NO DATE
n.d. . A conversation that occurred in the office [at PMSS] between a worker from Line Fork and Miss Pettit. (1 page)
n.d. . Stories Told by Katherine Pettit
Aunt Nance Templeton (died in 1898)
Mrs. Fields Visit from Line Fork about the School There
The Red Shirtwaist
Miss Pettit’s Trip ‘Round the World
Cutting Off a Woman’s Hair
The Line Fork Nativity Play
Kentucky Place Names
How Aunt Sal Stopped Uncle William From Drinking
The Encyclopedia
Below are IMAGES of the letters and documents related to the planning for the Settlement School at Pine Mountain, Kentucky. It is a remarkable journey through the correspondence of remarkable visions. The intense work of the first years at the institution is often captured in very personal exchanges in the 69 documents that follow. [ORDER IS NOT CHRONOLOGICAL.]
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See Also:
WILLIAM CREECH Founder Biography