Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: Biography – Families
BOGGS FAMILY, 1921 – 1990
TAGS: Boggs Family; Pine Mountain Settlement School; Pine Mountain Community; PMSS Boarding School students; PMSS workers; PMSS Community School students
Members of the Boggs Family lived in the community of Pine Mountain since very early years. Many were among the student body and workers at Pine Mountain Settlement School.
For additional assistance in locating histories of families in Eastern Kentucky see:
Harlan County, Kentucky, Genealogy – FamilySearch/Wiki
Boggs Family HIGHLIGHTS lists Boggs Family members whose names have been found in correspondence, biographies, narratives and other historical accounts in the PMSS Collections.
The following highlights are not in chronological order. Instead, they are roughly in the order of first names.
Each highlight includes the title of the source page (in uppercase letters). That page can be accessed by copying and pasting the page title in the SEARCH box on the main page at
A.E. Boggs in Jane, KY, was one of three who corresponded with Katherine Pettit in CREECH LETTERS 1911 about acquiring land for the PMSS campus.
Abner Boggs, a Pine Mountain community resident and musician whose singing at the Community Fairs became a tradition. He had 8 children which he described as “eight of the singinest younguns anybody ever did see.” His name appears on pages too numerous to list here. See his biography which provides links to related pages or search for “ABNER BOGGS” on the main page.
Alabama Boggs is mentioned as having knitted gloves for Alice Cobb in ALICE COBB STORIES “Visit to the Harmon Turners, 1934.”
Alec Boggs pledged “$7.50 on logs” in the rebuilding of the Line Fork Cabin at a meeting that took place in May 1929. MARY ROCKWELL HOOK Line Fork Architectural Planning… [image #027]. ” He is described in STAPLETON REPORT – NOVEMBER 1931: “At the very head of Bear Branch is Alec Boggs and Rainie [his wife] with Rosie, Boyd, Addie, Maggie, Leemore, Evelyn and ‘Li’l Liza Jane’.” Rainie’s sister, Liza Jane Boggs, was married to Art Boggs, Alec’s brother. STAPLETON REPORT – MARCH 1932 refers to the baptism of Alec who was “immersed in a pool at the head of Big Laurel at the home of Bish Boggs.”
Alice Boggs is mentioned in Alice Cobbs’ story about a Holiness service. ALICE COBB STORIES “…HOLINESS SERVICE” and as “postmistress and the most energetic woman in the community” in ALICE COBB STORIES “Pre-Christmas Sunday School at PMSS 1934.” Florence Daniels, PMSS weaving teacher in 1926-29 writes that “Little Alice Boggs” first learned weaving in Daniel’s class at Big Laurel and “is one of the weaving girls here (Berea).” WELLS RECORD 13 PMSS FIRESIDE INDUSTRIES 1913-1928.
Alvin Boggs – See ALVIN BOGGS Biography. Wife: Ruth Smith Boggs; son: Titus Boggs; daughters: Connie R. Boggs and Sharon Boggs Smith; parents: Ava Turner Boggs and Virgil Boggs.
Art Boggs’ tree-cutting skills are described in ALICE COBB STORIES “Migration From Hinterlands to Industrial Area, c. 1940.” He is mentioned as having courted Stacy (sic) Ellen by EVELYN K. WELLS in her 1916 Excerpts From Letters Home. According to STAPLETON REPORT – NOVEMBER 1931, Art is Alec Boggs‘ brother and Liza Jane Boggs’s husband.
Artie Boggs is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.” She was an elementary PMSS student for a short time; oldest daughter of Abner Boggs; cared for her family after her mother died. A dinner she prepared for Alice Cobb is described in ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork…1937.”
Audrey Vivian Boggs is listed as one of the PMSS students in the 1944 GRADUATING CLASS. Her poem was published in CONIFER – 1944. In 1944, she was among the cast of characters in “THE MOONSTONE, a mystery play from the novel by Wilkie Collins.
Ava Boggs married Elza Day, Sol Day’s son. They had 3 sons: Jerry, Wayne, and Elza Day.
Becky Boggs is mentioned in Alice Cobbs’ story about a Holiness Service. ALICE COBB STORIES…HOLINESS SERVICE. Her “difficulty with the Postal inspector” is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “Abner Cobb’s Lamentation for His Wife.”
Ben Boggs, his wife Katherine and their new baby (Abner Boggs’ grandchild) is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.”
Billy Boggs spoke for the community at the 1983 Homecoming, welcoming the Urquharts to PMSS. 1983 ALUMNI RELATIONS.
Bish (Bishop) Boggs is mentioned in Alice Cobbs’ story about a Holiness Service. ALICE COBB STORIES…HOLINESS SERVICE. Also mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork…1937.” as Abner Boggs’ brother, who was running for magistrate; Jim Boggs‘ father. See also AUNT SAL’S CABIN. Mrs. Bish Boggs was known as “Bugs,” according to a journal by Dorothy H. Stiles – “Kentucky 1915.”
Boyd Boggs is listed as having served in WWII MILITARY SERVICE.
Brown Boggs married Ethel Day, Sol Day’s daughter, in 1933. They had 5 children: Alice, Marie, Wilma, Virginia, Richard, and David Boggs.
Cy Boggs is mentioned as making moonshine by EVELYN K. WELLS in her 1916 Excerpts From Letters Home.
Dennis Boggs is described as a teacher at Bear Branch School who was “liked by everybody…” in
Eula Boggs is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.” She was Abner Boggs’ daughter. ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork…1937.”
Genella Boggs is pictured among PMSS students in the 1946 GRADUATING CLASS. [See nace_1_042b.jpg in Gallery below.]
Geraldine Boggs‘ essay “Mrs. Barry’s Visit” was published in PINE CONE 1948 November, pp 5-7 and transcribed in ALICE TRUMBULL (SCOVILLE) BARRY Biography. She is listed as a PMSS student in CONIFER – 1948 MAY SUPPLEMENT.
Hugh Boggs made the wooden churn that was displayed in AUNT SAL’S CABIN.
“Homer and Arthie Boggs have a baby girl which they named Lena.” Reported under “Big Laurel News” in PINE CONE 1934, page 4.
Ila [Ille] Boggs Turner of Big Laurel, KY, was among those who attended the 1981 Homecoming. She was a former PMSS kitchen assistant in the early 1940s and daughter of Abner Boggs. 1981 ALUMNI RELATIONS. Ila is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.”
Jim Boggs from Turkey Fork was Bish Boggs‘ son. He describes the feud between his family and his Uncle Abner Boggs in ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork…1937.” He is also mentioned as married to “Mrs. Wolfe” in ALICE COBB STORIES “Visit to Line Fork …1938.”
Joe S. Boggs was the State Highway Engineer during the building of the Road. He was also the Commissioner, Department of Public Roads, Frankfort, KY. LADEN TRAIL… CORRESPONDENCE Parts I and II, 1916-1921.
A 2001 obituary for John Boggs Jr. (“trustee?”) is listed under Staff/Personnel in the Guide to Library File in SERIES 09: STAFF/PERSONNEL/COMMUNITY (1913- ), ID# 9, Alt ID# B2.26.
John E. Boggs‘ application to work at PMSS was “example of worthy community people needing the School’s help.” DEAR FRIEND LETTERS 1946. A “John Boggs” is listed under canceled checks of William Creech for a $115 mule, November 1903. CREECH FAMILY BUSINESS RECORDS 1903-1931.
Junior Boggs is mentioned in the 1983 Homecoming brochure as one of the attendees. 1983 ALUMNI RELATIONS. He was also mentioned in a 1949 letter (image #075) in GLADYS HILL CORRESPONDENCE.
La Ange Boggs is listed as a PMSS student in CONIFER – 1948 MAY SUPPLEMENT. Her article “My Impressions of Pine Mountain” was published in PINE CONE December 1948…, page 4.
Mae Boggs‘ handwritten reflections on her education at Pine Mountain Settlement School can be viewed on BOARDING SCHOOL Alumni Reflections on Their Education 1936.
Marcella Nolan Boggs was the daughter of Kenneth D. Nolan and Alice Anderson (Nolan) and Elhannon M. Nolan’s daughter-in-law. ELHANNON MURPHY NOLAN.
The death of Manilla Boggs Blevins’ child, Alice, is described in ALICE COBB STORIES “Death of Manilla Blevin’s Alice.” Alice’s father was Ben Blevins. Manilla was Nancy Boggs‘ sister. Their mother was Stacey Ellen Boggs.
Mark Boggs was the “middle” son of Abner Boggs. ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork June 13, 1937.”
Mary El Boggs and Margie Boggs, age about five and two, were listed as attendees of Alice Cobb’s Divide Sunday School. ALICE COBB STORIES “Handing Over Divide Sunday School….”
Matthew Boggs, a longtime PMSS farmer and worker, is described as living in Creech Cabin for many years until his retirement in 2013 after over a half-century of PMSS employment. CREECH COTTAGE. He was Interviewed by P.B. Cheek in 1986-09-23. [1 cassette tape. 010]. GUIDE TO AUDIO RECORDINGS.
Muriel Boggs Hoskins of Barbourville, KY, was among those who attended the 1981 Homecoming. 1981 ALUMNI RELATIONS.
Nancy Boggs is described as “a sister to Manilla Boggs Blevins and one who “sings the ballads” in ALICE COBB STORIES “Death of Manilla Blevin’s Alice” and in ALICE COBB STORIES “Pre-Christmas Sunday School at PMSS 1934.”
Nancy Jane Boggs Hall, married to Frank Hall, “is kindness itself.” She and her son, Arnie, a PMSS student, are described in ALICE COBB STORIES “Visit to Line Fork…1938”.
Ora Mae Boggs is shown in the photograph of the 1949 GRADUATING CLASS. [See conifer_1949_006.jpg in Gallery below.] Her article “Winter” was published in PINE CONE December 1948…, page 3.
Paul Boggs was one of Abner Boggs’ sons. ALICE COBB STORIES “Farewell Trip to Line Fork…1937.” He is listed as having served in WWII MILITARY SERVICE.
Priscilla (“Cilly”) Boggs was the daughter of Stacy Ellen Boggs. ALICE COBB STORIES “Taking Moving Pictures Down Greasy…1935.”
Ran Boggs was Abner Boggs’ eldest son “and handsome. He married Katherine a schoolteacher from Illinois….” ALICE COBB STORIES Taking Moving Pictures Down Greasy…1935.”
Russell Boggs is listed among the participants in the Appalachian oral history collection, 1972-1973. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pine Mountain Settlement School.
Shirley Boggs‘ essay “Mr. Scoville’s Hunting Trip” was published in PINE CONE 1948, November, pp 5-7, and transcribed in ALICE TRUMBULL (SCOVILLE) BARRY Biography. She is listed as a PMSS student in CONIFER – 1948 MAY SUPPLEMENT and as a Cub Writer in PINE CONE 1949.
Stacey (Stacy?) Ellen Boggs‘ daughters and a PMSS student, are described in ALICE COBB STORIES “Taking Moving Pictures Down Greasy…1935.” Her house is mentioned in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.” Mother of Manilla and Nancy Boggs. ALICE COBB STORIES “Death of Manilla Blevin’s Alice.” She is mentioned by EVELYN K. WELLS in her 1916 Excerpts From Letters Home. She gave a patriotic speech at a meeting, according to EVELYN K. WELLS in her 1918 Excerpts From Letters Home.
Titus Boggs, son of PMSS Director, Alvin Boggs, told of problems and opportunities for poor people through the Welfare Department where he was employed. NOTES – 1976 April, page 2.
Viola Boggs, “a Berea girl,” was mentioned as looking for a summer job in KATHERINE PETTIT CORRESPONDENCE 1920 [image # 079].
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Boggs hosted Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kindricks as supper guests. Reported under “Big Laurel News” in PINE CONE 1934, page 4. “Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Boggs have moved from Alex’s Branch back to their home in Big Laurel. PINE CONE 1946, page 4.
Miss Wilma Boggs was the leader of a sub-group from the Loyall area at the 1963 Guidance Institute according to the 1963 RURAL YOUTH GUIDANCE INSTITUTE REPORT (pp. 1-25) and (pp. 26-37). A Wilma Boggs is also mentioned in a 1953(?) letter about the NATIVITY PLAY: MARY ROGERS’ LETTER…
Zola Boggs is mentioned as the baby in the Abner Boggs’ family in ALICE COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork and Big Laurel 1937.”
Boggs Family: IN PINE MOUNTAIN AREA, 1930s-1940s
Blevins | Manilla Boggs | 1934 | COBB STORIES “Death of…” | ||
Boggs | Nancy | 1934 | COBB STORIES “Death of…” | ||
Boggs | Alabama | 1930s | COBB STORIES “Visit to Harmon Turners…’ | ||
Boggs | Stacy Ellen | 1934 | COBB STORIES “Death of…”;“Taking Moving Pictures…” | Daughters: Priscilla (Cilly) & Nancy | |
Boggs | Alice | 1934, 1937 | COBB STORIES “Pre-Christmas…”; “Logging at Gabes…” | postmistress | |
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Abner | 1930s, 1935 | COBB STORIES “Abner Boggs…”; “Farewell…”; “March of Time…”; “Taking Moving Pictures…” | ballad singer; 8 children; eldest son is Ran Boggs |
Boggs | Bish | 1937 | COBB STORIES “Farewell…” | Abner Boggs’ brother; Jim Boggs’ father. | |
Boggs | Jim | 1937 | COBB STORIES “Farewell…” | Bish Boggs’ son. | |
Boggs | Becky | 1930s, 1937 | COBB STORIES “Abner Boggs…”; “Logging at Gabes…” | ||
Mrs. | Boggs | Artie (Art) | 1930s, 1937, 1940? | COBB STORIES “Abner Boggs…”; “Farewell…”; “Migration…” | |
Boggs | Eula | 1937 | COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork…” & “Farewell…” | Eula was the youngest in the family. | |
Boggs | Zola | 1937 | COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork…” & “Farewell…” | ||
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Ben & Katherine | 1937 | COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork…” | |
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Brown | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 |
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Homer | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | |
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Ray | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | |
Boggs | John | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | ||
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | W.H. | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | |
Mr. & Mrs. | Boggs | Bill | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | |
Boggs | Ilo (Ila, Ile) | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COM & COBB STORIES “A Trip to Turkey Fork…”& “Farewell…” | ||
Boggs | Mark | 1937 | COBB STORIES “Farewell…” | Mark, Eula, Zola, Paul & Ila were siblings. | |
Boggs Family | 1937 | COBB STORIES “Handing…” | Children: Mary El & Margie, who attended Cobb’s Sunday School at Divide. |
Boggs | Paul | 1938 | COBB STORIES “Farewell…” | ||
Boggs | Ran | 1935 | COBB STORIES “Taking Moving Pictures….” | Abner’s eldest son; wife Katherine is a schoolteacher from Illinois | |
Turner | Otis | 1934 – 1942 | MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934 – 1942 | Mrs. Alin( Ali?) Boggs Turner |
Boggs Family: WORKERS AT PMSS, 1940s-2014
Boggs | Alvin | Director, 1973-1983; Vocational – Recreational Community Projects 1955 | 1955-? ;1973-1983 | ||
Boggs | Boyd | Maintenance | former student | 1973-1974 | |
Boggs | Bruce | Interned for 12 weeks | 1978 | ||
Boggs | Donny | Maintenance | Matt Boggs’ son. Birth Date: Aug 02, 1959 | June 1985 – 1986? | |
Boggs | Ila | Turner, Miss Ila Boggs | Kitchen Assistant | Daughter of Abner Boggs, folksinger. | 1941, 1942, 1943 |
Boggs | Matthew | Boggs, Matt | Farm worker in 1940s; Grounds; Night Watchman 1973-1974 | Married Mae Huff Boggs, who died of cancer; 2 children, Donny & girl; lived in the Cabin; As of 2008 was living in Charles & Ruth Smith Creech’s house, which was purchased by PMSS from the Creeches. Birth Date: Jan 13, 1930. | 1951-2014 |
Boggs | Ruth | Boggs, Mrs. Alvin | Teacher & Community Projects 1955-1963?; Supervisor of Laurel House & Guest House; Bookkeeper 1973-1974 | Also, Laurel House in 1963 | 1955-1963?; 1973-1974 |
Boggs, Artie 1926, 1930
Boggs, Audrey Vivian 1940-44
Boggs, Boyd 1938-39
Boggs, Brutus 1947-48
Boggs, Carrie, Elizabeth and Saul 1926-28
Boggs, Chester, Lenville and Lloyd 1921-1923
Boggs, Elia (Mrs.) n.d.
Boggs, Ella Jane 1939-40
Boggs, Emma Ailene 1946
Boggs, Freda 1937
Boggs, Genella Faye 1943-47
Boggs, Geraldine 1946-49 Jr. 1949
Boggs, Geraldine Faye 1944-46
Boggs, Goldie 1928-1929
Boggs, Homer 1923
Boggs, John E. Jr. 1943-45 (Jr. 1945)
Boggs, June 1936
Boggs, Lemora 1944-45
Boggs, Manilla 1926
Boggs, Mae 1931-33
Boggs, Maretta LaAnge 1948-49
Boggs, Marjorie 1948
Boggs, Mary Ellen 1937-39
Boggs, Mary Katherine 1948-50 Freshman, Spring 1949
Boggs, Muriel 1946-48
Boggs, Nancy Carol 1935-37
Boggs, Opha 1925
Boggs, Ora Mae 1945-49
Boggs, Paul 1938-41
Boggs, Robert 1936
Boggs, Robert, Leonard, Bertha 1923
Boggs, Rosa 1938-41
Boggs, Rosezell 1943-45
Boggs, Sallie 1937-39
Boggs, Shirley Elizabeth 1948-49
Boggs, Woodrow 1933-35
Boggs Alice Yvonne 1947-10-06 1953
Boggs Anne Lee 1948-01-09 1963
Boggs Barbara Lexine 1937-10-15 1951
Boggs Bennie Lester 1957-12-29 1963
Boggs Bessie Adene 1940-04-19 1956
Boggs Betty Sue 1943-05-10 1950
Boggs Billy Ray 1951-12-25 1957-1960
Boggs Bobby 1943-07-18 1957
Boggs Robert Bishop 1938-11-17 1950
Boggs Charlotte Ann 1953-04-15 1960
Boggs Connie Ruth 1952-11-16 1958
Boggs Dorothy Anne 1948-05-06 1954
Boggs Earnest 1946-12-10 1958
Boggs Emma Jannette 1937-04-04 1950
Boggs George Franklin 1950-07-22 1959
Boggs Joyce Ann 1943-05-10 1956
Boggs Judy Lynn 1946-09-08 1957
Boggs Junior 1943-01-14 1957
Boggs Linda Sue 1952-10-26 1958
Boggs Lotheta 1949-10-03 1959
Boggs Michael Ray 1952-12-29 1958
Boggs James Matthew 1950-04-26 1956
Boggs Opal Annette 1939-12-31 1950
Boggs Patsy Ann 1947-06-15 1956
Boggs Sue Ellen 1941-07-26 1951
Boggs Sylvan Cletus 1939-03-05 1950
Boggs Titus Jearl 1950-02-21 1958
Boggs Virgil 1941-06-11 1953
Boggs Virginia Lee 1943-04-02 1951
Boggs Wilmer 1938-09-07 1952
See Also:
ALICE COBB STORIES from Abner Boggs – Quotes and Thoughts, 1935
ALICE COBB STORIES Abner Boggs’s Lamentations for his Wife
- Geraldine Boggs, weaving. [nace_1_060c.jpg]
- “Mrs. Sally Boggs, at Cutshin.” [042_VI_friends_neigh_033.jpg]
- “Arthur Boggs’ Big Laurel.” [047_IV_FN_07a_045.jpg]
- Bonnie Turner, Connie Boggs, Mally Scearse, Ron Day. [53_life_work_children_classes_1725b.jpg]
- 1810a Sally Boggs, Mrs. Whitaker, and students dancing. [58_Life-and-Work_Children-and- Classes_027.jpg]
- 1805 Frankie Scearse, Sharon Boggs, Cathie Creech (at board), Bonnie Turner, Teacher standing at blackboard. [58_Life-and- Work_Children-and-Classes_011.jpg]
- 1802a Hazel Johnson, Conie Boggs, Barbara Callahan, Betty Middleton. [58_Life-and-Work_Children-and-Classes_006.jpg]
- Girls working at table. With list of names; Warren, Lewis, Carter, Mrs. Fliermans, Collins, Lucas, Boggs. [nace_II_album_040.jpg]
- ?, ?, Sue Gross, Debbie Boggs. [52_life_work_051c.jpg]
- Billy Boggs. [52_life_work_042b.jpg]
- Julian Lewis, Titus Boggs. [52_life_work_039a.jpg]
- Myria Watkins, Jeffrey Wilson, Sharon Boggs, Connie Boggs, Gary Gentry, Debbie Boggs, Pattie (Patricia) Whitaker, Kathy Wilson, Don Boggs, Suzie (Suzanne) Whitaker. [52_life_work_034b.jpg]
- Pattie (Patricia) Whitaker, Debbie Boggs, Kathy Wilson, Don Boggs, Suzie (Suzanne) Whitaker. [52_life_work_034a.jpg]
- Debbie Boggs, Sue Cox. [52_life_work_031b.jpg]
- Billy Bo Boggs. [52_life_work_027.jpg]
- Danny Boggs. 1669.[52_life_work_003c1669.jpg]
- Boyd Boggs, Roofing, 1965. VII 63 Life Work Maintenance, Farm, Grounds. [VII_63_life_work_001-55.jpg]
- Boyd Boggs, Roofing, 1965. VII 63 Life Work Maintenance, Farm, Grounds. B-1931 [VII_63_life_work_001-59.jpg]
- Girls working at table. With list of names; Warren, Lewis, Carter, Mrs. Fliermans, Collins, Lucas, Boggs. [nace_II_album_040.jpg]
- Stacy Ellen Boggs. Group portrait of 18 people. One young man sits on shoulders of another with his hands on heads of men to either side in back row. [VII_63_life_work_001-55.jpg] FN Vl_35_1150a
- The John Boggs Family, 1944. Front Row: Willard, Dorothy, Betty Birdena, Ruth. Back Row: Franklin, Junior, Muriel, Marjorie. [nace_1_067b.jpg]
- Billy June Lewis, Roy Cox, Tony Ely, Ralph Turner, Hollis Boggs. 1676. [52_life_work_025c.jpg]
- Freshman Class 1945-1946. (First Row) Margaret Slusher, Frances Selvey, Naomi King, Birdie Miniard, Reba Blevins, Geraldine King, Bess Taylor, Eli Ison. (Second Row) Fannie Mae Caldwell, Margie Belcher, Ora Mae Boggs, Donald Freemen, Carlos Banks, Leone Sturgill, Emmitt Patterson, Bonnie Reynolds, Arnie Halcomb, Miller Howard. (Back Row) Ralph Scott, Earl Brown, Walter Blackson, Clayton Sturgill, Clarence Garrett, Harold Caudill, Arles Centers, Ray Bird. [nace_1_044b.jpg]
- Senior Class of 1946. Front row: Millard Selvey, David Martin, Lester Centers, Frank Richards, Jerry La Rue. Second row: Nelle Jones, Genella Boggs, Hazel Kilgore, Bill Tye, Shirley Holbrook, Dr. Clark Bailey, Evelyn Ayers, Maxine Moses, Coleen Day, Glen Brown, Jeanette Lucus, Faye Trail. [nace_1_042b.jpg]
- 1949 Graduating Class. CONIFER 1949, page 6. [conifer_1949_006.jpg]
- Mrs. LaRue’s Knitting Group, 1946. Wanda Lee Copler, Despres Scott, Genella Boggs, Hazle Kilgore, Betty Logan, Evelyn Ayers. [nace_1_061b.jpg]
- Hobart Boggs – ploughing – Big Laurel. [nace_1_020a.jpg]
- “Mr. and Mrs. V. Boggs. Everts, Ky. ” [nesb_082_mod.jpg]
- “Boggs Family.” [nesb_079_mod.jpg]
- “Brothers Loved by All Alike. Mr. and Mrs. Ti [?…] Boggs. Mr. Boggs died Jan. ’25.” [Ran Boggs and T [….?] Boggs were brothers.] [nesb_081_mod.jpg]
- “Brothers Loved by All Alike. Mr. Ran Boggs. The Store Keeper. ‘Friend to All.’ [nesb_080_mod.jpg] DUP
- 41 Friends & Neighbors : Priscilla Boggs, Manilla Boggs and children seated outside. [Vl_34_1112a_mod.jpg]
- Near Medical Settlement, Big Laurel. “The Abner Boggs’s.” [nesb_023_mod.jpg]
- Medical Settlement, Big Laurel. “Boggs'” [nesb_004_mod.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs preparing steer for butchering. [vii_63_life_work_001-121.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs washing skin of steer. [vii_63_life_work_001-111.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs preparing steer for butchering. [vii_63_life_work_001-120.jpg]
- Brit Wilder and Alvin Boggs butchering a steer. [VII_63_life_work_001-123.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs. VII 63 Life Work Maintenance, Farm, Grounds. [VII_63_life_work_001-46.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs and wheelbarrow. VII 63 Life Work Maintenance, Farm, Grounds. [VII_63_life_work_001-41.jpg]
- ? and Alvin Boggs. VII 63 Life Work Maintenance, Farm, Grounds. VII_63_life_work_001-47.jpg
- Alvin Boggs in the classroom, 1965. [boggs_004.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs teaching two students in class. 086_VII_life_work_040.jpg]
- Rev. Alvin Boggs with student, Fall 1983. [PMSS_notes_1983_fall_002_EXCERPT.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs in class with group of students. [VII_life_work_86_044.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs on right, playing a board game. [65_events-visitors_052.jpg]
- Alvin Boggs instructing a student. [VII_life_work_86_047.jpg]
- Matt Boggs demonstrating the use of traditional tools for splitting shingles. [X_100_workers_2668_mod.jpg]
- Matt Boggs in woodworking shop. [X_100_workers_2664_mod.jpg]
Title |
Boggs Family |
Identifier | |
Creator |
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY |
Alt. Creator |
Ann Angel Eberhardt ; Helen Hayes Wykle ; |
Subject Keyword |
Boggs Family ; Pine Mountain Community ; boarding school students ; PMSS workers ; community school students ; |
Subject LCSH |
Boggs Family. |
Date |
2018–05-13 |
Publisher |
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY |
Contributor |
n/a |
Type |
Collections ; text ; image ; |
Format |
Original and copies of documents and correspondence in file folders in filing cabinet. |
Source |
Series 09: Biography – Families |
Language |
English |
Relation |
Is related to: Pine Mountain Settlement School Collections, Series 09: Biography – Families |
Coverage Temporal |
1930 – 1990 |
Coverage Spatial |
Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ; |
Rights |
Any display, publication, or public use must credit the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Copyright retained by the creators of certain items in the collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law. |
Donor |
n/a |
Description |
Core documents, correspondence, writings, and administrative papers of Boggs Family ; clippings, photographs, books by or about Boggs Family ; |
Acquisition |
n/d |
Citation |
“[Identification of Item],” [Collection Name] [Series Number, if applicable]. Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. |
Processed By |
Helen Hayes Wykle ; Ann Angel Eberhardt ; |
Last Updated |
2018-05-12 aae ; |
Bibliography |
Sources GUIDE TO PMSS WORKERS 1913-2000s ; PINE MOUNTAIN VALLEY COMMUNITY RESIDENTS LIST 1910s-1940s. ; COMMUNITY SCHOOL STUDENTS LIST A-Ga ; GUIDE TO BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS, 1929-1949 ; BOX 30 STUDENTS – Bo-C, c. 1919-1930 ; BOX 37 STUDENTS – Blak-Btou, c. 1930-1949. Series 09: Biography – Families. Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. Internet resource. |
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