Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 11: LAND USE
Series 33: MAPS
Map Community Residents

Community Map of Pine Mountain valley. Partial view of a larger map showing families surrounding the Big Laurel Medical Settlement on Greasy Creek. Includes Lick Branch ad Ginseng Branch. [P1050595.jpg]
TAGS: Maps, community residents, Birdena Bishop, studies of local communities, Pine Mountain valley, Big Laurel Medical Settlement, Isaac’s Run, Little Laurel, Steel Trap Branch trail, Line Fork Settlement
LAND USE MAP Community Residents 1934-1942
The MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934-1942 was a large map drawn to accompany a survey of communities in the area of Pine Mountain Settlement School’s medical settlements.
The survey took place during the years 1934 through 1942. Each family name was written by hand on a separate 6″ by 7 1/2″ note card. Notations and updates in different handwriting were added in later years.
Birdena Bishop had assisted in the study of the local community in 1942. She most likely prepared the map, which showed where each family lived along the various creeks.
The following images represent various sections of the map. Hand-drawn on paper and attached to oilcloth, the map is in poor condition and may be difficult to read in some sections. The map only reflects the families located in the area during the specific year that it was prepared and may not reflect families who may have departed the region before 1942.
Links to Google satellite images and a table of community residents are provided for reference.
GALLERY: LAND USE Map of Community Residents 1934-1942
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map showing Turkey Fork area, near Little Laurel. [P1050597.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain Valley. Partial view of larger map with logging camp near Polly Turner’s and Rockhouse Creek, 1934-1942. [P1050596.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map showing families surrounding the Big Laurel Medical Settlement on Greasy Creek. Includes Lick Branch ad Ginseng Branch. [P1050595.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map showing area around the Big Laurel Medical Settlement on Greasy Creek. [P1050594.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map showing Isaac’s Run (lower) and Little Laurel (upper), connected by Steel Trap Branch trail. [P1050593.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map showing Isaac’s Run toward Steel Trap Branch and Line Fork Settlement. [P1050592.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map. [P1050591.jpg]
- Community Map of Pine Mountain valley – partial view of larger map. [P1050590.jpg]
LAND USE Map of Community Residents 1934-1942:
Pine Mountain Settlement School region: Earth view
Pine Mountain Settlement School: Map
This table is coordinated with the MAP OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTS 1934-1942.
This list of persons living in the area of Pine Mountain Settlement School's medical settlements was taken during the years 1934 through 1942. Each family was recorded by hand on a separate 6" by 7 1/2" notecard. Notations and updates in different handwriting were done in later years.
Accompanying the cards was a hand drawn map on oilcloth of the same area showing where each family lived along the various creeks.
016 Mr. Anderson Chris Divide No Farmer 5 - None attended PMSS; - all adults & married DIvide Pine Mountain Mrs died March 1938;
Mrs. Leslie Begley;
Mrs. [?](Pennington);
Mary died December 1939;
052 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Ellison Incline No Log - woodsman 5 Incline Incline xx
043 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Frank Incline No Log - woodsman 3 Incline Incline xx
021 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Grover Divide No Logging (occasionally) 12 - Nine attended PMSS Divide P.M. Church of God xx
046 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Robert Incline No Log - woodsman 8 - The oldest attended PMSS for 2 months Incline Incline xx
125 Mr. and Mrs. Baker Arch Big Laurel No Farming 13 - five not living Turkey Fork Turkey Fork xx
072 Mr. and Mrs. Baker Willie Upper Greasy Mr. - Yes
Mrs. - NoLog - woodsman 9 - one attended PMSS for 3 months; 2 live elsewhere Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved Penn.
099 Mr. and Mrs. Begley Oscar (II) Little Laurel Mr - No
Mrs. - YesCoal miner 1 Little laurel Pine Mountain Moved; Mr. in Army
066 Mr. and Mrs. Begley Oscar (I) Upper Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesCCC man until very recently - now driving school bus once a day 7 - five attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain (occasional meeting at Little Laurel) Mrs. Mallie Huff Begley
074 Mr. and Mrs. Begley Leslie Upper Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesFarmer 5 Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved
100 Mr. and Mrs. Begley Alfred Little Laurel Mr. - Yes
Mrs. - NoCoal miner 2 by first wife ; 2 by second wife Little Laurel Pine Mountain Mrs. Sara Jane Coots
075 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs Homer Upper Greasy Yes Log - woodsman 3 Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved; Lumber Camp
062 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs Brown Upper Greasy Yes Log - woodsman 3 Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Mrs. Ethel Day
118 Mr. Boggs Abner Big Laurel No Farming 7 - two attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved; Putney
081 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs W. H. Lower Greasy No Farming 5 - two attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
117 Mrs. Boggs Stacey Ellen Big Laurel No Farming (support by son-in-law) 9 - three attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
119 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs John Big Laurel No Logging 6 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
078 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs Ray Upper Greasy Yes Log - woodsman 5 Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved; Lumber Camp
090 Mr. and Mrs. Boggs Bill Lower Greasy No Log - woodsman 6 Alex Branch Alex Branch xx
020 Mr. and Mrs. Boyer Walter Divide Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 2 1/2 yrs[blank] 2 Divide P.M. Church of God Moved
112 Mr. and Mrs. Browning Marsh Little Laurel Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, for 2 1/2 monthsLaborer (for P.M.) 6 Turkey Fork Pine Mountain Mrs. Bertha Boggs
033 Mr. and Mrs. Browning Robert Divide No Truck-driver 2 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
109 Mr. and Mrs. Browning Jim Little Laurel No Log-woodsman 10 - two attended PMSS Turkey Fork Pine Mountain Mrs. Mathe [?] Cornett; Mrs. Pearl Cornett;
040 Mr. and Mrs. Browning Homer Divide Mr. - Yes, 4 months
Mrs. - No Log - woodsman None Divide P.M. Church of God xx
025 Mr. and Mrs. Browning Wilmer Divide Mr. - Yes, 3 yrs.
Mrs. - Yes, 3 yrs.Truck logging 1 Divide P.M. Church of God Moved; Putney
037 Mrs. Browning Rebecca Divide No None (Mrs. B - old-age pensioner) 2 (of Turner); 1 grand-daughter Divide P.M. Church of God xx
070 Mr. and Mrs. Coots Hobart Upper Greasy No Miner 7 - four attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Mrs. Mary Shephard
013 Mr. and Mrs. Coots Riley Divide No Farmer 11 Divide Pine Mountain Moved
093 Mr. and Mrs, Cornett John R. Lower Greasy No Log-woodsman 8 Alex Branch School Alex Branch Moved
107 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Pearl Little Laurel Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes (for 6 mos.)Log-woodsman 6 Little Laurel [previously] Turkey Fork Pine Mountain xx
001 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Jess Isaacs Run Yes, both Store-keeper and P.M. night watchman 2 Creech Held at Creech xx
010 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett John Isaacs Run No Farming 6 adults, married Creech Held at Creech Church Living in house with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cornett
111 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett P. Little Laurel No Farmer 6 - all adults - all married; 4 attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain Mrs. Jane Browning
005 Mr, and Mrs. Cornett Harrison Isaacs Run No Farming 2 Creech Held at Creech Church xx
009 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Frank Isaacs Run Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 1 yr.Store-keepeer None Creech Held at Creech School Mr. & Mrs. John Cornett live in same house with above family;
Moved Dayton, Ohio
004 Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Charles Isaacs Run Mr. - Yes, can't say how long
Mrs. - Yes, 2 yrs.Farming 4 - one attended P.M. part of a yr. Creech Held at Creech School xx
032 Mr. and Mrs. Couch Harm Divide No Timbering (occasionally) 2 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
034 Mr. and Mrs. Couch John Divide No None (old-age pensioner) 2 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
027 Mr. and Mrs. Creech Bill Divide No Logging (occasionally) 6 - all attended PMSS; one for 2 years and 4 for 1/2 year. Divide P.M. Church of God Jan 1942
006 Mr. and Mrs. Creech Henry Isaacs Run No Farmer 8 - All attended PMSS; two graduated from PMSS Creech Held at Creech School xx
003 Mr. and Mrs. Creech Creech Columbus Isaacs Run Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesSupt. of lumber company None of own - [previously] nephew makes home with Creeches, attending P.M. 2nd year Creech Held at Creech School xx
088 Mr.and Mrs. Creech Bill Lower Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - for only a few days - but lived for 3 years with Miss Merrill at Medical SettlementLumber truck-driver 3 Alex Branch Alex Branch xx
031 Mr. and Mrs. Creech Kermit Divide Mr. - Yes, 1 1/2 yrs.
Mrs. - Yes, 1 weekLogging, electrician 3 Divide P.M Church of God xx
060 Mr. and Mrs. Day Jasper Upper Greasy No Works at Putney lumber mill 4 Creech Pine Mountain Moved Louellen
061 Mr. and Mrs. Day Sol Upper Greasy No Farmer and miner 12 - one attended PMSS for 3 mos. Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) xx
023 Mr. and Mrs. Day Redman Divide No Works at saw-mill 3 Divide P.M. Church of GTod xx
116 Mr. and Mrs. Fields Jess Big Laurel No Mining 8 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
110 Mrs. Griffith Cassio Little Laurel No Farmer 5 Turkey Fork Pine Mountain xx
121 Mr. and Mrs. Hall Jim Big Laurel No Mining - Mary Helen 5 Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved
041 Mr. and Mrs. Hall Milburn Incline No Log-woodsman 4 - oldest attended PMSS 2 wks. Incline Incline xx
082 Mr. and Mrs. Harris Boyd Lower Greasy Yes, both Coal miner 1 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
098 Mr. and Mrs. Harris Leonard Little Laurel Mr. - Yes
Mrs. - NoCoal miner 3 girls Little Laurel Big Laurel School Mrs. Alice Elkins
097 Mr. Harris Tom Little Laurel No None 12 - three attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain xx
086 Mr. and Mrs. Harris Minner Lower Greasy No Farming 7 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
089 Mr. and Mrs. Harris Haywood Lower Greasy No Log-woodsman 3 under school age Alex Branch Alex Branch Moved mining camp
085 Mr. and Mrs. Harris Elbert Lower Greasy No None, at present 6 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
084 Mrs. Harris Matilda Lower Greasy No Farming 6 - all adults, married Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
039 (Bachelor) Hensley Si Divide No None (old-age pensioner) None Divide P.M. Church of God xx
113 Mr. and Mrs. Hensley W. E. Big Laurel No Railroader L&N and store-keeper 2 Big Laurel Big Laurel June
035 Mr. and Mrs. Hensley Abner Divide No None (old-age pensioner) 3 - one is a grandson who was in 3rd year at PMSS DIvide P.M. Church of God xx
058 Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook George Incline No Farming, mining, timbering 3 - oldest attended PMSS 1 yr. Incline Incline xx
022 Mr. and Mrs. Huff Arthur Divide Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 1 1/2 yrs.Lumbering - Putney 5 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
029 Mr. and Mrs. Huff James Divide No Farming "occasionally" 7 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
105 Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Chester Little Laurel Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesMiner for P.M. 6 Little Laurel Pine Mountain Mrs. Cassie Cornett
087 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis John Lower Greasy No Farming 4 (5?) - three attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
071 Mr. (widower) Lewis Ben Upper Greasy No Farmer 8 - All attended PMSS for 1, 1-1/2, 2, 3 or 4 yrs. Big Laurel Big Laurel Mrs. sister to Henry Creech
106 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Elijah C. Little Laurel No Farmer 6 Creech Pine Mountain Mrs. Nan Sturgill
015 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry Divide No Logging (occasionally) 7 Divide Pine Mountain xx
007 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Gilbert Isaacs Run No Farming 7 - All attended PMSS Creech Held at Creech School xx
096 Mr. and Mrs. Maggard Lee Little Laurel No Lumberman; [previously] P.M. Laundry man None Little Laurel Pine Mountain or Little Laurel Mrs. Becky Couch
103 Mr. and Mrs. McQueeen Bill Little Laurel Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesLog-woodsman 9 Little Laurel Pine Mountain Mrs. Callie Cornett
064 Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf William Upper Greasy No Defense: bridge watchman 9 - three attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Moved Putney
063 Mr. and Mrs. Nance Jeff Upper Greasy No None 6 - one attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain Moved
044 Mr. and Mrs. Napier Ben Incline No Farming 8 Incline Incline xx
045 Mr. and Mrs. Napier Lloyd Incline No Truck-driver 4 incline incline xx
036 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Bill Divide No Car-oiler - railroad - Loyall None Divide P.M. Church of God xx
014 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Delbert Divide Mr. - Yes, 11 yrs.
Mrs. - Yes, 9 yrs.Lumber-mill hand 3 Divide Pine Mountain Moved Louellen
042 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan John Incline No Farming 10 - all older ones attended PMSS Incline Incline xx
051 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Garfield Incline No Farming and mining 8 - three attended PMSS Incline Incline xx
018 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Otto Divide Mr. - Yes, 8 yrs.
Mrs. - Yes, 3 yrs.Store-keeper and miner 4 Divide Laurel Moved Louellen
065 Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Jess Upper Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - YesSchool bus driver & night watchman on bridge project 1 Little Laurel Pine Mountain (occasional meeting at Little Laurel Moved Putney
011 Mr. and Mrs. Pennington Nick Divide No Miner 7- five attended PMSS Pine Mountain Pine Mountain xx
067 Mr. and Mrs. Scarce Frank Upper Greasy Yes Truck-driver 3 Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Home of "Grandma" Creech - who is Mrs. Scarce's grandmothers
017 Mr. and Mrs. Scarce Ben Divide Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 2 yrs.Miner (part of the time) 6 Divide Pine Mountain xx
038 Mr. and Mrs. Shell Bradley Divide No Miner 7 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
101 Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Henry Little Laurel No Farming and mining 6 - two attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain or Little Laurel Moved - coal camp
049 Mr. and Mrs. Shoupe Aaron Incline Mr. - Yes (short period)
Mrs. - NoMiner 1 Incline Incline xx
050 Mr. and Mrs. Shoupe Fred Incline Mr. - Yes (short period)
Mrs. - NoMiner 5 Incline Incline xx
048 Mr. and Mrs. Sizemore John Incline No Log - woodsman 2 Incline Incline xx
114 Mrs. Smith Nancy Big Laurel No None (supported by son) 3 - one attended PMSS for 2 days Big Laurel Big Laurel Moved
094 Mr. and Mrs. Spradlin Columbus Little Laurel No Coal-miner 5 Little Laurel Pine Mountain xx
095 Mrs. Spradlin Martha Little Laurel No Farming 4 - one attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain or Little Laurel xx
123 Mr.
Mr. and Mrs.Taylor
TaylorBob (father)
Frank (son)Big Laurel The Messrs. - No
Mrs. - YesFather: farming
Son: miningFather: 5 - two attended PMSS
Son: 2Big Laurel Big Laurel Frank Taylor & wife moved to Putney, Dec 1944
076 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Hi Upper Greasy No Farmer 9 - two attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
124 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Wilson Little Laurel;
[previously] Little LaurelNo Farming 8 - one attended PMSS Little Laurel; [previously] Turkey Fork Little Laurel; [previously] Turkey Fork Mrs. Laurie Baker
068 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Dan Upper Greasy No Store-keeper
[previously] None (private coal-miner) 10 - four attended PMSS Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Mrs. Martha Lewis
120 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Harmon Big Laurel No Logging (by boys) and support from Army 10 - three attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
073 Mrs. Turner Jude Upper Greasy No Does own housework 8 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
092 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Monroe Lower Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 1 yr.Log-woodsman 8 Alex Branch Alex Branch Mrs. Ellen Jane Day Turner - Monroe killed, July 1942
091 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Hen Lower Greasy No Shop-man for lumber company 8 - one attended PMSS Alex Branch Alex Branch xx
053 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Alonzo Incline Mr. - Yes, (graduated)
Mrs. - NoTruck-driver (log-truck) 1 Incline Incline
054 Mr. and Mrs. Turner John Incline No Lumber-man 4 - all attended PMSS Incline Incline xx
122 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Silas Big Laurel No Lumbering and night-watchman, Putney 3 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
024 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Arthur Divide Mr. - Yes, 1/2 yr.
Mrs. - No"Public works" occasionally 5 Divide P.M. Church of God Moved Coal Camp
069 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Walter, Mable Upper Greasy No Log-woodsman (at Pineville) 4 Little Laurel Pine Mountain (or Little Laurel) Mrs. Mable Turner
080 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Frank Lower Greasy No Log-woodsman 5 - two attended PMSS Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
079 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Otis Upper Greasy No Log-woodsman 5 Big Laurel Big Laurel Mrs. Alin [?] Boggs Turner
115 Mr. Turner Hamp Big Laurel No Farming 8 Big Laurel Big Laurel Died August 1944
077 Mr. and Mrs. Turner Chad Upper Greasy Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes (graduated)Mr. - Log-woodsman
Mrs. - Post-mistriss1 Big Laurel Big Laurel xx
083 [Not provided] Turner
Ilo[Not provided] Yes, for short time
Ilo - Kitchen helper for 2 yrHoward - Miner; now in Army 1 Big Laurel Big laurel xx
102 Mr. and Mrs. Vance John Little Laurel No Log-woodsman 6 Pine Mountain Little Laurel Mrs. Jude Turner
059 Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Albert Upper Greasy Yes Post-mistress
Farmer - Truck-driver1 Pine Mountain Pine Mountain Mrs. Bess Lewis
055 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Bill Incline No Farming 6 Incline Incline xx
028 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Wes Divide Mr. - No
Mrs. - Yes, 3 yrs.Trucking 3 Divide P.M. Church of God xx
126 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Henry Big Laurel No Timbering 5 - one attended PMSS Turkey Fork Turkey Fork xx
108 Mrs. Wilder Rhoda Little Laurel No Farming 8 - All attended PMSS Turkey Fork Pine Mountain xx
026 Mr. Wilder Dorce Divide No Carpenter 3 - three attended PMSS Divide P.M. Church of God xx
056 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Neal Incline No Farming 3 Incline Incline xx
008 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder John Isaacs Run Mr. - Yes (grades & 1 yr. H.S.
Mr. [sic] - NoLog-woodsman 2 Creech Held at Creech School Moved Dayton O
057 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Robert Incline No Works on state highway 5 - one attended PMSS for 1/2 yr, Incline Incline xx
002 Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Brit Isaacs Run Yes, both P.M. truck driver, furnace man 1 Creech Held at Creech School xx
104 [Not provided] Wilder
EllaLittle Laurel Mr. - Yes, 6 mos.
Mrs. - Yes, 1 yr.Farming and mining 1 Little Laurel Little Laurel or Pine Mountain Moved Army camp
047 Mr. and Mrs. Williams Thad Incline No Log-woodsman 4 Incline incline xx
019 Mr. and Mrs. Williams Willard Divide No Works in store[?]-mill occasionally 3 Divide Beech Fork Moved Lumber Camp
030 Mr. Williams Henry Divide No None Lives alone Divide P.M. Church of God xx
012 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Joe Divide No P.M. fireman 6 Creech Pine Mountain Moved Harlan
See Also:
FAMILIES in Pine Mountain Valley Community GUIDE