Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 19: STUDENTS
Wooton Family – Students, 1920s-1940s

10_2462 Augustus Ward and Jim Wooton, 1933. [098_IX_students_10_2462_002.jpg]
TAGS: Wooton Family Students, tuition bills reservation cards, Record Sheets, Health Records, Student Application Blanks, trachoma, tonsils clinics, mumps, hookworm, pneumonia, William Curtis Wooton, Jessie Wooton, Don C. Wooton, Sherman Wooton, Dora Wooton, James Wooton, Quentin Wooton
WOOTON FAMILY Students, 1920s – 1940s
Several children from several branches of the Wooton Family attended Pine Mountain Settlement School in the 1920s through 1940s. The following correspondence and records are for William Curtis (W.C.) Wooton and his children (Don C., Sherman and Dora) and also for Hetch Curtis (H.C.) Wooton’s son, James. Correspondence and records for Jessie Wooton are included on this page. (The names of her parents are not known.)
The page for Quinten Joseph Wooton, Hetch Curtis Wooton’s grandson, is located here. The page for Victor George Wooten, with a variant spelling of his last name, is located here. It is not known whether he is related to the Wooton Family.
The following are PMSS students from the Wooton Family who have files in the PMSS Archives. Contents and images of records and correspondence for each student are shown below this list.
Jessie Wooton
Attended PMSS: 1920-1921
Don C. Wooton
Born: May 28, 1908
Father: Curtis (W.C.) Wooton
Attended PMSS: 1925 -1927
Sherman Wooton
Born: May 15, 1910
Father: William Curtis (W.C.) Wooton
Attended PMSS: 1925 -1927
Died: February 26, 2006, in Hazard, KY
Dora Wooton
Born: 1912
Father: Curtis (W.C.) Wooton
Attended PMSS: 1926-1927
James (Jim) Wooton
Born: December 6, 1917
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Hetch Curtis (H.C.) Wooton
Attended PMSS: 1931-1933
See also:
Born: June 11, 1924
Father: Hansford Wooton
Grandfather: Hetch Curtis (H.C.) Wooton
Mother: Marie Iona Creech
Attended PMSS: 1940 – 1941
WOOTON FAMILY Students: Contents of Scanned Documents
[NOTE: The list below is in chronological order and may not correspond to the order of the images.]
[NOTE: The surname is spelled “Wooton” on all documents handwritten by the Wooton family members represented on this page. It is sometimes misspelled as “Wooten” on PMSS documents but has been edited in this list to display the correct spelling.]
SCAN0230. March 1, 1921 – PMSS Statement for Jessie Wooton, showing amounts student owes school for Board, Laundry, Hospital Fee and the amounts that the School owes the student for “House Labor at $.07 an hour.” Balance Due Student: $17.38.
SCAN0231. April 1, 1921 – PMSS Statement for Jessie Wooton, showing amounts student owes school for Board, Laundry, Hospital Fee and the amounts that the School owes the student for “House Labor at $.07 an hour.” Balance Due Student: $19.21.
SCAN0232. April 30, 1921 – PMSS Statement for Jessie Wooton, showing amounts student owes school for Board, Laundry, Hospital Fee and the amounts that the School owes the student for “House Labor” at $.07 an hour. Balance Due Student: $23.46.
SCAN0234. June 10, 1921 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from KP [Katherine Pettit] to Jessie Wooton, Wooton, KY, asking if Jessie will be returning to PMSS in August and where she would like to be; weaving in Old Log House, assisting the new nurse in the new infirmary or Miss [Ruth B.] Gaines in the kitchen. “You did so well last year [working with the nurse], helping out in all kinds of emergencies that we thought we would give you your choice.”
SCAN0235. July 18, 1921 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from KP [Katherine Pettit] to Jessie Wooton [Mrs. John Campbell], Yerkes, Perry Co., KY, expressing surprise that she married and lives farther away; asks the whereabouts of rugs that Jessie made; and that PMSS has two flax patches. Sends hope that Jessie’s grandparents are both well.
SCAN0229. October 14, 1928 – Handwritten letter from Mrs. Jessie Wooton Campbell, Busy, KY, to Miss [Katherine] Pettit, asking what the School owes her; Jessie attended PMSS in 1920-21. “I feel very sorry to ask for it but I sure need all I can get to live on….”
SCAN0241 and SCAN0242. December 5, 1923 – Handwritten letter from W.C. Wooton to E.M. Nolin [Nolan?], “Friend & Bro.” Writes that Sherman “has been down with pneumonia 30 days but is some better.” Asks Mr. Nolin to
…see if you can get Don & Sherman in that School to work their way. For me I am broke and can’t pay their way. I haven’t made a dollar since Catherine been dead….I want them to stay all the time. Nannie is in Hamilton, Ohio, leaves me in bad shape. I would send Dora and George, too. Let me know what you can do at once. It looks like I will have to break up housekeeping and I want my children in school.
SCAN0243. December 14, 1923 – Carbon copy of handwritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Mr. W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, acknowledging receipt of Wooton’s letter via Mr. Nolan. Informs Wooton that there are
…no vacancies at present, but it is possible, if all our children do not return after vacation, that we could try your boys.” [Lists entrance fee ($5.00) and Monthly tuition ($2.50).] “The boys would have to bring their entrance fees, but if they proved to be good boys and would stay, we might allow them to work out their debt for their tuition during the summer….
SCAN0247. January 2, 1924 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, advising him to send his sons to the School by Sunday.
…They will be able to work out their tuition charges, if you are willing to have them stay here through the summer. They work out their board while they go to school, and leave their tuition to be earned after School closes. How much they are paid a week will depend upon the quality of work they do, but usually our big boys can work off their debt in a month or six weeks.
Sincerely yours,
[unsigned, from Ethel de Long Zande]
SCAN0244 and SCAN0245. January 14, 1924. Handwritten 2-page letter from W.C. Wooton to Mrs. Zande.
[Page 1] …I am sorry I can’t bring the boys as early as you wanted them to come but if you will hold the place for them I will bring them just as soon as I can. For one of them has been down with pneumonia fever over two months and isn’t hardly able to stand the trip just now but I will… [Shorthand notation at top of page.]
[Page 2] “…bring them just as soon as he gets a little stouter. …I want them to go to school there if possible.”
SCAN0246. January 16, 1924 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel Zande] to W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY.
Dear Mr. Wooton:
I am sorry you cannot bring the boys at once. It looks now as though we would have room for the two boys in a week’s time, but if you could bring the one who is well now, and then plan to bring his brother when he is better, so at least one would be sure of a place.
It is very hard for the boys to begin school in the middle of the year.
Very sincerely yours,
[unsigned, from Ethel de Long Zande]
SCAN0248. March 1, 1924. Tuition & clothing bill sent to Mr. Curtis Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, for February, March for Don and Sherman. Total $12.50.
SCAN0249 and SCAN0250. March 12, 1924 – Two-page handwritten letter from W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, Ky., to Mrs. [Ethel de Long] Zande.
Dear Mrs. Zande:
Recd your letter requiring $12.50…for tuition which I am unable to pay. For I was under the impression that the boys could work their way after the entrance fee was paid or I wouldn’t have brought them up there. I would be more than willing to pay every cent that it takes to keep the boys in school at Pine Mt. if I was able but my [page 2] circumstances is such that I can’t make any money to school my children as I have five more at home to try to feed and clothe. And if they can’t work their way you will please inform me about it.
So I will close by thanking you for the past favors.
Yours sincerely,
W.C. Wooton.
SCAN0251. March 27, 1924. Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Mr. Wooton, explaining that the boys will work out their debt in the summer but he would receive a bill from time to time. Mrs. Zande continues:
…It now seems that Sherman is not strong enough to work out his debt this summer and ought to go home when school closes. Indeed, some of the people here feel that he ought not to be in school now, but I have held on to him, hating not to have him in school. You see, we are having to buy milk from Mrs. Nolan every day for him to increase his strength. Don will undoubtedly be able to earn his own tuition in the summer. I feel that if you are not able to pay for Sherman, Don ought to take on his bill as well as his own when school closes, and then Sherman ought to go home, unless he is able to do more than earn his board.
SCAN0252. May 1, 1924. Tuition & clothing bill addressed to Don Wooton. Total $10.44.
SCAN0253. May 1, 1924. Tuition & clothing bill addressed to Sherman Wooton. Total $9.94.
SCAN0254. July 7, 1924. Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Don and Sherman Wooton in Hamilton, OH, with starting dates for school and updates: “Laurel House roof is finished and new cow stalls are being made of concrete….” Also enclosed money.
SCAN0255 and SCAN056. August 18, 1924 – Card with picture, poem, and “Birthday Greetings,” to Mrs. Zande from “me and Don” in Hamilton, OH, informing her they will be returning to school.
SCAN0259. June 22, 1925 – Handwritten letter to Mrs. Zande from Don C. Wooton. asking if he and Sherman can enter PMSS next term. He explains their summer absence:
…I am sorry that we didn’t get to come last summer when we promised you that we would. But Poppa sold his property in Hamilton just a few days after I had written you that we were coming. He wanted us to come back and help him work last winter and to make a crop this summer. We want to come up there as soon as crop time is over….
SCAN0257. July 3, 1925 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Don C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, welcoming them back to school and asking “Didn’t you go to school anywhere last year?….” Enclosed application cards and booklets.
SCAN0239. July 9, 1925 – Reservation cards for Don C. Wooton, born at Dry Hill, KY, May 28, 1908, and Sherman Wooton, born at Dry Hill, KY, May 15, 1910. Don last attended Dry Hill (KY) School, grade 7. Sherman last attended Dry Hill, grade 6. Parent of both children: W.C. Wooton, of Dry Hill, KY. Also, reservation card for Don C. Wooton, dated July 17, 1926. Last school attended: Pine Mt. Settlement, grade 8.
SCAN0258. July 17, 1925 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Don C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, informing him that PMSS has place for him and Sherman.
SCAN0260. December 4, 1925 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Mr. Wooton, Dry Hill, Leslie Co., KY, informing him that Sherman needs to see the eye-doctor and also be checked for trachoma and asking for his consent. “The work is done free of charge by the government.”
SCAN0261 and SCAN0262 [duplicate images]. December 7, 1925 – Tuition bill for Sherman Wooton for half year, August through December, book rental, dental work and glasses. Total $25.55.
SCAN0263. March 16, 1926. Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Mr. W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, Leslie Co., KY, asking permission to have Don and Sherman‘s tonsils removed at the PMSS tonsils clinic that will be present when school closes. “The boys have both had mumps, but are alright now. we have had quite an epidemic here.”
SCAN0264. May 1, 1926 – Tuition bill for Sherman Wooton for the year, for entrance fee and monthly fees (book rental, dental work, glasses, fine for being late, hospital expense). total $43.20.
SCAN0265. May 1, 1926 – Tuition bill for Don Wooton for the year, for entrance fee and monthly fees (book rental, dental work, glasses, fine for being late, hospital expense). total $23.10.
SCAN0240. July 31, [1926?] – Reservation card for Sherman Wooton, born at Dry Hill, KY, on May 14, 1910. School last attended: Pine Mt., grade 7. Parent: W.C. Wooton at Dry Hill, KY.
SCAN0266. May 2, 1927. Tuition bill for Don Wooton: Statement in Full for book rental, tuition, and infirmary, less cash payments = $2.85. “We will expect you to work out this debt if it is not paid by the 13th.”
SCAN0267. May 2, 192[7]. Tuition bill sent to W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, for Sherman: Statement in Full for entrance fee, book rental, tuition, and infirmary, less cash payments = $2.85. “We will expect Sherman to work out the debt if it is not paid by the 13th.” Total: $10.10.
SCAN0270. July 25, 1927. Handwritten letter from Don Wooton, Oneida, KY, to Mrs. Zande, asking for his 3 1/2 credits, as he is entering Oneida for second year.
SCAN0269. August 1, 1927. Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel de Long Zande] to Don Wooton, Oneida (KY) Baptist Institute. “I am much interested to know that you are at Oneida. I hope you will have a fine year….I am writing today to Sherman about his place at Pine Mountain, which we will be glad to give him if he wants to try hard….”
SCAN0278. December 1, 1927 – Tuition bill sent to Mr. W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, for Sherman for entrance fee, Sept., Oct., Nov. tuition, book rental less credit. Total due: $5.60.
SCAN0237. PMSS Record Sheet for Don Wooton. Parent: Curtis Wooton, father. Post Office: Dry Hill, KY. Bills sent to Don. Date of Birth May 28, 1909 [notation “or 1908?”]. Date of Entering: January 28, 1924, & August 23, 1925. Date of Leaving June 1924. Lists grades for January and May 1923-24 for English, History, Reading, Math, Spelling, Effort & Interest, Geography, Neatness, Conduct, Science, Penmanship. Lists grades for October, January and May 1925-26, including Pasture and Woodwork. Also, HEALTH RECORD: Special treatment “for hookworm.” “General health very good.”
SCAN0238. PMSS Record Sheet #11 for Don Wooton. Parent: Curtis Wooton, father. Post Office: Dry Hill. Date of Birth May 28, 1909, or 1908. Date of Entering: January 28, 1924, August 23, 1925, and August 23, 1926. Date of Leaving June 1924 and May 15, 1927. Lists grades for 1st and 2nd terms, 1926-27 for English, History, Geography, Arithmetic, Woodworking, Work (Diligence), Work (Ability), Home Study, Physical Development.
SCAN0233. March 12, 1928 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter from EZ [Ethel Zande] to Don Wooton, Oneida (KY) Baptist Institute. Asked about Don and Sherman and whether they will be sending her the money she loaned Sherman.
SCAN0236. PMSS Record Sheet for Dora Wooton Parent: W.C. Wooton. Post Office: Dry Hill, KY. Bills sent to Don. Date of Birth 1912. Date of Entering: Aug. 23, 1926. Date of Leaving May 15, 1927. Lists grades for 1st and 2nd terms for English, Spelling, Reading, History, Geography, Arithmetic, Cooking, Sewing (1st term only), Work (Diligence), Work (Ability), Home Study, Writing, Physical Development.
SCAN0240. July 28, 1926 – Reservation card for Dora Wooton, born at Dry Hill, KY, in 1912. School last attended, Hyden, grade 5. Parent: W.C. Wooton at Dry Hill, KY. [Notation: “Don will pay.”]
SCAN0268. May 2, 1927. Tuition bill sent to W.C. Wooton, Dry Hill, KY, for Dora: Statement in Full for entrance fee, book rental and tuition, less cash payments = $2.85. “We assume that you expect Dora to work out the debt if it is not paid by the 13th.” Total: $19.75.
SCAN0215. May 17, 1931 -Typewritten letter to PMSS Principal, from Addie I. Wampler, student nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lexington, KY. She had attended PMSS and requests an application blank for her friend’s brother, Jim Wooton, for next fall.
SCAN0216. May 29, 1931 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter to “Addie [Wampler]” from Evelyn K. Wells, Acting Director, who is happy to hear from Addie since she attended PMSS 3 years ago. Encloses a reservation card for Jim Wooton to complete and return; updates Addie on Mr. [Luigi] Zande and children, now in Asheville, NC.
SCAN0217. July 6, 1931 – Handwritten letter from H.C. Wooton in Wooton, KY, sending $8.00 entrance fee to PMSS and thanking the School for having a place for his son. [Notation: “Accepted.”]
SCAN0218. July 13, 1931 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter to Mr. Wooton from Glyn A. Morris, Director, sending receipt for entrance fee and card for Jim Wooton and giving arrival date of August 23, 1931.
SCAN0220. June 27, 1932 – Handwritten letter from H.C. Wooton in Wooton, KY, to PMSS, stating regret that he cannot pay Jim’s tuition bill because “times are rather hard and money is scarce with me.” He suggests that the School let Jim work to pay it before school begins.
SCAN0221. January 13, 1933 – Typewritten letter from Julie Marie Wooton, Hazard, KY, to PMSS, sending money order to”cover Jimmy Wooton’s tuition for the first half of the term.”
SCAN0212. March 4, 1933 – Student Application Blank for Jim Wooton. Born December 6, 1917; Attended PMSS high school 1932-1933; ready to enter 10th grade. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. H[etch].C[urtis]. Wooton. Occupation of Father: Farmer. [Notation, upper left of page: “Not returning”]
SCAN0219. August 8, 1933 – Carbon copy of typewritten letter to Jim Wooton in Buckhorn, KY, from Glyn A. Morris, Director, expressing regret that Jim has transferred to another school; will send Jim’s credits to [Witherspoon College in] Buckhorn; Jim has credit of $2.00 for work as milk boy at PMSS.
SCAN0222. April 26, 1933 – Tuition bill for Jim Wooton. [Notation: “Paid”]
SCAN0026. July 31, 1933. Handwritten letter from Jim Wooton, Buckhorn, KY, to Glyn A. Morris. Informs Morris that he will not return to PMSS, but has entered Witherspoon College, Buckhorn, KY. Asks for amount owed him for 4 weeks milking work at $3.00 per month and transfer of his credits to Witherspoon.
SCAN0225. [n.d.] School Record for Jim Wooton, born December 6, 1917, in McIntosh, Leslie County, KY. Parent: Hetch Wooton, occupation of parent: farmer, address: Wooton, KY. Principal; Margaret Motter. Lists subjects for 1931-32 and 1932-33 and grades, credits, and textbooks used.
SCAN0213 and SCAN 0214. January 8, 1936 – Handwritten letter to PMSS from James (Jim) Wooton, Avawam, KY, asking that his 4 1/2 PMSS credits for 1932-33 freshman year be transferred to Combs (KY) High School, which he is attending after 2 years at Witherspoon College (Buckhorn Settlement).
GALLERY: WOOTON FAMILY Students – Records & Correspondence
- Wooton Family. SCAN0212
- Wooton Family. SCAN0213
- Wooton Family. SCAN0214
- Wooton Family. SCAN0215
- Wooton Family. SCAN0216
- Wooton Family. SCAN0217
- Wooton Family. SCAN0218
- Wooton Family. SCAN0219
- Wooton Family. SCAN0220
- Wooton Family. SCAN0221
- Wooton Family. SCAN0222
- Wooton Family. SCAN0225
- Wooton Family. SCAN0226
- Wooton Family. SCAN0229
- Wooton Family. SCAN0230
- Wooton Family. SCAN0231
- Wooton Family. SCAN0232
- Wooton Family. SCAN0233
- Wooton Family. SCAN0234
- Wooton Family. SCAN0235
- Wooton Family. SCAN0236
- Wooton Family. SCAN0237
- Wooton Family. SCAN0238
- Wooton Family. SCAN0239
- Wooton Family. SCAN0240
- Wooton Family. SCAN0241
- Wooton Family. SCAN0242
- Wooton Family. SCAN0243
- Wooton Family. SCAN0244
- Wooton Family. SCAN0245
- Wooton Family. SCAN0246
- Wooton Family. SCAN0247
- Wooton Family. SCAN0248
- Wooton Family. SCAN0249
- Wooton Family. SCAN0250
- Wooton Family. SCAN0251
- Wooton Family. SCAN0252
- Wooton Family. SCAN0253
- Wooton Family. SCAN0254
- Wooton Family. SCAN0255
- Wooton Family. SCAN0256
- Wooton Family. SCAN0257
- Wooton Family. SCAN0258
- Wooton Family. SCAN0259
- Wooton Family. SCAN0260
- Wooton Family. SCAN0261
- Wooton Family. SCAN0262
- Wooton Family. SCAN0263
- Wooton Family. SCAN0264
- Wooton Family. SCAN0265
- Wooton Family. SCAN0266
- Wooton Family. SCAN0267
- Wooton Family. SCAN0268
- Wooton Family. SCAN0269
- Wooton Family. SCAN0270
- Wooton Family. SCAN0278
Title |
Wooton Family Students |
Alt. Title |
Jessie Wooton, Don C. Wooton, Sherman Wooton, Dora Wooton, James Wooton, Quentin Wooton |
Identifier |
Creator |
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY |
Alt. Creator |
Ann Angel Eberhardt ; Helen Hayes Wykle ; |
Subject Keyword |
Wooton Family students ; Pine Mountain Settlement School ; Jessie Wooton ; Don C. Wooton ; Sherman Wooton ; Dora Wooton ; James Wooton ; Quinten Joseph Wooton ; Victor George Wooten ; William Curtis (W.C.) Wooton ; Hetch Curtis (H.C.) Wooton ; Hansford Wooton ; Marie Iona Creech ; tuition bills ; Katherine Pettit ; Ethel de Long Zande ; reservation cards ; trachoma ; tonsils clinics ; mumps ; hookworm ; pneumonia ; Oneida (KY) Baptist Institute ; Record Sheets ; Health Records ; Addie I. Wampler ; St. Joseph’s Hospital ; Luigi Zande ; Student Application Blanks ; Witherspoon College ; E.M. Nolin [Nolan?] ; |
Subject LCSH |
Wooton Family Students, — 1920s – 1940s. |
Date |
2015-12-03 |
Publisher |
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY |
Contributor |
n/a |
Type |
Collections ; text ; image ; |
Format |
Original and copies of documents and correspondence in file folders in filing cabinet |
Source |
Series 19: Students. |
Language |
English |
Relation |
Is related to: Pine Mountain Settlement School Collections, Series 19: Students. |
Coverage Temporal |
1908 – 1941 |
Coverage Spatial |
Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ; Hamilton, OH ; Dry Hill, KY ; Oneida, KY ; Lexington, KY ; Asheville, NC ; Buckhorn, KY ; Wooton, KY ; McIntosh, KY ; Avawam, KY ; Yerkes, KY ; Busy, KY ; |
Rights |
Any display, publication, or public use must credit the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Copyright retained by the creators of certain items in the collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law. |
Donor |
n/a |
Description |
Core documents, correspondence, writings, and administrative papers of the Wooton Family ; clippings, photographs, books by or about the Wooton Family ; |
Acquisition |
n/d |
Citation |
“[Identification of Item],” [Collection Name] [Series Number, if applicable]. Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. |
Processed By |
Helen Hayes Wykle ; Ann Angel Eberhardt ; |
Last Updated |
2015-12-03 hhw ; 2016-07-12 ; aae ; 2018-04-20 hhw ; 2024-02-26 aae ; |
Source “Wooton Family” Student Records. Series 19: Students. Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. Archival material. |
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