EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing TRANSCRIPTIONS I

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 13: Education & Educational Programs
Series 19: Students
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing Transcriptions I
Published 2021-06-24 aae

EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing Transcriptions I

Samples 1-20, Dated 1915-1945

TAGS: education, community and children’s writing, transcriptions I, students, correspondence, teachers, WWII, Ethel de Long Zande, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, Marguerite Butler, Ruth B. Gaines, Alice Cobb, Margaret Motter, Uncle William and Aunt Sal Creech

Chester Lewis to Miss Butler, Jan. 20, 1915, page 1 of 3 pages.

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TRANSCRIPTIONS: EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing Transcriptions I

Samples 1-20, Dated 1915-1945

See EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing I for IMAGES of letters 01 through 20.

[NOTE: Transcriptions have been slightly edited, but most misspellings have been kept intact. All writings are handwritten and sent from Pine Mountain unless indicated otherwise. Go to “EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing I” for images of the writings that are transcribed on this page. The following list of transcriptions are in order of the image numbers.]

[*Starred writings are those from PMSS students who have biographies on PMSS Collections website. Transcriptions of their writings are included in their biographies or as a separate page (see links).]

*1. Brit Wilder to Miss [Margaret] MotterSeptember 4, 1928, one page. Go to EDUCATION Children’s Writing (01) Brit Wilder for full transcription.

2a through 2h. Wilbur Wilder to Alice Cobb. September 27, 1945, 8 pages.
[2a] Shima, Ryukyu Is. [Okinawa Prefecture, Japan]
September 29, 1945. 

Your letter together with the Alumni Bulletin arrived here while I was down in Manila. I picked it up when I returned the next day. Do you suppose you know how much they meant to me? 

Some of those people I have not heard of since I left there in 1940 and I had wondered what they were doing. It will always be that wherever a student from Pine Mountain goes, he will make a place for [2b] himself. One cannot help but feel a great sense of pride as he looks through the bulletin and reads of the good work being done by those persons. I can’t say how proud I am to be one of them.

I am awfully sorry to hear that some of our boys were killed in action. I knew “Bud” [Raymond] Pennington and Henry [sic, Robert?] Creech very well. We certainly paid a heavy price to teach the rest of the world what we of Pine Mountain already knew. The diplomats of many nations could learn many lessons there. 

 [2c] It seems that out of a class of nine that graduated in “38” there are only two of us who are un-married. Stella Tylor [Taylor] doing her work of mercy and we just killing time. It looks as if I am the black sheep. If I can ever get off this island and back to where I can get some college, I might someday become smart enough to take on some greater responsibilities myself.

I remember once when Lucille Christian[sic, Ruth Christian?] asked us if we would all agree to meet at Pine Mountain someday in [2d] the tenth year after our graduation. That would be in 1948. Much closer now than it was then. I wonder if she remembers. It is still a very good idea.

There was a line of your letter I just had to read to the boys. It concerned my views on the girls out here in the Pacific. All I can say about the very few I have seen is that they are un-comparable to anything I have ever seen anyplace. I suppose they are human but one sometimes has trouble remembering that. I certainly long for a look at [2e] a pretty face again. I know of no better place to find one than at Pine Mountain. I live only five miles from Hollywood and I cannot say that it has the percentage of pretty girls that Pine Mountain has. As I look back now it seems that prettyness must be one of a girl’s requirements for entrance there.

Just as the war ended we (the 90th Bomb Gp.) were scheduled to go to Japan as occupation Air Force. I had just become the squadron intelligence officer and the whole idea suited [2f] me just fine. Now we are an obsolete outfit because our planes are old-fashioned, so we are to be de-activated. This all means I should be homeward bound soon. I am going to get into college not later than next fall term.

I have been thinking of one of the southern California universities. Lately though, it has seemed to me that it might be [?] to go back to Kentucky for school. I do miss it very much.

As soon as I can get back in the states and get [2g] leave I want to come east and look up some of my relatives. The trip would never be complete, however, without a visit to Pine Mountain. As far as I know now, that will be around the first of the year. I am looking forward to it tremendously. I hope I can make it by the Christmas holiday season.

I don’t know if it is just small stationary or that I am long-winded but this letter has become awfully long. I hope you do not mind so very much.

[2h] What I really wrote for was to thank you with all of my heart for sending the Alumni Bulletin and for your letter. While on the subject of Pine Mountain and you wonderful people who make it what it is, I could write for hours but I think this is too long already for what I have said.

Thanks again and so long for the short time it is going to take for me to be able to pay you a visit.
Wilbur Wilder

3. Alice Cobb to Wilbur Wilder. December 6, 1945, one page, typewritten. 
Pine Mountain December 6, 1945
Dear Wilbur :
Your very special letter was enjoyed by a number of us who know you, and I want to tell you how very happy we are to hear from you. I don’t know whether or not I told you when I wrote before that I have been so much impressed with your way of writing, and wish that you would keep a diary, or quickly write some reminiscences of what your life has been during the war years. I think the time is coming when information will be sought, and much will be forgotten if people like you do not have it in black and white — and with your very facile handling of English. I should think you might do some good things for publication.

But I know you are wanting to hear the news. This has been a very busy fall. We had the annual Fair in September, and a fairly large crowd. Everybody seemed to have a good time, Abner Boggs sang Lolly toodum day just as he used to, and it was financially successful too. I don’t know whether or not you receive the Pine Cones but I’m going to try to find one that tells about the Fair, and also the Centennial which was held October 28th. That was to celebrate the 100th birthdays of Uncle William and Aunt Sal Creech, and really we did have a lovely time. The weather was simply perfect–you know that’s really lucky when it’s almost November. It was warm enough so we could have a picnic lunch at the lean-to, and the crowd was so big that it spread all over that end of the grounds. There were a photographer and reporter from the Louisville Courier Journal, so we felt like a political convention — very important. The program in the afternoon was interesting – I think I can find the copy sent to one of the papers, telling about it. And right on the grounds was subscribed almost $2,000 for the new hospital unit which will be built as soon as we get enough money. We had a beautiful scrapbook, made in the printshop, and bound with woven material made in the weaving room, and in this book everybody signed who was making a contribution — the book will go in the cornerstone of the new building, along with newspaper write ups, records, etc. I was of course especially interested in the raising of the fund since that’s my business, and was overwhelmed when so much was subscribed. Everybody seemed to feel so happy, and so generous.

Just as soon as the Centennial was over we began thinking about Thanksgiving and Halloween, and we had quite a nice Halloween party, with costumes as usual. Then on the 22nd the Community had a Thanksgiving dinner to which they invited people at the school — I didn’t get to that because I was in Indiana, but they said they had a grand time. Then on the 29th we had our Thanksgiving dinner at the school. There was a very fine morning worship service in the Chapel, and then the big dinner with pork instead of turkey, and you know we Kentucky folks think pork is the best kind of meat there is, and pumpkin pies. And then we had a puppet show in the afternoon, and that night the big “ball,” only this year it was a peasant party. Boys and girls came dressed in costumes to represent peasants from different countries. It was so colorful and so much fun.

And now Christmas — We are practicing the Mummers’ play — I guess you’ve been in that yourself, if you were here when the boys started doing it. Also the Nativity play — and I remember you and Billy both in that.

I wonder if you have heard that Anne Wilder was married recently to Marlowe Nolan. I received yesterday[‘s] announcement of Lana Holmes’ marriage to somebody named DeRosa just back from Europe. Rosalie Creech was married also to Marion Floyd and they live on a farm near Bowling Green. That’s the main news — Miss [Gladys] Hill sends you greetings, also Miss [Louise] Merrill and Mr. [Arthur W.] Dodd. If this doesn’t get to you, perhaps you’ll be coming here to pick up the news for yourself.
[signed] Alice Cobb

4. Maryon Cornett to Miss Motter. September 5, 1928, one page.
Pin[e] Mtn Ky
September 5, 1928

Dear Miss Motter, I thought I would write you a letter to git a quonted with you. I have allway lived on a farm and have went to school which was abot 2 1/2 mi from where I live and I completed the VIII grade last year and I come to pin[e] mtn School.

I like to studdy most of the corses that I am taking and especially history and Biology.

One thing I like to come to P.M.S.S. is for I like to play basket ball and lots of other games that they play.
Your Friend,
Maryon Cormett

*5. Brit Wilder to Margaret Motter. December 2, 1928, one page. Go to EDUCATION Children’s Writing (01) Brit Wilder for full transcription.

*6. Becky May [Mae] Huff to Miss [Marguerite] Butler, August 3, 1918. For full transcription, go to EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff.

*7a, 7b. A two-page note written by Marguerite Butler, n.d., describing a letter she received from Oma Creech. [See #12 below for listing of Oma’s letter. For full transcripion of the note and letter, see biography of OMA CREECH here.]

8a, 8b. A two-page list of “Letters to Marguerite Butler, 1916-1925, 1916-23, from students & neighbors” 

9a through 9d. Delia to “Mag.,” November 29, 1923, four pages.
[9a] Nov. 20th – 1923
Dear Mag,
It seems so good to have you back at Cincinnati. We are just hopin the time soon comes when you can come down to Pine Mt.

I know these must be unusually busy days for you. How glad your family must be to have you back at home. I know you are talking your head off. I can’t see how you can keep from it. So many people wants to know about everything & things has to be retold so many times. Hows your Mother, Father, Jeanette, Walter & wife these days? Also yourself? How I wish I could fly up there & join the family circle & then back to my twins next morning.

My babies are the dearest things that ever was. They both are growing & doing well. It took a while to get them started. They both are creeping, walking round [9b] chairs. When they get down on the floor to going[?] they don’t seem to want to go in the same direction. I sure am kept busy looking after them. They both wave bye-bye when someone goes & can play peepeyes. Evelyn slaps her hands pat-a-cake when I sing pat-a-cake baker’s man for her. You never saw anything sweet at P.M. until you see these babies.

Wilmer & Charles love the babies very much for them to take so much of their play time. Wilmer isn’t much well. She likes to read for Charles & he enjoys her doing it.

Elsie & Oma are getting along pretty well in school. Oma declares she is going to Wellesley College when she has finished high school. It looks like a hopeless case. But I hope she keeps the idea until I can see if we really can do something for her. Henry is anxious to meet you. 

Grannie Creech is doing very well. She don’t try to get about much as usual but she helps with the cooking yet & does several things about the house. Elsie & Sally Wilder take turns staying with her.

[9c] Columbus & Emily [Creech] are the same two people, don’t seem to get any closer together. Emily is at Louisville taking training for a nurse. I don’t know how she likes [it].

Miss [Ruth B.] Gaines is going at the same rate. I wish she had someone to help her. She needs someone who will work & take part of the responsibilities.

I don’t see Miss Metcalf & the other workers from Lion [sic, Line] Fork very often. But I guess they are all kept very busy. The boosy[?] gang on head of [Line] Fork are running at full speed. John Begley & Denver Begley being prominent leaders in the ring. How I wish a good lot of good officers could come & make a clean sweep through the country. There are so much of it going on.

 I guess Miss Gaines has written you about our train & railroad. It isn’t the pleasantest thoughts ever was to think of it either. It has made a change already & it is orders to begin to cut the trees above us next month. This sickens me. I hate to think of it. The train will soon be passing our house. The ste[?] is above grannies.

[9d] [Text at top of page is truncated] …he has made quite a change in the government of the school. They do as he says do, not altogether as they want to do.

Elsie Smith & Grant Creech are to be married Christmas. I heard they were to be married in the new church house. But I am not sure. Come down to the wedding. Take an invitation from me.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving after all. The same mean nasty day as two years ago. The High School gave a basketball game which was exciting, not so much as before for me. I didn’t have any children in the team. Mrs. Zandie [Ethel de Long Zande] had a nice service. Everybody said Miss Gaines gave her usually good dinner. I’m sorry it rained too much for me to go.

What’s E. [Ethel] McCullough doing. I wonder [if] she wants her P.M. trees sent. It is getting late for planting. I must stop, it is so late & I’m sleepy. I hope to see you real soon. We want to send you all Xmas greens. What time do you want them sent. One time is good as another for us. 
Heaps of love.
Your friend Delia.

10a through 10h. Edna Ritchie to “Mama,” April 5, Easter [no year], eight pages, on PMSS letterhead.
[10a] April 5, Easter
Dear Mama,
Well, this is Easter Sunday and we are really in Pine Mountain, and it seems that I am home again. I haven’t been so completely happy in I don’t know when. There are quite a few of old students that I knew when I was here. Most of them are so fat now tho’, that I hardly knew them. And it seems that I’ve always known the new ones, they are all so nice.

[10b] We had a good time I mean trip over the mountain, although it rained all the way — just little fine drizzle. We got pretty tired but we landed in plenty time for supper. You can’t imagine what thrills we got when we came in sight of familiar places. It is the same old place, only a few things changed. The living room porch has been enclosed in glass. It’s a lovely place, lots of growing plants and gold fish.

[10c] I was so excited at supper that I really couldn’t eat. We had the famous Saturday night baked beans. 

We sleep at Infirmary. Nola stays there. Francis staying with Mala [?], but Grace and I stay at Laurel House most. We had a beautiful Easter Service in the Church this morning. Real Easter lilies and everything. All the old familiar songs sounded so good. We stayed awhile at Far House this afternoon. Susie and Herma and Cuma stay there.

[10d] Becky Mae (sic, May) Huff teaches weaving over here. She is more like a student than a teacher. Anna Kraatz is not here. It doesn’t seem quite the same place without Miss [Katherine] Pettit.

They have a tennis court now. The boys have been playing all afternoon. Grace and I have been visiting quite a bit. I think I have tried nearly every piano on the campus.

We happened right into a country dance party last night. I had an awfully good time. I thought I had forgotten the dances, but when

[10e] I began, they all came back to me. Grace didn’t dance any. There is such a nice bunch of girls and boys. They seem to take much more interest in dancing than they used to in my day. They all try to be the first on the floor.

I find that my spring duds are quite the thing, as all the girls here are weaving light point dresses — and the boys white ducks and white shirts. Everybody likes my Easter dress, the blue one.

[10f] I wore my pink one to the party and I felt quite funny, because it was the only long dress there. The girls around here seem to like ‘em short.

We will probably be back Friday. We will stay a day or two with Mallie at Laden.

Every Sunday night after supper the girls taking turn about reading the news of the week which they’ve written. They also read the new of a year, 2 yrs, 3 yrs, & 4 yrs back. The funny thing is that tonight my news will be read that I wrote on April 1, 1929.

Most all the teachers are new. I know very few [10g] besides Miss Gaines and Emily. They certainly seemed glad to see us. Miss Gaines came out of her room just laughing and hollering that she didn’t think Grace and I had grit enough to come if it rained. Grace and I were hugged on every side, and were certainly made to feel welcome.

Mrs. Burns [Martha Burns?] said when I saw her — “Well, this is Edna Ritchie!” She can’t talk those words to me without saying some [10h] thing about Patty or asking about her. She always says, “I stayed two years with Patty at Infirmary, and I shore did like her.” They say that Mrs. Burns is resigning pretty soon.

Well, I must close. I will write you again very soon.

My oxfords — (or I mean Mollie’s) certainly came in handy, as there was an abundance of mud across the mountain.
Well, love to you all,

11. Elsie Creech to Miss Butler, May 22, 1916. 
Pine Mountain, Ky.
May 22, 1916

My Dear Miss Butler[?], 
How are you? I hope you are all well. I hope you are having a good time too day. Me and Oma is going too school every day. Oma is going too school every day. Mamma is get arnd [around?] very well. Little William got burnt up May 11. William died. Clara just had give him th[?] crchs[?]. He just met his momma at the door and he be gone to run backwards[?] and fell in the buckit of hot water. Elsie Creech

*12. Oma Creech to Miss Butler, May 23, 1916, one page. 
 [See #7 (above) for an introductory note by Miss Butler. For full translation of Butler’s note and this letter, see biography of OMA CREECH here.]

*13a through 13c. Henry C. Creech to Marguerite Butler, July 6, 1924, three pages.
For full translation of Henry Creech’s letter, go to EDUCATION Community Writing (13) Henry C. Creech.

14a through 14d. Note by M.B., one page; Chester Lewis to Miss Butler, Jan. 20, 1915, three pages. 
[14a] [Note written by M.B. [Marguerite Butler?]: This was written in Cincinnati where Chester Lewis stayed for some time with Mr. & Mrs. Philip Roettinger. It was at this time he wrote, “Hit’s the quarest thing you [push ?] the wall in & the light comes in.” 

[14b] through [14d] Chester Lewis wrote:
Jan. 20, 1915.
My Dear Miss Butler, I dont no where I am but I am getting well. I am in bed. I wish I was up ther[e] to go to school with you. Miss McC. tuck me in her automobile. We went to the zoo. I saw all kind[s] of animals. I wish you were here with me. We wood have the best time in the world, wouldn’t we. I have been in the hospital for a week. [14c] I got out and went home. I [was there?] but day and a half [then?] I had to go some other place I dont no where it is. But I am thair now. I dont no when I will get out of thair. I am in bed now. I wont get out of bed for a week [or] so, they said. I hope you can read my [14d] letter. I cant right as well in bed as I can out.

I will send you lots of love. This is kisses to you. I dont no where you ever seen any kisses like this before [or] not. Here they are +++++++++++++++++++++++…. If this hant enough I will send you a million. Yours lovingly, Chester Lewis

15a, 15b. Doria to Miss Butler, May 11, 1915, two pages.
[15a] 1915 May 11
Dear Miss Butler, I will write and let you know that I am well. Did you know that John and I stade a day and two nights and John stade a week and [?] broght me back [?] and I had the [best?] time ever. Wont to know, did you get over the mountain all right. Miss Gaines just have come from the tent…. She just has got up from sleeping a hour. We had a working last Monday. We played keep-away. Monroe started home to walk twenty five miles by himself and Becky May went home to stay a week. Kiss your mother for me. Tell your mother that I sent my love to her and now I [15b] will close for this time and good by, dear Miss Butler ++++++++…. And now this kiss is for your mother ++++++…. Doria.

16a, 16b. Chester to Miss Butler, June 24, 1915, two pages. 
[016a] Pine Mountain, Ky
June 24, 1915
Dear Miss Butler:-
I wont to know when you are coming to Pine Mountain again. You beter [hurry] up. Because I wont to see you. Miss De long is building a new house for us to live in, up above the pole house. It is called the far house.

Are you coming [016b] for the forth of July. Come and go over on Cutshin with me. I am going at the forth of July. I cannot wate much longer.
Yours Lovingly,

17a, 17b. Maud Baker to “Little Fairy” [Miss Butler?], November 15, 1917, two pages. 
[17a] Pine Mt. Ky.
Nov. 14, 1917.

Dear Little Fairy:-
I wish you was here tonight. We can hear Miss Gaines calling to the big girls clear down in the room where we are.

Abigha wrote me a letter last night and said that he was coming up and was going to bring us a mass of squirrels and I wont you to [17b] hurry back. Miss Butler, I [carried] a birthday cake in tonight and next Tuesday I hope to carry another in that is Dosia.

Tell Jeanette hello for me and your mother and father. So good by.
Maud Baker

18a through 18e. Mossie M. to Miss Butler, Nov. 17, 1917, five pages.
[18a] Pine Mountain Ky.
Nov. 17, 1917.

My Dear Miss Butler:-
We all received your nice long letter last night and was so glad to hear from you. Miss Butler, we are going to have lunch out tomorrow. We are going to have dinner and supper out. You bet we are glad at it because we wont have no dishes to wash.

Miss Butler, Miss de Long is going to give a prize to the school that keeps the nicest school room until Christmas. The prize is $10 dollars worth of nice [18b] story books. We are trying to win the prize but I dont guess we will. We mop[p]ed our school room and scruffed our tables and washed our windows. You ought to see our schoolroom.

Miss Butler, Emily is back. She got back last night about 5 o clock. I was on the play-ground jumping the rope. Some one said they saw Emily coming. I throwed the rope about 10 feet and was the third one to meet her. Her shoulder dont give her much trouble now.

Miss Butler, we are [18c] having sewing class now but I must not tell you what I am a-making for Christmas presents. I wish you would come back before you stay a month. It seems like you have already been gone one month.

Miss Butler, the other day was Miss Secor’s birthday. You bet we had a nice party in our school room. We had the cake in there. Lorain give Miss Secor some pretty little birthday presents.

We went over to Miss Pettit’s to the party last night. We had a good time playing games. 

[18d] Miss Butler, I wish you could be here now and look at the vegetable cellar. It is looking nice. Dona and Miss Gaines and me worked till 10 minutes of three on it. We moved palates (sic, pallets) and swept the cellar clean. Viola and Becky May was pleased with their books. I think they are nice to[o].

Miss Butler, the other night some hardware came in the mail. Miss Gaines said “I wonder whose this is?” Dona said, ‘Oh I bet it is Miss Butler’s for she ordered us some winter dresses.” [18e] We all laughed about an hour at her.

Thanksgiving…will soon be here and all I hate is you and Miss Jeannette wont be here.

It is time for the supper bell nearly. I guess I had better quit. I am still working up stairs. I dont forget the bulbs and my apron anymore.
From your friend
Mossie M.
I cant write a letter as long as you can.

19a, 19b. Doshia Minyard to Miss Butler, Nov. 22, 1917, two pages. 
[19a] Pine Mountain Ky,
Nov. 22 1917

My Dear Miss Butler
I hope you are having a good time. Laurna comes in to the table every meal and takes three cups of coffie every morning and to spoons fulls of shugger and she told me to write and tell you and she lets Shirley serve all the time. I was glad to get that pretty card. I had a birthday cake with eight candles on it. Some of the girls made me some nice wishes. That card was the first letter [and] card I have got since you have ben [gone]. Miss Gaines has eight cards on her desk and when we dont dry out our pans [or] dont have our
[19b] [? or] room in order she will give us a black mark. Shirley has three for leaving her sweater and tablet pencil in the dining room and Mossie and Bonnie has one apiece for leaving the lamps a-burning in the sitting room and dressing room. I think I have one. I dont no for shure and she is going to show them to you when you come back. I think Becky May and Viola has one to[o]. I dont think Donnie has.
From Doshia Minyard
When you see a frog on a stump, hit its tail and think of me.

20. Shirley Sizemore to Uncle Sam, n.d., one page.
Pine Mountain Ky
April 2, 1918

Dear Uncle Sam:-
Do any one have to put 3 sents stamp on a soldier letter. Please stop the war soon so we will have peace. I hope our american soldiers wins.
Your friend, Shirley Sizemore

EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing I – Images & excerpts, samples 01- 20, 1915-1945.

See Also:
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing II – Images & excerpts, samples 21-40, 1917-1925.
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing TRANSCRIPTIONS II – Full transcriptions of samples 21-40.

EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing IIIE – Images & excerpts, samples 41-58, 1921-1950
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing TRANSCRIPTIONS III – Full transcriptions of samples 41-58.