EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 13: Education & Educational Programs
Series 19: Students
EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff
Published 2021-06-20 aae

EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff

A Student’s Letters to PMSS Staff, 1918, 1927

TAGS: Becky May Huff, student writing, Marguerite Butler, Ethel de Long Zande, Berea College, PMSS students attending Berea, agriculture classes

TRANSCRIPTION: EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff – 1918

[NOTE: Transcriptions have been slightly edited, but most misspellings have been kept intact.]

[children_wrtg_006.jpg] August 3, 1918. Handwritten letter to Miss Marguerite Butler, teacher, from Becky May Huff, student.

Pine Mountain Ky.
August 3 1918.

Dear Miss Butler,
I would like to heare all about your trip. I guess you are having a fine time riding in your new automobile. Mossie is well again. She came back to Laurel House this morning. Open House haven washed away yet, it is still where it was when you was here, but it is very lonsome without you all. Miss Butler, Molly and Frances said they would write soon. Miss Butler, we haven talked yet. Tell Miss Jeanett[e] I write to her next time. And give here and here and your mother my love. So I will close for this time. From your little girl, Becky May Huff.

EDUCATION Children's Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff
Becky May Huff student letter to Marguerite Butler, August 3, 1918. [children_wrtg_006.jpg]

TRANSCRIPTION: EDUCATION Children’s Writing (06, 44) Becky May Huff – 1927

[children_wrtg_044a.jpg] and [children_wrtg_044b.jpg] January 27, 1927. Two-page handwritten letter to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande from Huff at Berea College, Berea, KY.

[044a] Berea College, Berea, Ky.
E. Roger’s Hall …
January 27, 1927.

Dear Mrs. Zande: 

I have been writing letters just about all day and I believe more than half of them have been to Pine Mountain. We are all through registering and are ready for classes again to-morrow. Registering wasn’t quite so hard this time, because I knew just what came next.

There are so many new students now, we can hardly pass in and out of the Dining Halls. I emagine (sic) there are quite a number of new students at Pine Mountain, too. Some of the girls told me that there were twenty girls at Laurel House now. In all the girls’ building[s] there are three and four girls in each room, except Roger’s [044b] Hall.

Our Pine Mountain group has increased this week. Every one says that it seems as though Berea is made up of Pine Mountain. There are nearly forty of us here.

I am taking agriculture now. We don’t have any text books, we take notes during the whole class period. I think it’s going to be an interesting class. Then in the spring I think we are going to do some real farming. I hope we do, any way.

Thelma said give the family her love.

With love to you all.
Becky May.

See Also:

BECKY MAY HUFF Student Staff – Biography

EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing I – Samples 1-20, 1915-1945
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing II – Samples 21-40, 1917-1925
EDUCATION Community and Children’s Writing IIIE – Samples 41-58, 1921-1950