Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 20: Alumni and Alumni Relations
ALUMNI RELATIONS 1979 Newsletter
TAGS: Alumni Relations 1979 Newsletter, Florence D. Daniels, Lida Della Christian, Doshia Miniard Hyatt, George Hayes, Dick Baker, John A. Spelman III, Oral Howard, Chester Jackson, Mary Rockwell Hook, Raymond “Bud” Pennington, Herbert Bunch, Arnie Hall, Corbett Hall, Silven R. Hayes
[Note: The text has been slightly edited.]
[1979_homecoming_rpt__001.jpg] Printed brochure, page 1.
Homecoming Reports
June 16-17, 1979
Pine Mountain Association of Alumni & Friends
Pine Mountain Settlement School
Pine Mountain, Kentucky 40810
Exodus … Paul Hayes
Dear Alumni & Friends of Pine Mountain,
Our new president of the Pine Mountain Association of Alumni & Friends is Mrs. David Martin (Flora Patsy Hall), Modoc, Indiana. Pat is a teacher in the Modoc School System and husband David is a contractor, specializing in barn building. Pat was a member, along with David [Martin], of the famous CLASS OF ’44, which has contributed so richly to our Homecomings. We are excited for Pat and we hope you will give her your support as you have in the past.
Others selected to the Executive Committee include: Jane Bishop Hobgood, Urbana, Illinois, CLASS OF ’44. Jane’s professional career has been devoted to the folk arts. Husband “Hob” is head of the Department of Theatre, at the University of Illinois. Ruth Shuler Dieter, class of ’40, lives in Abilene, Kansas, and is associated with a CPA firm and our representative to the Pine Mountain Board of Trustees. Husband John, is in private law practice and city judge of municipal court in Abilene. Maude Holbrook, Frankfort, Kentucky, is secretary of the Railroad Commission for the State of Kentucky, and a former Pine Mountain Worker. August Angel, Viper, Kentucky, and wife Sue Angel, our beloved friends and benefactors, from the Graphic Arts Press, printers of all the materials for the Association.
The report of the Chapel Committee, John Deaton, Chairman, was one of progress. The new Choir Window is in and was dedicated in honor of John J. Warren at the Chapel Service on Sunday, June 17, with his young son, John Roland (coming with his mother from San Antonio, Texas) taking part in the service, and also reading the names of our loved ones who have departed. These names will be inscribed in a planned Memory Book, which will hold a permanent place in the chapel. All windows have been made and will be installed shortly. The next priority is the rewiring of all electrical work to protect our chapel from fire. The first estimate for this work is $4000. After that is the floor, which is not in the works as yet but will come next on the list. So, a gift from you at this time will…
[1979_homecoming_rpt__002.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 2.
…enable the committee to proceed as they have in the past. The new roof, new windows and other repairs, clearing of trees and shrubbery, makes our beautiful chapel look much as it did in the 1930-40 period. I understand that when the repair work has been completed, the Holtkamp Organ will be restored. Please help.
Gifts have been received to help defray the cost of replacing most of the windows and the french doors at the Infirmary. Soon the Frontier Nursing Service will offer medical service from this building where many of us received tender care and on occasion rich cocoa, just by passing by. A new pool bath house of native stone has been erected, and is a real bright spot for the community. Remember how cold the water was…it still is! A gift of a four-wheel drive Blazer, which is used every day, a real treasure, has been donated by one of us who remembers the gifts he received at Pine Mountain. The greatest gift of all was seeing Tom Madon, being assisted by his beautiful wife and daughter, after a long and frightening illness…miracles do happen.
Our John Spelman book “At Home in the Hills” is still available. Why not a Christmas gift for someone? Order directly from the Pine Mountain Gift Shop for $16, postage paid, and have it mailed to whoever you would like to receive it.
Remember these dates you are invited: September 8, Fair Day, at Pine Mountain, October 19-21, Fall Color Weekend (Mountain Day). Call 606/558-4361, or write for reservations and hurry for a great time. December 16, Nativity Play, which has been presented at Pine Mountain for over 50 years.
Hope you make it August 8, 1980, Luther B. of Glendale, Arizona. Message received.
During the last two years we have received many letters and calls. The theme has always been the same … what Pine Mountain did for me. The following letter is of interest to all of us and is printed by permission. It speaks to us clearly of what Pine Mountain did for him and the joy of his stewardship to Pine Mountain and to Berea.
It has been my pleasure to serve as your president for two years. The cooperation and encouragement of the Board of Trustees and the Administration of Pine Mountain School, the Executive Committee and all Alumni & Friends, has made it a labor of love.
[signed] Paul [Hayes]
[1979_homecoming_rpt__003.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 3.
An Unforgettable Evening … Ruth Shuler Dieter
Dear Alumni & Friends who did or did not attend the Pine Mountain Reunion:
I want to tell you about our Dancing Party! Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful way to spend an evening at Pine Mountain. And what a grand and glorious evening it was! You should have been there to see all the young and OLD alike joining in almost every dance. The party went on for hours and so did our lively bodies. It was great fun to see Pat [FLORA PATSY HALL]and David Martin, who danced every dance, and looked as cool when the evening was over as though they had just arrived. And what about “Chick” Holbrook, coming all the way from Nantucket Island — and joining in EVERY dance. what a thrill it would be to be young again!
And then the surprise — would you believe in the middle of the Dancing Party there appeared a cast of players enacting our favorite Christmas “Mummers Play“: right in the hot month of June — with nice but a little smelly costumes saved and guarded from the past by Mary Rogers — but worn by young and old — some a little “from the past” but the young ones definitely ours to enjoy. To name a few — there was Jim Bishop as the doctor who cured all ills, and Georgia and Arthur Dodd playing special parts, together with Bill Hayes and Elizabeth Howard, son and daughter of Ebb Ayers Howard — and many others who have never heard of the play before — all directed by none other than our most talented director, Jane Bishop Hobgood. You would have to have seen this performance to have believed it! “What wond’rus love is this!”
Another exciting event was the “return of the sword dance” done by some of our old timers, Bill [Hayes], Paul [Hayes], Alonzo [Turner] and Peter [Rogers], and a new young feller, John Warren Jr., all under the direction of Peter Rogers, son of Mary and Burton Rogers. “Kirby” was done almost to perfection, and what a thrill it was to see the completed product. Made one realize that somehow most of these events will be carried on in years to come.
And to finalize the evening of dancing all joined in the Kentucky Running set which is ever so popular and so strenuous. Just try it for a night if you want to be put out of joint for a week or so! Whether one remembered the dances or not was no problem, and it was just plain fun trying to get through them without breaking a leg or stepping all over someone — or swinging one’s arms out of their sockets. The dances were delightful and it was one…
[1979_homecoming_rpt__004.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 4.
…of the highlights of our reunion.
Now for those of you who were not there to enjoy the Dancing Party, your hearts must be full of emotion and remembrances of those parties you attended at Pine Mountain and how wonderful all of them really were. So, won’t you please come next year and enjoy everything with us. We missed those of you who did not come, and the others who were there — all know what a great time these reunions really are. PLEASE COME NEXT YEAR.
Ruth Shuler Dieter
by Pat Hall Martin
A step into the past again, Pine Mountain is that and more. Each trip is a “flashback” of happy days spent among the hills and fragrant pines. The meeting of Pine Mountain brothers and sisters and the recalling of long forgotten incidents — sometimes comical and sometimes sad.
Time spent cleaning the chapel … sweeping, dusting, and carefully decorating the altar with native flowers. A new window is installed. Each pane is cleaned and shined while remembering those most dear, those who have gone from us, but forever left their imprint on our lives. A chapel service [was given] in their memory as a meadowlark sings in the background for each name read.
Ethel Elizabeth Ayers
Florence D. Daniels
Lida Della Christian
Doshia Miniard Hyatt
George Hayes
Dick Baker
John A. Spelman III
Oral Howard
Chester Jackson
Mary Rockwell Hook
Raymond “Bud” Pennington
Herbert Bunch
Arnie Hall
Corbett Hall
Silven R. Hayes
The chapel is the scene again. This time it is Christmas Week. Mary Rogers takes us back, former students read lines from the “Nativity Play” and we sing many of the Christmas songs. It seems that Miss [Gladys] Hill, Miss [Edith] Cold, Mrs. [Alice Joy] Keith and many others, walk across our memories as clearly as if they were there in the chapel.
The round tables go up and back against the wall. Pine Mountain Alumni & Friends prepare for another Dancing Party. Alonzo Turner is there to call the Kentucky Running Set. When he arrives he calls attention to a long line of cars winding up the Laurel House driveway. “Those are my children. I told them it was time they started coming too.” And what a handsome crew they are!
It was a lovely time … wish you had been there to share it.
[1979_homecoming_rpt__005.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 5.
Welcome back … Bill Dawn
Dawn & Co.
6209 Baum Dr.
Knoxville, Tenn. 37919
Dear Paul:
Excuse this letter in long-hand. My secretary is on vacation.
Thanks for your recent letter. I didn’t know that there was an organized Pine Mt. Alumni Assoc. I’m glad to see it in such good hands.
If my memory serves me correctly, the Chapel was virtually completed when I arrived there in Fall of 1925. My small part was in cutting stone for supplementary details — rear porch steps, retaining walls, walks, etc.
A few years earlier a stone mason was found at Lynch, Ky., working on their new coke ovens. Pine Mountain needed someone to build a water reservoir and he came over for that job only. He was a recent immigrant, speaking broken English. He was a big, handsome, blond, blue-eyed Italian, very intelligent, very likable. This was Mr. Luigi Zande.
Instead of one job, he not only married the co-director, Miss [Ethel] de Long but within three or four years built the water supply system, the electric light system, the Chapel, overhauled the sawmill, etc. etc. He was a great cook too! Their baby was born soon after I came to the school.
Mr. Zande was a fine man — even a great man! He could do anything well. I counted it a privilege to be a “Zande” boy as against a farm boy and [we] thought of ourselves as an elite group. The Industrial Arts Building was built during my stay. There, in winter, we built furniture for the school buildings and dorms, even made coffee for local people. (I helped build the yellow poplar and walnut-trimmed coffin for Aunt “Sal” Creech — had to run five miles down Greasy Creek to the store and back for cotton padding and black satin lining for it.)
Mr. Zande personally taught me woodcarving — the extra money from which came in handy later at Berea.
A Miss [Bessie V.] Gaunt, school office secretary at that time, sort of adopted me. She lived at Boy’s House and several times helped keep me from being sent home — expelled from school. I was a typical, uncouth, Harlan town boy and always getting into trouble — at least the first year.
It was she who advised me to finish high school at an accredited school, for Pine Mt. at that time was not. So, as mentioned, I spent three years there, 1925-26-27 — the best years of my life. At any rate it changed me from a hillbilly brat to a fairly decent, well-mannered boy, who learned to love good books and music with some added culture.
My buddy and friend, Howard Burdine, entered the same year as I did. He stayed on the extra year to finish. He then came to Michigan and we both worked in Lan-…
[1979_homecoming_rpt__006.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 6.
…sing and boarded at the same place. We later found work in Detroit — tried going to college there, but went broke. Times were getting tough — beginning of Great Depression years.
After scrambling around doing odd jobs, we finally got on — big money, 55 cents an hour — at Graham-Paige, car makers (I see one occasionally, as an antique). I left him there, went on to Berea in 1929 for five years. Later got M.A. degree in Industrial Arts. Taught that in high school and college until World War II. After 3 1/2 years in Navy, started in construction in 1946, still at it.
What little success I have had in life and business, I owe it to Pine Mt. Probably the most important habit we learned was to work. In those days we worked every day, four hours, meaningful work; then on Saturdays, seven hours. And I, being an older boy, had usually to start milking at 5:30. So, it was rare to have over 1 1/2 hours free on Saturday. On Sunday, before Sunday School, we worked 2 1/2 hours. To earn money for clothes, I usually started — with three others — milking at 4:30 a.m. For this, we got five cents extra. it was a rugged life, but we strangely thrived on it.
The following is made in a humble, modest, non-boasting manner: That, due to the work habits, study habits, and wonderful guidance at the school, and later at Berea, I have been able to give to Berea College in the last two years, more that $90,000 for Industrial Arts work, and other purposes.
I have a good business and probably the finest collection of antique cars in Tennessee — six Rolls Royces! plus others.
I mention the above gifts to Berea solely for this reason: That Pine Mt. and Berea, through devoted, selfless people, who had no ulterior motive for helping me, did instill or import to me the notion that a good citizen ought to try to give back to society some of the things given him or her.
Sorry to be so long-winded, but I wanted someone to know, who has connection with the school, that I shall always be eternally grateful to Pine Mountain Settlement School.
Bill Dawn
Reminiscing … Maude Holbrook
Each time I attend the homecoming of our group, I realize more and more what Pine Mountain had and still has to offer students. I really cherish the thought that we had the best of everything during my years at Pine Mountain: namely, the best teachers; food; exercise; even though we called it work, environment; and protection.
This trip I really enjoyed our tour of the campus. First was our visit to Old Log, where our gracious hosts, Mr. & Mrs. Burton Rogers. greeted us and served re-…
[1979_homecoming_rpt__007.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 7.
…freshments of cookies and punch. Of course, I did not miss the opportunity to tell the crowd that I was once housemother at Old Log. I had witnesses present to prove my claim. I even looked to see if the ferns, planted by the students at Boys’ House, were still growing. At Boys’ House, we looked through a library of picture albums, trying to find snapshots of ourselves, taken during our respective school years. It is terrible when you cannot find your own picture. I often picked the wrong one.
Above all of this, what I really enjoyed most was the gathering at the chapel, especially to hear Mr. Arthur Dodd play the piano. I could have spent the entire day listening to the beautiful music.
I trust that you will all make plans to attend the reunion in 1980, at which time, no doubt, there will be many more activities. Remember, “Together We Aspire” and “Together We Achieve.”
Maude Holbrook ...
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
The annual meeting of the Association of Pine Mountain alumni and Friends was held in Laurel House at Pine Mountain on June 16, 1979. Director Alvin Boggs welcomed the group.
Paul Hayes introduced Mary and Burton Rogers, also trustee member, Ruth Shuler Dieter, and the Executive Committee.
Minutes were read and accepted unanimously.
Director Boggs reported for the Chapel Committee as John Deaton could not be present. The small windows amounted to $450, the choir window $245, money paid to the glass company $518, hardwood-installation-stain $200. This all amounted to $1,413. It is believed that before any work is done on the organ, it would be wise to wait until the sagging floor has been repaired.
Paul Hayes introduced an idea that the Alumnae member serving as a Pine Mountain Settlement School Board member be elected to that office for a four-year term. Amendment Charter, Section B, “To elect a slate of three Alumni representatives from which the School’s Board of Trustees will choose one to serve a four-year term on that Board. The Board of Trustees will, in turn, select one of those selected candidates to serve a four year term.” The amendment was accepted as read.
August Angel had everyone present introduce themselves.
[1979_homecoming_rpt__008.jpg] Printed brochure, continued, page 8.
He also gave the financial report for the Chapel Fund. Received from last year was a total of $11,063.75 with monies paid out, we have remaining nearly $5000.
New officers were elected for the coming year. They are: Pat Hall Martin, President; Jane Hobgood, Vice President; Ruth Shuler Dieter, Committee Member; August Angel, Committee Member; Maude Holbrook, Secretary-Treasurer.
Paul Hayes expressed appreciation to August Angel for his contribution of printing free of charge. Jane Hobgood gave a tribute to the Laurel House staff. Appreciation was shown to Paul & Ellen Hayes for a job well done. Members who expressed their disappointment at not being able to attend were remembered.
The date of the Homecoming was changed from June to August. The next meeting is scheduled for August 9, 1980.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sandy Lewis Grimsley, Secretary
and Maude Holbrook, Incoming Secretary-Treasurer
Money for Operational Fund $87.71
1st Mailing 32.20
2nd Mailing 35.30
TOTAL $67.50
BALANCE $20.21
Money received at Homecoming for General Fund $479.79
Money from 1978-1979 20.21
TOTAL $500.00
Money paid to Alvin Boggs for repairs 350.00
TOTAL for Operational Fund 1979-1980 $150.00
Respectfully submitted by:
Maude Holbrook
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