Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 01: HISTORIES
HISTORY PMSS Summary 1942-1943
TAGS: History PMSS summary 1942-1943, staff, events, reports, number of students, academic reports, school consolidations, folk dancing, sports, parties, balls, plays, scrap drives, co-op programs, book donations, speakers, puppet shows, doctors, nurses, constructions, wartime restrictions, farm news, trustees, gifts
HISTORY PMSS Summary 1942-1943
History of the Pine Mountain Settlement School
Staff Members:
Birdena Bishop, Community Group Teacher
Boone Callahan, Woodworking
Butman, Olive, Nurse’s Ass’t (8 months)
Alice Cobb, Publicity
Edith Cold, English, Library
Arthur Dodd, Principal
Georgia Dodd, Housemother
Lois Fenn, Dietician (Secretary?)
Janet Grant, Secretary, Girl Scouts
William Hayes, Farmer, Dairyman
Gladys Hill, Co-op Teacher
Martha Keene, (sic) English
Alice Joy Keith, Science Teacher
Helen Kingsbury, Home Economics
Josephine Merrill, Housemother
Burton Rogers, Counselor
Mary Rogers, Far House Housemother
Grace Rood, Nurse
Ruth Shuler, Bookkeeper, Dancing
Barbara Spelman, Bookkeeper
Edna Spinney, Big Log Housemother
Dr. Emma Tucker Doctor
Dr. Francis Tucker, Doctor
Margaret Twichell, Nurse Aide
Charlotte Webb, Bldgs. & Grounds, Ass’t Counselor in charge of girls’ work schedules, Acting Dietitian
Mrs. Webb, Sr., Temporary Housemother
Brit Wilder, Maintenance
Rev. Richard and Lutrella Baker, Line Fork
Mrs. Northam, Line Fork
Anna Pishzak Big Laurel Medical Settlement
William Webb, Acting Director, Boy Scouts
Ila Boggs, Kitchen
Sally Cornett, Laundress
Alice Pennington, Cook
Marsh Browning, Miner
Chester Jackson, Miner
Mart Baker, Nightwatchman
Mr. Wilson, Fireman
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Number of students: Freshman 39, Co-op____, Community____, Senior 15
Acting Director: Mr. and Mrs. William Webb and two children, Dorothy and David, arrived August 1. Mr. Webb has been appointed Acting Director, as Glyn Morris has leave of absence.
Academic Report: Curricular emphasis was the same as previous year, except for a curtailed vocational department. Woodworking had increased activity. There were no auto mechanics or printing instructors. Four boys kept printing production on a fulltime basis, including use of the linotype after Christmas.
The Kentucky Department of Education continued PMSS as Grade ‘A” (first given in 1939.)
PMSS organized a “Prep Group”, with 15 students, for 8th grade graduates of local schools, and for students who attempted the county tests but failed. A Girls Lounge was established in the Work Shop, to give local girls a campus base. A couple of amateur beauticians offered services to the “day girls.”
Mr. Webb and Mr. Dodd were authorized to work out with the Harlan County Board of Education, and submit to the Trustees, a plan to consolidate Grades 4 – 8 from 5 neighboring one-room school districts and offer students tuition at PMSS.
Events: A folk dance team performed at the Hazard K.E.A. meeting, the Evarts Historical Pageant and the Berea Fall Festival.
Softball and basketball teams played Red Bird and Big Laurel.
There were Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine & “Victory” parties and balls.
“Shake Hands with Murder,” a mystery farce, was presented by the Seniors.
October 27 classes were dismissed for an “all-out scrap drive,” which resulted in collection of 8 tons of scrap metal.
November 2 the Co-op class presented a program on consumer testing, credit unions and the Southeastern Cooperative League.
The books of the late Miss Helen deLong, sister of Ethel deLong Zande, were given to PMSS, and placed in a bookcase in Laurel House.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Berea, visited PMSS and conducted classes in story-telling, puppetry, wood-carving and other crafts, and folk dancing. Punch and Judy shows, to which students from near-by schools were invited, were presented on Monday and …
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… Wednesday nights.
Students in the Junior Ethics class presented a playlet, in “human puppet” jerky movements, “There’s No Place Like Home (For Ethical Problems)”.
Pine Mountain Puppeteers presented a second show February 24, dramatizing the ballads “The Farmer’s Sarned Old Wife” and “Lochinvar.”
The Co-op Class presented a three-act play, “Growing Pains,” March 13.
Dr. Nutter left March 1, 1942, Dr. Lester H. Beals served from April 23 to August 20, Dr. Emma and Dr. Francis Tucker arrived September 12. Dr. Emma set up a laboratory, a great help in diagnosis and general prestige.
Former PMSS student Stella Taylor, a 1942 graduate of the Berea School of Nursing, was nurse for the July vacation period.
Typhoid shots were given to PMSS students, and at clinics at Little Laurel, Big Laurel, Incline and Creech schools.
Friends of Miss Sarah Putnam gave new “Student Hymnary” books for the Chapel.
In observance of President Roosevelt’s request that the first week of the New Year be set aside for prayer and meditation, Mr. Dodd and Mr. Rogers played the organ in the Chapel each afternoon at 4:40.
Rev. Lewis Lytle (sic) spoke in Chapel January 17 on “It Is More Blessed to Give Than Receive.
Dr. Luther Ambrose, Dr. Gordon Ross, Dr. E. J. Weeks, and President Francis S. Hutchins, Berea College, gave Chapel talks.
Acorn Cabin, “at the top of the Playground field” was constructed by Miss Cold’s class, used for marshmallow roasts and picnics, and by the Boy and Girl Scout Troops.
Due to the wartime conditions, construction was to be limited to necessary repairs. Current needs cited were the Chapel west window sash, a change in the slope of the Boys’ Industrial Building porch roof, West Wind porch and the painting of Far House.
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Farm: It was hoped that Mr. Hayes and Mr. Wilder could be exempt from the draft due to their importance for the farm work. The livestock inventory included 4 mules, 1 horse (pack library), 14 pigs, 14 milk cows, 3 heifers, 1 bull, 6 calves. The farm produced hay, ensilage corn, squash, potatoes, onions, sweet corn, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, parsnips, turnips, celery, cucumbers, greens, lettuce, spinach, peppers and apples. 500 baby chicks were purchased in hope of alleviating wartime shortages and price increases of eggs and chicken.
After the one-room school term ended, the Community group embarked on a “Victory Gardens” project. It is anticipated that there will be increased need for canned produce for use in the coming school year
Grounds work included a stonework floor in front of the Creech memorial fountain, trimming trees, transplanting shrubs and repairing paths.
Board of Trustees:
Dr. Clark Bailey, Harlan, was added to the Board of Trustees, joining Mr. Crutchfield, Chairman, Mr. Manning, Dr. Swift, Miss Wells, Mrs. Elsmith, Dr. Van Vleck, Mrs. [Fanny] Gratz and Mr. Ball.
Special Gifts: 10 gross half-gallon ideal fruit jars from Ball Brothers, Muncie, IN. Dining room china from the Onondaga Pottery Co., Syracuse, NY.
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