ARTHUR W. DODD Administrative Correspondence

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Arthur W. Dodd
Administrative Correspondence

Arthur W. Dodd Administrative Correspondence

Arthur Dodd correspondence. [dodd_bio_001.jpg] Dodd photographing a student.

ARTHUR W. DODD Administrative Correspondence, 1930s – 1960
August 12, 1932, to March 17, 1963

TAGS: Arthur W. Dodd, administrative correspondence, Pine Mountain Settlement School, principals, schools, education, Burton Rogers, Ganado (AZ) Mission High School, H.R.S. Benjamin, teaching contracts, teachers, printing, William D. Webb, community schools, progressive education, Guidance Institute Findings, educational films, Boy’s Industrial Building fire

CONTENTS: Arthur W. Dodd Administrative Correspondence

[Note: Correspondence is in reverse chronological order and is typewritten unless otherwise indicated.]

[001] n.d.
Photograph of Dodd with camera and students.


[003] n.d.
Handwritten note listing organ music, hymn pages, prayer reading by Geraldine, and talk and closing prayer by Mrs. Benjamin.

[004] March 17, 1963
“BR” [Burton Rogers] to Miss Edith Cold and Dodd: Received information from Camarilla (CA) State Hospital that Mrs. Northam died on January 27, 1963; flooding at PMSS.

[005] Feb 7, 1963
Burton Rogers, Director, to Arthur Dodd, Principal at Ganado (AZ) Mission H.S.: Cold weather problems; Christopher and Bonnie’s wedding; Newark, NJ, computer programming training; Mr. Farley (retired Berea organist).

[006] Jan 28, 1963
“BR” to Cold and Dodd: Asks for information about Mrs. Adelaide Northam; her piano.
Feb 2, 1963: Response from Dodd: No information available; hospital construction at Ganado.

[007] Sept 15, 1961
Rogers (in Sherman, CT, with Peter) to “Georgia and Dodd”: Thanks Dodd for card; Mary (Rogers)’s visit in England; back surgery.

[008, 009] July 24, 1961
Color postal card of Grand Tetons and Colter Bay, Wyoming. Note from the “Dodds” to Rogers: Describes their travels; Libby; Margo.

[010] April 13, 1960
Rogers to Dodd: Miss Mae (sic) Gadd from Hindman visited for dancing party ; Gadd is interested in visiting Dodd; PMSS updates; Weibel wedding.


[011, 012] September 18, 1959
Rogers to “Georgia and Dodd”: Sympathy for Georgia whose father died ; missed Dodd’s visit to Harlan Co.; describes travel in west US; visited Richard Bakers in AR, (H.R.S.) Benjamins in MO, Tootells at Cleveland Clinic, Mariel Boone in NM, Miss Binford in CA, Mrs. Keith in Camel, Miss Cold at Ben Lomond; Ganado, NM; PMSS updates.

[013] May 11, 1956
Rogers to Dodd: Arranges to meet with Dodd before Dodd leaves for Oxford, OH, then AZ; Joanna in Philadelphia.

[015, 016] April 11, 1956
Rogers to Dodd: Mary is in England; Christopher goes to Berea; Peter; vacation plans; Joanna [Ayers] in Japan; former Yale organ teacher visited.

[014] April 18, 1955
Rogers to Dodd: Mrs. [Mary Bradshaw] Holsinger’s death; Dodd’s invitation to visit.

[017] May 11, 1953
Mary B[radshaw] Holsinger to Dodd: Rogers family is on a trip to meet Mrs. Rogers’ sister (Eva) and son from England.

[018] May 20, 1953
Rogers to Dodd: Will miss meeting with Dodd in KY.

[019] May 6, 1953
Dodd (Ganado Mission letterhead) to “Burton” (Rogers): Plans to travel to KY, then CA with the Weekes family; Shepherd School ; Navajo children; visual education; opaque projector; graduating 20 Navajo, Hopis, and Lagunas; Margaret’s piano recital; invites Rogers to visit.

[020] May 1, 1953
Rogers to Dodd: Asks about summer plans.

[021] Jan 10, 1952
[unsigned] to “Dodds”: Appreciates Dodds newsletter; Christmas vacation in CT; Dorothy in FL; Dr. Tracy Jones to help at PMSS; Raymond Sturgill wounded in Korea; Arliss Centers.

[022] Nov 1, 1950
[unsigned] to Dodd: Sent statement to placement office; PMSS updates; Georgia’s work at Laurel House, home ec teaching; Dr. Gabbard at Buckhorn.

[023, 024] Oct 13, 1950
Dodd at Columbia Univ., NYC, to “Burton” (Rogers): Appreciates PMSS visit in Aug and Sept; describes proctoring at NY School of Law; asks Rogers to send statement to Office of Field Relations and Placement of Teachers College; describes course in Anthropology and Education; list of graduate courses Dodd has completed.


[025. 026] n.d.
Christmas Vacation Memorandum: Mr. and Mrs. Dodd’s schedule.
Memorandum: PMSS contract with Mr. and Mrs. Dodd for fiscal year 1941-42; handwritten note signed by Dodd indicating request for $5 a month raise (added notation: “approved”). Typewritten note with title “BIG LOG” re: scheduling.

[028] December 20, [no year]
Georgia Ayers Dodd to Union Theological Seminary Book Service via Western Union: orders “Apostle” book by Sholem Asch.

[031] n.d.
Agreement: Dodd to oversee two advanced printing students and their work for extra $25 per month.

[032] July 16, 1945
H.R.S. Benjamin (Director) to Dodd (on vacation in Jacksonville, FL): minor question.

[027] July 4, 1945
H.R.S. Benjamin (Director) to Mrs. Dodd in Jacksonville, FL: Asks Mrs. Dodd to clarify for Betty (housemother) the dating regulations for West Wind girls.

[034] May 26, 1945 (per notation)
Dodd (handwritten) to Benjamin: Asks Benjamin to apply to renew Dodd’s draft deferment.

[033] Jan 23, 1945 and May 1, 1945
CLASSIFICATION ADVICE from Selective Service System, Local Board No. 58, Harlan, KY: Dodd’s classification for 6-month period.

[036] Jan 8, 1945
[unsigned] to “Dear Friends” (Mr. and Mrs. Dodd): Acknowledges cash gift.

[035] Dec 23, 1944
Georgia and Arthur Dodd to Miss Dorothy: Cash gift to School; dog behavior.

[037] Oct 17, 1944, and Oct 19, 1943
Classification Advice from Selective Service Local Board No. 58, Harlan, KY: Dodd’s classification for 6-month period.

[038] March 7, 1944
(William D.) Webb to “Gentlemen” at (Selective Service) Local Board 58, Harlan, KY: Asks how to apply for reclassification or deferment for two men (at PMSS).

[039] March 11, 1944
Webb to “Gentlemen” at Selective Service Board 58, Harlan, KY: Requests reclassification or deferment of Dodd to be “administrative head of vocational high school” at Pine Mountain.

[040] Feb 9, 1944
[unsigned] from “Principal” (Dodd) to Mr. Joseph Levernz, Director of Personnel, Alexandria, VA: Levernz to send letter to Draft board asking for deferment from American Red Cross service.

[041] Jan 17, 1944
Webb to Executive Committee: re: Mr. Dodd, Red Cross and Deferments. Negotiations with Red Cross are resumed; Mrs. Dodd; Ruby [Ayers], her sister; Dr. Tucker; counter-signatures; Mr. William Hayes; Mr. Brit Wilder; UK Farm-Home week; the LaRues [Dorothy and Glenn].

[044] Aug 10, 1943
Dodd to Bonnie Ayers in Washington, DC, via Western Union: “Advise against rejecting Lumberman offer” of job until Ayers hears from Webb.
August 12, 1943: Dodd to Ayers via Western Union: “Advise taking Lumberman’s opening…”

[042, 043] Aug 9, 1943
[unsigned] to Evelyn K. Wells in Wellesley, MA: Possibility of hiring Bonnie Ayers as bookkeeper; Ruth Shuler; Ayers’ credentials; Appointments Committee.

[029] May 4, 1943
William D. Webb (Acting Director) to Mr./Mrs. Dodd: PMSS contract for 1943-1944

[030] April 11, 1942
Glyn Morris to Mr. and Mrs. Dodd – PMSS contract for 1942-1943.[045] Oct 30, 1941
Dodd to Glyn Morris: Need teaching plans from Mr. Arny.

[046] n.d.
“For Happier Workers — Fewer Late in-the-Evening Feeds — and Raids on the Store.” Suggestions to kitchen for improving staff meals.

[047] Sept 24, 1941
Martha Anne Keen to Morris: Delay in arrival.

[092] Aug 8, 1941
[unsigned] to Dodd: Need to discuss community school problems; Kiwanis Camp; Bothwell.

[048] n.d.
Dodd to Miss Trufant, Miss Cold, (Glyn) Morris: Re moving Capehart records to Laurel House.

[050, 051] Duplicates of page 2. First page is missing.
Dodd to ?: (August) Angel; camp; the doctor; Miss (Grace) Rood; Ruby.

[059] Postcards
June 24, 1941, Dodd to “Glyn” (Morris) in Woods Hole, MA: Progress report on the Findings.
July 26, 1941, Dodd to Miss (Janet) Grant at PMSS: Requests copies of the Coop History.
Sept 21, 1941, Dodd to “Glyn”: Institute question.
[060] Address sides of [059].

[093, 094] July 30, 1941
Dodd to Morris: Recommends “Community Schools in Action” book by Elsie Ripley Clapp; PMSS community relationships; PMSS’s problem of isolation; “The Community School” by Dr. Everett; Curriculum Conference; Dr. Hatcher; classroom furnishings.

[053, 054] June 29 [no year]
Dodd to “Glyn” (Morris): Encloses copy of another letter about the Coop booklet and course; Progressive Education; Dr. Hatcher; Masonic burial for Mr. Elhanon Nolan; Mrs. Darse Wilder died; campers; Defense Program; Ordway Tead’s daughter; Miss Saurborn; REA project; Henry Creech; Miss Gould at Line Fork; Delia; the Nutters.

[058] July 24, 1941
Dodd to Freeman (Wurlitzer Co.): Declined repair of violin.

[065] July 23, 1941
“J.G” to Dodd: mimeographing; sending stencils.

[056] July 23, 1941
“J.G.” to Dodd: Updates: Ruth Ann; Line Fork; Alice; “Outline”; Mr. Galbreath; Mr. [James A.] Cawood; Findings; Mr. Hansbrough.

[063] July 22, 1941
Dodd in Nashville, TN (via postcard) to “Ruth” (Shuler) at PMSS; Requests additional copies of Coop History, “Experiences in Consumer Cooperation.”
[064] Address side of [063].

[061] July 10, 1941
“Memo regarding Visual Education”; Visual Education Cooperative; Eastern Teacher College; explanation; educational films.

[057] July 8, 1941
Dodd to Glyn: Sends Morris a copy of a letter from Mr. J.C. Freeman of The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., NYC, describing repairs needed for the violin and bow Dodd had sent them and the cost; asks for authorization.

[062] July 3, 1941
G.M. Gumbert, Chairman, Committee on Visual Education, Eastern KY State Teachers College, Richmond, KY, to Dodd; Responds to Dodd’s interest in the Regional Cooperative Film Library; use of audio visual aids in teaching.

[049] June 30, 1941
“G and G” to “Arthur” (Dodd): Barbara Gates to arrive for Kiwanis Camp duty; work assignments for Miss Jane Hooper; engaged to Olcott Gates, Mrs. (Dorothy Olcott) Elsmith’s son; the Nutters.

[052] June 18, 1941
Dodd (PM Guidance Institute letterhead) to “Glyn” (Morris): Sends excerpt of letter to Miss (Gladys) Hill from E.R. Bowen, Genl Secy of the Cooperative League of America with praise for Miss Hill’s article; will publish it; requested multiple copies of booklet “Experiences in Consumer Cooperation.”

[055] June 11, 1941
Dodd at PMSS to “Glyn” (Morris): Updates: Mr. Burden; recreation program; Community Room; Findings; West Wind; Miss Gould at Line Fork; Delia Taylor.

[067] June 6, 1941
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dr. J.E. Brewton, Assoc. Dir, Div. of Surveys & Field Studies, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TN: Requests a fellowship for Dodd; Institute update.

[068] June 2, 1941
[unsigned] “Memo to Dodd: List of tasks; Miss Cobb and; Miss Grant; fire squad; Jess Burden; Miss Trufant; Miss Ann Gould.

[066] April 22 [no year]
[unsigned] note to Dodd re: letter from E.F Hall, Science Research Associates.

[117, 118] Feb 12, 1941
Dodd to Evelyn Wells at Wellesley (MA) College: Describes problems with 2 PMSS employees’ complaints; signed by 16 workers, some with reservations.

[071] Dec 12, 1940
[unsigned] to Dodd at PMSS: Look into Mrs. Keith’s discussion with students on birth control.

[069] Aug 12, 1940
Picture postcard: “Driving and Bathing, Jacksonville Beach, Fla.”
Address side with postmark “Duluth Minn, Aug 12, 1940”; to A.W. Dodd, PMSS.

[070] Aug 4 [no year]
Handwritten postcard from Dodd in Jacksonville Beach, FL, to Morris at PMSS: Arrival details.
Handwritten note from “Fern & Bill” (Hayes) to Dodd: Arrangements for arrival from vacation.

[075] June 21, 1940
Dodd to Glyn: PMSS updates: library cataloging; Laurel House construction; Saxe; Mrs. (Mary Rockwell) Hook; Zande House renovation; Boy’s House; K.U. contract.

[072] n.d.
Dodd to Morris via handwritten Western Union: Arrival plans.

[073] March 19 & 26 [no year] Printed material.
Cover of Chapel program by Arthur W. Dodd with print of Chopin.
[074] List of musical pieces, composers, and descriptions.


[076] July 29, 1938
Dodd from Tampa, FL, to Morris via handwritten Western Union: Itinerary.

[077] n.d.
Dodd (in NYC) note to Morris : PMSS updates: Institute program; Mrs. Burdine; new printer teacher; Dr. Kilpatrick.

[095, 096] Aug 9, 1937
“Dictated by Mr. Morris” to Dodd in NYC: Forwarding Dodd’s memo to Mr. Young and Mrs. Olinger; sent books to Mrs. Powell; PMSS not ready for curriculum changes that Dodd recommends; need adaptable teachers; asks Dodd to inform Jimmy Livengood what he will teach; new printer; Bill Dawn and wife.

[078] Aug 3, 1937
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dodd in NYC: Fred Burkhard, printer teacher; Mrs. Power, housemother; Iddie Sparkman; Confusion between curriculum and method; construction update; Home Economics Building.

[097] Aug ?, 1937
Dodd to Morris: Encloses memo for Mr. Young and Miss Olinger; school philosophy revised by Dr. Kilpatrick, foremost interpreter of John Dewey; attended Supreme Court issue forum.

[079] July 29, 1937
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dodd in NYC: Send plans to Miss Merrill, Newport, NH.

[080] July 1, 1937
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dodd in NYC: Angel requested reconsideration.

[085] n.d.
Dodd to “Glyn” (Morris): Update about August (Angel)’s plans to leave; Angel begins to print Everett’s book.

[086] June 15, 1937
Dodd to Morris: Bids for window sashes, lumber; Howard and Edrye; PMSS updates; vegetable cellar; Angel’s plans; suggests Clyde Blanton to replace Angel.

[084] June 2, 1937
Dodd to “Glyn” (Morris): Forwards Tinsley’s letter.

[081] n.d.
Dodd in NYC to “Glyn” (Morris): Everett’s discussion with August Angel about leaving.

[082] May 24, 1937
Dodd to Morris: Updates on hiring new staff; Young; Knealy; the Bakers from Grass Lake, MI, for Line Fork.

[083] May 22, 1937
[unsigned, probably Dodd] to “Glyn” (Morris): Leasing or selling Line Fork; the Tinsleys’ visit and credentials.

[002] December 30, 1935
Newspaper clipping titled “The Journal’s Republic of Letters.” Includes letter titled “More ‘Interference’ Needed” from “Arthur Dodd, Jr., Adamsville”.”

[088] Dec 27, 1935
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dodd: Boys’ Industrial Building fire; insurance; Mrs. (Mary Rockwell) Hook; woodworking temporarily in Laurel House basement.

[087] Dec 24, 1935
Dodd (handwritten; in Adairsville, GA) to “My Dear Glyn” (Morris): Loss of Boys’ Industrial; travel plans; malaria patient.

[090] n.d.
“Dictated by Mr. Morris” to Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner: Record truck mileage; authorizations for driving truck.

[091] Nov 4, 1935
“Dictated by Mr. Morris” to Dodd: Asks Dodd to take Mrs. Faulker and students to Wilsonberger to represent PMSS at a get-together of county school teachers.

[105] Oct 15, 1935
Address side of postcard postmarked Winnetka, IL, addressed to Morris.
[106] Dodd’s handwitten note to Morris: Describes visit at Winnetka; arrival plans.

[089] May 18, 1935
[unsigned, probably Morris] to Dodd: Asks Dodd to negotiate with Chappell Dairy in Harlan about selling PMSS’s sour cream as well as butter.

[098, 099] n.d.
Dodd to Morris in NYC: Angel’s arrival at PMSS; Elliott; Everett; classes by Kilpatrick, Briggs; Dodd’s plans for PMSS.

[100, 101] Sept 15, 1934
Dodd to Mr. (Darwin) D. Martin in Buffalo, NY; Feud with PMSS involving Emily Frank and Henry Creech; community-PMSS relationships; Creeches’ opinions; asks trustees to support Morris and staff.

[102] Aug 7, 1933
Morris, Director, to Dodd at International House in NYC; School opening date.

[103] n.d.
Unsigned handwritten note to Dodd in Bath, NY: Come at once.

[104] Aug 18, [no year]
Dodd in Bath, NY, to Morris via Western Union: Accepts arrangements.

[108] Aug 15, 1932
Morris, Director, to Dodd in Bath, NY: Offers music position; Mr. Lehman, secretary and pianist is leaving; negotiates salary.

[109] Aug 12, 1932
Dodd in Bath, NY to Morris via Western Union: Prefer PMSS; asks for information.
Aug 23, 1932, Dodd in Bath, NY, to Morris via Western Union: Will be with you soon.

[110, 111] n.d.
Dodd’s handwritten note from Adairsville, GA, to “Glyn” (Morris): Arrival plans; Angel.

[107] April 21, 1932
Morris, Director, to Dodd in Berea, KY: Regrets having no PMSS position for Dodd.

[112, 113, 114, 115, 116] n.d.
“Addenda to School Experiences” – Unsigned 5-page narrative apparently written by Dodd. [Pages 1-2] Dodd describes PMSS program over 18-yr period; courses, textbooks; the Community Group; the Coop Group; Citizenship Committee; discipline problems; school marks; evaluations; room and board; student tasks; English Country Dancing and folk-singing; chapel; 1936 and 1937 girls’ octet tour. [Pages 3-5] Dodd provides a description of Ganado Mission High School in AZ; Georgia Dodd managed 2 cafeterias; Indian friends, ceremonies.

GALLERY – ARTHUR W. DODD Administrative Correspondence

See Also:
ARTHUR W. DODD Navajo Wedding April 3, 1954

ARTHUR W. DODD Staff – Biography
GEORGIA AYERS DODD Staff – Biography

ARTHUR W. DODD Photograph Album 1943-1946