Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Marguerite Butler Letters 1919
TAGS: Marguerite Butler Letters 1919, School House fire, Evelyn K. Wells, students, workers, Miss Katherine Pettit, commencement events, Miss Gaines, May Day, extension center, fundraising, weddings, visitors, constructions
Note: Letters are often undated. Often dates are assigned from the content of the letter. The following order of the 1919 LETTERS is approximate.
Click here to read Marguerite Butler’s biography.
CONTENTS: Marguerite Butler Letters 1919
1a. 1919 LETTER 1A – MBB Note: Description 1 – “The school house fire — a February [sic] night as I remember…” [image 001]
1b. LETTER 1B Saturday morning, [January 1919] – [images 042-049] – “Dear Mother – I wonder if you have heard of our terrible loss – the school house burned to the ground….”
description of school house fire ; casualties and injuries ; wakened children ; workers and children fight the fire ; reactions to the fire ; Laurel House steamed ; sent for doctor ; classes afterwards ; strength of school’s spirit ; Evelyn Wells saved office things ; office set up in canning room ;
1c. 1919 LETTER 1C – MBB Note: This is very poorly written but it shows how upset I was. Another experience I’ll never forget. [image missing]
1d. 1919 LETTER 1D – Sunday afternoon, January 1919 – “Dear Jeannette — I wish you might see the boys who have come here –…” [images 002-007]
boys injured but not complaining ; boys’ heroism ; parents and others arrive ; bearing on her mind ; insurance coverage inadequate ; doubling up ; donations of clothing ; cancelling plans to visit schools and John Campbell in North Carolina ;
2. 1919 LETTER 2 – MBB Note – “The Ladies Aid Society of the Mt Auburn Presby….” [image 008]
3. 1919 LETTER 3 – Sunday, February 9, 1919 – “Dear Mother — The comforts arrived last night and they are lovely. I thought I could write you and then you could read this to the ladies….” [images 009-013]
ladies’ aid society comforts arrived ; boys needed clothing ; rearrangement of sleeping quarters ; bedding is needed ; Miss Parkinson gets sprained ankle x-rayed in Louisville ; logging for 3 new buildings to begin ; walked in snow to reservoir ; children return to studying ; request for ladies’ society to sew aprons ;
4. 1919 LETTER 4 – Sunday, (February 15, 1919?) (Office being built.) – “This is to you all. Messages for everyone. Dear Father – Mother & J — Your box was a surprise, a lovely one.” [images 014-019]
appreciation for food box ; MB’s birthday supper ; sleeping arrangements for workers ; appreciate money from Mother and others ; Office construction begins ; Fridays are party nights ; children surprise MB with a birthday cake ; began mother’ club ; new organ coming ; items to send and not send ;
5. 1919 LETTER 5 – MBB Note – “This conference was held at the Hotel [Atlier?], near Southern States in Knoxville, in 1919….” [images 020-021]
MB’s first conference ; county school superintendent asked for help ;
6. 1919 LETTER 6 – Saturday, February or March 1919 – “Dear Mother — Your letter was awaiting me when I got back last night from Knoxville….” [images 022-029]
describes Knoxville trip and conference ; workers’ meeting at Miss Pettit’s ; breakfast party outdoors ; supper party with Hindman guests ;
7. 1919 LETTER 7 – Sunday, (1919) (was first 8th grade graduation) – “Dear Mother — So father and J. weren’t sports!! It was late Friday evening, about 6:45 when Mrs. Roettinger and Elizabeth….” [images 030-034]
Roettingers and Lewises visit ; commencement events ; Miss Gaines provides surprise graduation supper ; May Day events ; visits Line Fork ; Miss Dennis visits from Chicago ; visits Fiscal Court in Harlan, Evarts, mine ; returned over Pine Mountain ; wildflowers ;
8. 1919 LETTER 8 – MBB Note: Description 2 – “I am wondering if I turned over to you all of my Pine Mt. notes….” [images 035 & 036]
9. 1919 LETTER 9 – Sunday, Open House – “Dear Mother — Yesterday was one of the nicest days I’ve ever had!….” [images 037-048]
Line Fork extension center ; hiring teachers for Line Fork ; gathering things for Line Fork log cabin ; community women and boys help clean and fix up cabin ; dinner at Mrs. Field’s ; plans for new house ; pancake supper ; planning Jeannette’s visit ;
10. 1919 LETTER 10 – Sunday, June 1919(?) – “Dear Mother — I got some laurel off to Mrs. Mayers yesterday by special delivery….” [images 049-056]
requested bathsuit to take scouts swimming ; a working at Miss Pettit’s ; children love sewing ; land survey at Line Fork ; Miss Melville’s fundraising ; Laurel House flowers ; May Ritchie & Leon Deschamp’s wedding and supper party ;
11. 1919 LETTER 11 – Sunday, Summer 1919, Open House – “Dear Jeannette — I have no heart to write today if my long one last Sunday was lost….” [images 057-068]
previous letter may be lost ; describes responsibilities ; planning Pat’s visit ; requests items from home ; daily tasks ; supper on Jack’s Gap with Dr. & Mrs. Bruce ; other guests ; Miss Pettit’s niece and Louisville girl living in Line Fork cabin ; logging for house ; Sunday School class ;
12. 1919 LETTER 12 – Sunday, September 5, 1919 – “Dear Father — After your nice letter from camp and I never answered it….”[images 069-071] image of last page – un-numbered – is missing
raising money and hiring builders for Line Fork house ; vesper services to begin ;
13. 1919 LETTER 13 – Sunday, September 1919 or 1920 (“Baby Berto,” trip to Berea) – “Dear Jeannette — Seems like old times. Miss G. is taking care of Berto for all Zandi [sic] family….” [images 072-077]
Miss Gaines caring for Berto ; Benham group arrives ; schools closed for foddering ; daily tasks ; will walk to Midway via Berea for horse ; Miss Gaines to leave ;
14. 1919 LETTER 14 – Sunday night, Fall 1919 (?) – “Dear Mother — It seems as tho’ I never have been away – really it was so natural it has taken no effort to get adjusted….” [images 078-082]
easy adjustment upon return ; met new teacher at Big Laurel School ; attended county meeting of Interchurch World Movement in Harlan ; many visits along the way ; will move to Open House ; Office nearly done ; schoolhouse coming along ; Big Laurel medical clinic house is splendid ; new teachers ;
GALLERY: Marguerite Butler Letters 1919
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1A, MBB Note, letter 1A, image 001. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 042. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 043. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 044. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 045. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 046. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 047. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 048. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1B, image 049. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 1, image 002. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 2, image 003. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 3, image 004. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 4, image 005. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 5, image 006. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 1D, pg. 6, image 007. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 2, MBB Note, image 008. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 3, Pg. 1, image 009. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 3, image 010. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 3, image 011. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 3, image 012. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 3, image 013. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 014. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 015. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 016. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 017. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 018. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 4, image 019. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 5, MBB Note, image 020. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 5, MBB Note, image 021. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 022. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 023. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 024. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 025. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 026. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 027. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 028. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 6, image 029. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 7, image 030. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 7, image 031. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 7, image 032. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 7, image 033. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 7, image 034. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. MBB Note, Letter 8, image 035. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. MBB Note: Description 2. Letter 8, image 036. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 037. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 038. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 039. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 040. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 041. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 042. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 043. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 044. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 045. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 046. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 047. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 9, image 048. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 049. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 050. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 051. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 052. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 053. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 054. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 10, image 055. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 056. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 057. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 058. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 059. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 060. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 061. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 062. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 063. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 064. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 065. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 066. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 067. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 11, image 068. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 12, image 069. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 12, image 070. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 12, image 071. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 072. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 073. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 074. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 075. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 076. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 13, image 077. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 14, image 078. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 14, image 079. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 14, image 080. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 14, image 081. -
1919 Marguerite Butler Letters. Letter 14, image 082.
TRANSCRIPTION: Marguerite Butler Letters 1919
[Brackets indicate notations by HW.]
LETTER 1A – MBB Note: Description 1 – [image 001]
The schoolhouse fire, a February [sic] night as I remember — about 2 a.m. Again the notes will date it. Somewhere around 1918-1919. [January 1919]
LETTER 1B – Saturday morning, [January] 1919 – [images 042-049]
Dear Mother — I wonder if you have heard of our terrible loss — the school burned to the ground and Miss Scott, our bookkeeper and four children were burned in it. I will never forget it to my dying day — it was the most terrible experience of my life.
For the past two weeks I have been sleeping on Miss Gaines’ [Ruth B. Gaines] porch, she in her room. About 2:30 Friday morning I was awakened out of a sound sleep by the crackling and honestly when I sat up in bed and saw the flames leaping out of every window in the library for a second I couldn’t move. I called Miss Gaines very quietly – she said she couldn’t move – she knew she must not faint and that she must get her control.
I dashed to awakened children telling them to dress immediately, the schoolhouse was on fire and not one word. A couple got hysterical and I simply forced them to be quiet. An outsider would have thought I was stone-hearted. Then I tore to ring the bell, dressed myself and collected every bucket in the house, scrubbing, water, anything I could get.
We knew school house was beyond saving, for ten minutes after I was up the entire building was in flames. Honestly for awhile it seemed as if nothing in the world would save Laurel House. Miss Benedict [Imogene Benedict] with a crowd of children filled buckets in the laundry and as fast as they could go threw water all over back part of house. They worked like troopers as hard as they could for an hour. I had three throwing water on side porch and front part of house while I with two boys and Benjie worked on the upper roof of porch and roof of house.
Miss Gaines was so weak she didn’t even dress, just stood upstairs wrapped up in a blanket. The big hose hung in the lower hall of school house and couldn’t be gotten out. The stone tool house just behind school house that they were building for it was not quite finished. We got a short hose from barn that reached back roof but not highest part so Irving got on top and we passed water up the roof to him in buckets. If we hadn’t running water there wouldn’t have been one chance in a million. I hope Mrs. Emery will know just what the reservoir meant.
Early in the evening there was a high wind but luckily the flames went straight up into the air and then a current of wind took the cinders directly south, so they say far side of mountain is covered.
It never entered my head that everyone in school wouldn’t get out. Mr. Zande and I heard it about same time and apparently before anyone on the place, even before those in very house. When Mr. Z arrived he told the boys to jump for their lives. No one knows how it started but we think it was possibly instantaneous combustion because they oiled walls of library that day and it was there only I saw the flames at first. Then they swept the entire halls, up and down, so when the children awoke they had no chance of getting out. The boys all jumped. Alman [Huff] made his way thru the hall to Miss Parkinson’s [Marguerite Parkinson, teacher, housemother] room, awakened her and she jumped from the balcony. Then he went to help Miss Scott [Edith Scott, bookkeeper] and evidently couldn’t find her door for his skull was found just near Miss Scott’s door. The other three children, Elbert (Emily’s brother), Landis Hall (May’s cousin) and Burchel Harris (Enoch’s brother) they don’t think even wakened. I guess you remember Burchell for he came to Cincinnati. Almond [Huff] was Becky May‘s brother.
It still seems like a terrible nightmare. I can’t realize it is true. Four of the boys, Dillard Coy and two of Delia’s nephews were burned quite badly, and every other but one was hurt. John D. was terribly cut up and we thought Raymond and Chester had broken arms and legs but the doctor came yesterday and he said they were no serious injuries. Marguerite Parkinson lost her mind for a time that night and they thought broke her ankle but it was only a sprain.
You have no idea the heat of the fire. Laurel House fairly steamed. I didn’t stop to think how near it was to going for my only thought was it could not go and we must not stop throwing water. Of course thru this we knew no lives were lost and it was a good thing. I heard Emily coming simply sobbing and went to meet her. She simply threw her arms around me and just held as tight as she could. She said she could stand it for her sake but not for Polly, her mother.
From that hour on till daylight I had my hands full with Emily and Becky. The others started wailing too and I just made them stop. I know Miss M [Angela Melville?] shall though I had no feeling but it made it so much harder for Emily & Becky. At dawn I sent a note to Columbus [Creech] asking if he could take Emily home on mules right away and do you know they didn’t know a thing about it until then. Not a person knew and could come to help us.
We were afraid for Mrs. Zande too but she stood it well. Mr. Zande just cried like a baby. From 3:30 on Mrs. Zande and Evelyn [Evelyn Wells] wrote letters and sent telegrams and sent __________________ over to make early train. He did and got the doctor.
We tried to go along yesterday same as ever. For two younger classes there was school in B.L.H. [Big Log House] living room. Monday regular school begins in every living room. Celia [Cathcart] left Thursday about the road to Frankfort and it is a good thing for it may have meant another life. Mrs. Z[ande] telegraphed her to bring in office supplies and books for school Monday.
Really the spirit is wonderful – no thought of discouragement, except of course the knowing of lives gone — just plans for the future. Evelyn Wells in her gown and [not?] without a stitch on saved many things from office — rolled safe to door and threw it from steps, got 2 typewriters, office catalogues, etc. Nothing was saved but from there.
By 7:30 yesterday morning the office was installed in corner of canning room and Evelyn was typing away. It is a wonderful school.
This afternoon we are having services and burial next to Uncle Wm’s.
Had a note from Pat that Kit was very ill with pneumonia. It came last night on top of everything else.
Will write again in a few days. Thought this may get in Cin[cinnati] papers.
My love, Marguerite.
1919 LETTER 1C – MBB Note [image missing]
This is very poorly written but it shows how upset I was. Another experience I’ll never forget.
1919 LETTER 1D – Sunday afternoon, January 1919 – images 002-007]
Dear Jeannette — I wish you might see the boys that have come thru– they are just as happy and not one word about complaining altho’ some are terribly burned, cut, limping, on crutches. They speak of the other ones just as the soldiers do of the ones who “went west.”
I saw Coy for the first time today and my but his face is a sight – he was smiling just the same and said he was just fine. James, Mat, and Raymond really saved three of the boys – they had fallen lifeless on the floor and Mat nearly overcome himself got them to the window and made them jump. Coy hung, too frightened to let go, so Raymond had to climb to him and pull him.
No one knows what we’ve lived thru these days and still everyone has been lovely. Nearly every child’s parent has come. Ninnie‘s father heard of it last evening, rode as far as he could last night, came on this morning getting here by eight o’clock and by dinner started back. He lives twenty-five miles away so it will be late tonight when he gets home but he had left two children alone. He said he didn’t want the children to be the least dissatisfied on account of it for it might happen in your own home. I sort of feared some parents would get so alarmed they would take their children out.
By seven Friday morning people were arriving and they haven’t stopped coming. The school at Smith sent their nurse. Friday night three men watched there all night and played on it. Fire wasn’t out until Saturday morning tho’ whole building had fallen in an hour.
Bonnie’s father just came. He got the news late last night and made thirty miles this morning. Word reached him it was Laurel House and he was simply wild. Said the nurse at Wooton had a telegram so I guess the school at Smith telegraphed thinking they might send their nurse too. I am so afraid it might be in the papers before you get my letter.
For two nights I have hardly slept. Every time I awaken I live it all again more real than ever and I simply can’t get my mind off—
The house was insured for $10,000 but that won’t nearly cover it. When you think of four offices, school rooms and their equipment, library with hundreds of books, work shop and all the valuable tools, my sewing room, two sewing machines and quantities of materials, bolts of goods — the four worker’s rooms and sleeping porches for 18 boys — and then the store with all the clothes, everything — the organ and moving picture machine went too — It was a frightful loss but not as great I don’t think as Laurel House would have been– Just think last night a package of six quilts and some boys shirts and underwear came — probably sent weeks ago.
Ten of the boys are living on lower floor of Far House, four at Miss Pettit‘s. We’ve just doubled up everyway. Celia [Cathcart] will live here.
Mrs. Z. is going to try to get Carnegie medals for Mat & Raymond.
The whole Huff family came and Mr. Huff was lovely. He insisted the bones be buried here, for Almond was our boy. Mrs. Huff said her one boy brought her only trouble and Almond was always good but she was happy she at least knew where Almond was. It was pitiful.
Mr. Callahan [Boone Callahan] heard of it early Friday morning and by two was here with $100 worth of clothes for the boys. Not a stitch was saved. I don’t know whether he got Harlan stores to give it or raised money but he came with doz. pair shoes, doz. overhauls, shirts and underwear.
I don’t know now what work I’ll do – plans will be more or less changed.
Miss Pettit wrote last week saying if Miss Gaines couldn’t meet her for trip, for me to. She didn’t know Miss Gaines was sick. She had written Miss Pettit I would meet her, she was too weak, and now it will be off.
Was to have left Feb. 9 and visited schools in North Carolina, making Mr. John Campbell‘s, at Asheville, who is head of Russell Sage Foundation, work in all southern mountains our headquarters. It would have been a wonderful two week’s trip. [This would have been MBB’s first direct contact with John C. Campbell and the Folk School where she would spend the last part of her life. Miss Gaines would eventually leave for the John C. Campbell Folk School, as well. HW]
I hope I’ll never experience another fire altho’ I’m mighty glad I was here for feel that Miss Benedict and I did do a great deal to save L.H. [Laurel House]. Miss Gaines was too weak and there were just our girls.
This is a perfect day — a regular spring one –
My love, Marguerite
LETTER 2 – MBB Note – [image 008]
The Ladies Aid Society* of the Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, of which mother was an active member, sewed for the school for several years. We always had endless wants because in early days school furnished clothing to children.
LETTER 3 – Sunday, February 9, 1919 – [images 009-013]
Dear Mother – The comforts arrived last night and they are lovely. I thought I could write you and then you could read this to the ladies.* It is wonderful the way people have helped. I don’t know what we would have done.
For several days the boys were destitute for all they had were their night clothes — of course many were in bed for some time and the ones able to get up appeared in Mr. Zande’s clothes, little boys as workers. Boys clothes have come enough to fit them up, and some bedding. You should have seen this place yesterday – it was take up your bed and walk. Everyone moved, at least it seemed that way. At the same time the big boys who have been crowded in the lower sleeping porch at Far House, some at Big Log, all moved to Farm House. The family of girls there packed their things down the high road to Old Log –their new home, while the little boys who lived there changed to Far House. Everywhere you looked were mattresses, blankets, piles of clothes, etc., moving. Somehow the family is settled again — about fifteen boys occupying the space once used by eight girls. I haven’t been up to see just how they have managed but beds are even on the living porch downstairs. We didn’t want to send children home. You see how bedding is needed when our family remains the same and we lost so much.
The boys are so happy up on the hill. Today Miss Parkinson, their housemother, came back from Louisville where she went to have an x-ray taken of her ankle, and all the boys went up the mountain to meet her. I heard them on the high road coming home. Every Sunday I play the victrola at dinner and the boys asked if today they might leave before music because they did want to get as far as they could. Miss Parkinson’s ankle was only sprained, we feared it was broken.
Tomorrow they begin logging for our new buildings. The plans are all made for the three buildings. The office will be of stone, five rooms up on the ridge opposite Laurel House. The school will probably be in the same place and of stone too — It will be just two stories high, classrooms and assembly hall. Then there will be a boys house for twenty-four boys and several workers, the storeroom and nurse’s dispensary. The school they hope to have ready by fall.
Today has been lovely — It has been snowing since Friday night – everything is like a fairyland. I walked up Limestone [creek] today, above the reservoir, and a lovelier sight you never did see. Every tree was weighted down – the rhododendron leaves were like cups holding snow. I climbed around for an hour and a half — most of the time on my hands and knees for I had to crawl under the trees – If I hadn’t had on bloomers and boots it wouldn’t have been any fun.
We try to live as normal a life as possible for the children are so nervous and excitable. I’ve never known them to be afraid before. It was hard for them to study for a time but now they are interested again in their studies and such concentration during study hour! For an hour and a half there is not a word – I can hardly believe that in two years some have made such progress.
I wonder if you understood, Mother, about the aprons. What we had in supply were burned – also quite a few which I had in my sewing room to shorten and a bolt of gingham for aprons. When we use in this house from twelve to fifteen a day it keeps us busy mending them! Some are so full of patches they are almost one patch. If the ladies could make us some it would be a wonderful help. I could send an apron for a pattern.
Thank you all so much for your interest and help. I’ll write again this week.
Lovingly, Marguerite
LETTER 4 – Sunday (February 15, 1919?) (Office being built.) – [images 014-019]
This is to you all — messages for everyone.
Dear Father — & Mother — and J[eannette] — Your box was a surprise, a lovely one. Your letter came Wednesday night, so I told Irv to be sure to bring it Thursday and he did. Everything kept beautifully — we had a steak party Friday night and another one last night — my birthday supper – steak, toast, lettuce, jelly and oranges. We asked Celia and were going to O.H. [Open House] but Celia couldn’t come and it poured so all afternoon, so ate it up in our room. Did I tell you that I am rooming with Miss Gaines. Celia has my room and the new bookkeeper who comes next week will be in with Miss Benedict. Everyone had to double up. Thank you so much Father — everything does taste so good.
And tell Mother that nothing could be nicer than money in the spring. I don’t want to get any more than I have to ,but things are high these days. And Jeannette — would prefer silk stockings, size 9. They will last longer than candy.
It is a lovely snowy Sunday. Have so many letters to write I can’t go out — wrote three and have a half dozen more — It was great of you to send the check to school – I turned it over to Miss P[ettit] and told her about mother’s too. Lucia_____ sent $5.00. Wasn’t that nice?
The site for the office is staked off and work begun. They hope to have it ready by summer. There will be five offices (Mrs. Z[ande]’s and Mr. Z[ande]’s, Miss Pettit’s, secretary’s and bookkeeper’s, and a room for post office when time comes.
Friday night was regular party night here — every second Friday of month it is at Laurel H[ouse]. The children had a wonderful time. I taught them several new games and then we had one with valentines. In the midst of all the excitement in came Mossie and Maud with an enormous cake, all decorated and twenty-seven candles. It is a big high one, all frosted in white. The children were so delighted and I was as surprised as the day you walked in Open H[ouse]. They had begged Miss Gaines for a week to please let them make me a cake. Only three children knew it really had been made, for they were afraid to tell everyone and then they had the hardest time in world finding a hiding place for I go everywhere. We had a lovely party. John D said best time he had in two months and one of the boys that he wouldn’t have missed it for a house and hundred dollars.
Wednesday I went down Greasy [creek] to mouth of Little Laurel to start my mothers’ club. Have planned to all winter but so many things have come up. In it are Mallie, Mary Ann, Bertha (Aunt Sal‘s granddaughter) and Oma her sister, and Rena.
Ethel sent me the loveliest basket of grapefruit, oranges, lemons and nuts all covered over with moss and flowers. Will enclose the card that came with it and a letter I had from Mrs. McC [Ethel McCullough].
J[eannette] sent her letter to Kathryn to me so I wrote to Kathryn enclosing J[eannette]’s. The other packages from church have not come. I’ll write to Mrs. Richey. Don’t do anything about sewing supplies until you hear from me. Have no place to store things.
About the organ — one is coming for the school. Keep this one because later I may be glad to have it somewhere around the country when I start my work.
Tell Mrs. Brown I cannot get coverlet — May’s [May Ritchie] mother is making no more. Have her write to Miss Helen Rue, Hindman, Knott Co., KY, and she will send her a catalogue. The children had the best time over J[eannette]’s, Clarkey and Luella’s picture. Everyone thought J[eannette] was I.
J[eannette] asked about Miss G[aines]. She is fine. Yes, Mrs. Z[ande] has written letter to be sent out. Keep stockings home, don’t send here. Let me know how Bee’s sister is. Send Emily’s watch back — insured.
The jelly and cookies arrived. Two glasses are gone. Haven’t received goods for pillows. Hope it was insured. Evelyn Wells and Willie have been here all afternoon.
Love, Marguerite
LETTER 5 – MBB Note – [images 020-021]
This conference was held at the Hotel [Atlier?] near Southern Station – in Knoxville, in 1919. It was my first conference and Mr. Campbell’s last. I was asked to tell about supervising the eleven one-room schools. The fact that a county school superintendent asked a private school to help seemed to both surprise and impress people. There was a lot of discussion. M.B.
LETTER 6 – Saturday, February or March 1919 – [images 022-025]
Dear Mother, Your letter was awaiting me when I got back last night from Knoxville. We had a lovely time. Left Monday in a snowstorm going to Lincoln [University] that night. Miss Buffum (?), Dr. Daufont (female) and we three had a lovely evening playing victrola and visiting. Next morning climbed pinnacle and it was a perfect day. That afternoon seven of us besides driver, all in Ford, had a merry trip to [____________ ?] , Tenn., where we took train for Knoxville. It was 6:30 when we got there. Three of us had lovely big room, four windows, double and single beds and bath.
Dressed for dinner and that night was reception. Miss Stone [May Stone] and Miss Huntington, heads of Hindman were there, Miss Hatch who brought Campfire girls here last year, Dr. and Mrs. Frost of Berea whom I knew, and three old Pine Mountain people. There were others I knew too. It was late every night when we got to bed for we visited after meetings.
Mr. [John C.] Campbell, head of Southern District under Russell Sage and chairman of doings made opening address – not regular talk. I came next, really opening it. Was glad I was first so that I could feel free. They discussed my subject for ages and I had to answer questions right and left. Will enclose program so you can see what it was like-chiefly about speeches, opening discussions which were hot and heavy. There were 170 delegates there from eight states.
Meetings took up every minute but at meals we had fun. On Pine Mountain, six of us, had a reunion at a supper and a wonderful plank steak.
We left Thursday at four, I bringing Hindman people here. We had wonderful fun at Middlesboro that night. Miss Huntington and Miss Stone [Wilmer Stone, housemother] are just like children off on a lark and I felt as free with them. We got lunch at Middlesboro where we spent the night and ate it at the foot of the mountain. Mary Rockwell on Bobby met us near the top.
Tea was awaiting us at Old Log House.
Last night all workers went to Miss Pettit’s where we talked about the conference. We had no light but great log fire and it was so pretty.
This morning was a breakfast party behind O[pen] H[ouse]. — Miss Huntington and Hatch are there, Miss Stone [May Stone] at Big Log. She and Miss Pettit began Hindman together. It was so warm we had it outside. When children went to Sunday School we all went up to see Aunt Sal. This evening are going to have a supper party — three Hindman guests, Miss Pettit, Mary, Miss G [Ruth B. Gaines] and I –I being the cook — am going to make pancakes.
This is Sunday — mother’s accident was a shock, I must say – and mother wrote me and didn’t mention it. Am certainly thankful it was the left hand — and Mother, will you please be careful now. I certainly was glad to hear about Walter. My, how I should love to have been there. I can just picture the whole thing. Do you think it will be long before he is mustered out?
I am so anxious to see the house, it must be lovely. I know I won’t know it.
Thank you so much for the waists. I wore four of them — Mother’s pretty striped silk [on the] day I spoke. Thank you so much for your trouble. Sent package by express. Let me know if you have received it.
Will Father send a box this week — we are “plum” out — Miss G[aines] said to tell father she enjoyed last box he sent her and that I did the little I received. He knows just what we like best. This is a month since the last. If Father isn’t busy [I would] love it soon, for these days are gorgeous to cook outside.
Good-bye — I must run and fix supper. Much love, Marguerite
[P.S. What do you think of Lee? Is J[eannette] going to send me linen for pillows? Thought you would like this about Hindman. House on cover is their only log one — domestic science. M.]
LETTER 7 – Sunday, (1919 was first 8th grade graduation) – [images 030-034]
Dear Mother — So father and J[eannette] weren’t sports!! It was late Friday evening, about 6:45 when Mr. Roettinger and Elizabeth rode in with John and Nance Lewis. I thought Father was in the party so I simply flew out in the rain. No father! In a way it is better I guess for the laurel is not out and it is still a little cold.
Friday night was commencement. Such excitement you never did see. Miss G. [Ruth B. Gaines] had a surprise supper for them — fried chicken, browned potatoes, cornbread and gravy, fruit salad, hot chocolate with whipped cream and a lovely cake with white frosting and nuts. They were too happy for words. Lovely flowers in center of tables, two tables were together so the ten children, five girls and five boys and two teachers could all be together. We sang to them and they sang.
At 7:30 was commencement and the hall looked lovely with dogwood simply banked against a background of rhododendron and hemlock. They came marching in two by two, and Mrs. Zande going up first. Three of the children spoke — Elva Lewis, Uncle Wm’s granddaughter on “History of Printing and Writing,” Coy Callahan on “Our National Forests and How to Care for Them,” and Raymond Ritchie on “America.” Raymond’s grandfather was the one who got Miss Pettit to come to Hindman. Wasn’t it quite interesting that the two grandchildren of the two founders spoke? Mr. Roettinger gave a talk and Mrs. Zande, afterwards giving the diplomas.
Yesterday was May Day but I had to go to Line Fork. The little ones gave the play of Peter Pan on the rocks in front of Open House. They had a regular pulley up in the trees. Then came the May Day procession and the folk dances. Every child was in a dance.
I had an interesting time on Line Fork. Two more sites for a house were offered. We hope to have a meeting next Saturday of everyone to see just how much work everyone will pledge. The people are all so eager for it.
This morning I took a visitor from Chicago [Miss Dennis] to Sunday School with me. She was awfully nice, a worker possibly for another year. We got back late for dinner so had it in the living room. This afternoon she went to medical settlement.
Delia invited me up for dinner with Elizabeth and Mr. Roettinger. I was going to ride to S[unday] S[chool] and hurry back to Delia’s, but when word came to take Miss Dennis to Sunday School, of course I couldn’t go.
Tuesday Miss Sandstrom and I went to Fiscal Court in Harlan. She went to see about work, health work in the mining camps. We didn’t get there in time to come back Wednesday, so in the afternoon took the train for Evarts, head of creek, and spent the night where I once stayed two years ago. We had a lovely time.
The next morning we started out at 7 for the head of Yocum Creek to see the largest mines in the county. We rode in an old hack and such a ride. It was interesting. The man took us right up thru the shaft to the tipple.
When we got back had early dinner and at 11:30 started out to walk over Big Black and Pine. The wild flowers were perfectly beautiful. I have never seen anything lovelier — masses of yellow poppies, deep red and white trillium, white dutchmen’s breeches, blue phlox, stagger weed, and dozens of others. Everything was a lacey green and mass of color.
It was 5:15 when we got here –came over Pine M[ountain] in one hour, forty-five minutes. Next week Miss G[aines] and I hope to go to Coopers. We would go this week but E[lizabeth?] and her father [Mr. Roettinger?] are here. I had a letter from Mrs. Cooper saying the trees were all out in bloom and come now.
I may add a line tonight. Is J[eannette] getting a salary at Miss Littleford’s?
Love to you, Marguerite
LETTER 8 – MBB Note: Description 2 – [images 035 & 036]
I am wondering if I turned over to you all of my Pine Mt. Notes. I thought I had them all together and thru the news letters could date some of the letters which were not in stamped envelopes. As the last page was full of request for errands I tore it up. That Saturday was a day of all days. This was most likely in the summer of 1918-19.
LETTER 9 – Sunday, (1919) Open House – [images 037-048]
Dear Mother — Yesterday was one of the nicest days I’ve ever had!
Of course you know about our extension center which is to be on Line Fork. We have tried for months to get a teacher and no luck. School begins tomorrow! Every night we’d look for a letter – five were out to teachers in Cleveland, Akron and Chicago but no luck. Thursday we just decided to let Miss Pettit’s niece and a Louisville girl go over and begin and trust to luck when they had to go someone would come.
Friday about 9:30 a.m. decided to go for sure, so all day until 8 p.m. I collected beds, mattresses, towels, nails,_______ , cooking utensils, food (all packed in cans) all scrubbing stuff, furniture, the 1,000 things you need to fix up a house no matter how small. Of course it meant seeing half a dozen people for permission for this and that – I collected from nine different houses and had to pack the best I could.
In the meantime James Madison had made a little house box (like O[pen] H[ouse]’s). This was on the back of the wagon. To show the complication of one bed — Mrs. Zande had to give me permission to get it (she has charge of supplies). One of the boys and I at slab house moved head and foot parts, springs, etc., trying to find one to fit — no mattress, no screws. At a certain time I met Mrs. Z[ande] to see if this bed would do, took measurements and in loft of office building got mattress to fit. Then I had to find screws to fit and find [ask] Mr. Z[ande] if I could have them.
Saturday early I was at it again collecting few forgotten things. I went around on wagon with Reuben and it was a picture – kettle, tripod, springs sticking up on one side, ends of beds on other, legs of table in the middles with chairs and a bundles of clothes all piled in — the little house on behind. The two girls walked. I rode Bobby. It was ten when we got there. Seven men and boys were waiting to help unload and a dozen children to help clean. I had sent word over the afternoon before by Uncle John Dixon, Aunt Sal’s brother.
The house is a windowless, one-room log cabin, lean-to-behind.The walls had been covered with layers of newspapers, mostly hanging now. Soon our kettle was up, another neighbor’s moved over, fires going under them and water heating. We pulled off the paper, swept walls and floors, cleaned up outside and gathered wood while we waited for the water to get hot.
At noon we had dinner at Mrs. Field‘s — the best dinner and we ate like pigs. The girls were simply overcome that she had everything so nice and clean.
The afternoon was the prize — picture eight of us scrubbing ceiling and walls of little lean-to, hurrying as fast as we could when the children called it was raining. Everything had to be packed in. By two the little room was ready — mopped floor five times. This we decided to use for sleeping room, the two beds (one a double decker) and a box for washstand. Of course the screws were packed in a cup in bottom of one box on top of which were the mattresses and everything else. Thank goodness about this time the sun came out and so everything was again moved outside — the beds set up in back room. Two men, 3 boys and about 8 women and children (many more came in afternoon) scrubbed the walls of big room — brushes, ___ , knives, sticks were used, but every log is clean and not a bit of paper. Then five of us scrubbed the floor. Women came leaving the men to mind the children because they knew they would be the most help.
The boys were just fine. They dug the hole and put up the box, fixed shelves in the 3 boxes which we covered on top with white oil cloth and hung curtains in front for the kitchen closet household supplies and washstand, and made mantle shelf. It was lots of fun fixing at the end – the people just couldn’t leave. Bert Smith came back three times, said “I’m jes bound to see Miss Butler fix up a little more.” Sally came back at six and Nance at 6:40 – just as I was leaving. They were both so happy. I rode hard coming home – over the divide I couldn’t see the road but of course Bobby could. It was lovely with all the fireflys [sic]. When I struck the head of Greasy it was much lighter and I got in about eight, just at dark but Bobby came at a good rate.
I am going over again tomorrow to plan school work and will stay overnight.
Our first working on new house is next Saturday to clear the land, dig the cellar and make the road. Then another to cut and hew the logs and one to raise the house.
It was one when I got back from Sunday School. There were quite a lot out.
One night this week Miss Sandstrom came for supper, Miss Parkinson and Miss G[aines]. We made pancakes; I made them, and they were good. Miss S[andstrom] stayed all night with Miss Parkinson and me.
Show Clarkie Mallie Cooper’s letter. I wrote her that if J[eannette] and Clarkie came I would bring them both down. Isn’t it great about Pat? I wrote her to come by way of Cin’ti [Cincinnati]. The connections at Bristol, Va., are very close and [if] she misses train she has to wait 24 hours. I told her to write Jeannette exact hour and line she would come in. It will probably be a week from Sat. I hope that is convenient for all of you but they have always done so much for me and then I thought you would love to see her. If she gets in about noon as she probably will she will only be up for lunch and dinner as she leaves that night at 8:30. When she goes out she can stop a couple days. Will you fix lunch for the two of us so she can bring it on to have on m[ountain] next day? What about Jeannette coming with Pat if Clarkie doesn’t want to – I think that would be great. About the lunch — you know what we would like – white bread and butter sandwiches, bacon or sausage to cook, and anything else.
I can’t tell you now about Miss Mallay. I don’t want plaid skirt now so let it be until I am home sometime. Just keep the bags until something is sent. M.
LETTER 10 – Sunday, June 1919 (?) – [images 049-056]
Dear Mother, I got some laurel off to Mrs. Mayers yesterday by special delivery. I only hope it reaches her and is still fresh. I sent the box in a bag. Will you get the bag from them and keep it with bag I sent suitcase in to you. They are precious here. The next boxes sent down can be put in them. Will you please send my old bathsuit and bathing caps. I think they are in bottom chiffonier drawer. If you can get them off I would like them soon for I take the scouts swimming.
The floss and shoe strings came. I will enclose check for $2.95 — $2.50 for my hat, $.30 for floss and $.15 for shoe laces. Is that right?
I am all ready for Bobby to come to go to Sunday School. It is so hot now I ride up every Sunday. Everyone is having dinner out today so it will all be quiet when I get back. The children love it and it makes it so much easier for the kitchen girls.
Yesterday was a working at Miss Pettit’s. Spinning, sewing rags for rugs, etc. Not many came for it is corn hoeing time. I went for a little while in morning but didn’t stay long for I had to be at Line Fork by 12:30. The children do love sewing there and now we are making petticoats, aprons, plaited skirts, middies and corset covers. When we began they made bags and handkerchiefs.
On Wednesday Mrs. Zande, Mr. [Leon] Deschamps, Miss [Angela] Melville and I went to Line Fork to pick out the spot and survey. I didn’t want the responsibility of it. Mrs. Z. rode Bobby, Miss Melville and I double on Nell. It was great fun. In the afternoon Mrs. Z. came back, the three of us surveyed the land. It took us hours but we had lots of fun. Really it is a lovely site, up on the ridge, quite high, facing Pine Mt. There is over an acre of level land, sort of a bench in the mountain side. The survey took in 3.3 acres, lovely woods. The company is giving us the land. Everyone on Line Fork is so interested and eager to begin work.
Miss Melville is leaving today to be in Covington & Cin’ti two weeks. She is raising $20,000, half to be used for endowment and half for the extension work that I am to do. She said she would like to see you all so she has our phone number and will probably call up. She is a lovely person and is working hard. So far has $9,000. I told her J. was to be operated on but I didn’t know when. Do let me know and at what hospital will she be. I hope it is not serious.
The people are still at O[pen] H[ouse] so it will be July before I move up, I bet. I can’t live there in all the confusion so am staying with R.B.G. [Ruth B. Gaines] at Laurel House.
Everything looks so pretty around Laurel House now. Laurel & rhododendron are in bloom and we have set it all out in the last three years. The English ivy which I set out two years ago is beautiful.
May [Ritchie] was married at her house in Viper on the North Fork [to Leon Deschamps]. Last Thursday night she had a lovely supper party — Miss Melville, Miss Bobbins & [Miss] Parkinson, R.B.G. [Ruth B. Gaines], Willie and I. Everything went off beautifully and the table looked so pretty. She has lovely dishes – and such good food — roast chicken, dressing, sweet potatoes, macaroni, olives, radishes, raisin bread, fruit salad, coffee, cakes and pears.
I bet father’s garden looks lovely. J[eannette] asked when I was coming on my vacation. I can’t say yet for I have to attend to Line Fork House — then if Pat comes in August I wouldn’t want to leave then. If I can’t come this summer I will in early fall. I should like to go out with Pat — Pat stopping over in Cin’ti [Cincinnati] for a visit on her way. I would almost rather do that and then be home when it is not so hot.
I gave Miss Melville Mr. Cooper’s name to go see him. Also gave her Luella’s to get from her names of people across the river to see.
I was surprised to hear about M. Davis and Bob Krebbill. Think it mighty nice and what a new interest it will be for Bertha.
Now tell me just when J[ennette] goes to hospital and where. How are Walter & May getting along. Not so busy now that it is summer. Think of it: summer and I don’t have to get a single dress. Have so many. Would you like me to send some ferns for table.
Good-bye, Love to you all, Marguerite
LETTER 11 – Sunday, Summer 1919, Open House – [images 057-068]
Dear Jeannette — I have no heart to write today if my long one last Sunday was lost. I wrote seven pages on both sides, enclosed a letter from Pat and I think one from Aunt Rosa. It may have been too heavy for a 2 cent stamp. I told all about our working on Line Fork a week ago yesterday – how we scrubbed the little old log house getting it ready for the teachers to use until the other one was built. Am sorry mother worried. Inquire at P. O. for it. I really think it was my longest letter this year.
To begin with your questions –I cannot say now if I can come in Sept. but I honestly doubt it, much as I would like to be in Cin. [Cincinnati] with Pat. Yesterday was our first working on Line Fork for new house. Miss Dennis, the industrial worker, comes Sept. 1st, the nurse a few weeks later, so the house must be done that month and I have charge of it. It is the biggest undertaking so far for me and I must see it through. Then with the fair Sept. 25th I could only be gone such a short time anyway. I honestly do not see any chance leaving before Oct. for this house is my job and someone has to manage it. The complications of building on the far side of Pine Mt. by volunteer labor doesn’t compare with city construction. I want Johnny to come so, and if she will in Sept. you might come then and I’ll go back with you. It would be great having you with Pat too but she ought not to mind that trip alone, it is so simple now and you can give her all the details. Be sure to tell her about the bus at the back of Pineville station.
Now about Pat’s stopping over. I told her she must hurry and come and that she could shop on her way out. She is due here Sat. or Sunday. I will hear definitely this week. Whenever she writes don’t change it by persuading her to stay over as I am going to Dillon to meet her and I don’t want to get clear there and no Pat. I can not meet her that Monday as I have a meeting planned at mouth of Abner’s Branch for extension worker of University of Louisville. Do you understand? If she writes she will arrive Sunday – ship her off Sat. night. I won’t hear from her in time to write you again.
While I think of it will you please buy me a rolling tooth brush and a hat, bonnet, or something Bobby, my horse, can wear to keep flies off his head. They nearly drive him and me crazy too. Pat can bring them. Tell me price and also did Mr. Land call you up about my shoes. I explained all of that in my last letter. He has been mending my shoes and I asked him to please send immediately and that one of you would stop in and pay. He won’t charge or send P.O.C.O.D. You can phone him. Let me know entire bill.
In my bottom chiffonier drawer in white Pogue’s box is a little baby dress. Will you mail it, insure $5.00, to Janie Langhoor, Mrs. Wells H. Sellew, New Marlboro, Berkshire Co., Mass. It will just about get there in time. Janie is so frightened it will be a red-headed, freckled boy.
I had a long letter from father. When he comes in tell him the news and I’ll write him a short letter. He can’t read it anyway.
This has been a busy week.
Monday – busy here all day.
Tuesday — Line Fork — saw teachers, planned the work, saw two of the men about the working, went over house site marking trees to come down, dinner at Bert Smith’s on Line Fork, home at dark, supper at 8.
Wednesday — P.M. I took Dr. Bruce from Louisville and his wife to Jack’s Gap for supper. First time since we came out that way Aug. 1st, 1918. Cooked supper, chicken, new potatoes, made tea, toasted biscuits – watched sunset and came stumbling down mountain by light of fatty pine torches. They are charming people, he was Yale 1907. She was so frightened for fear we would meet moonshiners taking their load over the mt. I told her if we did they were my best friends. Dark as pitch on mountain but lovely moonlight on road. Home at 9 p.m.
Thursday — More guests — three people from Evarts, one Mrs. Turner with whom I have stayed two nights. Supper in her honor at O. H. that night. Cooked out back and she loved it – 3 guests, R.B.G[aines], Miss Sandstrom and Miss Sheltman. We all stayed with her in Evarts different times.
Friday — at 5:10 p.m. I was in wet bathing suit (scouts every Friday) and at 6 p.m. I was a mile along my way to Line Fork, poor old Bobby loaded with supplies, two knapsacks, meal poke and enormous basket I carried. Miss Pettit’s niece and Louisville girl are living there. Just dark as I came around the bend and called. The little log house looked so pretty by the side of the road, light just streaming out the one window cut last Monday. The neighbors had brought milk, eggs and beans in honor of my coming. Bobby was housed in one of their barns; had supper and talked for hours. All night a horse roamed around the house, hogs and sheep under it. At 6:30 the next morning I was frying apples over the open fire (no stove) when four men came down the road with axes and crosscut saws for our working. I ate a few bites and left.
It was a great day. We cleared the land, taking down about 30 trees, 7 perfectly immense beech, 3 oaks, 3 walnut, all the size and bigger than our elm. Such crashing!! Then the trees had to be sawed into lengths with crosscut saws, smaller branches chopped up and brush piles to dry for burning. We also cleared out a road so a wagon can get up — about ten trees taken down for that. About twelve men worked until 5 and I tell you they were fine. It was a picture to see them and the graceful way they could fell a tree. ‘Tis an art with them. One of the men put up the whole dinner and supper and he had killed a lamb for it too. The people are fine over there. Our next working is to get the house logs and hew them, the next to raise the house then cover it. I got in at 8:15 last night, too tired to read my mail.
Sunday — 21 children at S[unday] S[chool] and they were dear this morning. We are preparing for a special day August 1st when I am to give Bibles to the ones who have learned four psalms. Also have special songs and verses.
I do hope I have answered all your questions. Father seems to be having a fine time and [is] so proud of his fish.
I hope Mother is fine. She never says how she is. Ask about my last letter. I can’t believe it is lost.
Love to all, Marguerite
LETTER 12 – Sunday, September 5, 1919 – [images 069-071] [image of last page is missing]
Dear Father, After your nice letter from camp and I never answered it. Jeannette can tell you how in all my free time I just had a good time with her and Pat so there was not much time for writing.
I thought of you Friday on your trip home. I guess you had a better time than ever this year — that is always what you say. I do hope in October we can drive out for a day. If anything happens to our Franklin I’ll be heartbroken, for since it’s been over a year since I’ve had any rides.
This is Pat’s birthday and her first day at home. I can just hear her talking away. She certainly did love it here.
I feel ten years younger. J[eannette] can tell you all about our house on Line Fork and how we have been trying to build it at workings. Well, yesterday, I gave it to two men, contract for $300, to build, roof, floor, finish inside, build kitchen, dig cellar and build chimney. They are going to try to have it done in four weeks. I raised $50 of it yesterday over there. We hope to raise all $300. It is such a relief! I still have to arrange for all the hauling, having all the supplies there, get the money and see that the house is being done right. But that is nothing to managing a group of men at workings. As soon as the house is done I’ll be home — and I think it will be before the middle of October anyway.
We are having a vesper service this afternoon at quarter of five for everyone. This is to be once a month.
It seems as though nothing has happened this week. Everything is started now and winter school running smoothly. I am enclosing a note to Jeannette, the heading of letter to show your daughter’s name in print, and
[image missing] the announcement for mother and J[eannette] to see of Jane’s little son. Also for mother a note from Patricia Hand. I made her a dear cap for her birthday.
I was so glad to have mother’s letter telling about the first of Pat’s visit. I’ll be anxious to hear the rest of it. I know she had a good time. Pat said she’d write of their experiences crossing mountain and we want to know what they are.
How does it seem to have a few cares once more. Take care of Mother and in some idle moments write to your daughter.
Lovingly, Marguerite
LETTER 13 – Sunday, September 1919 or 1920 – [images 072-077]
Dear Jeannette — Seems like old times. Miss G[aines] is taking care of Berto, for all Zande family are at Delia’s, so I have been managing children. Just at first dinner bell seventeen people arrived from Benham. They come monthly. My hear sank but luckily they brought their lunch. This is the first time they ever have. I took care of them, made coffee, got cream, sugar and cups and piloted party above Miss Pettit’s to cook. When I got back dinner was all over so I ate on the porch. There are three nurses in the crowd and some teachers.
Haven’t been able to do schools this week for they all closed for foddering. I did Little Laurel and the Survey, one day went over material and planned work and the last three days helped Miss G[aines] here for there is so much to be done she can’t do. I hope to get to five schools by Wednesday and Thursday A.M.
May start for Midway, KY near Lexington for my horse. An old man, aged 70, friend of Miss Pettit’s and biggest giver to the school is giving my horse. A letter came Friday night and he calls me “Marguerite” –I will get there Friday about noon, start back either Sat. or Sunday. Won’t it be a wonderful trip — five days on the way — First night Richmond, then Berea, Manchester, McKee and here. Two men, one head of Associated Charities of Louisville and the other in Cleveland Red Cross — quite a friend of Grace Gardner’s walked it last week, so they wrote out my whole trip. It is a four-year-old filly. I am to have complete charge of the horse here. Thought of a wonderful plan for Ethel, Luella, you and Clarky, but of course Clarky can’t, drive down to Richmond or Berea and meet me. I would get to Berea Monday, most likely. I am going to write Ethel about it as soon as I am more positive. If I don’t go this week I have to wait until after board meeting October 9th for the fair comes end of this month, 3rd of October divisions meeting for school teachers and I couldn’t make trip in less than a week.
I think the pictures of the house are great! If you don’t like the hall I do, better than the first one. I don’t want to send you check for six pictures, so you remember and later I’ll pay you when there is something else too.
I am enclosing a notice thought you and mother might enjoy reading. Don’t you think it is worded nicely. It is a strict school no doubt. Am also enclosing Luella’s poem and note from Mrs. Brinswade about Dottie B.
No, I am not going to stay on at O. H. all winter but will room with Miss G. here. The new housemother will have my old room. I’ll stay at O. H. until sometime in October. Miss Pettit is there over this week-end. Mary Rockwell is coming for board meeting and will try to bring E __ with her.
Miss G[aines] and I are going out to cook supper tonight. She will leave as soon as school can get someone to take her place and will stay over day in Cin’ti [Cincinnati], leaving that night at 6. Then she could see Ethel, too, and she is anxious to see you all and the house. I’ll hate to have her go and still I know she ought to. Will let you know when later but it will not be before Oct.
I think it would be great if you all could come meet me – either Midway, Lexington, Richmond or Berea. Tell Father we still have some bacon and tongue left. Will cook last of bacon tonight. It certainly has been good. If I go I’ll drop a card on my way. Good-bye, Love, Marguerite
Evening — plans changed again – am leaving Tuesday, surely getting to Midway Wed. noon — will leave there Thursday reaching Berea Friday afternoon. Do tell E. plan. Maybe she could run down with Beulah.
LETTER 14 – Sunday night, Fall 1919 (?) – [images 078-082]
Dear Mother, It seems as tho’ I never have been away – really it was so natural it has taken no effort to get adjusted. Miss G[aines] met me at the spring and we had a lovely lunch. The ice cream came out beautifully. It was just 1:15 when I got to the spring and just supper time when we got to Laurel House. The children were dear — they came from all directions. Everyone says I’m so fat. The children look so well.
That night we went to Open House and just visited with the children. The next day I saw Miss Pettit and Mrs. Z[ande] and planned work – then unpacked a little. Friday I went down to Big Laurel School and I was so pleased with the teacher. Really had a lovely day. Visited everyone on the way – was gone all day until nearly six.
Yesterday I rode to Harlan and back to a meeting. Left here at 6 getting to Harlan at 10:05. It was a county meeting of Interchurch World Movement. After dinner I had an interview with county superintendent about the schools, starting back about 3. It was a beautiful ride, by way of Incline and [Gabes?] I visited everyone all along and had a lovely time. On my way home I met four of my teachers. Part of the way I rode along with three different men and had the best time talking. I could just imagine what some of my city friends would think. That night I was tired and ready for bed after a good bath.
The job before me frightens me it is so big. Besides the schools I have this church survey to make of eleven districts by October 15th. Then in three weeks is the Fair and the first week of October our divisional meeting for school teachers. It is going to be so interesting. I am to have my own horse, saddle and bridle.
The box has been wonderful. Every night we have cooked sausage, and we still have some. Miss G[aines] insists nothing could be so good as sausages. We had supper at O[pen] H[ouse] tonight. I have moved everything up there. After tonight will stay there, having two children for a week at a time.
The office building is nearly done and the schoolhouse coming along beautifully. The day I went to Big Laurel I saw the medical clinic — a splendid big log house. Dr. and nurse expect to be in it in a couple weeks.
The new workers seem very nice. One teacher, a Miss Brewster, is lovely, a girl from New Hampshire.
I must go to bed.
Good-night, Love, Marguerite
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