Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Dorothy Bolles, PMSS Teacher 1925-1935
Correspondence Guide
1925 to 1935
TAGS: Dorothy Bolles Correspondence Guide 1925 to 1935, Dorothy Bolles, dance instruction, English country dancing, folk dancing, sword dance, morris dance, folklore, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Glyn Morris, Evelyn Wells, Angela Melville, Burton Rogers, Mary Rogers, Becky Mae Huff, weaving, weavers, Una Ritchie
DOROTHY BOLLES Correspondence Guide 1925 to 1935
Teacher, Dance instructor, Publicity 1925-1935
This Dorothy Bolles Correspondence Guide spans the years of 1925 to 1935 and numbers over 80 documents. Her long relationship with Pine Mountain Settlement School which began in 1923, centers on her deep love of English Country Dance and her passion for instructing others on the dance form. She was a protege of noted folklorist and dancer, Cecil Sharp, who had visited the School in 1917. Intrigued by Sharp’s observations of dance at Pine Mountain and in the community, she arranged to visit the school and later was invited to Pine Mountain each Spring to instruct the staff and children.
As a member of the American branch of the English Country Dance Society in Boston, she was a well connected and enthusiastic dancer. A friend of both Cecil Sharp and also of John C. and Dame Olive Campbell, all ardent followers of English country dance and Appalachian folklife, Bolles became one of the leading experts of English country dancing, Morris dancing, and Sword dancing. Each spring she traveled from her home in Boston to Pine Mountain to teach dance and prepare the staff and students for the annual May Day celebrations at the School. Later, she regularly came to Berea where English Folk Dance had been included in their recreation and physical fitness programs in the Normal School since 1914.
Bolles was a force in sustaining the interest in English Country dance as exercise and as an educational component in the classroom. Bolles also became a close friend of Frank Smith, whose dance instruction at Berea drew from the Pine Mountain dance program and led to the later formation of the Berea College Country Dancers.
The Dorothy Bolles correspondence at Pine Mountain reveals the deep friendships she formed in over a decade of contact with various staff members and students at Pine Mountain School. She also became an advocate for the School and regularly engaged in fundraising for the School and gave generous gifts of chocolate and candy during the Holidays. She spoke to gatherings in the Northeast about the mission and activities of the settlement school, illustrated with her dance experiences. Her letters also contain her firmly held views on the role of dance in education and life. Her correspondence with Glyn Morris, Director, during the 1930s and early 1940s, outlines the value each of the two saw in dance as part of the educational curriculum. Morris, who was born in Wales, was an avid fan of English country dance, Morris and sword dancing, and he regularly performed with the students and staff. The correspondence of Bolles is particularly important in understanding the integral role of dance in the life of Pine Mountain Settlement School and the deep threads of its origin.
In 1935, Dorothy Bolles died following hospitalization for an unknown illness. Dorothy’s mother wrote to Glyn Morris:
My dear Mr. Morris,
Your beautiful tribute and service in memory of my Daughter brings one comfort in a loss which no words can express. Life without her can never be the same to me. With much gratitude for your thoughtfulness I am
Mary K. Bolles
DOROTHY BOLLES Correspondence Guide 1925 to 1935
The large number of documents require full transcriptions, which can be found in PART I (1925-1930) and PART II (1931-1935).
January 7, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles regarding chocolates sent to children for Christmas. EZ has heard that Country Dancing School is a great success with Evelyn Wells and Katherine Wright in attendance. | 1
corr_001 |
May 28, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Boles and Mary Cunningham. She solicits funding for the Jasper Days who have fallen on hard times and have special dietary needs as well as basic food needs. Notes 5 weddings down Greasy Creek. Aileene and Dillard Metcalf mentioned. The marriage of Ell Nolan’s daughters; marriage of Elli Jane Day and Monroe Turner and birth of their child. | 2
corr_002 |
June 8, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande [?] to Dorothy Bolles. Thanks Bolles and her family for donations to the Day family for food assistance. Zande notes that the Day family will be monitored by Miss Heney and others. Thanks Bolles for sending shoes and brassieres to her. | 1
corr_003 |
June 23, 1925 | Katherine Pettit to Dorothy Bolles. Enclosed Miss Stockin’s letter. Describes demonstration of weaving at State University by Becky May and Oma Creech in Lexington, KY. Came home with 20 dollars for their efforts. | 1
corr_005 |
July 1, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. | 1
corr_004 |
July 16, 1925 | Katherine Pettit to Dorothy Bolles. Thanks Bolles for her check for $14.50 to correct an error in billing by Mis Stockin. Describes 4th of July at House in the Woods and picnic on the Playground. 45 gallons of ice cream consumed. | 1
corr_006 |
August 5, 1925 | Katherine Pettit to Dorothy Bolles. “This is to introduce you to Una Ritchie…she is a sister of Patty and Mrs. Deschamp and a very wonderful girl. She graduates Wellesley next year, Well do I remember the day when she first came to me a long time ago at Hindman when she was nine years old! … She is very good at doing all the things Mr. Sharp taught her when he was at Hindman.” | 1
corr_007 |
August 10, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “I didn’t write to you very promptly …” Remembers Pole House visit. …”I got the feeling that New England has grown much smaller. She [Evelyn Wells] writes me of meeting people several times at quite different points. You see, I haven’t lived in the outside world since motor cars came to be the thing people bought instead of a house and lot.” | 1
corr_008 |
September 1, 1925 | [Ethel de Long Zande ?] to Dorothy Bolles. “Evelyn [Wells] tells me that she has sent you the news of the opening of school, and of our beautiful country dance party on Saturday night. How you would have enjoyed Dillard’s Pleasure! | 2
corr_009 |
September 25, 1925 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “Before the country teachers begin coming in for their weekend meeting this afternoon, I just must write you in the hope that you can help our [sic] in our most recent predicament.” Miss Cooper had a streptococci infection and cannot continue and PMSS needs another Housemother. Asks Miss Bolles for recommendations. | |
January 21, 1926 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles.” “It is a great disappointment that you can’t give us more than three weeks. Winnie [Abby Winch Christensen] says you must plan for five for next year so that we can have one whole week just for good times …” Invited Stoddards to Pine Mountain with hopes to get them introduced to Mrs. Breckinridge [Frontier Nursing Service] who has made a marvelous survey of the county….” Evelyn Wells in Wooton, KY, to give folk dancing and singing lessons. Preparing a homespun order for Bolles. Promises to “get you to Singing Willie‘s when you come. So sorry you could not subscribe $500.00 to the publishing of that remarkable picture.” [?] | 1
corr_011 |
January 12, 1927 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “We are so grateful for your nice telegram of the 10th. Owing to delays in mail, telegrams, and our need of not imposing any longer on Miss Heney, we had to act on the material we could get before we heard from you about either Miss Purbrick or Miss Lund. … I am so much interested to know that when Bishop Lawrence was a boy Commonwealth Avenue was a dump! I have never thought of you as living in a neighborhood that rose higher than is raisin’! For the interpretation of this remark, I must tell you of the little girl at Hindman who said emphatically, ‘I don’t aim never to rise no higher than my raisin.’ Commonwealth Avenue has come up in the world, hasn’t it?” | 1
corr_012 |
January 26, 1927 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “Can you set a definite time now for your spring visit to Pine Mountain? Perhaps Evelyn told you that I have had the brilliant idea of inviting the Board Members here to see our May Day celebration and incidentally have a Board meeting after it! … ” …I will write President Hutchins a letter asking if you may have a party for the Pine Mountain students on your way in.” | 1
corr_013 |
February 8, 1927 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “April 20th it shall be, and we will be ready for you whenever you come. I have written President Hutchins and hope to hear soon whether that wonderful Berea party can be a reality or not. How generous of you to offer to take in as many of the Board members as I would like to shove on to you at Pole House! … You had better read Breasted’s Conquest of Civilization so we can talk about in our few serious moments while you are here ,,, a wonderful book.” … Evelyn [Wells] lunched in Episcopal splendor with Polly…I would like to know just what ‘Episcopal splendor’ is! … | 1
corr_014 |
February 6,1928 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “A midwinter lull in the office gave us a chance recently to make an analysis of our annual subscribers, which we have been too busy to do for three years.” |
1 corr_016 |
Februrary 25,1927 | Ethel de Long Zande to Dorothy Bolles. “I don’t like to have my correspondence to you limited to brassieres arriving to be exchanged with never a word of thanks to you, so here is the thanks –ever so many of them.” …Relays response from President Hutchins regarding stay-over at Berea. “Have I told you we are having our west terrace leveled [Zande House] so that when we have breakfast under the dogwood tree there may be a little more level land…. The level grass ought to be a nice place for you to do morris after this, don’ you think so? Of course, we would go to any trouble to provide a good place for that morris dancing.” | 2
corr_015 |
October 22, 1928 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. ‘Will you please consider this a letter to yourself and to Miss Cunningham, as I always think of you as a team. …. We are hoping that you will want to keep on coming to Pine Mountain in the spring. I am afraid our children would feel very sad if they thought they could not have the dancing month of the year, and how can we have it without you both? …” | 1
corr_017 |
November 18, 1928 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “Dear Miss Melville, I am ashamed not to have answered your letter long ago for I appreciated it very much. I want very much to come back to Pine Mt. for the spring & I will answer your letter by saying that I will come if I possibly can, & I know you have heard from Miss Cunningham already….” | 5
corr_018a |
December 8, 1928 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. “I am just back from a three weeks’ speaking trip and find your very kind letter of November the 18th. You do not know how grateful I feel to you and Miss Cunningham for holding out the hope that you will be with us next spring. ..” | 1
corr_019 |
Date | Item | Pages |
January 2, 1929 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “Perhaps by this time you have received a pewter tea set from McCutchean’s in N.Y. I was there after Christmas & took Evelyn with me to help pick it out for the Zande House. I think your idea was good about the hot water kettle that can always be boiled over the fire …” | 2
corr_020 |
Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “How would it suit you if I came down to P.M. Sat. April 13th & we danced from dawn till dark for 3 weeks — I like to arrive at the end of a week & have a day to rest and unpack before I start to work. I am awfully sorry to say that Miss Cunningham is not coming with me — she has been sick there with colds & grip for the past three years, that she has reluctantly decided she cannot do it again because she has a strenuous summer ahead of her —“ | 1
corr_021 |
March 4, 1929 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “I am going to bother you once more by asking you about an alternative date for my job — suppose I got there for Sunday, April 21st & stayed three weeks bringing my last day on Sat. May 11. How would that affect your arrangements. … I know there is a Board meeting May 10th & they might enjoy an afternoon of dancing as a sort of entertainment for their benefit — they did appear to enjoy it last year very much — this arrangement of dates might be a help to me, as at present I am in the position of having all my family wanting me to go to different places with them this spring …” [NUMBERS SKIP TO 26 FOR NEXT LETTER] | 1
corr_022 |
March 8, 1929 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. “I am just back this afternoon from a trip to Louisville, and find both your letters. I am answering the last one first. …Please tell Miss Davis how fortunate we feel that she can come with you and I know how grateful the Board will be to have a dance on the eleventh……The only thing we are going to ask Miss Davis is that she tell the children some day, about the Matterhorn, and if she runs off to Metcalf Rocks, we will all run after her and have a picnic. Since most people who like mountain tops want to be alone, perhaps this will cure her and keep her on hand for the violin playing….” | [NUMBERS SKIP]
1 corr_026 |
March 26, 1929 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “I am ashamed not to have answered your nice letter long before this to thank you for sending me such a warm welcome in advance. I am starting off on Saturday for a trip with my sister & then a week in Beaufort with Winnie Christensen before I arrive at Pine Mt. on Sunday, April 21st. I have been obliged to send three bundles ahead of me which should arrive soon…” She advises that she may arrive separately from Miss Davis and that perhaps one of Henry Creech’s mules could be sent for her.. | 3
corr_027 |
April 3,1929 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. “It is so nice to think of you on the way to Pine Mountain. I hope you will have delightful vistas along the road. Please remember me to Miss Christensen and tell her that Paddy has won a very warm place in my heart.” | 1
corr_028 |
April 31, 1929 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville from Beaufort, SC. “I find that I arrive at Pineville Sat. night and take the same train that Miss Davis does on Sunday morning — I have written to Wilson Lewis to meet us both at Laden, so you will not have to bother any more about it. I told him that we should need two mules. …This is a lovely place & to my Northern eyes seems & feels like the tropics —“ | 2
corr_029 |
October 31, 1929 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “I don’t know whether you will love me or hate me for sending you a box of pieces — my sister & I were cleaning our piece bags & it occurred to me some of the women in your neighborhood are always doing patchwork, & they might come in handy. If you hate me there is always the fire place at Laurel House. … I have to talk at the Cohasset D.A.R. in P.M. in December & only hope I can give the people a little idea of it — I am terribly inclined to talk too much and too fast….the county is dying for water — forest fires & ground like powder every where — a friend of ours from N.Y. State says the farmers there have had to kill their cows this summer rather than let them starve to death for water —” Bolles talks about the business of teaching dancing and mentions a big performance in Boston — troupe from London sponsored by the C.R.R. | 5
corr_030 |
November 5, 1929 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. “How nice of you to write me that lovely, long letter! I was so glad to hear from you, and to know about the evening dress which sounds perfectly stunning. I wish we could see you in it….The drought has certainly been world-wide. I have similar reports from Jamaica and England, although I have not yet heard of anyone else who had to kill their cows to save them! … Mr. Browning [farmer] is living in Pole House now, but I will see that it gets you love later when it is empty and I go over to enjoy the view.” | 1
corr_031 |
January 15, 1930 | Dorothy Bolles to Angela Melville. “The enclosed check is from the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Cohaset where I gave a talk in Dec. about the P.M.S.S As you know these chapters have very small dues and very little money, so I think they did quite well —” Discusses Ruth Gaines and her illness. | 4
corr_033 |
January 22, 1930 | Angela Melville to Dorothy Bolles. “How nice of your local Chapter to send us that check for $5.00! I am sending the receipt to Mrs. Greenwood as you request, and am writing her a letter of thanks…..Some of the boys are just back from Louisville where they had operations …Benny Turner, in talking of his operation up at Zande House the other night, said, “And just as I was a goin’ off to sleep, I heard them a rattlin’ the tools …” | 1
corr_032 |
June 3. 1930 | Katherine Pettit to Dorothy Bolles. “So glad to have such a nice letter from you and to know all the interesting things you did on the way home. Yes, indeed, I know the Pinnacle. I first climbed up there thirty years or more ago, then when a nag trail was made I went up that way, about twenty years ago, and since then I have been up in a car. You know, a Colonel Arthur from England came over and did the engineering work around three. That’s why it’s so good.” … | 1
corr_034 |
September 2, 1930 | Dorothy Bolles to new Director, Hubert Hadley. “My dear Mr. Hadley, I was not fortunate enough to get to Pine Mt. in time to meet you last spring, but I know you will not mind if I write you now. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your having made it possible for Becky May Huff to come to the folk dance school & stay the two weeks. … I think Miss [Marian] Kingman will be a great help to you also, for she dances well herself & her judgment about arranging groups & teams is to be relied on….Pine Mt. has been one of the greatest privileges I have ever had & I am tremendously interested in its welfare…” | 2
corr_035 |
September 11, 1930 | Hubert Hadley to Dorothy Bolles. “Indeed I assure you that I was happy to let Miss {Becky May] Huff go to Amherst, and grateful to you and the other friends who made it possible.I realize that without your help we could not have done it, and I value the folk dancing too much not to do my share of cooperation. I agree with you that it is just the right kind of recreation for these boys and girls when they are together, and shall do all I can to encourage it. “ | 1
corr_036 |
November 3, 1930 | Hubert Hadley [?] to Dorothy Bolles. “This is a note at the end of the day and on the run but I do want a carbon for the files, and you may be accosted by a strange lady sometime soon whom you would not know from Adam if I didn’t explain her to you. A Miss Bertha Johnson …. has written to us asking for the secretarial job, and we told her that it would be vacant next spring, and that we would consider her application. We also asked her to get in touch with you — which was very rash –…” | 1
corr_037 |
November 29, 1930 | Dorothy Bolles to Alice Cobb, Secretary. “Would you please put the following names on your mailing list for “follow-up” literature or whatever it is you send to possible contributors…[list of names] | 2
corr_038 |
September 25, 1931 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. ” I am very sorry but I cannot go to Worcester on Oct. 7th to talk about the PMSS. I have a meeting at home on that day that I have known about for a long time, and I have to attend it. If it were not for this definite engagement, I should be delighted to do it for you. I hope you are enjoying Pine Mt. and beginning to feel at home there and I look forward to knowing you…” | corr_080 corr_080a |
January 11, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for your letter of December 31st with your opinion concerning the Bulletin.” | 1 corr_049 |
March 4, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “No one has as yet advised me as to the procedure for the month of Country Dancing which you supervise. Therefore, I am taking this occasion to invite you formally to come here at any time convenient to yourself. If there is anything I can do to prepare for your coming, please do not hesitate to ask me.” | 1
corr_050 |
March 15, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for your the kind letter of March eighth. We shall be glad to have you come down here on April eleventh and spend as much time with us as you desire. I shall be pleased to do anything I can in preparation for your coming…” | 1
corr_051 |
September 23, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. ” Thank you for the book on English Country Dancing, Probably by this time you will have heard that Professor Smith, Miss [May] Gadd and Miss Whiteman spent an evening here, in which we enjoyed very much their helping us to do some English Country Dances, We had our first class last Tuesday night and learned three dances — that is we went through three of them. I played the music over practically all afternoon and went through the instructions over and over again so that I know every step by heart. I think everything went off fairly well and I am looking forward to our next meeting.” Walter Day trial for shooting Reid Johnson. | 1
corr_052 |
October 18, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “The three volumes on country dancing arrived safely a week ago. Our dancing class is progressing nicely and we are having a great time out of it. Can you tell me where we can purchase records for some of our dances? We have very few records which can be used for long ways dances. Can we get these from the Victor people. We have a pianist but since we are so short of men it is very desirable to have him take part in the dancing [Arthur Dodd]. We did Old Mole last week and I think we learned it amazingly fast. It’s lots of fun.” SEE LISTS ABOVE AND MOVE BELOW | 1
corr_053 |
November 29, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for your letter of November 17 with its enclosures. [RECORDS LISTS]. I think that despite the financial depression it would be a shame to take the pleasure which your annual tub of candy gives to the students away from them, so if you please will you send it again this year? …Oscar has misplaced your order….” | 1
corr_054 |
December 20, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Please accept my sincere thanks for the bucket of chocolate candy which you so kindly sent to the students here. We have had our Christmas festivities as usual. Last night we all enjoyed the Nativity play. Perhaps sometime soon I shall have some pictures to send you….” | 1
corr_055 |
December 20, 1932 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Mrs. Morris joins with me in sending you many thanks for the candy which we received today. With all good wishes ….” | 1
corr_056 |
January 13, 1933 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “I arrived at Pine Mountain last Friday, after being away for exactly one month. I think that the trip was quite worth while. …I want to express my gratitude for the kindness shown to me by you and Miss Wells, Thank you especially for the dinner and the country dance party which I enjoyed immensely…” | 1
corr_039 |
March 17, 1933 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Here are a few letters written by our students to you. I know you will enjoy reading them, and I imagine you will have many a laugh over some of the closing words…” | 1
corr_045 |
May 16, 1933 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “We are sending today, first class, registered mail, a file of papers, letters, publicity, and reports of meetings of the Board of Trustees, which are the property of the Secretary of the Board. I believe you have a copy of the minutes of the last two meetings. If this file is not complete, or if there is any further literature which you would like to have please let me know.” | 1
corr_046 |
April 6, 1933 [?] | GRAMAPHONE RECORDS (HIS MASTER’S VOICE) LIST. Country Dance records given to PMSS. | 2
corr_047 |
November 7, 1933 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for your kind invitation to attend the dancing party on the 17th. I am trying to arrange my schedule so that this will be possible. I should hate to miss it.” | 1
corr_042 |
November 25, 1933 | Dorothy Bolles to Alice Cobb. “Miss Wells and I are anxious to have copies of this letter go to all the Trustees & and the Advisory Board — we intended to have it mimiographed [sic] here, but decided it would be cheaper to do it from the office, as if done as a separate job here it will cost the school $5.00 or more…” Fund-raising activities. | 3
corr_043 |
November [?] | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. ” Many thanks to you for your contribution towards making Zande House a warm place throughout the coming winters. I now have $120.00 towards a furnace, and with prices as they are, I shan’t need very much more. I am afraid that we are going to have our difficulties with a flue for the furnace, no matter what kind we get, but I am hoping to get around this some way. …” “We have bought a large second-hand power press which can handle a large amount of work. We also have a printing instructor …” | 1
corr_044 |
December 1, 1933 | PMSS Secretary to Dorothy Bolles. “I have received your letter and the enclosure which I shall mimeograph and have sent to he members of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board this coming week. …” Mrs. Baird’s negotiations … | 1
corr_040 |
December 6, 1933 | PMSS Secretary to Dorothy Bolles. “Enclosed is a copy of the letter which I am sending out today to all the members of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board. I hope that it meets with your approval as to form, etc. …” | 1
corr_041 |
December 31, 1933 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. “I was extremely interested in the Pine Mt. Bulletin & strongly advise sending them regularly to the Advisory Board as well as the Trustees. They tell exactly the things we all should know about the daily happenings & occupations at the school. So many of the Ad. Board get to P.M. so seldom that they need …” | 2
corr_048 |
January 29, 1934 | Dorothy Bolles to Alice Cobb. “Will you tell me sometime whether any candy was received from Miss Cunningham & we at Christmas. It has just occurred to me that I have paid the bill & never knew whether the 30 lbs. arrived….” | 1
corr_057 |
February 3, 1934 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Miss Cobb has referred to me your recent letter to her regarding the candy. Now we can say that the candy arrived and we can thank you for it. The boxes of candy — six of them — came from the Necco company at Boston. We were not certain whom these came from so Miss Cobb wrote them asking for the name of the purchaser. She received no answer, but I presume that the candy came from and Miss Cunningham ….” | 1
corr_058 |
n.d. 1934 |
Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. “Miss Wells wrote me of your tentative plan to take some of the boys & girls to dance & sing in Washington & it seems to me a fine idea, I have never liked the idea of what the Caney Creek children do — go about in groups to exploit themselves & their troubles — it does not seem to me a very good point of view …” | 9 corr_059 corr_059a corr_059b corr_059c corr_059d corr_059e corr_059f corr_059g corr_059h |
March 5, 1934 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for you very good letter which arrived Saturday, I am very sorry to learn of your mother’s serious illness, and hope that she will continue to get better. I do not want to aggravate your disappointment, but I want you to know that we shall all be very sorry if it will not be possible for you to be with us through the month of April.” … | 1
corr_060 |
March 19, 1934 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. “I know that by this time Miss Christensen has told you that [she] is able to do the dancing at Pine Mt. during “April”, & I also know that you must be very delighted to get her. It is a great comfort to me & I hope you will all get a lot of pleasure, & have a grand time — May I say again what a pleasure & satisfaction it is to have you so interested in the English dancing & so appreciative of its value. I have always felt this, & should like to tell you so again.—- ” She writes about changes in the medical programs at PMSS and “…it’s too bad the Washington trip did not come off…” | 5
corr_061 |
March 24, 1934 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Your good letter of March 19 was waiting for me upon my return from the conference of the stern mountain very much the discussion particularly about the Tennessee Valley project.” Confirms Abby Winnie Christensen to teach dance in the Spring and also comments on “…the new Industrial Unit and I feel too that perhaps it would be more economical to have all the units under one roof. What do you think of putting the building between the Office building and the Boys Industrial building? I am afraid that Saw-mill Hollow will be too wet and dark.” | 1
corr_062 |
July 24, 1934 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. “Thank you for going to the trouble of interviewing W. Floyd Young, After thinking it over and pooling Miss Wells’ opinion and the result of your interview, I believe we shall do bets by keeping on as we are at the present.” | 2
corr_063 |
August 3, 1934 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris and Board of Trustees. “Suggestions for Agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the PINE MOUNTAIN SETTLEMENT SCHOOL, on September 27th, should be sent to the Secretary not later than September 1st, in order that they may be circulated in time for consideration before the meeting,” …”Two proposed changes to Article IV of the By-Laws, at present reading.” “The Executive Committee shall consist of the Director of the School, the Associate Director, and the President of the Board of Trustees.” Suggestions for changes submitted by Evelyn Wells and Mr. Crutchfield, follow. |
corr_064 |
August 12, 1934 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. “The enclosed notice has been sent out to all the trustees and I thought you would like to see one. Comments on Glyn Morris’ operation for appendicitis. Recommends the book, Native’s Return by Louis Adamic for reading. [The Native’s Return: An American Immigrant Visits Yugoslavia and Discovers His Old Country. by Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951. A popular book in 1934, the book suggests that America would prosper by eventually going “left” — socialist.] | 3
corr_065 |
August 17, 1934 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. “In case you should think that one of your trustees was a promising candidate for the nearest lunatic asylum, I thought I better write you a letter immediately. I saw Miss Wells yesterday and when asked how you were after your operation, she had no idea what I was talking about and I certainly feel foolish, to say the least. She had written me a haste postcard from the camp where she was teaching, & among other things in it she said that one of the men in the Morris team had had his appendix out. [William Hayes] I did not even know she had a Morris team, and from the way she worded it, I thought she meant you! Please forgive my ill-placed sympathy. You might keep my letter and read it if you ever do have appendicitis.” | 3 |
August 18, 1934 | Since Miss Wells told you of my supposed operation of appendicitis, I accept anyway your good wishes for my speedy recovery. With all the work we have here at the present time, I can transfer those wishes to | |
October 31, 1934 | ||
November 12, 1934 | ||
December 18, 1934 | ||
January 24, 1935 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles | 1 |
January 30, 1935 | Glyn Morris [?] to Dorothy Bolles. | 1 |
February 5, 1935 | Glyn Morris [?] to Dorothy Bolles. “No doubt Miss Wells has spoken to you about our plans to send a deligation [sic] to the Folk Dance Festival at New York, on May 4. We are planning also to send eight dances to Washington on April 17. I have just learned that a Mountain Folk Festival will be held at Berea April 26-28, to which we must send representatives. I thought it would be advisable to let you know these dates so that you might make your plans accordingly. I am taking it for granted, of course, that you will be kind enough to come down here this spring to help with Folk dancing. ” Scheduling discussion. Invites Bolles to go with PMSS to Berea. Suggests that May Day may need to be early to accommodate other dance dates. | 3 |
February 5, 1935 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. | 1 |
February 8, 1935 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. | 1 |
February 25, 1935 | Glyn Morris to Dorothy Bolles. | 1 |
February 23, 1935 | Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris. | 5 |
March 12, 1935 | Alice Cobb [?] to Dorothy Bolles. “I am very sorry to learn that you will not be able to come to Pine Mountain this year, and more sorry to know that you are in the hospital again. I do hope that you will be out soon and that your hopes for making us a visit will be realized. I am glad that Miss Christensen is going to be able to come.” Cobb notes that she spoke “fourteen times in six days” [fundraising]. | 1 |
April 22, 1935 | Glyn Morris to Mrs. Richard F. Bolles [Mother of Dorothy Bolles]. “I learned of your gift of one hundred dollars for Pine Mountain upon my return from Washington, D.C., where a group of our students exhibited some country dances at the National Congress of the D.A. R. I wish to thank you very heartily for this gift. No doubt you are well aware of our great need just at this time, and know how very welcome your generous help is to us. We are in the midst of our dancing month, with May Day just around the corner. All of us have missed Miss Dorothy Bolles so much, and I hope that she is feeling much better now. As you know we are taking our seniors to New York in a few days, and they will present the Kentucky running set at the Folk Dance Festival on May 4th. I wish you could see the boys and girls — I myself am looking forward to seeing their reactions to the city. It was really wonderful to observe the poise and self-confidence with which the Washington group acquitted themselves. . . Will you remember me very kindly to Miss Bolles, and with very kind wishes to you both, I remain…” | 1 |
Dorothy Bolles to Glyn Morris | 2
corr_080 |
n.d. | Mary K. Bolles to Glyn Morris. Announces the death of her daughter, Dorothy Bolles. | 2 corr_081 corr_081a |
See Also:
DOROTHY BOLLES Staff – Biography