Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 19: STUDENTS
Ruth Shuler Dieter
Appreciation Album I

Dieter Album – Ruth Shuler and partner to far left. [shul_020.jpg]
TAGS: Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album I, Ruth Shuler Dieter correspondence, Ruth Shuler Dieter photographs, Pine Mountain Settlement School alumni, Pine Mountain Settlement School Association of Alumni and Friends, boarding school
RUTH SHULER DIETER Appreciation Album I
The RUTH SHULER DIETER APPRECIATION ALBUM I is the first half of an album that was assembled by the Association of Pine Mountain Alumni and Friends in August of 1984. The entire Album is evidence of the enormous role that Ruth and the Alumni Association that she created had on the health of the institution during a difficult era.
Ruth’s contributions of time, money, and energy in restoring the vibrancy of the institution are difficult to measure, but if this album is any indicator of her work and worth to the School, her efforts go far beyond those of any of the students of the Boarding School years.
This page displays the contents and images for Part I of the Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album. Part II is located here.
See also: RUTH SHULER DIETER Student Staff Trustee Biography
[schuler_mem_001.jpg] – Hand-lettered and stenciled introduction page.
In loving appreciation and gratitude to Ruth Shuler Dieter from friends and Alumni, Association of Pine Mountain Settlement School Alumni and Friends, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Kentucky 40810, August, 1984
[schuler_mem_002.jpg] Greeting cards, front covers.
[schuler_mem_002a.jpg] Greeting card, inside.
Handwritten note from Marbeth Applegate.
[schuler_mem_002b.jpg] Greeting card, inside.
handwritten note from Ruby Ayers Warren.
[schuler_mem_002c.jpg] Greeting card, pages 2 & 3.
Black/white photograph of two girls, standing side by side, with a handwritten note from [truncated], dated June 1984.
[schuler_mem_003.jpg] Chapel program for Morning Worship, Sunday, August 12, 1984. “Special Music” by Carol Urquhart and Burton Rogers; talk by Dr. John Stephenson, President, Berea College, benediction by Mary Rogers.
[schuler_mem_004.jpg] Cover of greeting card on aqua blue paper, with flower sketches and the words, “Happy Easter Wishes.”
[schuler_mem_004a.jpg] Easter greeting card, inside.
Page 1. Lyrics of an Easter carol, which “we learned…for our Easter sunrise caroling.”
Page 2. Greetings from the Pine Mountain Alumni Officers: Pat [Hall] Martin, Jane [Bishop] Hobgood, Gola Mooney, August Angel, Ruth [Shuler] Dieter.
[schuler_mem_005.jpg] Typed letter with header: “Glyn Morris,…Wilkes-Barre, PA 18791,” dated May 1984. Morris thanks Ruth for making the school records “intact,” that she’s on the PMSS Board, for her letters. Remembers Ruth’s part in a film on Pine Mountain community group program.
[schuler_mem_006.jpg] Typed letter with header: “Georgia A. Dodd…Johnson City, TN 37601,” dated June 1, 1984; with a black/white photo for Boys’ Industrial Building. Georgia describes memories of her first year in the Office as Business Manager and Ruth as her assistant; playing the piano for Ruth’s student dance classes. Signed “The Dodds.”
[schuler_mem_006a.jpg] Handwritten note attached to Georgia Dodd’s letter; signed “A.D.”
[schuler_mem_007.jpg] Handwritten letter from August Angel, dated June 22, 1984, page 1. Appreciated Ruth’s part in getting John Stephenson to speak at homecoming; updated Ruth on his activities and recent appeal that raised $545 for PMSS’s new computer so far.
[schuler_mem_007a.jpg] Angel letter, page 2. Attached black/white photograph of 3 women with notation ” Peters & Mrs. Baker ’40.”
[schuler_mem_008.jpg] Typed letter signed “Mac,” dated August 1984. Thanks to Ruth for her various PMSS activities and good qualities.
[schuler_mem_009.jpg] Typed letter with header “PAUL HAYES.” Thanks Ruth for leading an Executive Session to turn PMSS around.
[schuler_mem_010.jpg] Typed letter of thanks from Fred J. Burkhard, Liberty, KY. Mentions remembering students Flop Hollins, Clyde Exix, Raleigh Creech.
[schuler_mem_011.jpg] Header: DAWN AND COMPANY,… Knoxville, TN, June 22, 1984. Typed letter from Bill Dawn. B/W photograph of young woman sitting at edge of swimming pool, with notation, “Charlsie (Vaughn) – ’40 P.M.”
[schuler_mem_012.jpg] Handwritten letter from Gola Smith Mooney, Slemp, KY, 5-20-84. Mentions that Ruth’s term in office as the PMSS Alumni Association representative on the PMSS Board of Trustees will soon expire. As Alumni Assn Secretary, Gola remembers Ruth’s words of encouragement.
[schuler_mem_013.jpg] Typed letter from Lucille Christian McKinney, Charlottesville, VA, June 4, 1984. Remembers Ruth as friend at Harrogate and Pine Mt.
[schuler_mem_014.jpg] and [schuler_mem_014a.jpg] Handwritten letter from Pat [Hall} Martin & David Martin, June 12, 1984, 2 pages. Appreciation for Ruth’s restoring PMSS “to its original purpose.”
[schuler_mem_015.jpg, 015a and 15b.jpg] Handwritten letter from Carrie Day, titled “A Special Friend.” Color photograph of woman sitting on porch steps, with notation, “Carry Day, Big Creek, KY, Front Porch, Love to Ruth”
[schuler_mem_016.jpg] Typed letter from Maude Holbrook, April 26, 1984.
[schuler_mem_016a.jpg] Typed letter from Ruth’s sister, Ginny Nelle, June 1984. “You played a big part of my growing up years at Pine Mountain and were a role model then and now.”
[schuler_mem_017.jpg] Handwritten letter, with header: “Central Reality Therapy,…Broadway, IL…George W. Tye, Ph.D., C.R.T.”
[schuler_mem_018.jpg] Handwritten letter, signed “Emmy Lou” with title “Ruth Shuler Dieter.” Remembers a time spent with Mary Pace (Sullivan) and Ruth, and Ruth’s tending to her during a hospital stay.
[schuler_mem_019.jpg] Handwritten note with heading “John M. [Mullens] Martin,” addressed to “Ellen & Paul [Hayes],” stating appreciation of Ruth’s devotion and hard work. Remembers Ruth helping Miss [Abbie Winch] Christensen teach dancing. Sent 3 black/white photographs, c. 1944 or 1945, of groups of 3 young people in front of the School House. Signed “Jack.”
[schuler_mem_020.jpg] Page with 5 color photographs, clockwise: Ruth and unidentified man in front of Laurel House, Ruth on steps approaching the Office; 5 unidentified people and Ruth, gathered near piano in Laurel House; Ruth and unidentified man in front of Laurel House; entrance to Chapel. Each photograph is displayed separately and enlarged:
[schuler_mem_020a.jpg] Ruth and unidentified man in front of Laurel House
[schuler_mem_020b.jpg] Ruth on steps approaching the Office.
[schuler_mem_020c.jpg] 5 unidentified people and Ruth, gathered near piano in Laurel House.
[schuler_mem_020d.jpg] Ruth and unidentified man in front of Laurel House.
[schuler_mem_021.jpg] Page with 5 color photographs, clockwise: Laurel House, front view; rhododendron at Chapel entrance; Ruth and unidentified man on stone walk in front of Laurel House; rhododendron at stone wall and steps, side of Laurel House; full view of Laurel House from road. Each photograph is displayed separately and enlarged:
[schuler_mem_021a.jpg] Laurel House, front view.
[schuler_mem_021b.jpg] Full view of Laurel House from road.
[schuler_mem_021c.jpg] Rhododendron at stone wall and steps, side of Laurel House.
[schuler_mem_021d.jpg] Rhododendron at Chapel entrance.
[schuler_mem_021e.jpg] Ruth and unidentified man on stone walk in front of Laurel House.
[schuler_mem_022.jpg] Typed letter with header “BEREA COLLEGE, Berea, Kentucky…,” September 10, 1984, from John B. Stephenson, President. Thanks Ruth for her note; enjoyed his visit to PMSS Reunion.
[schuler_mem_023.jpg] and [schuler_mem_023a.jpg] Typed 2-page letter from Glyn Morris, dated 12/1/81. Thanks Ruth for her letter and congratulates her for “getting the Board to hold an executive session.” States concern that “the number of services to mountain youth [has been] woefully low” and suggests a Board committee to address this. Feels that PMSS needs to provide programs for talented mountain youth, which may help Berea fill its student body. Encloses 3 reprints of his articles as updates on his activities.
[schuler_mem_024.jpg] Handwritten letter from Bill [Hayes], Viper, KY, Sept. 9th, 1992. Answers Ruth’s letter about renovating Big Log after consulting with Springer Hoskins and Paul Hayes. The Board needs to add more funds to the project and plan for its future use. Paul plans to install a heating system on the first floor; insulation, and some wiring, with Ray Bird’s supervision.
[schuler_mem_025.jpg] Typed letter from Paul Hayes, Director, PMSS. Describes memory that Ruth was the only one from Class of 1940 who responded to Paul and Ellen Hayes’ idea to set up an Alumni Association. They met at Ruth’s hometown of Big Stone Gap, VA. Since then Ruth served as financial consultant and Board member, and helped establish and chaired the Advisory Council, visiting the School several times a year.
[schuler_mem_026.jpg] Handwritten note: “We miss you Aunt Ruth,” signed “Roma, Ebb and Gang,” Notes from Mary Brit, Andrew, Clay, Elizabeth, and Gola (Smith) Mooney.
[schuler_mem_027.jpg] Handwritten note of congratulations from Mary Lewis(?) (Williams) Gentry.
[schuler_mem_029.jpg] and [schuler_mem_029a.jpg] Typed letter with header: “Ann Manning,…Abilene, Kansas” to Marge Lederer, Abilene, KS. Sends description of Ruth’s 75th birthday party: 100 admirers attended Ruth’s surprise celebration at the Great Plains Theatre Festival Concert Hall in the Tietjen Center for the Performing Arts Building in Abilene, KS. Brother Ed Shuler in Greensboro NC and sister Bessie Finch in Fulton, TN, sent wishes. PMSS Alumni sent flowers and faxes from their homecoming and board meeting at PMSS, the first Ruth missed in 17 years. Also Ruth heard from Jane Hobgood, Ruth’s Berea roommate; longtime friends and PEO sisters. Sends photographs:
[schuler_mem_029b.jpg] Ruth with outstretched arms to hug someone in front of her.
[schuler_mem_029c.jpg] Ruth with two other women holding a plaque that indicates the naming of the “Dieter Concert Hall” in the Tietjen Center for the Performing Arts Building in Abilene, KS. [“The building, a renovated Gothic Romanesque limestone church that had ties to the beginnings of Abilene, was destroyed along with its contents on July 23, 2014,” according to The Wichita Eagle, July 31, 2016. “(Terry) Tietjens and another Abilene resident and patron of the theater, Ruth Dieter, spent nearly half a million dollars renovating the building.”]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_001.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_002.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_002a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_002b.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_002c.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_003.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_004.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_004a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_005.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_006.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_006a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_007.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_007a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_008.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_009.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_010.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_011.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_012.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_013.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_014.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_014a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_015.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_015a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_015b.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_016.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_016a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_017.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_018.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_019.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_020.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_020a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_020b.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_020c.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_20d.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021b.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021c.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021d.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_021e.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_022.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_023.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_023a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_024.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_025.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_026.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_027.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_029.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_029a.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_029b.jpg]
- Ruth Shuler Dieter Appreciation Album, Part I. [schuler_mem_029c.jpg]
RUTH SHULER DIETER Appreciation Album II
See Also:
RUTH SHULER DIETER Student Staff Trustee Biography