Pine Mountain Settlement School
Part 3B Singles

ETHEL McCULLOUGH 108 Photograph Album 1914 Part 3B Singles
TAGS: Ethel McCullough; photograph album; 1914; children; Doshia Minniard, Clara Siler, Becky Mae Huff, Bonnie Baker, Esther Sanstrom, Brit Wilder, Margaret Clark, Jeanette Butler, Causey family, Oma Creech, Elsie Creech, Docia Harris, Barton Creech, Munro Bates, John Lewis, Chester Lewis, Masonic Lodge
INDEX: ETHEL McCULLOUGH 108 Photograph Album 1914 Part 3B Singles
Part 3 contains pages 089 – 120 for a total of 31 PAGES AND 110 IMAGES. Part 3B images comprise half of the 110 images in PART 3, for a total of 55 images, See pages in bold.
- 089 [cabin, chair, hat]; Katherine Pettit (back to camera); A one-room school
- 090 A country Preacher and his wife; Aunt Judy; Mrs. Crit Lewis; Aunt Leah carding
- 091 Christmas Play at the Divide School (4 images)
- 092 School children … Divide School in background; [children and teachers ?]; [Christmas tree]; [Child with school bag and Divide School to rt.]
- 093 A cabin on Little Laurel; [Two women and large rock (Pettit?)]; [Jack’s Gap, woman seated (McCullough?)
- 094 Will Lewis starts Ethel McCullough over the mountain; [Ethel McCullough and party on mules]
- 095 [House with coal-mine on hill behind]; School House (Burkham School House I); [Children on playgrouns]; Emily Hill [cleaning windows]
- 096 [Doshia Minniard, Clara Siler, Caldonia Brown, Becky Mae Huff, ?, Maudie Baker, Bonnie Baker]; [Woman milking cow]; [Three children in nurses costumes]; [5 young boys by trees on mountain]
- 097 Old Log House; Esther Sanstrom; Brit Wilder [as child].
- 098 [Greasy Creek (?); Margaret Clark and Jeanette Butler; [Raven’s Rock on Pine Mountain (?); [Unknown valley view].
- 099 [Playground at PMSS with child and American flag]; [Child and pot (?) drum(?).
- 100 Bread and milk in Laurel House I courtyard, (close view).
- 101 New raincoats!; Girls on rocks at Open House with M. Butler [Marguerite Butler].
- 102 [Docia Lewis and girl dressed as Pilgrims]; [Children posed on porch at Big Log]; [3 students in Pilgrim dress in Big Log living room].
- 103 Early May Day (distant view of children and pole); Early May Day (close view, children seated).
- 104 First year of school – Masonic Lodge Room; School in House in the Woods; [Mallie Huff, ?,?,?, Bill Browning (Farmer)].
- 105 Working in garden; Stringing beans for winter; Laundry; [Hoeing garden in front of Laurel House I].
- 106 Laurel House Dining room; [Bonnie Baker and Green Bailey] Emily Hill; [Fair Annie Harris]; [Pearl Baker].
- 107 [Monroe Bates and little girl]; [2 adults and one child in center]; [Children behind Big Log showing rock wall and privy in background]; [House and woman unknown]; [Children on steps at Big Log with Philip Roettinger (beard)]; 5 boys outside.
- 108 Nurse Walker (on Big Log porch with strings of shucky beans); [Docia Harris, Brit Wilder, Oma Creech, Elsie Creech]; [Burkham School House I steps with staff ?]; [Uncle William and children harvesting flax (hemp)]; On steps of new schoolhouse (Burkham School House I)
- 109 William and Bill Causey, craftsmen on Cutshin Creek; (2 images)
- 110 Uncle William and Aunt Sal; Columbus Creech, Uncle William, Delia Creech, Oma (Creech, Aunt Sal (Creech) and Elsa (Elsie).
- 111 Grens come in from garden; Children wash greens in Laurel House I courtyard; [Shirley ?, Doshia Minniard; James Madison Callahan].
- 112 Laurel House kitchen; [Children outdoors (play in woods)]; [View of kitchen in Laurel House with workers]; Presentation of play in woods.
- 113 [Ethel de Long with child]; Thanksgiving Play in Big Log livingroom; small boy doing carpentry outside (Green Bailey ?).
- 114 [Docia Lewis]; [Children in barnyard with small calf]; [6 small children seated (Christopher Lewis 3rd from left); Seven Callahans come to the School (The Callahans).
- 115 Pole House; [Interior room Big Log (?)]; School Saw Mill; [Far House under construction (?)].
- 116 [Two women with baskets]; [3 women and Post Office (?), Rhoda Wilder, far rt.]; [Children dancing]; Wilder Children; Aunt Leah.
- 117 [Peg Watts, Peg Rothery, Marguerite Butler]; [Old Log House, 3 women .(Marguerite Butler, rt)]; [Woman by road]; [Big Log and woman on horse and man on mule].
- 118 [Two hikers]; Ethel McCullough (with walking stick at Jack’s Gap).
- 119 Barton Creech, Munro Bates, John Lewis, Chester Lewis; Laurel House I girls with M. Butler [Marguerite Butler].
- 120 Rhoda Melinda; Becky May Huff; [Rhoda Melinda seated on log with cat]; [Outdoor play (See 112 dup).
GALLERY: ETHEL McCULLOUGH 108 Photograph Album 1914 Part 3B Singles

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See Also: ETHEL McCOLLOUGH Biography
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