Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: Staff/Personnel
Kendall T. Bassett Correspondence
June 1927 – September 2000
TAGS – KENDALL T. BASSETT CORRESPONDENCE: Kendall T. Bassett ; Ethel Zande ; Pine Mountain (KY) Settlement School ; photographs ; Antioch College ; Social Science pamphlets ; Harold Rugg ; monograms ; Athletic Association ; basketball teams ; Miss Helen Greene ; teaching cooperatives ; Evelyn K. Wells ; Caxton Co. ; industrial-vocational education ; Fieldston School, NYC ; contributions ;
TAGS – MISC. LATER KENDALL T. BASSETT CORRESPONDENCE & EPHEMERA: costume pin ; Helen de Long ; postcards ; Beth Bassett Dal Negro ; gift file cards ; donations ; Ethel de Long Zande correspondence ; James S. Green III ; fireproof file cabinets ; Ms. (Robin) Lambert ; photographs ; Advisory Board ; Milly Mahoney ; Big Log ;
GALLERY: Kendall T. Bassett Correspondence
June 9, 1927 – May 18, 1935
CONTENTS: Kendall T. Bassett Correspondence
June 9, 1927. EZ (Ethel Zande) to Kendall Bassett, Yellow Springs, OH. Motoring trip; tonsillitis; gardening; received pictures he sent and asked for all he takes to add to the school collections; Mr. Zande is planning new dormitory. [001]
June 16, 1927. Kendall T. Bassett, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH to Mrs. Zande. Received text books from her; recommends Social Science pamphlets edited by Harold Rugg, Lincoln School of Teachers College. [003]
June 20, 1927. EZ (Ethel Zande) to Kendall Bassett, Yellow Springs, OH. P.M. has a set of Social Science pamphlets and has used them; will ask Miss Burger, former 7th grade teacher, for advice; asks Bassett for lists of good plays.; time to plan for a workers’ play. [004]
January 10, 1928. Kendall T. Bassett, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH to Mrs. Zande. He is pricing monograms and, with Zande’s approval, will order them; Athletic Assoc. will pay most of it; advises on qualifications for awarding them to basketball team. [005]
January 17, 1928. EZ (Ethel Zande) to Kendall Bassett, Yellow Springs, OH. Sent balance of Athletic Assoc. funds; Miss Campbell’s absence; Mr. Argetsinger’s return. [006]
March 7, 1928. EZ (Ethel Zande) to Miss Helen Greene, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH. Prefers having two co-ops from Antioch instead of Bassett’s return to P.M. for full year; others have had difficulties working for whole year; asks that Miss Greene talk with Bassett about this. [007]
“We are unanimous in thinking that Mr. Bassett is a very rare person, and has done splendid work for us.”
May 22, 1928. EKW (Evelyn K. Wells) to Mr. Bassett. Asks Bassett to send the continuous film of his panorama to the printer, Caxton Co., Louisville, for the new school booklet; describes dismal first week of no school. [008]
June 1, 1928. EKW (Evelyn K. Wells) to Mr. Bassett. Thanks him for the pictures; awaiting proof from Caxton for children’s booklet. [009]
January 16, 1929. M (?) to Mr. Bassett. Asks if there is any chance an offer could be made for Bassett to return to P.M. next year; explains the school’s need for industrial-vocational education apart from the high school; hopes the Board will agree; describes his ideas. [010]
April 1, 1935. Kendall T. Bassett, NYC, to Mr. (Glyn) Morris. Thanks Morris for presentation to the students at his school; sends article about it in school paper; asks Morris to send him a letter comparing courtesy at various schools to turn over to the student government; problems with “racial situation” and “city sophistication” lead to the discourtesy; thanks him for “reel”. [011-012]
April 5, 1935. (Glyn Morris?) to Mr. Bassett, Fieldston School, NYC. Thanks Bassett for copy of Fieldston News; praises the courteous conduct of P.M. students, compared to other schools; comments on the city youngsters’ noise, but appreciates their questions. [013-014]
May 13, 1935. Kendall T. Bassett, NYC, to Mr. Morris. Regrets missing Morris and students’ visit to NY but heard the radio broadcast; appreciates April 5 letter which he read to his students; sending Morris a check from the students; explains the school’s philantropy; hopes Morris will visit again and speak. [016]
May 18, 1935. (Glyn Morris?) to Mr. Bassett, NYC. Thanks Bassett for May 13th letter and contribution; plans to visit NY next year with students; welcomes him to visit P.M. [015]
GALLERY: Misc. Later Kendall T. Bassett Correspondence & Ephemera
1930s – September 24, 2000
CONTENTS: Misc. Later Kendall T. Bassett Correspondence & Ephemera
n.d. Handwritten note accompanying a costume pin shaped as a sideways figure eight: “…pin belonged to Helen de Long…ister start…Pine Mt. School… aquamarines.” [001]
n.d. Postcard donated by daughter of Kendall Bassett. Caption: “The Valley, Pine Mountain, KY.” [002]
Reverse side of postcard. Attached sticker with handwritten note: “Milly – Beth Dal Negro sent this postcard in her letter. R.” Text on postcard: “POST CARD Published by L. (Luigi) Zande. Post Cards of Quality — The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y…..” [003]
n.d. Handwritten note: “Story started on tape — K.B. sent to Harlan to notify undertaker & get lead-lined coffin — undertaker was drunk — nurse & K.B. embalmed body.” 66 – Kendall Bassett, 67 -, 75-, 76, “A Trip to Pine Mountain” page trip probably in 1930’s. Helen de Long’s pin given to Mr. Kendall Bassett. “Dad & Mother visited in 1930s. Met mountain man on path warning everyone to conceal stills as ‘revenooers’ were coming.” Attached sticker: “See two tape cassettes in PMSS’s Archival audio file.”
9-12-00. [handwritten] “Info about Kendall Bassett provided by daughter, Beth Bassett Dal Negro.” List of dates and K. Bassett’s activities. [004]
n.d. Handwritten note: “Folder 1926 – 28. Evidently here part of year, alternating with another Antioch person (Glenn?). Earliest corres. in Apr. 1927 – He was back in Yellow Springs after having been here. Corres. about coming for a full year – advised against – in 1929 letter inquiring whether he would be available for a full year.” [005]
PMSS gift file card with handwritten lists of several changes of addresses and annual donations by the Kendalls from 1934 to 1996, including February 1977 donation of $620 for “file case for PMSS library”. Typewritten note attached is a description of his association with the School during and after his time as a staff member in 1926-1928; Lost track of him in the 1950; James S. Green III reconnected with him again and received Mrs. (Ethel de Long) Zande’s papers and a fireproof file cabinet from him. [006 – 006a]
July 16, 2000. Beth Bassett Dal Negro, Canton, CT, to Ms. (Robin) Lambert [PMSS Director, 1997-2001]. Describes her father and mother’s connection and continued interest in PMSS; father was close to Helen de Long; plans to visit PMSS in September 2000; encloses old postcard; offers to donate photographs. [007]
August 8, 2000. Robin Lambert, Director, to Mrs. (Beth Bassett) Dal Negro. Welcomes their visit and offer of photographs; describes accommodations in Big Log or Laurel House; suggests a meeting with Milly Mahoney, “Pine Mountain trustee and campus resident who minds the archives”; schedule with Debra Callahan. [008]
September 24, 2000. Handwritten by Beth (Bassett) Dal Negro to “Millie” (sic) (Mahoney). Encloses copies of letters from Alvin Boggs; thanks Milly for their visit to Pine Mountain; enjoyed Milly’s stories of PMSS early days; asks for copies of slides of PMSS for a presentation to friends; mentions Ben and Pat (Begley), Mary (Rogers), Robin (Lambert). [010-010b]
November 13, 1976. Burton Rogers, Director Emeritus, to Mr. (Kendall T.) Bassett. Welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Bassett next weekend for meeting with Mr. Greene; Bassett was still on Advisory Board for several years after 1949; provides travel directions. [011]
August 6, 1977. “Burton” (Rogers), Big Log, PMSS, to “Kendall” (Bassett). Outside summer work has delayed sending letter and latest Notes; mentions Jamie (Greene)’s work on the de Long letters; “…the de Long letters were a goldmine….”; appreciates Bassett’s comments on Chapel. [012]
n.d. Photograph: Creek through woods.
n.d. Three photographs mounted on album page: Boy’s Industrial Building, view of valley from above through pine trees, and dirt road along garden and shed. [014]
n.d. Photograph: Boy’s Industrial Building. [015]
n.d. Photograph: View of valley from above through pine trees. [016]
n.d. Photograph: Dirt road along garden and shed. [017]
n.d. Photograph: Creek through woods. [018]
Handwritten note: “Photos taken c. 1930s, donated by Beth Bassett Dal Negro, daughter of Kendall Bassett, PMSS staff member 1926-1928. [019]
See Also: