CATALOGS 1934-35 [?] PMSS Catalog

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 17:  PMSS Publications (Published by the School)

1934-35 [?] PMSS CATALOG

TAGS: 1934-35 [?] PMSS Catalog ; Pine Mountain Settlement School ; publications ; catalogs ; students ; history ; missions ; administrations ; rules ; programs ; requirements ; responsibilities ; Glyn Morris ; morals ; education ; Christian ; non-sectarian ; teaching ; land usage ; agricultural development ; economic development ; Board of Trustees ; secretaries ; presidents ; treasurers ; Hindman Settlement School ; founders ; post-offices ; staff ; gifts ; industrial schools ; courses ; high schools ; colleges ; credits ; academic courses ; industrial courses ; Citizenship Committee ; discipline ; recreation ; entrance requirements ; expenses ; fees ; tuition ; clothing ; equipment ; buildings ; grounds ;

This small catalog was a handbook for prospective and incoming students, introducing the School’s history, values, mission, administration, rules, programs, requirements, and responsibilities. It was probably created c. 1934-1935 during the administration of Glyn Morris.



[COVER] Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky


To give industrial moral, and intellectual education. Christian, but non-sectarian; to serve as a social center in an isolated, intensely rural neighborhood; to further by teaching and by the wise use of its own 335 acres of land, the agricultural and economic development of the country.



GLYN A. MORRIS, Director


Mr. D.D. Martin, President ……………………………….Buffalo, N.Y.
Mrs. Caryl Holton [Celia Cathcart] …………………….London, Ohio
Miss Dorothy F. Bolles, Secretary ………………………Boston, Mass.
Mr. Charles N. Manning, Treasurer …………………..Lexington, Ky.
Mrs. Inghram D. Hook ………………………………………Kansas City, Mo.
Miss Katherine Pettit ………………………………………..Lexington, Ky.
Miss Evelyn K. Wells …………………………………………Summit, N.J.
Mr. J.S. Crutchfield ……………………………………………Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. Ray B. Moss ………………………………………………..Pineville, Ky.




In 1899. Miss Katherine Pettit of Lexington, Kentucky, while taking a walking trip through Bell, Harlan, and Knox Counties, was persuaded by some of the people living at the headwaters of Greasy Creek to found a school in that section. Schools were very scarce in the locality, so Miss Pettit promised that, as soon as conditions permitted, she would try to answer the need for a school.

For the next twelve years she worked as co-head of Hindman Settlement School, and it was not until 1912 that she, along with one or two others, came back to lay plans for the school. In 1913, in company with Miss Ethel de Long, later Mrs. Zande, she came to fulfill her promise of fourteen years before and founded Pine Mountain Settlement School. The person most responsible for their coming was William Creech, Sr., whose urgent pleas and generous grant of 136 acres of land made the school possible.

The first school was held in the upper story of the local store and post-office while the ground was being cleared for the first building. Land had to be drained and supplies hauled for eighteen miles over rough mountain roads. Gradually one building after another was erected, all being constructed from material at hand and by local and student labor, until in 1928 the last building was completed. The school represents not only the labor with hand and brain of its founders, the many people who have been associated with them on the staff, and the work of students, but the good wishes and gifts of hundreds of friends throughout our country.



In 1913 William Creech gave 136 acres of land to start the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Uncle William said. “I want all young-uns taught to serve the livin’ God. I don’t look after wealth for them. I look after the prosperity of our nation. I have heart and cravin’ that our people may grow better. I have deeded my land to the Pine Mountain Settlement School to be used for school purposes as long as the Constitution of the United States stands. Hopin’ it may make a bright and intelligent people after I’m dead and gone.”



Pine Mountain Settlement School is primarily an industrial school. While all the courses ordinarily offered in a four year High School may be had at Pine Mountain, they are given only at the discretion of the school authorities. Our efforts are bent towards giving to each student those subjects both academic and industrial which will be of practical value. With each new year college entrance becomes more difficult. Over-crowding of the professions and economic difficulties have made entrance requirements more stringent. Also, there remains the fact that only a small percentage of our High School students actually get to college. With this in mind, Pine Mountain is trying to offer the type of training which will be of most advantage to the boy or girl who will not go to college, but will go home to the farm, or fit into commercial and industrial life in the community. While transferable credits may be earned for class-room work, very little emphasis is placed upon them in our program. This does not, however, exclude the boy or girl who earnestly desires to go to college. But it does mean that in a large measure the school authorities reserve the right to direct the work of the student, both academic and industrial, and students who come must be prepared to consult with and accept the advice of the staff.

All efforts will be made to discover the student’s particular abilities whether academic or industrial, and to give him all possible training in that for which he is best suited. Pine Mountain seeks to help young people find a useful place in society without wasting time and energy on those things which have no particular bearing on the individual’s personal desires and abilities.



Business ArithmeticDairying
AlgebraPoultry Care
English LiteratureCarpentry
English CompositionForestry
SpellingWoodworking and Furniture Making
GeographyMechanical Drawing
History - AncientWeaving
History - Medieval
History - ModernHome Management
WritingHome Nursing and Baby Care
Elementary ChemistryShorthand and Typing
Elementary PhysicsSimple Store Work
Fundamental Bookkeeping

As early as possible the academic subjects are related to industrial work. The school offers a laboratory for much of the industrial work. Special courses in which students of the Senior High are permitted to major, are as follows: Business, Wood working, Weaving, Home Economics, Agriculture, Auto-Mechanics, and a co-ordinated course in Printing, Commercial Sign Painting, and Photography. Most of the school printing is done in the print-shop;


the electrical work, repairs of all kinds, including carpentry, plumbing etc. are done by the boys. The meals of the school are prepared by the girls, and all the house work and cleaning is done by the girls. The school maintains its own store which handles such staples as are needed by workers and students. The store is managed by the

In connection with the courses in Home Nursing and Baby Care a few girls are given practical experience in Nursing at the Infirmary where they work under the supervision of the doctor and nurse. Boys taking the course in Mechanics have opportunity for practical work on school equipment. The courses in Agriculture, Poultry and Dairy Work are closely connected with the maintenance of our forty acre farm, pigs, herd of twenty cattle and flock of hens.

Practical work in Home Economics is done at Country Cottage, where five girls live with a worker for periods of six weeks. During this time they live on a budget and all planning of meals and purchasing of supplies are done by the students themselves.


The school program is divided into two parts: in the morning while one section carries on the work of the school, the other section attends classes, this being reversed during the afternoon. The evening from 5:30 until 8 o’clock is open for the student to study and to participate in athletics, games, glee club, play practice, student activity meetings, woodworking, art, library, etc. During this period the student may select his activities
and is thrown entirely upon his own responsibility.



RELIGION. The school is not under any one church, but is strongly Christian in its influence. It has a beautiful stone Chapel where services are held every Sunday morning and evening, and to which attendance is compulsory. Bible is taught in the school.

HEALTH. A doctor and trained nurse live at the school taking care of the health of the students. Each student is thoroughly examined, and every effort is made to teach and maintain good health. It is urged that students who live near towns have their teeth examined by a good dentist before coming to school as it is difficult for the school to make any arrangements of this sort. Students who need eyeglasses should procure them before coming. The school does not buy glasses for students.

CITIZENSHIP COMMITTEE. So that the students may share in the responsibility of the school’s internal government, six students are selected by the student body to work together with three workers forming what is known as the Citizenship Committee. This committee handles all problems of discipline as well as other vital matters in the life of the school.

RECREATION. Picnics, entertainments, athletics, hikes, parties, group games, singing, all play an important part in the school life. Moving pictures are shown once a month.

INFORMATION. For further information write or call at the school office, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky.


Any boy or girl, fourteen years of age or over, who is ready for the seventh grade, may apply for admission. The student must present credentials to show the satisfactory completion of sixth grade work.

Entrance Fee ……………………………………………………………….. $ 10.00
This covers book rental and all other fees.
This fee must be paid in cash.

Tuition per month ……………………………………………………………. 3.00
Infirmary per day ………………………………………………………………. .60

Students work on an average of three and one-half hours per day to help pay for their board. This does not cover a student’s total expense, so only those students who give honest, cheerful work will be kept at the school. The school does not tolerate laziness and does not want any boy or girl to apply for a place who is not willing to enter whole-heartedly into doing his or her share in maintaining the school which is here solely for him.

SUPERIOR WORK will be recognized by crediting a student with an hourly rate of pay to be applied on account. Also, the best student in each industrial department will be appointed assistant to the instructor along with which goes a scholarship amounting to the total expenses for one year. Students who have no way of paying their monthly bills may apply for the privilege of staying during vacation to work until the debt is paid. But the school reserves the


right to choose its vacation workers, and only those who have shown willingness in their work during the year need apply. In some cases the school will insist upon the student working to establish a credit balance before taking up any academic work, but no cash refund will be given a student who has a credit balance in the office.

PERSONAL EXPENSES. Students must bring money for pencil, paper, stamps etc., which may be purchased at the school store.


The list of clothing found on the following page is one which we have found after years of experience to be best suited for Pine Mountain. Students are asked to look this list over very carefully and to bring just what is listed. More of each article than given in the following list may be brought if desired, BUT DO NOT COME WITH ANY LESS. Girls are not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes, silk, velvet or rayon dresses or knickers, so DO NOT bring them. Girls are not allowed to use lip-stick and boys are not allowed to smoke. In keeping with our surroundings and with the traditions of the mountains we insist on simple habits of dress. The school cannot take care of trunks, and students are asked not to send their clothing that way.



GIRLS should bring
1 pair stout, low heeled oxfords, not strapped
I pair pumps with rubber heels
Outside bloomers required for gymnasium
2 long sleeved flannelette gowns or pajamas
4 white underbloomers
A bathing suit
3 brassieres
At least 6 handkerchiefs
Garters, 4 or more pairs of stockings
1 middy, not silk
A raincoat
3 or more cotton dresses
A hat for rain or snow
A warm sweater and coat
A kimono, if possible
2 slips, not black
Toothbrush and comb
3 union suits
1 pair tennis shoe
1 pair of rubbers
Dresses should be made with wide hems, 13 inches from the floor

BOYS should bring
2 pairs of stout shoes
3 summer union suits
3 pairs overalls
1 light shirt
2 work shirts, blue or khaki
4 or more pairs of socks
At least 6 handkerchiefs
1 pair of tennis shoes
A bathing suit
1 pair of rubbers
3 winter union suits
1 pair Sunday trousers
A warm sweater
2 flannel gowns or pajamas
A raincoat
Toothbrush and comb



School house
Library 4,000 Volumes
Student Store
Boys Industrial Building
Girls Industrial Building
Print Shop
Six Dwelling Houses
Practice House
Central Dining Room
Running water to all buildings
Electric Light Plant
Poultry House
Tool House
Swimming Pool
Play Ground


Set Up and Printed by Students of Pine Mountain Settlement School



1934-35 [?] – PMSS Catalog

Alt. Title

Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky


1934-35 [?] PMSS CATALOG


Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY

Alt. Creator

Ann Angel Eberhardt ; Helen Hayes Wykle ;

Subject Keyword

1934-35 [?] PMSS Catalog ; Pine Mountain Settlement School ; publications ; catalogs ; students ; history ; missions ; administrations ; rules ; programs ; requirements ; responsibilities ; Glyn Morris ; morals ; education ; Christian ; non-sectarian ; social center ; teaching ; land usage ; agricultural development ; economic development ; Board of Trustees ; Mr. D.D. Martin ; Mrs. Caryl Holton (Celia Cathcart) ; Miss Dorothy F. Bolles ; secretaries ; presidents ; treasurers ; Mr. Charles N. Manning ; Mr. Inghram D. Hook ; Miss Katherine Pettit ; Miss Evelyn K. Wells ; Mr. J.S. Crutchfield ; Mr. Ray B. Moss ; Greasy Creek ; schools ; Hindman Settlement School ; Miss Ethel de Long ; founders ; William Creech, Sr. ; post-offices ; staff ; gifts ; industrial schools ; courses ; high schools ; colleges ; credits ; academic courses ; industrial courses ; laboratories ; printing ; electrical work ; housework ; student stores ; nursing ; Infirmary ; doctors ; nurses ; mechanics ; agriculture ; poultry ; dairy ; farms ; home economics ; Country Cottage ; workers ; classes ; extra-curricular activities ; religion ; Chapel ; Bible classes ; health ; dentists ; eyeglasses ; Citizenship Committee ; discipline ; recreation ; entrance requirements ; expenses ; fees ; tuition ; assistants ; vacation workers ; clothing ; equipment ; buildings ; grounds ; Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ; Buffalo, NY ; London, OH ; Boston, MA ; Lexington, KY ; Kansas City, MO ; Summit, NJ ; Pittsburgh, PA ; Pineville, KY ; Bell County, KY ; Knox County ;

Subject LCSH

1934-35(?) PMSS Catalog.
Pine Mountain Settlement School (Pine Mountain, Ky.) — History.
Harlan County (Ky.) — History.
Education — Kentucky — Harlan County.
Rural schools — Kentucky — History.
Schools — Appalachian Region, Southern.




Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY




Collections ; text ; image ;


Original and copies of documents and correspondence in file folders in filing cabinet


Series 17: PMSS Publications (Published by the School)




Is related to: Pine Mountain Settlement School Collections, Series 17: PMSS Publications (Published by the School)

Coverage Temporal

1934 – 1935 [?]

Coverage Spatial

Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ; Buffalo, NY ; London, OH ; Boston, MA ; Lexington, KY ; Kansas City, MO ; Summit, NJ ; Pittsburgh, PA ; Pineville, KY ; Bell County, KY ; Knox County ;


Any display, publication, or public use must credit the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Copyright retained by the creators of certain items in the collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.




Handbook by and about The Pine Mountain Settlement School and digital image thereof.




Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY

Processed By

Helen Hayes Wykle ; Ann Angel Eberhardt ;

Last Updated

2013-11-18 hw ; 2014-06-05 aae ;



1934-35 [?] – PMSS Catalog. Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. Archival material.