Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 10: BUILT ENVIRONMENT (Physical Plant)
Girls Industrial Building, 1924-present
aka: Elwood J. Carr Plant Center
aka: Industrial Kitchen
aka: Girl’s Home Economics Building
Girl’s Industrial. Facade, raking view from below, c. 1930s. [II_6_swimming_draper_boys_264.jpg]
Girl’s Industrial in Fall light. Photo: H. Wykle. [DSCF0025-1-1024×768.jpg]
GIRLS Industrial Building, 1924-25 – present
TAGS: Girls Industrial Building, E. J. Carr Plant Center, Industrial Kitchen, home economics, environmental education, classrooms, Cooperative Store
Also known as the E. J. Carr Plant Center, the Girl’s Industrial Building has served many functions over its lifespan. The long list of activities in the building includes:
1924-1925 Fireside Industries & Home Economics classes
1940s Cooperative Store
1953 or 1954 Primary building in grade school
1972? Office of Environmental Education Department
1976 Classroom for Special Education
1984? E .J. Carr Plant Center
Cost: $4,701.00.
Built in 1924-1925
Building and equipment valued at $4982.00
Construction: Two-story wooden frame building. The first floor, or basement, is stone.
Description: Three rooms, a fairly large kitchen with two coal stoves, a laundry with one coal stove, and a very large sewing room heated with a coal stove.
Comments: “The building is very poorly constructed. The joists and rafters are too small and are buckling badly.”
GALLERY: Girl’s Industrial Building
Girl’s Industrial. Handwritten description by Mary Rogers.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view with Boy’s House behind and to right after snowfall.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view of building in deep snow.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view of building to left and Boy’s House and Playground in distance.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view from Laurel House.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade seen through trees from across Isaac’s Creek.
Girl’s Industrial. Distant view across field in Autumn.
Girl’s Industrial. View with school bus in front, 1950s.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade, raking view from below.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade view.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade, raking view.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade view in color.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade view with Uncle William Creech Fountain in front.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade, close view.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade view from across Isaac’s Creek.
Girl’s Industrial. Facade, raking view from the east.
Girl’s Industrial. Interior view of weaving room.
Girl’s Industrial. Interior view of weaving room with looms.
Girl’s Industrial. Interior view of Co-op Store, c. 1940s. [II_6_swimming_draper_boys_263a.jpg]
Girl’s Industrial. Interior view of Co-op Store, c. 1940s. [II_6_swimming_draper_boys_264b]
GALLERY: Restoration Project
Girl’s Industrial
Girl’s Industrial
Girl’s Industrial
Girl’s Industrial
Girl’s Industrial
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
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Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration
Girl’s Industrial restoration.
Girl’s Industrial restoration
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Girl’s Industrial Building
Alt. Title
E. J. Carr Plant Center ; Primary Building ;
Alt. Title
Industrial Kitchen ; Girl’s Home Economics Building ;
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY
Alt. Creator
Ann Angel Eberhardt ; Helen Hayes Wykle ;
Subject Keyword
Girl’s Industrial Building ; Pine Mountain Settlement School ; Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ; E. J. Carr Plant Center ; Fireside Industries ; Home Economics classes ; Cooperative Store ; Environmental Education ; Special Education ; basements ; wood frame buildings ; kitchens ; coal stoves ; laundries ; sewing rooms ; joists ; rafters ; Mary Rogers ; weaving rooms ; Uncle William Creech Fountain ; Isaac’s Creek ; snow ; Boy’s House ; Playground ; Laurel House ;
Subject LCSH
Girl’s Industrial Building– Pine Mountain Settlement School (Pine Mountain, Ky.) — History.
Architecture — Pine Mountain Settlement School.
Pine Mountain Settlement School (Pine Mountain, Ky.) — History.
Harlan County (Ky.) — History.
Historic Buildings — Kentucky — Appalachia.
Rural schools — Kentucky — History.
Schools — Appalachian Region, Southern.
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY
Collections ; text ; image ;
Original and copies of images, documents, and correspondence in file folders in filing cabinet
Series 10: Built Environment (Physical Plant)
Is related to: Pine Mountain Settlement School Collections, Series 10: Built Environment (Physical Plant) ; Kentucky Virtual Library collections <> [searchable]
Berea College Southern Appalachian Archives <>
Transylvania College Archives <>
Univ. of KY Appalachian Archives <>
National Historic Landmarks Database <>
Coverage Temporal
1924 – present
Coverage Spatial
Pine Mountain, KY ; Harlan County, KY ;
Any display, publication, or public use must credit the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Copyright retained by the creators of certain items in the collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Core documents, correspondence, writings, and administrative papers about Girl’s Industrial Building ; clippings, photographs, books about Girl’s Industrial Building ;
Girl’s Industrial Building, also known as “Girl’s Home Economics Building,” was begun in 1924. The weaving room was occupied in the first part of 1925. The remainder of the building was completed and occupied in the fall of 1925. In 1940 the building and equipment was valued at $4,982.00. The Construction is a two-story wooden frame building with a basement of stone construction. The original building had three rooms on the main floor, with a fairly large kitchen and two coal stoves, a laundry with one coal stove, and a very large sewing room heated with a coal stove. It was noted in one record that the building was very poorly constructed and that the joists and rafters are too small and are buckling badly.
Constructed 1924-25
Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY
Processed By
Helen Hayes Wykle ; Ann Angel Eberhardt ;
Last Updated
2013-09-21hhw ; 2014-05-15 aae ; 2022-01-10 hhw ; 2023-04-04 aae ;
Pine Mountain Settlement School Institutional Papers. Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, KY. Archival material.
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