Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 17: PMSS Publications
PINE CONE 1940 October, Vol. 5 No. 1
TAGS: Pine Cone 1940 October, student publications, student governments, student activities, Guidance Institute, WWII, library cataloging, hospital, community activities, staff members, visitors, campus news
Page 1
“Students Revise Government” [rules for attaining 3 grades of School citizenship]
Fillers: “Community Day”
“Annual Guidance Institute Convenes” [third year; activities and accomplishments of Guidance Institute]
“Three Harlan High Schools Represented in Round Table” [discussed problems of area youth]
“Rural Teachers and Consultants Meet”
Page 2
THE PINE CONE – “A school and community paper published monthly by the students of Pine Mountain Settlement School.”
Editor – Robert L. Blanton
Assistant Editor – Eleanor Ayers
Business Manager – Fred C. Jones
Assistant Manager – Willard Enix
Reporters – June Anderson, Bonnie Ayers, Mabel Beeler, Helen Cornett, Oral Howard, Theda Hackman, R.L. Huddleston, Majel Jones, Emmy Mullins, Velma Peters, Nelle Shuler, Jewell Weaver
Advisor – Vera R. Hackman
“Welcome” [More new P.M. students than ever before: of the 90 boarding students in residence, 39 are first-timers; 27 day students]
“Go to It, Young Americans” [How the war is affecting our lives]
“Girls Grease Cars” [Lists the 9 freshman girls are taking Mechanics class under Mr. Areson as part of their Survey Course.]
“Library Catalogued” [Partial cataloging of P.M. library by 2 volunteer workers, Miss Sue Pullens and Miss Virginia McDonough from Berea College; accessioned 3,000 books using Dewey decimal system; Miss Edith Cold, librarian, and teacher of library science; lists recent gifts to library]
“Gymnastic Club Organizes” [By Karl Henson and Herman Irick; 15 members so far]
Page 3
“Hospital Extends Services” [Status changed from infirmary to small hospital; 6-12 beds are filled continuously; two affiliate nurses from Berea Hospital, Ivra Hill and Elsie Flick, took Social Welfare Training at the hospital; Miss Elizabeth Cain, Berea graduate, is substituting for Miss Grace M. Rood; Kentucky Dental Unit held for 2 weeks in trailer on campus]
“Safety Day in Harlan” [Miners and visitors attend first aid demonstrations and other activities]
“Creech School Organizes P.T.A. for Coming Year: [Lists officers and program committee]
“Social Security Committee Issues Numbers” [Four commission members visit P.M.; eligibility]
Page 4
“Creech School Visited” [Community classes visited Creech School to study educational methods]
“New Staff Members Arrive Early” [To attend Guidance Institute; Miss Edith Cold returned; August Angel returned to run Print Shop; Mr. Malcolm Arny is new Counselor; Miss Ella Trufant, housemother and singing teacher; Miss Barbara Spelman, office bookkeeper; Mrs. Edith Jones, secretary; Miss Nancy Ward, home economics teacher; Miss Myrtle Lee Green, itinerant home economics worker; Mrs. Birdena Bishop, Community Group teacher]
“Dramatic Club Will Produce Folk Plays” [15 members to present club’s first one-act plays]
Page 5
“College Students Enjoy Work at Pine Mountain” [Lists names of summer work camp counselors.]
“Workers Attend Barter Theater” [Dr. Latham Hatcher and Miss Marion Humble, departing Institute consultants, took workers to performance in Abingdon, VA.]
“War Worker Visits Pine Mountain” [Miss Anne Kivimaki gives talk to faculty club about her work in Finland.]
“Books to Enjoy” [Gift of 3 books by May Justis from Miss Marion Humble; review of “Bambi” by Felix Salten.]
Page 6
“War Worker Visits School (continued from page five)”
“Institute Convenes (continued from page one)”
“Co-Op Organized” [Directed by Miss Gladys Hill, assisted by Carl Farley and Louise Hawn; operates in Schoolhouse; will move to Laurel House]
“Youth Round Table (continued from page one)”
“Mrs. [Mary Rockwell] Hook Inspects Laurel House” [Accompanied by Mrs. James F. Trimble & Mrs. Anderson Gratz]. Girls to move from Industrial Building to Laurel House.
“Boys House Remodeled” [Describes improvements]
“Halloween Party” [to be held]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 01. [pinecone_1940_10_001.jpg]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 02. [pinecone_1940_10_002.jpg]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 03. [pinecone_1940_10_003.jpg]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 04. [pinecone_1940_10_004.jpg]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 05. [pinecone_1940_10_005.jpg]
- Pine Cone 1940 Oct, Vol. 5, page 06. [pinecone_1940_10_006.jpg]