DARWIN D. MARTIN 1927 Correspondence Part 1

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Board of Trustees
Series 05: GOVERNANCE – Board of Trustees
Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence Part 1

DARWIN D. MARTIN 1927 Correspondence Part 1

Interior of Darwin D. Martin House, Buffalo, New York, looking North. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Historic American Buildings Survey HABS: NY,15-BUF,5-1 [Wikipedia] [Darwin_D._Martin_House_Living_Room_N1.jpg]

DARWIN D. MARTIN 1927 Correspondence Part 1

TAGS: Darwin D. Martin, 1927 correspondence 1, Pine Mountain Settlement School Trustees, Ethel de Long Zande, advice, counsel, Delco Power generator, Ford truck, Katherine Pettit, Evelyn K. Wells, student labor, donations, gifts, by-laws, liabilities, Frank Lloyd Wright, mailing lists, printshop, postal service, C.N. Manning, fundraising, flooding, L. & N. train service, Columbus Creech, filing cabinets, auditors, laundry machinery

CONTENTS: DARWIN D. MARTIN 1927 Correspondence 1 (Images 001-051)

[Note: Letters from PMSS staff in the PMSS Collections are carbon copies, typewritten, unsigned, and meant for the Office files.The original signed copies were sent to the correspondents. The initials at the bottom left of most PMSS letters indicate the writer (along with initials of the secretary). For example, “EZ” are the initials for Ethel de Long Zande, “KP” refers to Katherine Pettit, and “EKW” to Evelyn K. Wells. Letters from Darwin D. Martin are typewritten on a letterhead with his name and address at “Marine Trust Building, Buffalo, NY.” The following list of contents is in chronological order and not necessarily in the order of the image numbers.]

Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence 1: January – March

001 January 3 (sic, 1927). David D. Martin, Marine Trust Building, Buffalo, NY, to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, commenting on her December 30th letter. Assures Zande that he will pay for a new 1 1/2-ton Ford truck for Luigi Zande and will contribute “substantially” to a new power system. Asks where a second piano would be installed; recommends “A School That Goes to the Children” in the December 31st Literary Digest.

002-003 January 24. Two-page letter from EZ (Zande) to Martin, reporting that she has received the “tennis net and wire” and asks if it is a gift. Encloses a check for Berto’s sled. She hopes Board members will arrive for their meeting early enough for the May Day celebration. Gives advice on what his talk should be about. Zande compares Lincoln Memorial School to Berea; mentions that the School may need a new dormitory. “It now seems to be pretty well settled in everybody’s mind that we are not taking young children….” Encloses a sample of fabric used for “strainers” and asks if Larkin Company can get it for less than 19 cents a yard. Asks if Mr. Charles Kellogg will join him in visiting PMSS.

004 February 2. Martin to Mrs. Zande, responding to topics in her January 24th letter. “It will be splendid to have your next dormitory erected by student labor. Many industrial schools thus make one hand wash the other in fine shape.” Encloses fabric samples from Clawson & Wilson.

005 February 16. EZ (Zande) to Martin. “It’s a discovery that often comes too late in life, how valuable every minute is if you can just keep yourself really alive in it.” Places order for cheesecloth. Mentions a visit by Miss Bigelow.

007-008 March 21. Two-page letter from EZ (Zande) to Martin, [007] mentioning his paying for a “wringer” and explaining, 

“I didn’t intend to beg when I wrote that letter to you. When I do intend to beg I will always hang up a flag so you will know ahead. You must never feel the slightest obligation to assume the expense of anything I write you about.. You are so capable about getting things done promptly and cheaply for us that it is a great temptation to turn over requests to you. …”

Zande then “hangs up the flag” and tells him of PMSS’s needs, that he might mention to “somebody with a nice fat pocketbook”: a new typewriter and a small truck, possibly a “Fordson, for then if later on we get a silo we could use the motor for grinding the silage.” It would also be useful for hauling coal to the houses.

Zande also describes the need to “make changes in a group of our buildings”: such as, adding rooms to the Model Home and Infirmary. [008] She has postponed the Board meeting so that she can return “to Baltimore for more radium treatments.”

009 March 28. Martin to Mrs. Zande, who has paid for a hammock he is sending her. Describes himself as a “notoriously poor mixer” who belongs to no clubs and “unfitted for Chairmanship of your Board, as that position should be held by a natural booster.” He will send a typewriter and discuss the truck and building changes with her at the May 7th meeting.

010 March 31. EZ (Zande) to Martin, agreeing with him about attending Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs. A new truck could not be used to cross the mountain “but it would save our mules a lot of hard work and make them available for other work.” Appreciates receiving an Underwood typewriter and his gift of a hammock.

Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence 1: April – May

011 April 25. Martin to Mrs. Zande. Mrs. Martin is sending “a few cheap prints.” Describes travel plans for PMSS meeting “and will depend on Wilson Lewis’ taxi mule for the morning of May 7th.” He may bring Dr. Frank H. Severance, Secretary of the Buffalo Historical Society, with him.

006 April 25, 1927, the date of a note, signed by “D.D.M.”, that was typewritten in the margin of a letter, providing the present address of the letter’s author, Mr. Heyl in Rochester, NY, and suggesting that Heyl should be a PMSS subscriber. Mr. Heyl’s letter, dated February 12, 1924, was addressed to Martin and describes attending a talk by Miss [Evelyn K.] Wells about PMSS and realizing that Martin was “President of the Advisory Board.” Hyle was inspired to pledge a donation to PMSS.

012 May 18. To “Friend (Mrs. Luigi Zande),” from The Christian Science Publishing Society, Boston, MA, notifying her that “through the courtesy of Mr. Darwin D. Martin of Buffalo,” Zande will receive “[i]ssues of The Christian Science Monitor from May 17 through June 30, including twenty to contain the results of the National Prohibition Survey.”

013 May 21. Martin to Elizabeth Hench [trustee], with a copy and postscript to Mrs. Zande, stating that he is changing the by-laws by striking out the requirement that “neither a majority or any trustees need to be Kentucky residents.” [P.S. to Mrs. Zande: “[T]hanks to Miss Heinz for forwarding Mrs. Martin’s delayed telegram.” Encloses an envelope for a Sun Up property.]

014 May 21. A copy for Miss Wood of a note to Walter L. Brown, Buffalo Public Library, from [unsigned, likely Martin], stating that PMSS (“a most interesting school of which I am a trustee”) would like a “list of one-book-man’s books,” and naming a few examples.

015-016 May 24. Two-page letter from Martin to Mrs. Zande, [015] asking about the School’s liabilities. His architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, suggested a title change to a poster to “A Mountain Man’s Hopes,” omitting reference to “old man.” Provides additions to PMSS’s mailing list with explanations. [016] Martin inspired J.S. Duncan, of Chicago, former president of Addressograph Co., to visit PMSS. Martin suggests that the School does its own printing, which he offered to organize. He gives examples of vocational printing in other schools. Asks about improving mail service at Laden and selling woven hickory bark seat dining-room chairs.

019 May 25. Martin to Mrs. Zande, about Zande’s awning order and his order for a bedspread from Miss [Florence] Daniels (weaving instructor).

Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence 1: June

024 June 4. Martin To Mrs. Zande, enclosing a draft of PMSS By-Laws for Board approval, slightly revised by having removed the mandate that trustees must be Kentucky residents.
025 Copy of the BY-LAWS, 1927: Members of the Advisory Board shall elect from their number, the Trustees and then they are voted for by the members of the Board of Trustees.

017-018 June 8. Two-page letter from [truncated, likely Zande] to Martin. [017] Describes her and Berto’s holiday visit to Beaufort, SC, with Miss [Abby] Christensen and Miss Burger. Sent his list of books to Miss Wood who is summering at Chapel Hill. Provides a list of PMSS liabilities and an update on finances. [018] Answers his question about biographical notes on the contribution cards and about considering a printing shop on campus. Gives reasons why the students should not work with certain printed material. Tells of her efforts to improve the post office deliveries; where he can write for a list of Appalachian Mountain private schools (Russell Sage Foundation). “Hickory split-bottomed chairs are $1.85 apiece.”

020 June 10. Encloses an appeal from the National Literacy Crusade, clippings from Buffalo newspapers about “the scorn of mountaineers for Red Cross assistance,” and a letter from C.N. Manning.

021-022 The appeal letter from the National Illiteracy Crusade, Washington, DC, (Mrs. Cora Wilson Steward, Director – aka “Moonlight Schools lady”), listing board of directors, stating their mission, and asking for pledges. 

026 June 13. KP (Katherine Pettit) to Martin, approving the By-Laws. “Big Log House enjoyed you so much, and I hope you will always have some time for that group of children when you come to Pine Mountain. The boys and girls got so much out of your visit.”

027 June 21. (Unsigned, possibly Zande) to Martin, expressing appreciation for his assistance in fundraising for a new dormitory and recruiting new staff. Mentions moonlight schools in Kentucky and the effects of flooding on the community as described in the enclosed letter from Kitty Ritchie. Miss Key is volunteering her services to the State Board of Health, and Mr. Manning and Mr. Jouett of L. and N. Railroad joined a commission to “Rehabilitate the Kentucky Mountains.” Mentions the awnings, Mr. Manning’s endorsement of the By-Laws, and Dr. [Alfreda] Withington.

028 June 21. Martin to Mrs. Zande, updating her on getting better postal service “over the Star Route from Pine Mountain to Laden, Ky” by contacting a former Postmaster General who became a lawyer in Washington. 

029 June 24. EZ (Zande) to Martin. The train schedule recently changed to an earlier time, so “our effort to have mail taken by the morning train was frustrated.”

030 June 24. Martin to Mrs. Zande, suggesting that Miss [Evelyn K.] Wells prepare a “socratic dialogue for Pine Mountain” similar to the “Literature of the Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial Institute.”

034 June 25. EKW (Evelyn K. Wells) to Martin, asking prices of Shaw-Walker steel filing cabinets; asked details about the newly married Himmelsbach.

031-032 June 30. Two-page letter to Martin from EZ (Zande). Mentions his helping get L. & N. train service to Lynch; purchasing laundry machinery; Republic Metalware catalogue. Zande attests to Columbus Creech’s ability to be the “boss” of the camp on Big Laurel. She tells a story about Columbus Creech that she heard from Mr. Bird, illustrating his “uprightness.” Mentions Mr. Wrigley and Piney Woods ads for his chewing gum.

Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence 1: July

035 July 1. Martin to Miss Wells, providing the cost of a Globe-Wernicke filing cabinet.

039 July 1. Martin to Mrs. Zande, advising her to write to Mrs. Richardson.

036 July 5. (Unsigned, apparently Wells) to Martin, about ordering the filing cabinet and her plans to raise money for it.

033 July 7. Martin to Mrs. Zande. He thinks Mrs. Parke will come to PMSS and provides updates on the other issues they had been discussing: L.& N. train to Lynch, an enamel ware order, paying Miss Daniels, writing Mrs. Richardson. Comments on Columbus Creech.

037 July 8. Martin to Miss Wells. He has ordered the filing cabinet and will pay for it.

038 July 14. (Unsigned, likely Miss Wells) to Martin, expressing appreciation for the gift of a filing cabinet. Mrs. Zande had a “good report from her doctor….”

023 July 25. EZ (Zande) to Martin. Zande comments on a response she received from Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart after Zande had asked for a report. Orders a dozen canvas cots for emergency use at the School, such as at the Infirmary, at clinics, and during the opening of school, “when it is quite desirable to have more children than we have beds for. Our experience has taught us that some homesick ones are going to drop out during the first few days.” Also asks for prices of mattresses and provides sizes.

040 July 26. Martin to Mrs. Zande, enclosing a letter from Russel Sage Foundation stating “that it knows of no census of Appalachian mountain private schools.” Mentions “Julius Rosenwald’s benefactions to colored primary schools” and Mrs. Campbell.

041 July 27. EZ (Zande) to Martin, confirming that “Chester Blanton was the boy who met you in 1919.” Tells a story about him (with typhoid fever); nephew of Mrs. Henry Creech. Mentions appreciation for Sweets Architectural Catalogue and filing case.

042 July 28. (Unsigned, likely Zande) to Martin, with the outcome of auditor Mr. Mansell’s visit. He had “fine things to say about Miss Jones’ first year of work on the books….He considers that our relations with [treasurer] Mr. [C.N.] Manning are too informal, and as our endowment funds grow larger he thinks we should conform to ordinary business custom more….” She gives examples of what those customs are, such as the board approving the investments instead of herself doing so; and using a safe deposit box in the School’s name and with another trustee present when the box is opened each month. Mansell suggests working “towards these suggestions gradually”; Zande asks if these suggestions could come from Martin as president of the Board of Trustees.

Darwin D. Martin 1927 Correspondence 1: August

043 August 1. Martin to Mrs. Zande, advising the contents of the letter to Mr. Manning from the Chairman of the Board. He will write the letter with “Mr. Mansell’s and your literary efforts as a basis.”

044 August 4. EZ (Zande) to Martin, enclosing a copy of a letter from her to Mr. Manning, feeling “this would be the most direct and simple way of putting the matter before him.” Asks about mattresses and cots.

046 August 6. Martin to Mrs. Zande. A set of books will be sent to Miss Wood from W.H. Lowdermilk & Co, Washington DC. He lists eight books.

045 & 047 August 6. [045] Martin to Mrs. Zande, enclosing a letter from the American Laundry Machinery Co. and compares sizes and prices of the current Thor cylinder with the one from the company. Asks the rate in HP and watts of the Delco. Writing to Hoppes Water Wheel Co. [047] August 2. J.S. Thomson, Representative in Buffalo for The American Laundry Machinery Co. to Martin, providing quotes on laundry equipment. 

048-049 N.D. Two-page specification sheet for “The American Globe Wood Washer,” 30” diameter by 48 “ long — end header, single geared.
050-051 N.D. Two-page specification sheet for “The American Globe Wood Washer,” 30” diameter by 48” long — belted motor driven.

Next: DARWIN D. MARTIN 1927 Correspondence Part 2 – August 9 – December 29

See also: DARWIN D. MARTIN Board – Biography

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