Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 11: FARM
Series 16: EVENTS
FARM 1963 Community Fair Day

Fair Day Narrative Accompanying a Dear Friend Letter from Burton Rogers, 1963 Sept 12, page 2. [1963Sept12BurtonRogerstoFriend2-scaled.jpg]
FARM 1963 Community Fair Day
October 5, 1963
TAGS: 1963 Community Fair Day, Board of Trustees, Homecoming, 50th anniversary celebration, Burton Rogers, Dear Friend letter, Little Shepherd Trail, William Hayes, Boy Scouts, Health Department, Homemakers, Homecoming, Aunt Sal’s Cabin, handicrafts, Indian artifacts, Pine Mountain Room in library, Mary Rogers, folk dancing
The Community Fair Day is one of many annual events that has a long history at Pine Mountain Settlement School. It started in 1917 as an extension of the Harlan County Fair and the School’s “Farmer’s Day.”
While the fundamental program of the Fair has remained remarkably consistent, the scale and scope of the Fair have varied from year to year as interest in fairs waxed and waned in the School, the community, and the nation.
On Saturday, October 5, 1963, a combined Trustees’ Meeting, Pine Mountain Fair, Homecoming, and 50th anniversary celebration was held at Pine Mountain Settlement School. The following summarizes a narrative that describes the event. (See image above for the full text.)
CONTENTS: 1963 Community Fair Day Description
An unsigned typewritten narrative that accompanied a DEAR FRIEND fundraising letter from PMSS Director Burton Rogers describes the observance of PMSS’s 50th anniversary. It was held on October 5, 1963, at the Community Fair on a clear sunny day brightened even more by fall colors. A “very large crowd” enjoyed special events and displays about the anniversary. The Board of Trustees attended an outdoor picnic, an evening business meeting and a tour of the Little Shepherd Trail. The Trail was built by the State Division of Forestry under the direction of Pine Mountain’s former student and farm manager, William Hayes.
The narrative describes the Anniversary Fair Day’s displays and sponsors, such as the Boy Scouts, the Health Department, community churches and Community Homemakers. A Reunion Table was set up to register former students and distribute name tags.
Three special places on campus were opened for visitors: Aunt Sal’s Cabin hosted by two of her great-great grandchildren in costume; a display in Laurel House arranged by Jerry Workman, Berea College graduate and PMSS teacher, of articles made by community members during the past century; and a display of Indian artifacts discovered by William Hayes.
The special Pine Mountain Room in the library was opened for the first time with displays of the School’s past 50 years organized by Mary Rogers. A formal anniversary program was presented on the Burkham Schoolhouse porch. Special guests included the Trustees, Columbus Creech (William Creech’s son), Lucretia Garfield Comer (an early staff member), Edna Ritchie (former student and well-known folk singer), President Francis S. Hutchins (Berea College and BOT chairman).
Tableau scenes were presented by students in costume accompanied by a narrative written by Mary Rogers and read by Mrs. Cora Campbell and Rev. Alvin Boggs, staff members. Two former students from each of the five decades of the School demonstrated community service through the years and Marion Leech sang the School song, written by the Class of 1944 and accompanied by her husband William Leach, great-grandson of William Creech. Elizabeth Watts, a longtime Hindman Settlement School employee, closed with the 121st Psalm.
The day ended with a late afternoon tour of the grounds for former students, a buffet supper and an evening of folk dancing in Laurel House.
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FARM Guide to Community Fair Days
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ART and CRAFT Guide
COMMUNITY – What is Community? – Post