HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 4

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 02: GOVERNANCE – Board of Trustees
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Harriet Crutchfield Journal Part 4
May through December 1929

LAND USE Water Protection Plan ;  HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 4

Reservoir with heavy run-off. [kingman_031b.jpg]

TAGS: Harriet Crutchfield journal, Harriet Crutchfield, Harriet Crutchfield Orndorff, coverlids, commencement plays, train travel, teachers, reservoir, water conservation, vaccinations, typhoid shots, Miss Purbrick, Delphia Turner, Kitty Russel, dramatizations, horseback trip to Hindman, Fireside Industries, Halloween parties, infantile paralysis, ministers, Katherine Pettit, Angela Melville, nativity play 

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 4

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD JOURNAL TRANSCRIBED PART 4 consists of full transcriptions of Harriet Crutchfield’s handwritten letters which she sent to her parents in May through December 1929.

Harriet was a PMSS teacher of fifth grade from 1928 to 1930 and later a member of the PMSS Advisory Board.

Her complete journal consisted of over 200 pages of Pine Mountain observations, reflections and experiences that filled a small black binder. Displayed below are transcriptions of images 153-207. Those images can be seen here: HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcriptions Part 4.

Harriet’s letters were written on both sides of each sheet of paper and each sheet is numbered only on one side. The transcribed pages are numbered sequentially and do not follow Crutchfield’s sequence which numbered for the page, including front [recto] and back [verso]. The front sides of some pages had the following letterhead: “Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Harlan Co., Kentucky.”

Holes were punched on the left side of each sheet to fit into a Journal, resulting in some truncated words which are indicated by question marks. Question marks also indicate indecipherable words. The text has been slightly edited for clarity. The transcriptions are in chronological order and may not necessarily match the order of the image numbers.

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 4

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Pine Mt.
May 4, 1929

Dear Mother,

Florence is, at last, getting to our coverlids. She tells me now that Delphia [Turner]’s coverlids measure 61 inches wide and Mrs. Jackson’s 71 inches wide. Do you think we need the extra width? The only reason that I would choose Delphia’s work is that I know her and it is nice to have work from someone you know. That is a minor matter if 71 inches is desirable, however. The price of each is identical. Are you sure 99 inches is long enough? M[argaret]. Motter is having hers 3 yds.

Please answer these…

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…questions by return mail as the work is waiting.

Thot (sic) you & Pa might like to see Dr. Record’s letter. I wrote & thanked him for his offer.

Kitty has just arrived looking elegant. I am writing this in the Laden store. Wish you were here! Delighted that Miss Betty is coming. K. Russel comes next Friday. You will wonder about my work and so do I.

Much love,

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Pine Mountain
May 22, 1929

My precious Mother,

I feel like the worst kind of a bum for not getting any word off to you for such ages. It seems as though there has been one great rush of events for the last month.

Even now I have no idea when you are getting home and whether this letter will ever reach you, but I’m taking the chance since I received word from Father that you were at the Lowry Hotel.

I know that you are…

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…giving the Convention a “big time” as well as having one yourself. It is so nice that you could go.

The two Kitties and Miss Betty and I had a whirl here together. Wasn’t it lovely that they all could come! We had perfect weather for their visit, with only a few days of rain after Kitty C. had gotten over the mt. But after their departure it poured for a solid week, just clearing yesterday. However, Providence was with us, for last night was the dress rehearsal, & to-night the great night for the performance of “Robin Hood” — the commencement play and big event of the ending exercises. M[argaret]. …

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…Motter and I have been slaving over it for a month, so were most gratified to have it come off most successfully.

I leave here Saturday P.M., arrive La Grange in the morning and will stay until Monday night, arriving Pittsburgh, Tuesday A.M., on the same train that Kitty took. Let me know if this is not O.K. I hope you will be home by that time.

Just got a letter from Father to-night, saying that Mr. Boggs[?] had arranged Uncle’s and my sailing for June 15th. Isn’t that thrilling?

I must go to bed. Please excuse this awful scratching. It looks worse than I realized. I can hardly wait to get home and see…

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With much, much love,

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Pine Mountain
August 23, 1929

Dearest Mother,

I haven’t been able to write before now because I’m in the midst of a great sleeping reform. I’ve been getting to bed much earlier than usual and consequently feel much better. My cold was rather pesky at first but it is gradually wearing itself out and will be gone in a few days I think.

I just got your letter to-night, so could not get the check to Putney for the Friday train. It ought to come over Tuesday and I have enough clothes here to get along comfortably. I think it was…

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…awfully nice of Mr. Steele to let you check it without the ticket. I did inquire at the Cin. station for my pass, but the Dixie Terminal was closed before my train arrived. It is the uptown office of the L. & N. & maybe the pass was there. The ticket only cost $9.92, so I doubt if Father would want to try to get a refund. I’ll send the receipt home in the next letter, as I don’t have it with me now.

I wonder how you all are getting along at home. I suppose the boys will be back soon and then winter plans will have to take shape. Do let me know what Kitty and Albin decide.

It is great fun having…

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…Kitty Russel here. She is just as funny as ever and seems to get a big kick out of the children. She has been living in Boys’ House in Astrid [Andersen]’s room, but to-morrow she moves up to the Infirmary. It will be elegant having her there so near and convenient and it will also mean a companion for me to walk up the hill with. She is going to take the tutoring work for the children below the seventh grade.

We seem to have an awfully nice, attractive group of students this year — about 50 old ones and 50 new. I will write you about them later.

I am going to teach Algebra II, Geography VII and two sections of Old Testament. Also, I’ve been…[MISSING PAGE(s)]

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Pine Mountain
Sunday, September 1, 1929

Dearest Mother,

Our busy and hectic week is behind me, I am thankful to say —  behind instead of before. The first days of every class are simply terrifying to me for some reason, but I hope I will be calmed down more this week. My schedule is as follows:

7:30-8:15 ——– Algebra II — daily

8:15-9:00 ——– Latin I ——- “   “

12:10-12:55 —- Geog VII — Mon. Tues. Frid.

2:45-3:30 ——– Bible II —– Wed. Thurs. Frid.

3:30-4:15 ——– Bible II —–  “     “     “      “  (same course)

Then a couple of days a week I have our study period from 4:15-5:00 and, every evening but Saturday, study period from 6:30-8:00.

I have a normal sized schedule…

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…now, tho (sic) it is much heavier than last year. However, it’s not the hours, but the subjects that get me. The Algebra and Latin come easy (Latin had to be taught after all to the third high, as they need it to try to get into college) but Geog. is a new subject and Bible is an awful strain. The High I is a class of 24 aging from 14 to 21, which makes it quite difficult with such a subject. The High II only has 14 in it, a much more manageable size and, besides, they are all my old children from last year, whom I know and like.

We are having a very serious drought just at present. There has been only one good rain since I’ve been back and they had had some before that for three weeks. Just to help matters out, a leak developed in the pipe to-day, making…

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…the reservoir go down in a couple of hours as much as it would have in a week of normal use. Fortunately, the place was located and fixed. We are being very careful, bathing in thimbles full, but there is plenty of drinking [water?] still — at least. Our concern at present is to keep the water high enough for the necessary pressure in case we need to use the fire hose.

The dress, candy and shoes came and I was delighted. The dress is marvelous for $3.50. I liked it loads but didn’t want to pay 7.00 or so when I didn’t crave the neck, especially. I’ve worn it a couple of times and everyone has loved it. The candy too was a treat. Did Alice and Grace make it? Thank them[?] a whole lot.

It is really great fun having…

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…Kitty here. She lives at the Infirmary now, so we can walk up and down the hill together — a great asset and time saver as we do a lot of our visiting then.

I’ll write Mr. V. Snowden about the apples to-nite. Can’t remember ever telling him not to send apples by parcel post. Do you know whether Father has ordered any honeydews sent down? He said he would, but I know he has plenty else to think about.

Here’s our piece of lace. Do you want the rest? I can send it on in another letter or bring it home at Xmas.

Loads & loads of love,

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Pine Mountain
September 8, 1929

Dearest Mother,

At last, rain has come! It has been hot and muggy all week but not until yesterday did we have any results. The clouds and the wind were really magnificent but the liquid was not too plentiful when it came. Even at that, the reservoir went up six inches, and the fairly thorough rain of to-night ought to make things more comfortable. You will realize what a vital subject this is when I tell you that I haven’t had a decent tub bath since I’ve been here. I’ve stepped in a tub twice with but two inches of water in it — a thrilling experience.

However, the sparing[?] baths[?] haven’t been quite so aggravating to use as they might have been, for…

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…I’ve had a vaccination on my upper leg ever since a few days after I got here and Miss Purbrick says I can’t let it get wet until the scab comes off. Thus, a real soaking bath would have been denied me anyway. I think the vaccination must have taken mildly as it got quite inflamed and has kept the scab so long. I am going to have the typhoid shots in a week or so, as the school advises it as a timely precaution, even tho there doesn’t seem to be much typhoid about.

Before I leave the bath question, one of the unsavory features is the inability of the children to soak, for you can imagine the odors when they have been working hard in the kitchen or field one of these hot days.

Kitty’s father and aunt are leaving for a trip to Japan and the Orient next week. She turned…

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…down the invitation to go with them to come down here. Altho there were a number of reasons for her not going, I think it was a pretty big decision for her to choose this. She is fitting in awfully well and seems to be enjoying it, too, I am glad to say.

As usual, there is a remarkable collection of workers here which it would take at least one sizable volume to describe. I have a perfect peach up here in Country Cottage — a Mrs. [Barbara Merrill] Bartlett from New England. The house has been remodeled and is a thousand times nicer and more convenient. My room has not been changed any since last Christmas, but it’s darling, I think. Miss [Marguerite] Emersons room has been made into an area of the living room and is used as the dining room; the kitchen has been enlarged and improved, and Mrs. B. …

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…lives upstairs in Marjorie Wilkinson’s room. There are only two workers here now. I’ll have to tell you about some of the others later.

Delphia Turner has gone home this weekend to finish our two coverlids at last. Since Albin isn’t going to be at college (Uncle wrote me he was leaving for Florida so I take it he isn’t going to school) I thot I might keep one of the coverlids for my room as I have orange curtains and hangings. If you approve and haven’t told Footers[?] to send me the quilt, you might keep it at home and I’ll keep the one coverlid. Let me know whether you want one or both sent home or if you want one sent to Bob at Princeton.

I am eager for family news as I know nothing of Mary and Andy or Albin or [?] or Sister in regard to final places.

Much, much love,

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Pine Mountain
September 17, 1929

Dearest Mother,

Sunday evening turned out to be most hectic and all my good letter-writing plans went to the winds. The afternoon disappeared with nothing accomplished but a visit with Florence Burnam, an old Madiera & Vassar classmate of Margaret’s — who turned up here for a visit out of a blue sky. She lives in Richmond, Ky., and remembers meeting you — probably at a Madiera commencement.

Sunday afternoon there was a big fight at Boys’ House between an old boy, Johnnie Presley, the bully type, and Robert C[?] — the most backwoodsy child in the school. He is a great big handsome thing of 16 and can barely write his name. Kitty has him in her tutoring group and I have him at my table. He’s as shy as a polar bear. Apparently, Johnnie had been…

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…nagging him for days, but Sunday just before chapel the storm broke, and Robert beat the stuffings out of Johnnie — for which we are all thankful. However, he got terribly frightened immediately afterwards & acted so funny that they were afraid he was out of his mind. He wept like a baby. It was most pathetic. They sent Johnnie hiking[?] over the mountain at 3 A.M. the next morning and Robert seems to be all right now.

Then one of the girls out on a walk strained her knee so badly that MIss Purbrick thought it was broken and she had to be carried over on a stretcher yesterday morning.

Also, one of the housemothers was lost for awhile and Kitty and I chased all over creation for her. She had just been out for fun, but it was rather inconsiderate of her.

Some way or other, I got mixed up with all those events and so I didn’t…

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…get to bed until 10 o’clock and that is late for me this year. However, I did send off the check to Mr. Murdock — that was the first mail since I received your letter — and I trust he has gotten it by now.

The enclosed bill for the chairs has never been paid according to the bookkeeping here. I couldn’t say for you, but know that you can find the old check if you have paid for them.

I hope you have a wonderful trip up to Mass. I know it will be lovely. I’m wondering if Father will be with you? Give everyone my love. I sent a note off to Mary last night.

Send me Mary’s letter when you find it, also any of Mary’s that she has said to pass on.

A bushel of delicious [?] golden apples arrived from the farm last week and to-day a…

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…couple of crates of melons — one honeydew and one Persian. They are marvelous but I think it would be better next time not to have two crates arrive together. I wonder if it was Father’s or Mr. Clore’s idea. I’ll write them both, giving suggestions.

Loads of love,

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Pine Mountain
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1929

Dearest Mother,

It will be two weeks to-morrow since I have written to you — perfectly scandalous! I put the news into my letter to Kitty, so that you may have a little idea of what is going on.

The enclosed letter from Margaret came last Sat. night. Will you please return it when you have finished with it and also send me any of hers to you that have come since I left home. I think it is wonderful that they found such a nice flat, for other possibilities didn’t sound any too good. Now they can look about at leisure for their next abode.

I read last night in the Herald of Mrs. Clarke’s death. What a different place Sewickley will seem without her! I always loved her for she was so sweet and kind to everyone and so interesting and clever and up-and-coming, too.

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I take it from the notice that no-one was prepared for the shock. How I wish I could do something for Grace. I wrote her last night. Is she going to go on to New York according to her former plans or will she stay home and keep house?

I sent a real old pair of tennis shoes home to be resoled. You’ll probably think I am crazy but they are just right for down here and what’s the use of spoiling another exterior if those can be resoled. Will you please take them to Pelty’s Repair Shop, where they’ll do a decent job on them. The other time they were resoled was all for nothing. I’d like the shoes again this fall.

Speaking of things to be sent, how about my riding pants? It is getting a little late for my white linen knickers and, as a riding trip to Hindman is being contemplated sometime during the next three weeks, the green trousers would be most handy. Get Mrs. Meyer to patch the moth-eaten pair for me or send down the others, as I doubt if I’ll ever wear them out.

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And — will you also please send me the Moffott’s Modern Translation of the whole Bible? I think Mary left her copy at home and I know she wouldn’t mind my using it. My classes want to hear what the Bible sounds like in everyday talk.

I sent off the check to Mr. Murdock immediately. Thanks for the B.&B. bill. I meant to ask you to forward it, and the one from Horne’s, before I left. Have you seen anything of the latter? I’ll send you a check soon for my debts.

Last week I had a mean tickle in my throat that made me cough quite a bit and, it having been quite a strenuous time with the governor’s visit on Thursday and the Fair on Sat., Kitty and the others persuaded me to stay in bed Sunday. I’m still there, with the same cough. Miss Purbrick is taking good care of me and I feel fine but the maddening thing is that my throat continues to be quite raw. I’ll let you know of my progress. I expect to be out…

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Must close as Kitty is going to mail this for me.

Much love,

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Pine Mountain
October 7, 1929

Dearest Mother,

I am about to deposit an awful job on your hands but I don’t know how to do it without you.

You know I am class representative for Madeira 1922 and have to collect news twice a year. I just got the latest necessary information from the school to-night, or I should have written you before. Whatever news I collect must be sent to Washington by November first, so you see the time is very short.

I am enclosing a homemade[?] copy of two penny postcards which are supposed to be stitched together at the top. I want you to get the…

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Herald office to print them for me, having the one side blank for the addresses. I have to send out 48 so maybe it would be safe to have 50 made in case of any mistake.

Then I am enclosing the list of names which should be put on these 48 postcards. I should love to write them myself but so much time would be wasted by having the cards sent to me before sending them out. I thought that perhaps Mr. Keisling could type them on the postcards for me. He did several beautiful typing and addressing jobs for me when I was on the Student Volunteer job in Pittsburgh. This wouldn’t be half so big a job and, if Father is in Florida, he probably isn’t so busy just now. Numbers 4, 7, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24, 38, 48, 55 and 58 are to be omitted.

Please guard these yellow sheets…

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…with your life, as they are very valuable, and send them back to me as soon as Mr. K. has finished with them.

I feel most apologetic for poking[?] off such a r[?]y job on you, but I’m put to it. Please get the Herald office to send the bill direct to me.

While on the request line, may I add that I need a new checkbook, sponge to apply Blanco to my white shoes and some little tacks to screw into Father’s picture frame so that I can attach some wire and hang him up?

Have I never mentioned the lovely slip? It came a long time ago and is fine. Only the shoulder straps needed a little adjustment. The brassieres you fixed are dandy — just as good as new.

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I am eager to know a little more about Kitty’s and Helen’s decision to go to New York. How long will they be there, where are they to live, etc?

Also, I know nothing of Albin’s doings. You will surely be a small family, especially with Father away a lot in addition to all the rest of us. Do you have any help now?

How about the Morse family, Marguerite Emerson’s sister’s family? She wrote me that they were moving next door to us and I’m interested to know whether they are to be in Mr. Ivory’s or the McHenry’s house.

Do write me about the A.F.G. dividends. I surely hope Father approves of paying them at this time.

I am still struggling with my cold. I went to bed a week ago Sunday, feeling O.K. but hoarse & with…

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…a tickle and cough in my throat I intended simply to rest up well for 1 day but having a stupid little temperature of 4/10 of a degree I was kept in for the whole week. Now the cold has moved up into my head, making me feel much worse than I did a week ago but I believe it is a sign that it is moving off.

I started teaching again to-day having lost a whole week but am going to take it easy. Kitty Russel is as good as a whole hospital staff. She insists that I rest and take extra good care of myself, so you need not give me a thought.

If I continue to be so susceptible to cold, I think I had better take the inoculation against it next summer. What think you?

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Mr. Clore is keeping me well-supplied with fruit and I am eating my fill of oranges these days.

The mountain is beginning to turn to all sorts of beautiful colors. Are you planning to come down to see it?

Kitty’s cake is wonderful. I shall write her to-morrow.

Loads of love,

If there is an extra Madeira postcard, you might send it to me to keep on file.

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Pine Mountain
October 14, 1929

Dearest Mother,

I got your note with the Madeira list and the extra postcards to-night. They surely look nice and I thank you ever so much for taking care of it all so promptly and so well for me.

A lot of things have come from home since I last wrote. The riding trousers, medicine, gargle and Modern Reader’s Bible. The pants look awfully nice. Did you decide not to have the others patched? I am taking Gray’s tonic after meals. Curiously though, my throat has not been sore through all this pesky cold business so I am saving the gargle for a more timely occasion.

I think Margaret must have…

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…taken her modern translation with her, so do not bother to look for it anymore.

The shoes arrived Saturday and they look remarkably nice. I am ashamed to think that I never told you that the Milton[?] pictures came. Miss Motter [Margaret Motter] was delighted with them as she is considering teaching “Pilgrim’s Progress” in one of her English classes this year. I must write Father about it.

I have one of the coverlids on my bed and it looks perfectly adorable. The second one is waiting in the weaving room to be sent either to Bob in Princeton or home. I would have sent it straight off to Bob, but wondered about it after Kitty expressed her surprise at our sending anything as good to a college boy’s room. She…

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…thought they would hardly appreciate it and that it might get terribly dirty from their feet or even be burned by cigarettes. I think there is something in what she says. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of friends Bob has. They might be darling, but very careless! At any rate, let me know what you want me to do and meantime please send me a check written to Delphia Turner for $55.00. They were to be $60.00, but the brown in one of them doesn’t match very well, so $5.00 was taken off. I don’t like to do it, but it seems best to teach the girl not to be so careless. She wasn’t watchful about her quantity of yarn when she did the dying. I think the pair will look enchanting up in the boys’ room next year. They are…

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…very effective on beds.

Did you say that Albin was moving into the old Lumber[?] room? What is he doing and where is Jim sleeping?

Will you please get the S. Valley Trust Co. to send me a blue large checkbook?

In a couple of weeks, four of us workers are going to give a dramatization of the Mad Tea Party from “Alice in Wonderland.” Kitty is to be Alice and I the Hatter. We’d like very much to have that old round comb of Aunt Maggie’s, that I have seen around home, for Alice to wear. Do not spend hours searching for it, but if you find it, send it on. It may have been put in that costume trunk with a lot of other trinkets, or it may be in one of your side drawers. The date for the play is Oct. 29th, I believe.

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Kitty says that in the original copy of the book, Alice always wore one of those combs, but of course, it isn’t at all important here, as the audience is far from critical.

I just remembered that I shall be needing some Kleenex. Will you get May’s to send me three boxes, please? My nose is still stopped up.

Kitty and I are planning to ride over to Hindman this week-end. The mountains are simply gorgeous now and the weather is apt to be good. It’s a 45-mile trip each way. I’ll write you more about it later.

Much love,

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Pine Mountain
October 28, 1929

My darling Mother,

It’s an incredibly long time since I’ve written you a decent letter, but there have been many extras lately and I haven’t had a minute to call my own.

November first is almost upon us and there’s nothing I’d like quite so much as to be at home to spend the day with you. I wonder if Father is going to be home. Uncle, Jim and the two young ladies are the only ones to be depended upon now. Anyway, I know you’ll have a gay little party and you can be sure I’ll be thinking of you.

There are some things in this world that I never can be thankful enough for and the list is headed by you and Father. When I think about all the people I know I just wonder why I was singled out to get the very best parents in the world. It’s quite overpowering even trying to feel appreciative enough. Each…

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…year you seem to get more and more precious and I don’t do half that I should to show my love and appreciation.

I’m wondering now if you or Father are planning to come down here before Christmas. I’d adore to have you anytime. If only you could have been here a week or two ago, your eyes would have grown weary feasting on the exquisite colors on the mountains. They were at the very height of their glory when Kitty and I had our horseback jaunt to Hindman, fifty miles each way. We saw by moonlight, dawn, midday and sunset and truly it was indescribable.

We had a dandy pair of steeds and consequently simply tore along the roads, making record time. I wish I could write out all the details now but there isn’t time. Suffice it to say that we made the tour with the greatest ease when we had heard on all sides that it was a long hard trip!

I’ll thank you later for the various…

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…articles that have arrived. I’m considering the Moffatt Bible my birthday present.

Which reminds me that I had some baskets sent from Hindman when I was there. One of the long flat ones is for your birthday — it’s for picking flowers. I thought we could use the other for Xmas & the wastebasket for the front porch or anywhere.

I must turn in now. Many, many happy returns of next Friday.

As always, devotedly,

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Pine Mountain
Nov. 4, 1929

Dearest Mother,

I am so glad you had the little visit with Kitty in New York. I am crazy to know what she is doing there. Did you go to any theaters together?

I must tend to business and tell news later if there’s time. The coverlid check was to be for Delphia Turner, not Delia. However, I’ve doctored your check and hope it’ll be O.K. I’m returning the one for the chairs as it is to be made out to the Fireside Industries Dept., not to Pine Mt. The teacher is away for a few days, so I can’t give it to her anyway, but do return the corrected check soon, as it’s quite late.

Where did you find my little book? It most certainly is the one I wanted. Many thanks! Have you sent the towels off to Charlotte?

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I never got any bill from the Exchange. When you pay bills for me it is hopeless; I never seem to get straightened out. I’ll try to work out some of the finance soon and send you a check.

The last weeks have been mighty busy. On Thursday for the Oct. Assembly four of us gave the “Mad Tea Party” from “Alice in Wonderland.” Kitty was Alice & I the hatter. It was a great success.

Friday night came the Halloween party. It was planned for Sat. night, but owing to a case of infantile paralysis which developed down Greasy we switched the party to Friday night so none of the neighbors would come. Everyone dressed up in old clothes & we had a circus dancing Virginia reels & eating cocoa & doughnuts. Did you know I was chairman of parties here? I hate the job, but couldn’t shake it.

We’ve been here 11 weeks and only 7 to go.

Loads of love,

Are you & ? coming down?

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November 26, 1929

Dear Father,

I am enclosing the L. & N. pass which I received soon after arriving here last fall (August). It came too late, if you remember. I should think that the Wabash office could simply[?] extend the date to January 10th and send me back these same passes. I believe it is a little better to go via Cin. & since K. Russel goes that way, I might as well.

This minister problem is getting to be quite knotty. I surely wish…

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…you could come down here sometime soon and talk it out with the authorities, for I don’t feel capable of transferring their opinions accurately over such a broad discussion, or yours either.

One idea I fear I did not get across to you in just the way in which it was meant. Neither Miss [Katherine] Pettit nor Miss [Angela] Melville suggested that you set out to look for a man to head the school. Of course, that would be a tremendous responsibility, take a lot of time and is really the job of the trustees, anyway.

They merely wished to let you know that that was a problem of the near future and that if you came in…

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…contact with, or heard of a promising person for such a position, you would let them know. You are interested in this kind of work, serve on several educational & religious institution boards & the Y, and so might possibly be able to help from some chance contact of your own. Do you get the idea?

I feel fairly sure that MIss Melville and the trustees would not want to turn this school over to a mission board or church, tho I can’t speak for Miss Pettit.

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December 1, 1929

I never got to finish this letter, as you see. This is by no means the only school in the mountains that is not under some mission board. I know of at least two others and there must be more, so that it is perfectly possible to keep on with it as it is. There must be other people who could step into Miss Pettit’s place.

As to the doctrines of a young minister, I see your point that no good strong character should be handicapped by a list of taboos. I do not believe that the school would object to the right kind of evangelism, but they…

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…most certainly do not want a theological or denominational approach. Miss P. told me that the thing she cared about was making the people better and anybody who could do that was welcome. How is that for a working basis?

I think the thing for you to do is find an applicant whom you approve of & he’ll probably suit the school. What about the possibility of his coming down to be looked over & tried out?

I hope I am answering your letter in a way that will be of some help. I repeat again that by far the best thing…

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…would be a personal visit from you.

I got a wonderful box of Rio Grande grapefruit and a box of grapes from Chicago. I thought the fruit was being sent from there by the C. & O. train for, naturally, a nearer city would be better if sent express. I have been writing Mr. Clore because you told me to, early in the fall. Let me know what is best hereafter. However, that can wait till Xmas as now I have an elegant sufficiency. The fruit is really wonderful. I’ve never eaten better grapefruit. Thanks, darling.

I missed you and Ma, but it would hardly have been fair for me to take you from the rest of the family two…

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…Thanksgivings running. Anyway, I’d rather you’d see Pine Mountain at another season if you can come only once a year.

I shall surely write Mother a real letter in a day or two.

With a great deal of love,


What do you want for Christmas? I am just beginning a sweater for a 4-year-old as everybody in the school is going to make a gift to present at the altar the evening before we go home at our nativity play. I’ll get home Sunday A.M., Dec. 22nd.

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December 10, 1929

Dearest Father,

Your letter came last night, saying you would get the pass from Laden to Cin. for me. You won’t forget the one from Cin. to Pittsburgh, will you?

Very unexpectedly this afternoon Kitty Russel received a telegram from Detroit saying that a very dear aunt had pneumonia and for her to come home as soon as possible. The message arrived just in time for her to get off on the evening train. You surely never can tell what a day may bring forth. It…

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…is such a pity for her to miss all the Christmas festivities here when she has gone through all the long hard pull leading up to them. Also, it is too bad for her father and aunt, the one that lives with them, to be returning from a trip to the Orient on Dec 24th to find their sister very ill or dead. I fear there is not very much hope for Mrs. Hutchins, the sick aunt.

She must be in the 70s, is quite heavy and has just developed diabetes in the last year. Kitty is very devoted to her.

I shall surely miss Kitty here; also, on the train trip, but there will be three others going to Cin., anyway.

You asked me if I would like any special fruit for the children here for Christmas. They adored the apples and oranges last year and I think it…

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…would be lovely if you want to send the same again this year. If you want to send only one thing, they prefer apples to oranges. There are about 125 persons here in all, so that you want to be sure to send a box that holds that many apples. They should arrive in Putney not later than Monday night in order to be brot (sic) over on the supply train Tuesday A.M., but if that is not possible, they would probably come in time on the Friday supply train. The reason I suggest Tuesday is that the supply train is not absolutely dependable; therefore, it is safer[?] to give it a little extra time.

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About Wm McKinley Justice, what would his wife do in case he took the job? There are not many spare rooms hereabouts, so each needs to be filled by a working body. You have not mentioned what you think of the possibility of any candidate visiting the school to be looked at as well as to be looking himself.

I thought MIss Pettit told me that Dr. Alfred Lee Wilson was a trustee of the school, but I do not remember seeing his name on the list. Maybe he used to be. At any rate, Miss P. told me that he has been on the look-out for a minister for P.M. for years and that he used to pay a Methodist minister from Harlan to come over once a year. I should think it would be a very good idea for you…

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…to talk with him sometime when you are in Chicago if you can spare the time.

The grapes from Denunzio came to-day and look most thrilling. I have not opened them yet as Kitty’s telegram made a big interruption this afternoon and I did not do a great many things that were planned for. We shall have to arrange about shipping methods when I get home.

Yes, I know Mr. Wilbert Smith. I believe I met him first at Vassar. He was quite popular there.

We are having regular spring…

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…weather here — too warm to close the windows but I notice that the papers say another cold spell is due. That storm must have been awful.

Uncle wrote me that Albin has a car. Sounds interesting — I’d like to know more.

The time is very short now. Much love and thanks for all the kind attention, gifts and letters. It seems to pay to keep a little business on hand. I’d never get down to writing otherwise!


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Dec. 16. 1929

Dearest Mother,

I forgot that I’d gotten this sample of the yarn until after I was undressed last night, so let it wait, as mailing means a trip down to the infirmary.

About the church subscription, sign me up for whatever you think best. Would $5 do?

It is so warm here we cannot believe it.

Goodnight dearest lady,

See Also:

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Staff for her full biography.

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Correspondence After PMSS 1931-1956

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Guide 1928 for summaries of her 1928 correspondence.

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Guide 1929 for summaries of her 1929 correspondence.


For IMAGES of her correspondence while at PMSS, see:

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Part 1 (001-046) Sept 1928

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Part 2 (047-100) Sept-Nov 1928

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Part 3 (101-152) Nov 1928-Apr 1929

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Part 4 (153-207) May-Dec 1929

For TRANSCRIPTIONS of her correspondence while at PMSS, see:

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 1

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 2

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 3

HARRIET CRUTCHFIELD Journal Transcribed Part 4