Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Students
Series 19: STUDENTS
Roxie Gambrel Student Records 1946-1949

Roxie Gambrel. Self-evaluation letter to parents, Dec. 1947, p.1. [gambrel_roxie_1946-49-11-scaled]
ROXIE GAMBREL Student Records 1946-1949
TAGS: Roxie Gambrel, Roxie Marie Gambrel, student Records, PMSS students, student autobiography, Twila KY, self-evaluation letters to parents, Mummers’ Play, Nativity Play, school subjects, education, teachers, student records, Stanford Achievement Tests
[Lightly edited for clarity.]
01 February 27, 1946. MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY – Roxie Marie Gambrel, Twila, Harlan County, Kentucky. Born: January 30, 1930, in Twila, KY. Father: 54 years old; born in Knox County; a miner…. Mother: Bessie Johnson, who died 12 years ago.
02 (Page 2) I have four brothers and six sisters. Siblings not yet in school: Orville Ray (age 4), Donald Ray (5), Bonnie Louise (2). …We have a car and 1 cow…..
03 (Page 3) …Our house is heated by coal and lighted by electricity….. Our water comes from an “electric well”….. We have about 50 books in our home. We take: Knoxville News, Sentinel. My daily duties: Washing dishes and minding babies; sometimes, mopping. I have attended 8 grades in the Twila school….
04 (Page 4) …I should like to take 4 years of college; my parents agree. Favorite studies: spelling, reading.
05 (Page 5) My parents would like me to be a teacher….
This form is adapted from the form “My Autobiography” of the Alliance for the Guidance of Rural Youth.
06-10 December 19, 1946. Handwritten five-page letter to “Mother & Daddy” (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gambrel, Twila, KY), from “Your Daughter, Roxie Gambrel.” [06] “At the end of the term we are supposed to write a letter home telling how we have done this term.” She describes her progress in her hardest subjects: math, [07] science. Other subjects: Bible, English (“I have learned to use English better since I came [08] over here….”), and civics. She tells about her progress in work, [09] living in Big Log, leisure time, table manners (“I learned to take three bits of the food that I don’t like and I have learned to like a lot more food such as greens….” [10] Favorite event: the Mummers’ Play. She learned to use the sewing machine in home economics. “Well, I will close now as I have to make two more copies of this letter.”
11-13 December 18, 1947. Handwritten three-page letter to “Mother & Daddy” (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gambrel, Twila, KY), from “Your Daughter, Roxie Marie.” [11] She writes about classes in economics, English, mathematics (“my hardest subject”), [12] home economics, co-op (“I have learned to keep books [and] to take responsibility in the co-op store.”), work, conduct, leisure time. “The best thing that has happened this year is the Nativity Play and the [13] Mummers’ Play….”
14-16 May 20, 1948, Handwritten three-page letter to “Mother & Daddy” (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gambrel, Twila, KY), from “Your Daughter, Roxie Gambrel.” [14] Describes getting along with others (“…going to parties and movies together.”), her work at the School House, weight gain, [15] and health. Tells about: economics, English, and teachers. (“They are the kind of teachers I should have had all through grade school. Then maybe I would have a little more education that I have now. But it is my fault that I didn’t study.”). “I don’t do very well in math or co-op.” Tells about “a nice little church over here,” [16] with chapel services in which the students participate.
17-19 May 19, 1949. Handwritten three-page letter to “Parents” (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gambrel, Twila, KY), from “Your Daughter, Roxie Gambrel.” [17] She describes her work (Laurel House cleaning, supervised by Miss [Myra] Binford. [18] Mentions progress in English, sociology, weaving, home economics, Bible, history. Also tells about Chapel services, her weight, movies, the senior play, [19] “You Can’t Take It With You.” She has had “a lot of nice times [with other students] going to parties, movies, and to school.”
49 Image of file folder labeled “Gambrel, Roxie, 1946-49.”
[NOTE: Images of the full set of student records are considered private material and are not generally publicly displayed. Their access may be provided on request, pending approval of Pine Mountain Settlement School and the archivist of the PMSS Collections. Contact the main PMSS Office for information.]
20 through 40 – Teachers’ Evaluations.
45 STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST for Roxie Marie Gambrel, age 19, grade 11, April 22, [no year].
46 PROFILE CHART: Stanford Achievement Test chart. [blank]
47 STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST for Roxie Marie Gambrel, age 16, grade 9, September 2, 1946.
48 PROFILE CHART: Stanford Achievement Test chart for September 1946 through May 1949.
GALLERY: Roxie Gambrel Student Records
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See Also:
BEATRICE AND ROXIE GAMBREL Student Records (Some are restricted.)