Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY
Series 14: MEDICAL
Dr. Emma Boose Tucker (1870-1963)
Dr. Francis Fisher Tucker (1870-1957)
Medical Staff, PMSS Infirmary 1942-1951
Correspondence 1951
TAGS: Dr. Emma Tucker, Dr. Francis Tucker, PMSS physicians, Burton Rogers, hiring medical staff, medical missionary work in China, magazine donations to PMSS, Dr. Gordon Brown, donor Mrs. Holferty, Harriet Howard Bright, the Tuckers’ health issues, West Wind Hospital renovations, summer medical clinics, Fern Hall Hayes, Dr. Margaret Tucker, Dr. William S. Tucker
Dr. EMMA and Dr. FRANCIS TUCKER Correspondence 1951
[Note: Letters from PMSS staff in the PMSS Collections are carbon copies, typewritten, unsigned, and meant for the Office files. The original signed documents were sent to the correspondents. Letters from others are typewritten originals unless specified otherwise. The following list of contents is in chronological order and not necessarily in the order of the image numbers.]
January – February 1951
01 January 5. Handwritten letter to “Mr. R.” [PMSS Director, Burton Rogers] from Dr. F.F. Tucker in Daytona Beach, FL, suggesting another possible hire for PMSS: Nurse Martha Wylie[?] in West Palm Beach, FL, recently back from China.
02 January 19. To Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker. Suggests that Dr. Clara Nutting of Georgetown, MA, may be a candidate for a summer hire. “The work and patients in many ways are much like those she has had to deal with in several provinces in China.” Tucker provides details of her background.
03 January 26. To Rogers in Holland County, VA, from the Rev. Luther Tucker at The Indian Hill Church, Cincinnati, OH, who offers to send magazines to PMSS, such as Reader’s Digest, which the women of his church have collected for distribution to institutions. [Handwritten notation in left margin: “R.D., Nat. Geog., Life, Holiday, any children’s mag., music magazines, Quick, housekeeping magazines for health, etc.”]
04 January 29. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers, expressing “great interest in [the Tuckers’] very remarkable record at 80 years. We join with all your other friends in thanking you for setting down this beautiful story.” With agreement from Dr. [Gordon] Brown, Rogers has written to Dr. Nutting. He hopes the Tuckers can return to PMSS this summer.
05 February 18. To “Friend” [Rogers] from Dr. F.F. Tucker, “thankful for the delightful sketches (a grand dozen or more) in the last number of Mountain Life and Work by ‘M.R.’ [Mary Rogers]” Tucker tells of a letter he received from Ruth VanKirk, who is returning to the US from China and asking about teaching at PMSS. Tucker will refer her to Rogers. He provides background information about her.
06-06a February 28. Two-page letter to the Rev. Luther Tucker, listing the magazines that PMSS would find useful: Reader’s Digest, National Geographic, Life, and Holiday or other travel or pictorial magazines; magazines for children and on music; housekeeping magazines. Rogers emphasizes how much the magazines would be appreciated. He invites Luther Tucker to visit PMSS.
April 1951
07 April 11. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers, stating that, although “our situation is not yet any too clear,” he plans to write to Miss VanKirk ℅ The American Board. He reports a generous gift from Mrs. Holferty. Miss Spinney visited; Arthur Dodd left for Ganado, AZ, where he is to be Principal of the Presbyterian Mission High School.
08 April 14. To Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker, stating that Miss VanKirk may not be appropriate for PMSS since she would rather serve as a community worker and with plays and recreation than as a teacher. He sends more information about Mrs. Holferty; offers to fill in for Dr. Brown in August, possibly bringing his daughter Margaret; describes their various travel plans. Calvin Bright of Berea “has not been released from Chengtu, though his wife (Harriett Howard, a Pine Mt. girl) is anxiously awaiting him in this country. She taught weaving at Berea…. Sad times for hosts of folk all about the sad world.”
09-09a April 18. Two-page letter to Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers, [09] who is “much interested” in the three Tuckers working at PMSS in August during Dr. Brown’s vacation, as long as it is not an “undue strain” on any of them. He strongly feels that it should be a “rest month” for Tucker. Rogers reports on changes at the Hospital. [09a] The remainder of the basement will be excavated for a kitchen. The current kitchen will be changed to a surgery room. Dr. Brown is getting an autoclave from Berea. Dr. Harrison assisted Dr. Brown in a tonsillectomy clinic. The KY Inspection Bureau and State Fire Marshal’s Office did an inspection to be sure there was adequate fire protection. A Friends’ work camp will take place this summer to help build a new farm tool shed.
May 1951
010 May 12. To Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker, writing about the Tuckers’ preferred accommodations during their summer visit. He describes their travel plans before coming to PMSS; encloses a copy of his letter to Dr. Brown.
011 May 12. To Dr. Brown from Dr. F.F. Tucker, offering to fill in for Brown during his August vacation. He and Dr. Emma will spend the time at PMSS “leisurely,” instead of tending to the physical plant, as the two of them are ”slowing up somewhat.” He describes past difficulties with the Infirmary‘s insufficient medical records.
012 May 17. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from [truncated, evidently Rogers]. A work camp will be staying at Far House, but rooms in the Hospital and at Laurel House are available (and at Zande House if all of the Brown family members go on vacation).
013 May 21. To Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker. The Tuckers have decided to stay in the Hospital rooms; leaving Daytona Beach around June 5.
June 1951
015 June 2, Daytona Beach, FL. and June 4, Pine Mountain, KY. [date stamps]. Address side of postcard to PMSS Office.
015a June 2. Handwritten note on message side of postcard to “Someone” from Dr. F.F. Tucker, asking that the “grip” he has mailed to PMSS will be stored until the Tuckers arrive. (“No bombs therein.”)
014-14a June 6. Two-page letter to Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers, writing more about the Tuckers’ PMSS accommodations. The new doctor that PMSS was hoping to hire will not be available. Dr. Brown has discontinued summer “clinics on Line Fork, the Laurel Mission and at Miss Joy’s.” Postscript: “The Board has authorized a fourth nurse for our general hospital staff.” Rogers asks if Tucker has any recommendations.
016 June 21. To Drs. Tucker in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from Rogers. Because the Brown’s baby has arrived, the Browns will remain at PMSS and on duty for most of August, then take a short time off. Rogers asks if the Tuckers can remain at PMSS until September 10 to fill in for the Browns as resident physicians.
017 June 28. To Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker, assuring Rogers that they can stay at PMSS until September 10 or 12. The Tuckers’ grandchild, Betty Jane Tucker, who arrived at PMSS on June 13, 1943, is now 8 years old.
018 June 30. To Drs. Tucker from Fern Hayes, Secretary to Mr. Rogers, acknowledging Tuckers letter while Rogers is on vacation and welcoming the Tuckers to PMSS.
019 June 23. [move up] To “Dear O U A Letter” from the Drs. Tucker, sending appreciation to all who had written to honor their 80th year. He lists their three addresses for the summer, including Cedar Rapids, Iowa (June), Minneapolis, MN (July), “All of August: Pine Mountain, Harlan Co., Kentucky,” and Daytona Beach, FL (thereafter). He gives updates on their children, including Dr. Margaret’s journey from China.
“We take life a bit more moderately than hitherto, and find the privilege of simply living, (and of living simply) richly rewarding. Lately we have turned over to the State Museum at the University of Nebraska over two hundred articles of our China collection….China’s reservoir of good will towards the United States will ever persist, despite recent developments.”
June 23. Handwritten note in the bottom margin to “Dear Friend” [evidently Rogers] from Emma and Francis Tucker, enclosing a clipping. They are glad that Calvin Bright is out of China and wish PMSS could afford to hire the Brights.
020a-020e June 20. A six-part clipping from the Cedar Rapids Gazette, sent to Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker. “Missionaries Say Chinese Lack Allegiance to Soviets” by Ed Murphy, page 2. [020a] Drs. Tucker lived in China over a span of 39 years, serving as medical missionaries there from 1902 to 1941; now 80 years old and retired at Daytona Beach, FL. The article begins with Dr. F.F. Tucker commenting that “the Chinese Reds have no true patriotism for the Russians” and stating his reasons for thinking so. He feels that one day “communism will be overthrown in China.” He explains the current conditions in China. [020b] Family background; mention of their work in Harlan County, KY. [020c-020e] Duplicates of 020a-020b.
August – September 1951
021 August 11. Letter on notecard to Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker in Minneapolis, MN, with his son and family. He tells of the medical issues that he and Dr. Emma were experiencing, but both can travel now. He provides their travel plans, arriving in Harlan on August 18. Suggests where they should stay at PMSS.
022 August 16. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers, sending regrets concerning their ailments and urging the Tuckers “not to take any risks by traveling before you should.”
023 August 16. To “Dear Folks” from Dr. F.F. Tucker, explaining a delay in their plans as they have not recovered sufficiently from their illnesses. He provides their bus schedule from Minneapolis to Harlan, arriving August 22; updates on his extended family and friends.
024 September 1. Message on notecard to Margaret [Tucker] from BR [Rogers], who encloses a confidential letter from her brother. Rogers has alerted Dr. Brown, who will brief the nurses. He is relieved that Margaret will room next to the Tuckers and see that they are “well guarded.”
025-025b September 8. To Dr. William S. Tucker, Minneapolis, MN, [025] appreciating his confidential letter as it emphasized “the need for shielding your parents in every possible way.” He repeats the items in the September 1 message he sent to Margaret and assures Dr. William that there have been no problems as far as his parents’ understanding of the situation. [025a] “We realize that this is undoubtedly their last visit at Pine Mountain and we want to do everything in our power to be sure that it is for them a happy experience and that if possible we send them on their way in better health than when they came.” [025b] Postscript: Rogers asks if Dr. William knows of a registered nurse who would be interested in working at PMSS.
026 September 14. To “Friend” [evidently Rogers] from Dr. F.F. Tucker, describing his travel plans.
027 September 19. To Rogers from Drs. Tucker at PMSS, sending a donation to be used as needed, such as helping a student or patient. The Tuckers have also donated a new toaster for the diet kitchen. “[T]his has been a blessed haven for us and Margaret during my recuperation. The kindnesses will ever be remembered.”
October – November 1951
028 October 3. To Drs. Tucker at Daytona Beach, FL, from Rogers, thankful for Dr. Emma’s letter assuring him that they arrived home safely and appreciative of their “generous” contribution. Dr. Brown has resigned as of the end of November. “Your letter is very precious to us as are all the memories of your long and repeated service here….We would gladly have kept you on indefinitely.”
029 November 17 (Daytona Beach, FL) and November 19 (Pine Mountain, KY) [date stamps]. Address side of an air mail postcard to Mr. B.B. Rogers.
029a November 16, 1951. Message side of postcard to Rogers from Dr. F.F. Tucker, suggesting Dr. Perkins as a possible candidate for PMSS medical work. Mentions Dr. Satterthwaite, who expressed interest in Pine Mountain, but has already moved to Puerto Rico from China.
030 November 24. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers. Both Drs. Perkins and Satterthwaite have found work elsewhere. Dr. Brown and family left two nights ago. Dr. Tracy Jones agreed to work at PMSS three afternoons a week and is in touch by telephone. If he had help with his Harlan practice he could spend more time at PMSS.
031 November 27. To Dr. F.F. Tucker from Rogers. Dr. Perkins from Pittman Center sent Rogers his regret that he is not free to consider a PMSS position. Perkins wrote that [Dr. F.F. Tucker] “was the most delightful person with whom to work, and I ended my association with him when that northern famine was over, with the most genuine regret.”
GALLERY: Dr. EMMA and Dr. FRANCIS TUCKER Correspondence 1951
(31 Images)
Dr. EMMA and Dr. FRANCIS TUCKER Staff – Biography
Dr. EMMA and Dr. FRANCIS TUCKER 80 Year Anniversary 1951 – Biography
Dr. EMMA and Dr. FRANCIS TUCKER Correspondence Guide