Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 12: Land Use – Laden Trail or The Road
1916 – 1919
TAGS: Laden Trail or the Road; Correspondence; Katherine Pettit ; Ethel de Long Zande ; Angela Melville ; Celia Cathcart Holton ; county judges ; county treasurers ; attorneys ; railroad superintendents ; county road commissioners ; civil engineers ; prison camp supervisors ; reformatory wardens ; road inspectors ; State Board of Control ; surveyors ; accountants ; convict labor ; L. and N. Railroad ; surveys ; Wasiota Lumber Company ; Road Funds ; dynamite ; steam shovels ; rights-of-way ; pledges ; donations ;
Part I of the LADEN TRAIL OR THE ROAD CORRESPONDENCE lists the contents of approximately 200 of over 400 letters to and from Katherine Pettit and Ethel de Long Zande, the co-founders of Pine Mountain Settlement School, and Angela Melville and Celia Cathcart Holton, both of whom effectively assisted in fundraising for the Road project. Their correspondents were a wide range of players — the county judge, the county treasurer, an attorney, a railroad superintendent, county road commissioners, civil engineers, prison camp supervisors, the State Board of Control, surveyors, reformatory wardens, road inspectors and others — who were involved in the construction of the Road over the north side of Pine Mountain, connecting with the railroad in Dillon, Kentucky.
Parts I and II cover the years just before and after the establishment of the School, 1916-1921. Part I lists the contents of the earliest letters, which are dated 1916-1919.
NOTE: Letters from Pine Mountain Settlement School staff are carbon copies of typewritten documents. (The carbon copies, unsigned, were kept in the PMSS Office files and the original signed copies were sent to the correspondents.) All other letters are also typewritten unless otherwise indicated. The letters are in chronological order and therefore not necessarily in order of the image titles (e.g. “cath.001.jpg”).
Laden Trail or The Road Correspondence: 1916

“Mountain View.” Laden Trail across Pine Mountain. [nesb_070_mod.jpg]
[cath_001.jpg] February 23, 1916. Cover page: “Preliminary Report of Pine Mountain Road.”
[cath_002.jpg] February 23, 1916. Cover letter accompanying report. To Mr. R.C. Terrell and Miss Katherine Pettit and Miss Ethel DeLong from Wm. A. Obenchain Jr.
[cath_003.jpg] Report, Page 1. “General”
[cath_004.jpg] Report, Page 2. “General” (continued); “Grading and Alignment”
[cath_005.jpg] Report, Page 3. “Grading and Alignment” (continued) ; “Character of Materials Encountered” ; “Drainage and Road Beds”; “Surface”; “Guard Rails”
[cath_006.jpg] Report, Page 4. “Surface” (continued); “Right of Way”; “Finances”
[cath_007.jpg] Report. Page 5. “Availability of Material”; “Summary”
[cath_009.jpg] July 17, 1916. To Judge Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned, probably Ethel de Long). Asks Judge Ward to persuade the Letcher Co. Judge to extend road to Harlan Co. line.
[cath_010.jpg] Handwritten letter. July 19, 1916. To Ethel De Long, Pine Mountain, Ky., from John A. Ward, County Judge, Harlan Co., Ky. Assures de Long that he will write Judge Day of Letcher Co. about the Road.
[cath_011.jpg] July 24, 1916. To Judge Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned, probably Ethel de Long). De Long expresses appreciation for his cooperation concerning a road to Harlan Co. line.
[cath_318.jpg] August 21, 1916. Page 1 of 2. To “Kate” (Katherine Pettit, Care Mrs. J. R. Morton, Harbor Springs, Michigan) from Ethel de Long. Updates Pettit on the Road situation after meeting with Mr. Toms, Acting State Road Commissioner and Mr. Yoder, Supervising Engineer for Harlan Co. Road construction; quotes the cost of the Road per mile; describes plans to raise money combined with state aid; writing to Senator Brock for his help; Cathcart will do the fundraising.
[cath_319.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_008.jpg] November 17, 1916. Page 1 of 2. To Mr. Martin from (?). (Continues on reverse side, the image of which is missing.) Describes proposition that (?) will present to the Fiscal Court of Harlan Co.
Laden Trail or The Road Correspondence: 1917
[cath_012.jpg] July 15, 1917. To Judge Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned, probably Ethel de Long). The surveyor, Mr. Yoder, has not begun surveying as promised.
[cath_325.jpg] July 27, 1917. Page 1 of 2. To Miss Celia S. Cathcart, Sidell, Ill., from J. E. Miller, Manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Huntington, West Virginia. Has arranged for donation of the first ton of dynamite, worth $435.
[cath_326.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_013.jpg] Handwritten letter. September 7, 1917. To Ethel de Long, Pine Mountain, Ky., from John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky. Assures de Long that Mr. Fox, a surveyor, will begin surveying road.
[cath_014.jpg] September 8, 1917. To Judge John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; “dL” initials indicate Ethel de Long). Expresses appreciation for his help in acquiring a surveyor.
[cath_320.jpg] September 10, 1917. To Mr. C. N. Manning, Lexington, Ky., from Celia S. Cathcart, Sidell, Illinois (on Pine Mountain Settlement School letterhead stationery). Subject: Pledges. Enclosing list of subscriptions made to the Pine Mt. Road Fund by members of the Lexington Rotary Club; suggests how to collect the pledges.
[cath_015.jpg] September 13, 1917. To Judge John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; “dL” initials indicate Ethel de Long). Asks Judge Ward if he could arrange that Mr. Fox take entire charge of Road construction.
[cath_323.jpg] September 18, 1917. To Miss Celia S. Cathcart, Sidell, Ill., from A. T. Siler, Siler & Gatliff, Attorneys at Law, Williamsburg, Ky. Prefers not to pay $25 pledge from Jellico Grocery Company, Harlan, Ky., until “work on the road has begun and progress insured.”
[cath_321.jpg] September 24, 1917. Page 1 of 2. To Mr. C. N. Manning, Treas., Lexington, Ky., from J. H. Fitch, President, Rotary Club, Lexington, Ky. Subject: Pledges. Read Cathcart’s letter to the Rotary Club and encloses checks covering subscriptions of 3 Rotary Club members; will urge the rest to pay in a Weekly Bulletin notice.
[cath_322.jpg] Page 2 of 2. List of subscribers to Pine Mountain Road Fund.
[cath_016.jpg] Handwritten letter. October 16, 1917. To Ethel de Long, Pine Mountain, Ky., from John A. Ward, County Judge, Harlan County, Ky. Invites de Long to attend Fiscal Court meeting and appeal to Mr. Wiley concerning the Road.
[cath_017.jpg] October 18, 1917. To Judge John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; “dL” initials indicate Ethel de Long). Will attend Fiscal Court meeting; repeats request that Mr. Fox, who finished survey, is put in charge of Road construction.
[cath_324.jpg] November 8, 1917. To Miss Celia S. Cathcart, Sidell, Ill., from O. H. Miller(?), The Newport Culbert Co., Inc., Newport, Ky. Encloses $5.00 annual subscription; asked for report of progress; may contribute material for the Road.
[cath_018.jpg] December 7, 1917. To Judge John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; “dL” initials indicate Ethel de Long). Asks for updates on Fiscal Court meeting; requests 50 convicts to work on Road; question about Mr. Fox’s $400 bill.
[cath_019.jpg] (n.d.) “Approximate Estimate of the Pine Mountain Road; Harlan Co., Ky.”
[cath_020.jpg] Handwritten letter. December 10, 1917. To Ethel de Long, Pine Mountain, Ky., from John A. Ward. Asks for payment of Mr. Fox’s bill for Road survey.
[cath_021.jpg] December 18, 1917. To Judge John A. Ward, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; “dL” initials indicate Ethel de Long). Informs Judge Ward that Mr. Fox learned from Mr. Wiley that no bids were posted; Mr. Fox needs to make changes and create fuller maps.
Laden Trail or The Road Correspondence: 1918
[cath_027.jpg] March 27, 1918. To Mr. Horace Fox, Big Stone Gap, Va., from (unsigned), Secretary. Asks Mr. Fox to report Road developments to her in de Long’s absence; asks for start date on Road work.
[cath_028.jpg] June 10, 1918. Page 1 of 2. To Mr. R. Riley, Commissioner of Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Explains the School’s limited finances & fundraising; requests a narrower road.
[cath_029.jpg] Letter, page 2 of 2.
[cath_030.jpg] June 14, 1918. Page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner, Department of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Explains his department’s policy concerning 20-foot road and problems with a 14-foot one; suggests postponing construction.
[cath_031.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_032.jpg] June 23, 1918. To Mr. Rodman Riley, Road Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Explains why a narrower road is feasible and need for Road as soon as possible; invites Wiley to visit Pine Mt.
[cath_033.jpg] July (?), 1918. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Harlan, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner, Department of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Only suggesting postponement, but will proceed when plans are completed; feels he’s correct about width of road.
[cath_034.jpg] July 5, 1918. To Mr. W. B. Paynter, Harlan, Ky., from R. Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads. Enclosing bill from Fox & Peck for $752.34; suggest that Fox should not be paid for original incorrect survey.
[cath_035.jpg] July 5, 1918. To Mr. R.W. Wiley, Road Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Arranges to visit Wiley in Frankfort; asks about dentist.
[cath_036.jpg] July 8, 1918. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from W. B. Paynter, County Road Engineer, Harlan County Good Roads Committee, Harlan, Ky. Asks Paynter to have Mr. Fox submit a revised bill.
[cath_037.jpg] Handwritten letter. April 3, 1918. To Miss [Evelyn] Wells from Horace E. Fox, Fox and Peck, Civil and Mining Engineers, Big Stone Gap, Va. States that he will review the work done by the surveyors and report it to Wells.
[cath_038.jpg] Handwritten letter. July 29, 1918. To Mrs. Zande from H. E. Fox, Fox and Peck Civil and Mining Engineers, Big Stone Gap, Va. Fox requests overdue payment.
[cath_039.jpg] August 3, 1918. To Mr. Horace Fox, Fox and Peck, Big Stone Gap, Va., from Mrs. Luigi Zande. Describes results of meeting with Wiley and Heath who agreed to a narrower road; the State will undertake the Road construction by convict labor with the School paying its annual quota; requests itemized bill.
[cath_040.jpg] September 18, 1918. To Mr. R.W. Wiley, Road Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Asks for a letter describing Road decisions made at Frankfort meeting; asks about Mr. Fox’s progress.
[cath_041.jpg] September 27, 1918. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, PMSS, Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Outlines payments for the Road construction; nothing yet received from Mr. Fox.
[cath_042.jpg] October 4, 1918. To Mr. Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Thanks him for reporting the Court’s passing resolution on getting the Road built and will pay 1/2 of the cost; suggest that Dept of Public Roads ask Mr. Fox for completed plans.
[cath_043.jpg] October 9, 1918. To Mr. Horace Fox, Big Stone Gap, Va., from (unsigned), Division Engineer. Asks for progress report on Road survey; asks to change cross-sections.
[cath_044.jpg] October 11, 1918. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Have not received application from Harlan Co. for convicts; suggests that Mrs. Zande write Mr. Fox about sending plans.
[cath_045.jpg] Map [n.d.] “Map Showing Big Stone Gap and Surrounding Country.”
[cath_046.jpg] Handwritten letter. October 18, 1918. To Mrs. Zande from Horace E. Fox, Fox and Peck Civil and Mining Engineers, Big Stone Gap, Va. We have almost completed plans and estimates and will deliver them to Mr. Wiley; please arrange payment to us for $1,000.
[cath_047.jpg] October 16, 1918. To Mr. Fox from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Asks Mr. Fox to submit plans.
[cath_048.jpg] October 16, 1918. To Mr. Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned). Asks if Fiscal Court is needed to build the Road next year; reports that she wrote Judge Forester about convicts.
[cath_049.jpg] October 21, 1918. To Mr. Horace E. Fox, Big Stone gap Va., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Will pay when plans are delivered to Mr. Wiley; cannot provide further payment until State okays bill.
[cath_050.jpg] October 25, 1918. To Mr. R. W. Wiley, Road Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande). Plans to ask Judge Forester for a special session of Fiscal Court in order to apply for convict labor; describes her letter to Mr. Fox and his reply.
[cath_051.jpg] October 31, 1918. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Roads Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky. Sorry to hear that Fiscal Court adjourned and had not received application for convict labor; advises that Mr. Fox submit detailed statement; asks for terms of original contract.
[cath_052.jpg] November 4, 1918. To Rodman Wiley, Department of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande.) Judge Ward employed Fox and there was probably no written contract; asks Wiley to request statement from Fox; Zande asked for special session of Fiscal Court to apply for convict labor.
[cath_053.jpg] November 8, 1918. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Our office should not write Mr. Fox; we only reimburse, not pay bills; suggests having County Judge of Harlan to approach Fox.
Laden Trail or The Road Correspondence: 1919
[cath_054.jpg] Itemized bill. January 21, 1919. “To Fox & Peck, Dr., Big Stone Gap, Va. Pine Mountain Road. To work done March, April and May 1918.”
[cath_055.jpg] Itemized bill. January 21, 1919. “To Fox & Peck, Dr., Big Stone Gap, Va., Pine Mountain Road, locating party June and July 1918 and making Plans and Estimates.”
[cath_056.jpg] January 21, 1919. To Mrs. Luigi Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from H.E. Fox, Fox and Peck Civil and Mining Engineers, Big Stone Gap, Va. Cover letter for enclosed statement with details of work done and mention of having reduced the charges for office work.
[cath_057.jpg] January 23, 1919. to Mr. Horace Fox, Big Stone Gap, Va., from (unsigned; “EZ” initials indicate Ethel de Long Zande.) Sending Mrs. Holton to look into Fox’s bill for $600 for additional set of blueprints.
[cath_058.jpg] January 23, 1919. Handwritten letter, page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J.R. Johnson, Pineville, on letterhead for Manhattan Hotel, Corbin, Ky. Met with Mr. Fox who needs more time to do the work that resulted from change to a narrower road; may delay construction.
[cath_059.jpg] Handwritten letter, page 2 of 2.
[cath_060.jpg] January 23, 1919. Page 1 of 2. Statement of complaints against Mr. Fox. Letterhead: “Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc., Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky.” Signed: Ethel de Long Zande.
[cath_061.jpg] Statement, page 2 of 2.
[cath_062.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten notations and sketch.
[cath_063.jpg] Handwritten letter. January 25, 1919, To Mrs. Zande from H.E. Fox, Fox and Peck, Civil and Mining Engineers, Big Stone Gap, Va. Explains that his bill is for changing width of road and if road width is reduced it will save money.
[cath_064.jpg] February 8, 1919. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J. R. Johnson, Division Engineer, Department of Public Road, Convict Labor Fund for Dell County, Pineville, Ky. Fox cannot accept $150 per mile, but will arbitrate; Johnson will meet with Fox again to get a statement of expenses.
[cath_065.jpg] February 24, 1919. To Hon. Rodman Wiley, Frankfort, Ky. from J.R. Johnson, Division Engineer. Reports that he met with Fox regarding his bill and explains it to Wiley.
[cath_066.jpg] March 4, 1919. To Hon. R. Wiley, Frankfort, Ky., Attention: Mr. Heath, from J.R. Johnson, Division Engineer. Urges Wiley to come to a decision about Surveyor Fox and the Pine Mt. Survey.
[cath_067.jpg] March 7, 1919. To J.R. Johnson, Division Engineer, Pineville, Ky., from R. Wiley, Commissioner. States that the proposition offered to Fox is not negotiable; it would help in an investigation if Fox submits a statement and report of work done.
[cath_068.jpg] March 10, 1919. Handwritten letter, page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky. Encloses copies of his letters to and from the Frankfort office; wrote to Fox and awaits his reply; assures Zande of his interest in the Road and willingness to act as go-between.
[cath_069.jpg] Handwritten letter, page 2 of 2.
[cath_070.jpg] March 13, 1919. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc. Pine Mountain, Ky., from R. Wiley, Roads Commissioner. States that he cannot do anything until plans are received; suggests getting Fox to complete them; suggests a meeting between Fox and the School’s directors.
[cath_071.jpg] March 26, 1919. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner. Assures Holton that he will not need to give Johnson any orders when he represents the office at the conference concerning the Road plans.
[cath_072.jpg] March 27, 1919. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J.R. Johnson, Division Engineer, Pineville, Ky. Waiting for Fox’s reply; encloses copy of his letter to Wiley; hopes for a satisfactory settlement.
[cath_022.jpg] Report. March 31, 1919. Original document by Fox & Peck, Engineers. Signed by H.E. Fox, Big Stone Gap, Va. “Report of Fox & Peck Engineers, on the Pine Mountain Road, Harlan County, Kentucky.”
[cath_023.jpg] Report (continued).
[cath_024.jpg] Report (continued).
[cath_025.jpg] Report (continued). “Expenses for March, April and May 1918.”
[cath_026.jpg] Report (continued). “Expenses for June, July and August 1918.”
[cath_334.jpg] April 14, 1919. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J. S. Forester, Harlan, Ky. Explains that the School’s money has been turned over to the State on call deposit at 2% interest.
[cath_073.jpg] April 18, 1919. To Judge J.S. Forester, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned). Suggests buying War Finance Corporation 5% notes as an investment for the Road Fund; Fox and Peck have been paid $1,000; requests a check from the Road Fund.
[cath_074.jpg] April 19, 1919. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Holton, from J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky. on Kentucky Department of Public Roads letterhead. An engineer on the Pine Mt. survey will be sent; unusual demand for locating engineers from the central office is due to increased interest in Federal Aid roads.
[cath_075.jpg] April 21, 1919. To Mrs. Celia C. Holton from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner. Notes that a settlement was made with Fox; an engineer will be sent to complete the plans; hopes that the work can be started in a few months.
[cath_076.jpg] April 21, 1919. Handwritten letter to Miss Celia C. Holton, from W.B. Paynter, Somerset, Ky. Replies to Holton’s letter that he plans to follow a government bulletin to build convict camp; hopes that Fiscal Court (and not the School) builds it.
[cath_077.jpg] April 24, 1919. Page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J.S. Forester, Attorney-at-Law, County Attorney, Harlan, Ky. Surveyors should not be paid in full for additional surveying required; the Road Fund has been turned over to the State and is subject to the order of the Road Commissioner.
[cath_078.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_079.jpg] April 29. 1919. To Celia C. Holton from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner. Will send an engineer on May 1st to prepare plans for about a half mile of road, then begin construction.
[cath_080.jpg] May 1, 1919. To Judge J.S. Forester, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Describes settlement made with Fox; will send bill after locating engineer arrives.
[cath_256.jpg] May 20, 1919. To Miss Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Superintendent, Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Has authority to move the School’s depot at Chad to the beginning of the Pine Mt. Road as a stop for passenger trains; his company will not charge the School for this; corresponding with Lewis about this; asked about schedule.
[cath_257.jpg] May 20, 1919. To Miss Celia C. Holton, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Superintendent, Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Assures that the siding is receiving the necessary attention; Lewis applied for it and furnished funds for a survey; his engineer will submit an application to management.
[cath_081.jpg] May 23, 1919. letter to Mrs. Celia C. Holton, from F. G. Phillipe, Dillon, Ky. Road may be built this year if enough convicts are sent; the buildings for the men will be ready next week.
[cath_361.jpg] May 24, 1919. Handwritten notecard. To Miss Evelyn K. Wells, from H. E. D. Jackson, Unioir (?) Co., Westfield, N. J. Subject: Encloses check for $100; is willing to help with more funds later in the year, if needed.
[cath_362.jpg] Handwritten note continued on reverse side of [cath_361.jpg].
[cath_082.jpg] June 8, 1919. Handwritten Letter to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from W. Wayne Barton, County Road Engineer, Harlan County Good Roads Committee. Martha Metcalf wants $300 for right-of-way through her land; please see them and adjust this matter.
[cath_083.jpg] June 9, 1919. To Mr. W.W. Barton, County Engineer, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Johnson is seeing the Metcalfs about the right-of-way.
[cath_084.jpg] June 9, 1919. To Mr. Johnson, District Engineer, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Asks Johnson to look into the matter of the Metcalf’s right-of-way charge.
[cath_085.jpg] June 13, 1919. To J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Asks Johnson to notify Judge Forester that the settlement agreed upon by Johnson, Holton, and Fox was accepted by the State Dept. and therefore the County Treasurer may reimburse the School for the check paid to Fox.
[cath_086.jpg] June 16, 1919. Page 1 of 4. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Zande from J.R. Johnson (on letterhead for Continental Hotel, Pineville, Ky.) Agrees to inform Forester; convicts will be sent in a few days; advises how to deal with the Metcalf lands; suggests Zande write to the county attorney or road engineer to get a reply from James Metcalf.
[cath_087.jpg] Page 2 of 4.
[cath_088.jpg] Page 3 of 4.
[cath_089.jpg] Page 4 of 4.
[cath_090.jpg] June 19, 1919. To Mr. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Thanks him for his advice; will ask Barton to contact Metcalf.
[cath_091.jpg] June 19, 1919. To Mr. W.W. Barton, County Engineer, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Relays Johnson’s advice and asks Barton to contact Metcalf.
[cath_327.jpg] June 24, 1919. To “Celia” (Mrs. Caryl Holton), Sidell, Ill., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks her to “secure that gift of a ton of dynamite.”
[cath_336.jpg] June 24, 1919. To Mr. W. L. Bailey, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Reminds Bailey of his pledge of $5.00.
[cath_353.jpg] June 24-27, [no year]. Page 1 of 2. List of “Unpaid Road Pledges” showing names of individuals and companies, amount of pledge, date notified, and percentage paid.[ cath_354.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_092.jpg] June 25, 1919. To Mr. Rodman Wiley, Commissioner of Roads, Frankfort, Ky. from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Mrs. Holton, now in Illinois, may be able to secure a gift of a ton of dynamite; delighted that convicts are at work.
[cath_337.jpg] June 26, 1919. Handwritten letter to Pine Mt. Settlement School, Pine Mt., Ky., from Cawood Hardware Co., Harlan, Ky. Asks if Zande has their subscription to the Road Fund in the name of Pope & Cawood Lumber Co.
[cath_338.jpg] June 30, 1919. To Cawood Hardware Co., Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Responds that PMSS has two pledge cards, one for Cawood Hardware and Lumber Co. ($25) and the other for Pope & Cawood Lumber Co.
[cath_093.jpg] July 1, 1919. To Ethel Lane (sic) Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Rodman Wiley, Commissioner. Reports that the dynamite and black powder will be shipped at once and hopes another ton is coming from Dupont Powder Co.; hopes for a steam shovel in 3 weeks and has purchased other needs.
[cath_328.jpg] July 2, 1919. Page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Zande from Celia C. Holton on Pine Mountain Settlement School letterhead stationery. Reports to Zande that she has written to the Chicago office of the DuPont Co., reminding them of their donation; hopes that Mr. Bumstead is still there, through whom she acquired the gift; describes her and Carl’s activities and plans to settle in London, Ohio.
[cath_329.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_341.jpg] July 2, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Will Ward Duffield, Harlan, Ky. Copy to Mr. Charles H. Davis, President, Kentenia Catron Corporation, East 31st Street, New York City. Is forwarding Zande’s letter to Charles H. Davis, President, Kentenia Catron Corp., for his decision concerning payment.
[cath_094.jpg] July 3, 1919. To Mr. J.R. Johnson from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Asks Johnson to talk with Hollingsworth about using convicts to construct a switch in order to unload steam shovel; asking Mr. Lewis for assistance in fundraising for switch (siding).
[cath_258.jpg] July 3, 1919. To Mr. O. B. Hollingsworth, Superintendent, Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). We have asked Johnson, District Engineer, to take action on the switch at Dillon; anxious that the Dillon community will pay for it; Lewis has been collecting money.
[cath_330.jpg] July 15, 1919. To Mrs. Zande from Celia C. Holton. Since Bumstead is no longer with DuPont, Cathcart Holton’s letter was sent to Mr. Miller, the “West Virginia man.” He responds that the Company does not wish to donate to Kentucky and gives his reasons; Cathcart rebuts his reasoning; describes her and Carl’s working on the London, Ohio, farm and new house.
[cath_095.jpg] July 17, 1919. To Mr. J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials EZ indicate Ethel Zande.) Asks for update on the switch (siding) construction.
[cath_096.jpg] July 19, 1919. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande from J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky. Will meet with Hollingsworth next week.
[cath_097.jpg] July 21, 1919. Page 1 of 3. Handwritten letter to Mrs. Zande from J.R. Johnson (on letterhead for Continental Hotel, Pineville, Ky.) Reports on meeting with Hollingsworth, who felt that his Railroad would not pay for the siding unless it was cost-effective; Hollingsworth will give a general order to have all Road freight unloaded at the camp; “We are saving for the school the first pick that was stuck in the ground on the new road.”
[cath_098.jpg] Page 2 of 3.
[cath_099.jpg] Page 3 of 3.
[cath_100.jpg] Reverse side of July 21, 1919, letter (page 3) with a handwritten itemization of materials, amounts, and costs.
[cath_259.jpg] July 21, 1919. To O. B. Hollingsworth, Sup’t., Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Expresses need for switch soon, so the steam shovel may be unloaded.
[cath_260.jpg] July 22, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. No one has agreed to pay for the siding construction; Lewis is working with the Railroad on this.
[cath_261.jpg] July 24, 1919. To Mr. O. B. Hollingsworth, L. and N. Ry. Co., Louisville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Explains need for siding; understands the company’s policy that a switch will be put in only if there are carload shipments; suggests the ongoing lumber shipments; otherwise School will have to pay for the siding & charge rent.august 21
[cath_101.jpg] July 24, 1919. To Mr. J.R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Delighted about results of Hollingsworth meeting; plans to visit the Road construction site; mentions Metcalf right-of-way costing $200.
[cath_342.jpg] July 28, 1919. COPY. To Mr. Will Ward Duffield, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned: “For Charles H. Davis”), Bass River, Cape Cod, MA. Responds to his letter about Pine Mt. Road; the corporation will not pay its $250 pledge until a contract is made with a concern that guarantees to finish the Road or if the Road is finished.
[cath_102.jpg] July 29, 1919. To Judge J.S. Forester, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks that country treasurer return a $1,009.58 check, money that was advanced from the School’s general funds.
[cath_343.jpg] July 31, 1919. To Mrs. Louis (sic) Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Will Ward Duffield, Harlan, Ky. Road Fund pledge from Kentenia Corp. Forwards copy of Davis’s letter about contribution of Kentenia Catron Corp.
[cath_339.jpg] August 4, 1919. To Cawood Hardware Co., Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Encloses pledge card so that the company can identify it; reminds the company that 50% of the pledge now due.
[cath_344.jpg] August 4, 1919. To Mr. Charles H. Davis, East 31st St., New York, N.Y., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Explains how the Road is being funded and is supported by the State Road Commissioner; if that isn’t sufficient endorsement, PMSS will not expect payment until Road is finished; informs Davis that the Road “goes through a part of the land you have given to the State of Kentucky.”
[cath_347.jpg] August 4, 1919. To Mr. H. M. Brock, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Re-sends reminder that a quarter of his pledge is due ($12.50).
[cath_348.jpg] August 4, 1919. To J. B. Carter, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned). Reminder that the second 25% is due on his pledge.
[cath_349.jpg] August 4, 1919. To Fox, Peck and Fox, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned). Request payment of the first 2 payments of $25 pledge or full payment, if preferred.
[cath_352.jpg] August 6, 1919. Handwritten letter to Pine Mt. Settlement School, Pine Mt., Ky., from H. C. Rice, Master Commissioner, Harlan, Ky. Agreed to pledge payment of $25.
[cath_335.jpg] August 8, 1919. To Judge J. G. Forester, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks that the $5,000 given by Harlan Co. for the Road be transferred from county funds to the Road Fund immediately.
[cath_350.jpg] August 9, 1919. To Miss (sic) Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from R. W. Creech, Mgr. Creech Coal Company, Inc., Twila, Ky. Questions whether Creech Coal Co. had pledged $100 and, if so, asks who signed the pledge; the company is already contributing $2000 for a grade school at Wallins Creek, a closer need.
[cath_103.jpg] Handwritten letter. (n.d.; handwritten notations indicate “Aug 12” and “1919”) To Gentlemen, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mt., Ky., from W. W. Barton. Encloses check for $1,009.58.
[cath_104.jpg] August 14, 1919. To Mr. W.W. Barton, County Road Engineer, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned). Explains the cause for the advancement of money by the county to pay Fox and Peck for Road Survey.
[cath_105.jpg) Duplicate of [cath_104.jpg]
[cath_351.jpg] August 14, 1919. To Creech Coal Co., Wallins Creek, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). “In 1917 we canvassed all the coal companies in Harlan County and asked the larger companies to give $100.00 pledges towards our good road across Pine Mountain. Your pledge was made to Miss Marguerite Butler, who came to Wallins Creek for that purpose.” Raised nearly $50,000 so far; explains importance of meeting their pledge.
[cath_106.jpg] August 14, 1919. To F. G. Lewis, County Treasurer, Harlan, Ky., from “Pine Mountain Settlement School by EZ (Ethel Zande).” Reports receipt of $1009.58 check from W.W. Barton, County Road Engineer; asked treasurer (C. Manning) to send Lewis a $500 check that was a donation to the Road Fund; instructs return of this amount to the School, so that “every penny spent on the Road may pass through the…County Treasurer.”
[cath_345.jpg] August 18, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Charles Henry Davis, Bass River, Cape Cod, MA. Copy to Mr. Will Ward Duffield, Harlan, Ky. Will contribute when Road is finished.
[cath_346.jpg] Reverse side of [cath_345.jpg] with a handwritten list: “Berkham, Peabody, Pass for H. Creech, Lupton, Hewit (?), Bd. Members, Blagley (?).”
[cath_262.jpg] August 21, [no year]. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Theo Williams, Supt in Charge, Department of Public Roads, Dillon, Ky. Encloses letter from L&N Railroad, charging $16 a ton to haul coal; urges Zande to ask the Railroad to put in switch.
[cath_263.jpg] August 22, [no year]. Handwritten letter on reverse side of [cath_262.jpg].To Mr. Hollingsworth from (Mrs.) Ethel de Long…Williams (sic). Asks for switch to be put in by Sept. 1st, whether the Railroad pays for it or not.
[cath_107.jpg] Handwritten letter. August 25, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande from F. G. Lewis, Treasurer, Harlan County. Encloses $500 check.
[cath_340.jpg] August 28, 1919. To Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from W. W. Eager, Cawood Hardware Co., Harlan, Ky. Encloses $12.50 as first half payment on pledge of Cawood Hdw. & Fur. Co.; the company has since changed hands, but he’s sending the money anyway.
[cath_264.jpg] August 29, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Asks to be sent $1302.48, for siding, excluding ties and grading; the School’s money will be repaid if the Railroad takes up the expense.
[cath_331.jpg] September 2, 1919. To Mrs. C. C. Holton, East First Street, London, Ohio, from J. E. Miller, Manager, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Huntington, West Virginia. Declines to donate the powder “now that the matter is in the hands of the State of Kentucky.”
[cath_108.jpg] September 3, 1919. To Mr. Rodman Wiley, State Road Commissioner. Expresses regret that Wiley is resigning and that his official communications were few; describes riding on the first half-mile of the road.
[cath_109.jpg] September 3, 1919. Page 1 of 2. Mr. J. R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from ? (Truncated text; Page 2 is missing). Worries that Wiley’s plans will not be understood by the successor, since he was “not much of a correspondent.” Describes visit to Road and arrangements for a switch (side track). Asks if the County can make improvements to convicts’ camp.
[cath_265.jpg] September 3, 1919. To Mr. Chad Lewis, Dillon, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Williams “says that by law, our switch cannot be regarded as a private switch, since it is on railroad land. Therefore, we cannot charge Mr. Card…for its use” and won’t buy his ties.
[cath_110.jpg] September 7, 1919. Page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from ? (Page 2 is missing). Assures Zande that the incoming commission, Mr. Boggs, will understand Wiley’s plans; will see to the comfort of the convicts.
[cath_266.jpg] September 8, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Authorized by management to construct the siding track at the expense of the LY&N Railroad; your payment will be refunded.
[cath_111.jpg] September 9, 1919. To Mr. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Joe S. Boggs, Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky. Assures Zande that his office will follow Wiley’s plans; expressed regret at Wiley’s resignation.
[cath_112.jpg] Reverse side of [cath_111.jpg] showing handwritten doodles.
[cath_113.jpg] September 9, 1919. To Mrs. Celia Cathcart Holton, London, Ohio, from J. S. Boggs, Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky. Assures Holton that his office will follow Wiley’s plans; will have a good engineer will complete the survey.
[cath_267.jpg] September 12, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Voucher for PMSS for $1302.48 refund is forthcoming.
[cath_114.jpg] September 15, 1919. To Mr. J.S. Boggs, Road Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Thanks Boggs for his assurances; expresses appreciation for his interest in roads and not road politics.
[cath_268.jpg] September 15, 1919. To Mr. O. B. Hollingsworth, Sept., L. and N. Railway, Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Appreciates refund; asks if the Railroad will pay for ties, surveying ($20) and grading.
[cath_269.jpg] September 17, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc., Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Requests itemized bill for grading and ties and the Railroad will refund School; the Railroad will not refund surveying cost.
[cath_115.jpg] September 19, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J. S. Boggs, Commissioner, Frankfort, Ky. Thanks Zande for her letter.
[cath_270.jpg] September 22, 1919. Supt. Williams, Dillon, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Requests itemized bill for cost of grading of the switch, cross ties and switch ties.
[cath_271.jpg] September 24, 1919. To O. B. Hollingsworth, Superintendent, L. and N. Railroad Co., Middlesborough, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Appreciates “Zande” as the stop name, but would rather have it named for the School “or the country.”
[cath_116.jpg] September 24, 1919. To Mr. J. R. Johnson, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Relays Capt. Winfrey’s second request to improve convicts’ living conditions; amused that the Railroad named the new station stop “Zande.”
[cath_117.jpg] September 29, 1919. Handwritten letter on letterhead for University of Kentucky, Lexington, College of Engineering. to Mrs. Zande from J.R. Johnson. He has accepted Chair of Applied Math in the UK College of Engineering and regrets having to leave the Pine Mt. road “more than all else in my district.”
[cath_118.jpg] Reverse side of [cath_117.jpg]. (n.d.) Handwritten letter to Mrs. Zande from J.R. Johnson. Johnson asked Col. George (the prison man in charge of road camps) what he needed. Mr. Williams may attend to this. Johnson’s successor is J.S. Watkins, London, Ky.
[cath_279.jpg] October 1, 1919. Handwritten itemized bill from Cawood Hardware Company, Harlan Ky. to “Convict Const. Camp.” Handwritten notation: “Chg Pine Mt. Sett. School by W(?) S. Love(?).” Bill for stoves ($50.00) and pipe ($1.80) for Convict Constr. Camp.
[cath_119.jpg] October 4, 1919. To J.R. Johnson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Expresses anxiety about his leaving; hopes Mr. Watkins can do the job; mentions stoves arriving for convicts.
[cath_280.jpg] October 6, 1919. Receipt for payment to James Carrel, from Theo Williams, Department of Public Roads, Dillon, Ky. Receipt for $7.00 payment to James Carrel for 29 hours work building chimneys at Prison Camp for 35 cents per hour, paid by Theo. Williams, Supt.[cath_281.jpg] Reverse side of [cath_280.jpg] receipt. Handwritten notation: “Pine Mountain School.”
[cath_274.jpg] October 15, 19[1]9. Handwritten itemized bill to Ky Road Fund, Zanda (sic), Ky. “In Account With” Wasioto Lumber Company, Inc. Bill for oak and beech floors and freight at $157.19.
[cath_176.jpg] November 21, 1919. To Joe S. Boggs, Commissioner, Department of Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from [truncated]. Asks him to return the convicts who have been removed; waiting for an estimate of Road costs from the State; relays complaints about the superintendent in charge of Road work. [Truncated text].
[cath_272.jpg] November 25, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Asks for receipt of itemized bill for switch grading and ties in order to close their accounts.
[cath_275.jpg] November 25, 19[1]9. Handwritten itemized bill to Kentucky Road Fund for Pine Mt. School, “In Account With” Wasioto Lumber Company, Inc., signed “OK” by Theo Williams, Supt., Good Roads Dept. Bill for oak and beech floors and freight at $157.19.
[cath_276.jpg] November 25, 1919. To Mr. Theo. Williams, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Public Roads from Headley Card, Jr., Wasioto Lumber Co., Inc., Pineville, Ky. Asks for payment on enclosed statement for flooring.
[cath_177.jpg] November 25, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Joe S. Boggs, Commissioner, Department of Public Roads, Frankfort, Ky. Explains why Board of Control requested all convict camps closed until spring, in order to close their accounts for the year and report to the incoming administration.
[cath_273.jpg] November 27, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Theo Williams, Supt., Department of Public Roads, Lexington, Ky. Encloses bill for lumber for the prison camp flooring and chimneys built by James Carrel.
[cath_178.jpg] November 28, 1919. To Mr. Chad Lewis, Dillon, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks opinions from Lewis and Capt Winfrey about Capt Williams; asks if Lewis is looking after camp supplies and carload of coal.
[cath_277.jpg] November 29, 1919. To O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt, L. and N. Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Encloses $991.55 statement for switch at Laden and ties for payment by the Railroad.
[cath_278.jpg] November 29, 1919. Mr. A. Headley Card, Wasioto Lumber Co, Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Assures him he will shortly be reimbursed by the Railroad for the ties; asks Card to provide lumber for free.
[cath_282.jpg] December 1, 1919. To Mr. Theodore Williams, Nelson Avenue, Lexington, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Declines to pay for chimney work until County authorities advise how to draw the check.
[cath_283.jpg] December 1, 1919. To Judge J. G. Forester, Harlan, Ky., from (unsigned). Asks how to draw the check for chimney work from the Road funds, now in the hands of the County.
[cath_285.jpg] December 2, 1919. To O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., L. and N. Railroad, Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Responds to his letter, assuring that the itemized bill for the Laden switch and materials was sent to him.
[cath_286.jpg] December 5, 1919. Page 1 of 2. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc., Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., L. and N. Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. Returns for $991.55 statement of the cost of work on Laden switch; asks that the switch ties should be removed from statement as Card has been paid; objects to high price of grading; asks whether Railroad or School pays Lewis for cross ties.
[cath_287.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_288.jpg] December 8, 1919. To Mr. O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., L. and N. Railroad, Middlesboro, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Agrees that the cost of grading was high and will consult the State Road Dept about it; also questions Williams’ $218 charge for hauling ties.
[cath_289.jpg] December 8, 1919. To Mr. J. S. Watkins, Division Engineer, London, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks for his review of the bill for grading and hauling ties for the Laden switch; will let Boggs know of criticism of Williams as manager.
[cath_290.jpg] December 8, 1919. To A. Headley Card, Wasioto Lumber Co., Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks for clarification about charge for delivery of the ties that Card furnished.
[cath_284.jpg] December 12, 1919. To Mr. Theodore Williams, Nelson Avenue, Lexington, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Explains that her question was: from which of the Road funds should the check be drawn.
[cath_120.jpg] December 12, 1919. To Mr. J.R. Johnson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Lists complaints from Capt. Winfrey about Mr. Williams; asks Johnson for his opinion.
[cath_121.jpg] December 12, 1919. To Joe Boggs, Commissioner, Department of Roads, Frankfort, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande), Asks Boggs to give Mr. Lewis authority to sell a tank of gasoline left with the road materials; applies for more convicts in the spring.
[cath_291.jpg] December 15, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from J. S. Watkins, Division Engr., Department of Public Roads, London, Ky. Boggs had already approved the bill that Zande is questioning; will ask Williams for a detailed cost report of the work; welcomes criticism of his staff so that he can investigate same.
[cath_122.jpg] December 16, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain, Ky., from Joe S. Boggs, Commissioner. Authorizes Lewis to sell off the gasoline and forward proceeds to Boggs’ office; the convict issues need to be taken up with the new Board of Control when they go into office.
[cath_123.jpg] December 19, 1919. To Mr. C.F.C. Lewis, Dillon, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Informs him that he is authorized to sell the gasoline and to forward money to Road Commissioner in Frankfort.
[cath_292.jpg] December 19, 1919. To Mr. J. S. Watkins, Division Mgr. (sic), London, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). The ties were sold to the Railroad by Lewis and hauled to the switch; will ask the steam shovel manager about Williams.
[cath_293.jpg] December 21, 1919. Page 1 of 2. To Mr. J. S. Watkins, Division Engineer, Department of Roads, London, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Provides details of Williams’ bill for grading and hauling; feels that Williams’ bill to L. and N. Railroad is excessive; lists complaints about Williams’ management; invites Watkins to visit site.
[cath_294.jpg] Page 2 of 2.
[cath_332.jpg] December 23, 1919. To Mrs. Zande from Celia C. Holton, London, Ohio. Declines offer to Caryl Holton of Road position; has sent books to Laurel House for the girls and “Outlook” magazine to boys at Farmhouse.
[cath_295.jpg] December 26, 1919. To Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc., Pine Mountain, Ky., from O. B. Hollingsworth, Supt., L. and N. Railroad, Middlesborough, Ky. “The question of private ownership and Government ownership of Railroads has not yet been settled.”
[cath_124.jpg] December 29, 1919. To Mr. F.G. Lewis, County Treasurer, Harlan, Ky., from “the Pine Mountain Settlement School By (unsigned).” Encloses check for $1,220.66 contribution to Road Fund.
[cath_296.jpg] December 30, 1919. To A. Headley Card, Wasioto Lumber Co., Pineville, Ky., from (unsigned; initials “EZ” indicate Ethel Zande). Asks for donation of lumber for prison camp repairs.
Click here for contents of 1920 and 1921 correspondence (Part II).
ETHEL DE LONG ZANDE 1917 Correspondence Concerning the Road
LADEN TRAIL VIDEO (1980s) – Paul Hayes
LAND USE Laden Trail Obenchain Report