Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY
Joy Make History
Selected Images part II

62 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook
TAGS: Elizabeth Hench, scrapbooks, Joy Makes History, Book of the Cow, Ayrshire cows, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, mountain ballads, poems, book clippings, news items, illustrations of cows, cow physiology
ELIZABETH HENCH Scrapbook Joy Makes History Selected part II
[Note: The following items have been carefully selected from Hench’s scrapbook. Therefore, not all items are represented. The dates and/or sources of the items are unknown unless indicated otherwise. Filename of the images: hench_scrapbk_00001-xx.jpg ]
41 “MEDICINE”: The usefulness through cow-pox which Lady Mary Wortly Montague brought to England in 1721.” Clipping from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company titled “The History of Vaccination.”
44 Clipping with photo and article titled “Darlene’s Whistle,” describing Dr. Christiansen’s invention of a bloat-cure device for cows.
45 “[?]tain Tales,” a typewritten page on a Pine Mountain Settlement School stationery with a quote from Jasper Day about “going a-cowing” ; and a courtroom conversation titled “Case in Court” from Teefftallow by T.S. Stribling.
48 (Continued) Typewritten courtroom conversation about “tick dip dreened into the brains of Mr. Compton’s cow.”
49 “MUSIC”: Two stanzas from old ballads: “The Tune the Cow Died On” and [untitled].
50 Two newspaper clippings: (1) “Attention Music Lovers!,” a humorous letter to the editor about “Squickle” (cow pulling her feet out of the mud) and program notes for a tone poem titled “Symphonic Tone Poem Bullgaria (Three Episodes in the Life of a Cow).” (2) “Courtin the Cow” about methods used to soothe cows.
52 Two newspaper clippings: (1) Photograph and text about playing a violin for cows at the Los Angeles County Fair. (2) “Duetting Cow,” about a cow in the opera “Jack and the Beanstalk,” presented at the Juilliard School of Music in Manhattan, NY.
53 A page from the November 30, 1931, issue of TIME magazine, titled “The Childlike” about the opera, “Jack and the Beanstalk,” and a photo of “Jack’s Cow.”
54 Comic strip (copyright 1932 by S.L. Huntley) ; photo and a clipping about playing the radio for cows. [Handwritten notation: “July 19, 1925”]
55 “MYTHOLOGY”: A typewritten list of five indications of cows and milk in mythology.
56 Cartoon of a pitcher with a face and a poem from the Pittsburgh District Dairy Council.
57 “NEWS ITEMS”: Photo and caption about Judge McKenzie (Scopes Trial prosecutor), milking a cow during a rest period. ; “Intelligent Cow” from The Indianapolis News ; “Bear Holds Cow While Her Two Cubs Milk It” ; “Diplomatic Incident Over German Cow Closed” by United News ; “Pump Leaves Own Fl…d.”
58 Two newspaper clippings: (1) “Great Eulogy to the Cow” by Ex.-Gov. Patterson of Tennessee ; “Death Claims Cow With Window,” State College, PA ; (2) Cartoon about extinguishing a fire with milk.
59 Photograph of “One of the Most Famous Cattle Markets…” in France from The American Magazine ; sketches and text about four famous men who dealt with cows in their youth.
60 Photograph of “A Group of Distinguished Diplomats Call Upon a Cow: The President of Turkey.” ; An article from TIME magazine dated February 16, 1931, titled “Regulated Rodent” about banning depictions of udders in Mickey Mouse cartoons ; “The Cow the Mayor Ordered” in which the Mayor of Boston sent a cow to the Franklin Park Zoo for the children’s education. ; “Cow Goes to School to Educate Children” from Los Angeles.
61 Six newspaper clippings: (1) “Heroine Rescues Cow From Death” about a Department of Agriculture film. ; (2) “Cow Was Miffed” ; (3) “More Versatile Cows” ; (4) a TIME clipping about cows sleeping on a road, dated September 26, 1927 ; (5) illustration of “Gandhi’s … cow” (P. & A. photo) ; (6) “Cow’s Gold-Filled Teeth Start Rush” from Wenatchee, WA.
62 Photograph of “Ayrshires in a pasture at Lake Placid Club….” from Cosmopolitan; Illustration of a crowd watching a cow in Central Park, NYC, in an article titled “Sophistication” by O.O. McIntyre.
63 Three clippings: (1) “Dairy-Made Diplomacy” and “A Little Inside Dope” ; (2) an article from Yale Review (title is truncated) ; (3) “Chromatic Cows” from The Boston Herald, November 2, 1928.
64 Two photographs: (1) “Twin Ayrshire and Guernsey calves on the Purdue University dairy farm, West Lafayette.” ; (2) Photograph of young man and girl with cow and calves by E. Neiber with caption “Every Increase in the Food Surplus of America is an Aid to Democracy and a Blow at Autocratic Power.”
65 Illustration by Peter Arno of a man in a suit with a bucket and a cow, captioned, “Can papa milk a Cow?”
66 Two newspaper clippings: (1) “…Where Cows Are Queens” from Fremont, NE ; (2) “Pawns of Murder” by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow.
69 “PHYSIOLOGY”: Two clippings: (1) “Cow Uses Four Stomachs to Digest Its Daily Food,” with illustration from Larrowe Institute of Animal Economics. (2) “Uncle Sam’s Talking Cow” with a photograph of a lecturer demonstrating a cow with a diagram of its stomachs
70 Two clippings from Larrowe Institute of Animal Economics, each showing a diagram of a cow’s innards: (1) “Cow’s Heart Pumps 21,000 Gallons of Blood Every Day” ; (2) Cows Lungs Cover City Lot”.
71 “POETRY”: Nine small clippings of poems related to cows.
72 Six clippings of short poems related to cows.
73 Two items: (1) Clipping of a poem from The Saturday Evening Post, August 6, 1927. “Short Turns and Encores: The Milkman’s Horse” and “Summer’s Longings” by Sally Elliott Allen. (2) “Moo!,” a poem by Robert Hillyer.
75 Typewritten verses of a mountain ballad, “An Angel At My Window With a Cow.”
77 Typewritten poem, “On hearing a cow bawl in a deep fit of dejection on the evening of July 3, A.D. 1879,” by Gilette Burgess.
78 Three typewritten poems (1) Mother Goose poem beginning with the line, “High diddle-diddle the cat and the fiddle / The cow jumped over the moon….” ; (2) “The Cow” by Anna and jane Taylor ; (3) “Little Things.”
79 Typewritten poem, “The Old Cow.” [truncated]
81 Typewritten poem, “The Milkman’s Team”
82 Typewritten poem beginning with the line “The Mind said, / “Bother!” by A.A. Milne.
GALLERY: Images #48-82
- 48 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 49 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 50 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 52 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 53 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 54 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 55 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 56 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 57 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 58 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 59 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 60 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 61 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 62 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 63 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 64 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 65 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 66 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 69 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 70 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 71 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 72 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 73 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 75 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 77 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 78 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 79 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 81 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
- 82 Elizabeth Hench Scrapbook.
ELIZABETH HENCH Scrapbook Joy Makes History Selected III
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ELIZABETH HENCH Scrapbook Joy Makes History Selected I
ELIZABETH HENCH GUIDE Scrapbook Joy Makes History
See Also:
ELIZABETH HENCH GUIDE Joy Stock Company Limited Letters 1927-1933
ELIZABETH HENCH Trustee – Biography