E. J. CARR PLANT CENTER Book Collection

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Botanical Book Collection
Selected Bibliography
[Location: Library in Boys House]

Ellwood J. Carr Botanical Book Collection

Ellwood J. Carr Botanical Book Collection. Rose, Jeanne. 1972. Herbs & things; Jeanne Rose’s herbal. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.Rose, Jeanne. 1976.  [P1110894]

TAGS: Ellwood J. Carr,  E. J. Carr Plant Center, botanical books, botanists, naturalists, book donations, Boy’s House, herbal cookery, herbal medicine, Native American Medicine, environmental education, fungi,

E. J. CARR PLANT CENTER Book Collection

The Ellwood J. Carr Book Collection is only a small focused selection from the larger book collection that was gathered by the self-taught botanist. In 2017 the Ellwood J. Carr book collections were removed from Girl’s Industrial building (Plant Center) to the Library in Boy’s House. Currently, the full collection has not been completely inventoried. The Botanical Book Collection contains titles that focus on herbal cookery and medicine. The selected gallery below samples the type of materials found in this unique collection,

The botanical collection will be inventoried against the larger Carr book collection and some titles not fitting the collection boundaries will be integrated into the general Ellwood J. Carr Book Collection. The Carr Book Collection is a WORK IN PROCESS.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: E. J. CARR PLANT CENTER Book Collection (Selected)
[Location: Library]

Field collector’s manual in natural history. 1944. [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified]. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/title/62038.

The Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America: twelfth revision, U.S.P. XII : official from november 1,1942. 1942. Easton: Mack Printing Company.

Angier, Bradford. 1972. Feasting free on wild edibles. Harrisburg: Stackpole Books.

Angier, Bradford. 1956. Living off the country; how to stay alive in the woods. Harrisburg, Pa: Stackpole Co.

Aphrodisia (Firm). 1974. Aphrodisia: an experience in herbs, spices & essential oils. [New York]: Aphrodisia.

Baïracli-Levy, Juliette de. 1976. Herbal handbook for farm and stable. Emmaus, Pa: Rodale Press.

Bell County Extension of Homemakers of Bell County, Kentucky. 1984. Mountain laurel encore. Pineville, Ky: Bell Co. Extension Homemakers of Bell Co., Ky.

Brackett, Babette, and Maryann Lash. 1975. The wild gourmet: a forager’s cookbook. Boston: D.R. Godine.

Carr, Ellwood J. 1966. Literary Works.

Carr, Ellwood J. 1940. Audio-Visual Collection.

Carr, Ellwood J. 1954. Private Papers.

Carr’s Nature Center. 1940. Repository description.

Clark, Janet, Mary Alice Collins, and Gary Collins. 1975. Botanical art. Minneapolis, Minn: Burgess Pub. Co.

Clark, Linda A. 1965. Get well naturally; nature’s way to health. New York: Devin-Adair Co.

Crowhurst, Adrienne. 1972. The Weed Cookbook. New York: Lancer Books.

Crowhurst, Adrienne. 1973. The flower cookbook. New York: Lancer Books.

Diamond, John. 1979. BK-behavioral kinesiology: how to activate your thymus and increase your life energy. New York: Harper & Row.

Doane, Nancy Locke. 1983. Indian doctor book: this is an example of how early pioneers handled their medical problems and are in no way to be construed for use as a substitute to modern medical techniques. Charlotte, N.C.: Distributed by Aerial Photography Services.

*Edwards, Sharon. 1969. From wilderness to wildlife sanctuary Self-taught naturalist Carr made transformation in only two years.

Emery, Carla. 1977. Old fashioned recipe book: an encyclopedia of country living. New York: Bantam Books.

Farwell, Edith Foster. 1958. Have fun with herbs: how to grow them and how to use them for flavoring. Lake Forest, Ill: Heitman Print. Co.

Forgey, William W. 1985. Hypothermia: death by exposure. Merrillville, Ind: ICS Books.

Forgey, William W. 1979. Wilderness medicine. Pittsboro: Indiana Camp Supply Books.

Foster, Steven. 1984. Herbal bounty!: the gentle art of herb culture. Salt Lake City: G.M. Smith.

Gibbons, Euell. 1966. Stalking the healthful herbs. New York: D. McKay Co.

Green, Dymple. 1996. Persimmon goodies. Mitchell, Ind: Dymple’s Delight Persimmon Products.

Harris, Ben Charles. 1968. Kitchen medicines. Barre, Mass: Barre Publishers.

Herter, George Leonard, and Berthe E. Herter. 1965. Bull cook and authentic historical recipes and practices. Waseca, Minn: Herter’s.

Hunt, W. Ben. 1939. Rustic construction. Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co.

Hutchens, Alma R. 1991. Indian herbology of North America. Boston: Shambhala.

Kiser, Kern, Tina Bledsoe, Donald Askins, and Annie Malone. 1975. Nature’s Gifts: a guide to local herbs. [Virginia?]: [publisher not identified].

Krochmal, Connie, and Arnold Krochmal. 1975. A naturalist’s guide to cooking with wild plants. [New York]: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co.

Lanphere, Jessie. 1960. Miz Jessie’s gatherin’ of old, odd, unusual receipts. Bull Shoals, Ark: s.n.

Law, Donald. 1973. The concise herbal encyclopedia. New York: Saint Martin’s Press.

Lehner, Ernst, and Johanna Lehner. 1962. Folklore and odysseys of food and medicinal plants. New York: Tudor Pub.

Lighthall, J. I. n.d. The Indian folk medicine guide. New York: Popular Library.

Loewenfeld, Claire, and Philippa Back. 1967. Herbs, health and cookery. New York: Hawthorn Books.

Loughran, John X. 1958. 90 days to a better heart. New York: Devin-Adair.

Louria, Donald B. 1966. Nightmare drugs. New York: Pocket Books.

Lucas, Richard. 1969. Common and uncommon uses of herbs for healthful living. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Pub. Co.

Macleod, Dawn. 1975. Herb handbook: a practical guide to herbs and their uses. No. Hollywood, Calif: Wilshire Book Co.

MacManiman, Gen. 1974. Dry it – you’ll like it; a book about food dehydration. Fall City, Wash: [Living Foods Dehydrators].

Massachusetts Audubon Society. 1971. Eating wild; a collection of recipes … Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary., Ipswich, Mass. 1971.

McCoy, Frank. 1926. The fast way to Health; being, as to the first part, an exposition of the fasting cure and its application to the prevalent disorders, and, as to the second part, a treatise on food, together with diets for the well. Los Angeles: McCoy Publications, Inc.

McDonald County Homemakers Council. 1969. McDonald County native foods cookbook. [Pineville, Mo.]: [McDonald County Homemakers Council].

McQuarrie, Jack. 1975. Wildcrafting: harvesting the wilds for a living : brush-picking, fruit-tramping, worm-grunting, and other nomadic livelihoods. Santa Barbara: Capra Press.

Meyer, Clarence, and David Meyer. 1988. The Herbalist almanac: a 50-year anthology. Glenwood, Ill: Meyerbooks.

Meyer, David. 1978. Herbal recipes: for hair, salves & liniments, medicinal wines, and vinegars, plant ash uses. Glenwood, Ill: Meyerbooks.

Meyer, Joseph Ernest. 1960. The herbalist.

Miloradovich, Milo. 1950. The art of cooking with herbs and spices; a handbook of flavors and savors. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

Myer, Donna. 1977. Answers to your mushroom questions plus recipes. Battle Creek, Mich: Myer.

Nearing, Helen, and Scott Nearing. 1970. Living the good life: how to live sanely and simply in a troubled world. New York: Schocken Books.

Northcote, Rosalind. 1971. The book of herb lore. New York: Dover Publications.

Null, Gary, and Steve Null. 1972. Herbs for the ‘seventies. New York: R. Speller.

Palm, John Daniel. 1976. Diet away your stress, tension, and anxiety: the fructose diet book: a new common-sense plan for the control of low blood sugar-related disorders, including overeating and obesity, migraine headaches, alcoholism, mental disturbances, hypoglycemia, and hyperactivity. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

Parrotto, Anthony Joseph. 1963. Baldness, grayness, dandruff: treatable or non-treatable? World’s Work.

Powell, Eric Frederick William. 1965. The modern botanic prescriber. London: Fowler.

Red Bird Missionary Conf. Commission on Archives and History.  n.d.  Records. 1979-1981Archival material.

Rose, Jeanne. 1972. Herbs & things; Jeanne Rose’s herbal. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.Rose, Jeanne. 1976. The herbal body book. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

Saxon, Kurt, A. W. Chase, and William B. Dick. 1976. Medicines like granddad used to make. Eureka, Calif: Atlan Formularies.

Scully, Virginia. 1970. A treasury of American Indian herbs: their lore and their use for food, drugs, and medicine. New York: Crown Publishers.

Shaudys, Phyllis. 1986. The pleasure of herbs: a month-by-month guide to growing, using, and enjoying herbs. Pownal, VT: Storey Communications.

Shook, Edward E. 1974. Elementary treatise in herbology. [Beaumont, Calif.]: Trinity Center Press.

Steinmetz, E. F. 1954. Materia medica vegetabilis Pt. 1 Pt. 1. Amsterdam: Steinmetz.

Steinmetz, E. F. 1954. Materia medica vegetabilis 3 3. Amsterdam: Steinmetz.

Steinmetz, E. F. 1954. Materia medica vegetabilis Pt. 2 Pt. 2. Amsterdam: Steinmetz.

Steinmetz, E. F. 1957. Codex vegetabilis. Amsterdam: The Author.

Sweet, Muriel. 1962. Common edible and useful plants of the West. Healdsburg, Calif: Naturegraph Co.

Tatum, Billy Joe. 1976. Billy Joe Tatum’s Wild foods cookbook and field guide. New York: Workman Pub. Co.

Thompson, Steven, and Mary Thompson. 1972. Wild food plants of the Sierra. [Berkeley, Calif.]: Dragtooth Press.

Thomson, William A. R. 1976. Herbs that heal. New York: Scribner.

Tobin, Jack P. 1974. A taste of the wild; cooking with the good things from nature’s garden. [Kansas City, Mo.]: [Hallmark Cards].

United States, and Louis Otho Williams. 1960. Drug and condiment plants.

United States Pharmacopœial Convention. 1937. The First Supplement to the Pharmacopœia of the United States of America: 11th decennial revision (U.S.P. XI, 1937 supplement). [Place of publication not identified]: Board of Trustees.

Van Atta, Marian. 1977. Living off the land: a handbook for living in the subtropics. Melbourne, Fla: Geraventura Corp.

Veninga, Louise. 1973. The ginseng book.

Wade, Carlson. 1968. Instant health – the nature way. New York: Award Books.

Weiner, Michael A. 1972. Earth medicine–earth foods; plant remedies, drugs, and natural foods of the North American Indians. New York: Macmillan.

Wesley, John. 1973. Primitive remedies. Beverly Hills, Calif: Woodbridge Press Pub. Co.

Yemm, J. R. 1977. The medical herbalist. North Hollywood, Calif: Wilshire Book Co.

GALLERY: E. J. CARR PLANT CENTER Book Collection (Selected)

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E. J. CARR PLANT CENTER Guide to Medicinal Plants

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E. J. CARR About the Donor (Biography)