ALICE COBB Correspondence 1930s and References

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY Staff
Alice Cobb Correspondence 1930s and References

ALICE COBB Application and Correspondence 1932

Alice Cobb, PMSS worker, c. 1932. [cobb_alice_photo_001]

ALICE COBB  Correspondence 1930s and References

TAGS: Alice Cobb, John H. Conner, Seymour Daily Tribune, Glyn Morris, PMSS application forms, Lucy S. Furman, Western College, Mothering on Perilous

CONTENTS: ALICE COBB Application and Correspondence 1930s

001 [n.d.] Photograph of Alice Cobb.

ALICE COBB: Reference from Former Employer 1932

002 May 14, 1932. To John H. Conner, Mgr., Seymour (IN) Daily Tribune, from Glyn Morris, PMSS Director, asking Conner to complete a confidential form concerning Alice Cobb’s ability to fill the position of worker at Pine Mountain Settlement School. He encloses literature about the School and a stamped envelope.

Questions include the following, to which Conner responded positively:
Innate refinement
Personal habits of neatness
Ability to cooperate
Ability with children
Christian character
Sense of humor
Desirable characteristics for young people
Organizing ability and resourcefulness
Sense of “institutional loyalty”
Unfortunate habits or peculiarities

002a [Typewritten comment by Conner on reverse side of form:]

Miss Cobb was employed in this office for a year. She is an exceptionally bright girl, a college graduate, excellent morals, and habits. She is conscientious, anxious to learn and cooperate with others. She is well read, has knowledge of several foreign languages and a strong personality. I am sure she will be a success with your institution. (Signed) John H. Conner.

ALICE COBB: Her Letter Seeking Advice from Lucy Furman c. 1931

003-003c August 20, [no year, apparently 1931) Handwritten four-page letter to Miss [Lucy S.] Furman from Alice Cobb, Seymour, IN, [003] who asks Furman to help her understand the work of PMSS. Cobb plans to work there next summer when she completes courses at Western College. She seeks Furman’s help because “your books were the sources of my first interest and my only knowledge of Kentucky settlement work…especially Mothering on Perilous.”

[003a] She describes her “limitations,” stating her lack of knowledge of the practical arts (“dyeing, weaving, corking, sewing…housekeeping”) since her education focused on “cultural” subjects, such as Latin and English composition, which “will not be too helpful in the mountains. But I can learn it all if they will give me the opportunity, and I am willing to try anything, for I’m tremendously interested.” Her previous experience consisted of Sunday school work and social work among the children for three months. She originally applied to PMSS “with the idea of having a new experience and possibly a lark.” 

[003b] In any case, she is now more seriously interested and is willing to try the work to see if it is something she would take up permanently. She then lists her assets, concerning her health, disposition, flexibility. “…I’m not particular about anything except English grammar.” Cobb asks Furman for her opinion as to her candidacy and for her advice. 

[003c] Cobb thanks Furman for anything she can offer and for the book Mothering on Perilous. “I’d like to know how many college girls have been inspired to join the ‘quare women’ in the mountains because of that. You see, I couldn’t live all my life without trying.”

GALLERY: ALICE COBB  Correspondence 1930s and References

See Also:

ALICE COBB – Biography
ALICE COBB Correspondence 1940s
ALICE COBB – Excerpts from Old Letters 1927
ALICE COBB GUIDE to Writings, Stories & Letter Copies