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Pine Mountain Settlement School Series 09: BIOGRAPHY James Columbus and Emily Hill Creech Family Memorabilia Published 2021-08-01 hw
TAGS: Emily Hill Creech, James Columbus Creech, memorabilia, postcards, fans, Presidents of the United States, Henry Van Dyke, Twentieth Annual Conference of Southern Workers, War Ration Book, Christmas cards, Goose Restaurant, Elder Raymond Collins, Song Ballads and Other Songs of the Pine Mountain Settlement School
FOOTPATH OF PEACE by Henry Van Dyke. Small leather-bound booklet published in 1919. Contains quotes by Emerson, Hawthorne, Browning, Ruskin, Eliot. New York: Barse & Hopkins Publishers. [See: PUBLICATIONS Related, 15 pages]
War Ration Book (2 books) [Not all samples are shown]
Christmas card from Clinton Hill to “Mother”
Mary Hill’s copy of “The Day of the Soldier Boy” 5a Post card to Mary Hill 5b 1924 Envelope from H. McIntire to Mary Hill from Red Cross Hospital, Newport, KY.
Post card from B. [Buster] McIntire, U.S.N Aviation, Great Lakes, IL. 6b: Envelope to Mr. Jackson Walker, Jeff, Ky., August 1929
Presidents of the United States poster with President John F. Kennedy at center.
Fan. Garden scene with tulips 8a: Fan back: Southeastern Lumber Company, Lothair, KY.
Fan: Plain brown 9a: Johnson’s Ambulance, Hazard, KY
Fan: Christ with small children 10a: Fan [Back] Brashear Funeral Home, Rt. 1, Box 24, Viper, KY
Fan: Christ “The Good Shepard” 11a: Fan [Back] “A vote for Bill Caudill is a vote that will be appreciated. Democrat nominee for Jailor, Perry County”
Fan: “Watchful Angel.” Children in boat with angel above them. 12a: Fan [Back] Johnson Funeral Home. Hazard, KY. 24 Hr. Ambulance Service. Use of Air Conditioned Chapels with no Extra Charge. L. Riley Townsend, (Mgr.)
Newspaper clipping, Garfield annotated by Mrs. E.J. Ketcham, Imperial Beach, CA, to Mary Jones, Hazard, KY.
Hazard Herald article about the Goose Restaurant. Note on edge reads: “This paper was going into recycle thought you and Karen may want to re-visit? Don’t know anything about …” 14b: Envelope addressed to Miss Linda McIntyre Smith, 11 March 2020. from Barbara Bryan.
2 Postcards to Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Creech from Barbara, 1967. 15a Logging truck and tall Sequoia trees.
School book: E.H. Butler & Co. New American Series. The New American Primary Speller. Philadelphia: J.H. Butler & Co. 16a: Inner pages with advertising and other publications 16b: Inner page with illustration and title 16c: Preface 16d: Suggestions to Teachers “Never allow your children to passover a word whose meaning they do not understand. Be thorough.” 16e: Suggestions to Teachers. 16f: Object Lesson 16g: American Primary Speller samples of script handwriting.
Emily Hill‘s small Blue and Gold Notes, No. 1331. 17a: Shopping list — Bulk amounts of — Crisco, lard, peas, corn, evap. milk, tomatoes, molasses, etc.
Elder Raymond Collins, “Hymns and Songs of Joy,” Do not neglect the assembling together in Heavenly Places …
Songs: “Almost Home” 19a Song: “I Dreamed I Searched Heaven For You” 19b Song: “Oh Death” 19c Song: Oh Those Tombs” 19d Back of pamphlet: “Our Service Not Measured By Gold But the Golden Rule. We Make It Easier To Bear. Ray Collins Funeral Home (Telephone …)”
Song Ballads and Other Songs of the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Copy of Emily Hill. April 192?
Choice Selections No. 1, For sale by Three States Printing Co., Middlesboro, KY. April 3, 1937. Price 15 cents each…. 21a: Song Book No. 1 Index and Song “No Night There” and “Mother’s Good-by”
Choice Selections No. 2, For sale by Three States Printing Co., Middlesboro, KY. First Edition, June 1943, Second Edition, March 1945. Price 15 cents each…. 22a: Song Book No. 2 Index and Song “Nobody Answered Me”
Choice Selections No. 3, For sale by Three States Printing Co., Middlesboro, KY. First Edition 2000, Feb. 1944, Second Edition 3500, Aug. 1944, Third Edition 3000, Jan, 1946. Price 15 cents each…. 23a: Song Book No. 3 Index and Song “The Wreck On The Highway” and “Babe in the Manger,” Tune of the Wabash Cannon Ball
Merrily Sing Twenty Favorite Folk Songs, Contents: Beauty Around Us, Came A-Riding, Come Follow, Down in the Valley, Darkness is Falling, Good Night Beloved, etc. Published by Pilgrim Fellowship, Congregational and Christian Churches, Cooperative Recreation Service, Delaware, Ohio…
001 COVER creech_columbus_ephemera_001
001a Henry van Dyke, Author. creech_columbus_ephemera_001a
001n South “Gratitude.” creech_columbus_ephemera_001n
001o Inside back page. creech_columbus_ephemera_001o
001p Back cover creech _columbus_ephemera_001p
002 Twentieth Annual Conference of Southern Workers. creech_columbus_ephemera_002
002a Twentieth Annual Conference of Southern Workers. creech_columbus_ephemera_002a
002b Twentieth Annual Conference of Southern Workers. creech_columbus_ephemera_002b
002c Twentieth Annual Conference of Southern Workers creech_columbus_ephemera_002c
003 War Ration Book. creech_columbus_ephemera_003
003a War Ration Book. creech_columbus_ephemera_003a
003b War Ration Book. creech_columbus_ephemera_003b
003c War Ration Book. “If you don’t need it, DON’T BUY IT.” creech_columbus_ephemera_003c
004 Christmas card from Clinton Hill, brother of Emily Hill. [creech_columbus_ephemera_004]
005 Mary Hill (sister of Emily Hill) Copy of “The Day of the Soldier Boy.” ‘Little Harison,'[?] creech_columbus_ephemera_005
005ab Harison McIntire to Mrs. Mary Hill …and Envelope addressed to Mrs Mary McCard to Miss Mary Hill from [h. McIntire ?] .. “Hello Kido, How is times. By now, good, I hope. Life’s merry of mood, like to be with you the best in the world and tell you something good. Say tell Em [Emily] that Luther said hellow for him. So I will close this time. Answer soon at me. Co Le 2, Ky. Postmarked Texas. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Mary McIntire, from Newport, KY, April 12-14. 1924. [creech_columbus_ephemera_005ab]
006ab Envelope [no letter] from B. Walker, U.S.N. Aviation, Great Lakes, Ill. to Mr. Jackson Walter, Jeff, Ky. , August 2, 1929. 2. Postcard showing Camp Grant, Ill. creech_columbus_ephemera_006ab
007 “The Presidents of the United States.” creech_columbus_ephemera_007
008 Fan with garden scene. creech_columbus_ephemera_008
008a Back of Fan garden scene. and “Southeastern Lumber Company, Lothair, KY, creech_columbus_ephemera_008a
009 Fan with photo of Johnson’s Ambulance, Hazard.” creech_columbus_ephemera_009
010 Fan. Christ and children. creech_columbus_ephemera_010
010a Fan. Christ and children back, “Brashear, Funeral Home, Inc, Viper, KY. creech_columbus_ephemera_010a
011 Fan: Christ “The Good Shepard” creech_columbus_ephemera_011
011a Fan: Christ “The Good Shepard”. Bill Caudill for jJailor creech_columbus_ephemera_011a