Folder 50. Letters to her family. January-March 1923. 29 items.
January 4. “Dearest Arabella & Helen—Your New Year’s greetings were lovely…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain, Jan 8 AM 1923, addressed to Mrs. George de Long, Berlin, Connecticut. January 7. “Dearest Arabella & Helen—I am so grieved over the news…”
Wed. “Dearest Arabella—Oh cruel world that only allows you to be up 2 hours a day!”
January 14. “Dearest Two—I was disappointed last night not to hear how Arabella is…”
Wednesday. [Arabella: January 17, 1923] “Dearest Arabella—My, but it was a relief…”
Jan. 21. “My dears—How much I enjoyed the envelope of letters I got last night…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Jan 26 AM 1923. Two letters in envelope. Jan 24. “My very dears—I’ve been so proud to be hearing from you…”
Thurs. [second of two letters in envelope; January 25?] “My darlings—I’m so grieved about Helen’s carbunkle—&the cold, & the pea coal that won’t burn!”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Jan 29 AM 1923. Sunday. “Dearest Two—Writing while I rest, so as to save time.”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Feb 2 AM 1923. Thurs. “Dearest Two—Oh dear, but I’m sorry to hear that you’re having another snowstorm!”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Feb 5 AM 1923. Sunday. “Dearest Two—What a precious bundle of things came from you last night!”
Wed. [Arabella: Feb 7, 1923] “To think of Arabella with a glorious new coat!”
Friday P.M. “Dearest Arab—Meant to put this check in Wednesday…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Feb 13 AM 1923. Sunday. “My dears—Bedtime, but I have to tell you that E.K.W. & I have nearly finished a blue crepe de chine dress…”
972 South 2nd St., Louisville. Sunday afternoon. “My dears—Berto, Luigi, and I have just washed the dinner dishes, B— doing all the washing…” [February 18]
Postmarked Louisville Feb 20 11PM 1923. Tuesday. “Dearest Helen—Well, well, I know you understand how I came not to realize that tomorrow is your birthday…”
Postmarked Louisville Feb 24 10:30 PM 1923. Saturday afternoon. “Dearest Arab & Helen—I’m thinking so much of you….”
Monday. “I wonder, my dears, how our little Helen is today?”
Wednesday. “Dearest Helen—Mother’s word that you are in such pain…”
Postmarked Louisville Mar 2 5:30 PM 1923. Thursday. “Dearest Helen, I think of you just constantly…”
Monday 6 P.M. “Dearest Two—We are packed & ready to go downstairs town for supper…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 8 AM 1923. Wednesday night. “The only piece of paper I can find in the house!”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 12 AM 1923. Sunday. Dearest Two—A rainy day—but Luigi’s birthday, and so we are having Evelyn & Harry as supper guests.”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 13 AM 1923. Monday. “Forgot to enclose check…”
Mar 16. ‘Dearest Two—It’s the greatest relief to know that Helen is better…”
Monday Night. [Arabella: March 23] “Dearest Two—I just couldn’t write on Berto’s birthday night…”
Thurs. “Note: ‘Cousin’ Mary Graff has just sent 2 pairs of fine shoes…”
Sunday. “Dearest ladies—I wish you could have been with us today…”
Friday. “Dearest Two—Home again are you? I take it vacation was only a week long…”