de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series I – Folder 46. Letters to her family. January-June 1921.

Folder 46.  Letters to her family.  January-June 1921.  39 items.

January 2.  “I wish you could be here in this dear, cozy little sitting-room!”

January 5.  “I’m the thankfullest person, my darlings, to be at home tonight!”

Tuesday.  “Dearest Two—Court is holding session by night as well as by day…”

Fragment.  “Winnes guilty—& showed how no negroe could have done the crime…”

Jan. 17. [Arabella: J 18, 1921] “Dear precious two—It’s so lovely to have you two…”

Friday. [Arabella: Jan 21, 1921] “Dearest Two—Here I am, in Pineville!”

Thursday.  “Dearest Mother & Helen—Can you imagine what it is like to still be in Harlan?”

Fragment:  “other people?  Park Church ladies sent $25…”

Fragment. “born Monday morning, Jan. 31.  She is a precious baby, & he adored her…”

Valentines’ Day.   “Dearest Helen—It’s great news that Mother is better…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Feb 18 AM 1921 addressed to Miss Helen Bray de Long        150 West Main Street New Britain Connecticut. January 17, 1921.  “Dearest Helen—Can it really be possible that you will be 34 years old…”

February 23. “Dearest Two—I’m just wishing tonight that you could see Berto!”

Thurs.  “Dearest Two—Somebody came, last night, just as I wa addressing your letter…”

“My dears—Did I ever thank you for the valentine…”

March 4. “And inauguration means nothing to us, who have electric lights all over…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 7 AM 1921. March 6.  “Dearest Two—And you are back in New Britain, with Helen more or less…”

Tues. Mar. 8.  “My dears—I must send you a line to let you know that Aunt Sis will probably pull through…”

Fragment.  “Sitting on my lap, just before supper, Berto espied the ink pot & pen…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 14 AM 1921. Sunday.  “Dearest Two—Such a bright, peaceful afternoon it is..!”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 21 AM 1921.  Mar. 20.  “Think of it, two whole days have gone by since Berto’s birthday, & you’ve not had a line!”

Wednesday P.M.  “We three, & Evelyn, took supper with the Deschamps tonight…”

Sunday Evening of Easter.  “My dears Berto is just laid in his crib—sweetheart that he is.” [March 27]

Wednesday.  “Dearest Two—No letters from home tonight—a real disappointment.”

Monday.  “My dears—A combination of a bad cold & many visitors yesterday….”

Monday.  “Such a busy wedding anniversay that I never got time for a line.”

“Dearest Helen—I was so happy to get your Sunday letter just now…”

April 17.  “I don’t know when I’ve had such a peaceful day as this!”

Thurs. & Friday [Helen: 1921] “My dears–I’m thankful your vacation has begun…”

Monday 10.30 P.M.  “My dears—’Stead of writing you yesterday I took a nap!”

May 11.  [yesterday Berto, Fido, Harry, Nell, & I went to the Med. Set…”

Thurs.  “Dearest Arab You got the telegram from Leon because they went out early…”

Sunday Night.  “Well—we had a picnic up by the reservoir tonight, Deschamps, Manees…”

Thursday.  “Well, me dears, only a bit more than 6 weeks before you arrive!”

Sunday.  “Well, Berto & I have just been surveyng our plantation…” [end missing]

Monday.  “Dearest Ladies—I could not write you last night for we had a combination supper party with the Manees’, K. Wright, & Bill Browning & they didn’t go till nearly 11.”

Memorial Day. “May 30—And I’m wondering  if there are still a few old, old Civil War….”

Fragment.  “Sweet william, iris, laurel, purple rhododendron…”

Sunday.  “And what do you s’pose?  Antoinette will be next Sunday!” [sic]

Thursday.  “Cleaning the sitting room & fixing it for Antoinette all day today.”