Folder 44. Letters to her family. March-June 1920. 41 items.
March 2, 1920. “Dearest Arabella—I was pleased as Punch to have a really sizable letter…”
Tuesday Night. “Dearest Little Sister: Poor, poor child—with no nice long letters…”
March 4. “Dearest Helen—You know Evelyn is gone—& Miss Cathcart is a poor stenog. …”
March 4, 1920. “Dearest Arabella—How do you like your downstairs room….”
Sunday Evening. “My darling—I reckon I never can write you a good letter of a Sunday…”
Monday Night. “Dearest Arabella—: 1st) Isn’t it grand that you’ve taken a walk!”
Monday Night. “Dearest Helen—Is my little sister better? I wanted to write you again…”
Wednesday. “Dearest Helen—I just knew my letter would be a blow, & I was so hurried…”
March 10. “Darling Arabella—Luigi’s birthday eve, & don’t I wish you were to share his birthday supper tomorrow—chicken & cake & other nice things…”
Friday Night. “Darling Arab—It’s perfectly true that a baby gets cunning new tricks…”
Monday, March 16. “Dearest Arabella & Helen—So good to have a letter from you….”
March 17. “Dearest Mother—Think of it—that our precious Berto hadn’t arrived…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain, Mar 20, 1920 AM. March 19, 1920. “Dearest Helen—I am troubled today because I haven’t heard from you since your perfectly lovely note to Berto.”
March 19, 1920. “Dearest ‘Nonna’—Your little treasure just falls on sleep, these evenings.”
Mon. Tues. “Dearest Arab—I was so happy to get your good letter tonight…”
March 24, 1920. January 9, 1920. “Dearest Helen—I didn’t get a letter off to you…”
March 24, 1920. “Darling Arab, So you’re getting outdoors in the lovely spring weather….”
March 26. “Dearest Arabella—I’m so happy to know you are in Asheville, and able….”
Monday Evg. “My dears—Wasn’t it lovely that Arabella not only saw Helen’s school….”
Wednesday. “Dearest Arabella—This is to carry you Easter greeting…”
Monday in Easter Week. “Well, dearest Arabella, I’ve been happy I don’t know…”
Wed. “Dearest Arab—At last I have a sec’y. & have begun to get cleared up!”
Sunday Evening. “Well, dears, we’ve had such a nice supper, Luigi, Angela, & I.”
Tues. “Dearest Two’s—I’m writing in haste as I get ready to go to Viper to the Wedding.”
Saturday Noon. “Dearest Mother & Helen—I do so hope Helen’s cold is better…”
Sunday Night. “Dearest Two—I must let you know how much more comfortable…”
Tues. “To Arabella & Helen—Berto can now shake hands—a most amusing performance…”
Tuesday. “Dearest Helen—I do wish I knew that you were better!”
Thurs. “My dear—do you have anything so lovely as sweet william & wild larkspur…”
“My dear—It’s such good news that you’re better.”
May 1st. “7 teachers going today Dearest Two—Found! the address…”
Monday Night. “Dearest Helen—how grieved I am that you’ve been having such a bad time & such terrible pain!”
Monday. “My darling lady—Will you please get me: 3 prs. tan stocking size 10…”
Wed. Night. “Dearest Arab & Helen—Berto’s shoes came tonight—too large!”
Fragment; beginning is missing. “My, how I’d love to have written all the things I think of!”
“Dearest Arab I’m so sorry the clo’es don’t fit, on sight!”
Thursday. “Dearest Arab: You must not worry about us. Berto is as fine…”
Monday Night. “You see, my dears, I’ve given up trying to write you on Sundays.”
Thursday—Such a nice time as I’ve had today! I went to the Med. Set. with Mary R…”
“Just one line to tell you that the darling slippers came, along with coat lining…”
June 1. “Beautiful Folks—I wish, when I think of your coming here, that I needn’t….”