Folder 36. Letters to her family. June-July 1917. 24 items.
“Saturday morning dears, & time for me to get up and make the fire, for sure it’s seven o’clock (by your time)….”
“Sunday afternoon in Pinevile—just to tantalizingly near to P.M. Dearest dearest Mother—and Helen—I wonder what this day has been to you?”
“This is Wednesday Evening, in the lovely hour after supper…”
Thurs. P.M. “Dearest Twos—It’s thundering & about to storm & I must read Current Opinion…”
Monday Night. “I must tell you how Baby prayed “Dod bess Damma…” [incomplete letter]
“Well, my dearests, this is Monday morning & though it is 7.30 I am still doing nothing!”
Wednesday. “Dears, dears, dears—Why did fortune deal us so unkind a blow as to part us this summer?”
“My dears—Wednesday no Thurs. night, so you may get this on Saturday.”
Sunday Evening. “Dearest Two—The moon is just rising over a wonderful wall of living green. I have never seen Pine Mt. so lovely—the chetnuts ripened & white…”
“Dearest Lyme Ladies—I wish I had something lovely to send you…”
Friday. “Dearest Mother & Helen—A gray windy day—& you know how lovely the view down the valley is from the Pole House hill. “
[July 4, 1917] “3 visitors in today. Night of the Fourth.”
[July 5, 1917] “Here comes Baby swinging up the path from Far House. Now she is at the door.”
“Dearest darling Arabella—when you go put to bed by that pluckiest of women—A.M. de Long—did it help the pain, and are you better now?”
“My dears—my dears—They were beautiful letters I had from you last night…”
“My dears—A chicken fry is just over, at the Pole House, in honor of Alice Batchelder…”
“My dears—Here is a check & I hope it comes soon enough—for your needs…”
Tuesday. “Dear darlings—I’ve been to a Republican primary rally today & heard about 25 speakers (in the H. in the W.) Do you wonder that I feel a little exhausted?”
Early Monday Morning. “Such a lovely day yesterday! Mr. Bradley is here again…”
“My Precious Pair—How are you by now—as the children say?”
Thurs. Evg. “Dearest Twos—So this will get to you at Fisher’s Island—and aren’t you up and coming to go there…”
“Dearest Mother & Helen—Of course I shall soon be hearing from Fishers Island, for haven’t you been there 2 whole days?”
Friday. “Dearest Arabella—I have just written Aunt Ida a birthday letter…”
Sunday 2 P.M. “My dears—This is a sockdolager of a hot day.”