de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series I – Folder 23. Letters to her family. August-December 1911.

Folder 23.  Letters to her family.  August-December 1911.    39 items. 

Train just pulling out.  “I was just thinking, dearest Helen, how much I should love…”

Wednesday Night on the train.  “My two dears–Well, how glad I was to hear that you may stay at 24 Moreland till Saturday, and to know how troubles are smoothing out.”

On the way to Beaver Creek.  “In a couple more hours the last of the railway journey….”

Sunday Night.  “Dearest Mother and Helen,—You thought you would have a letter waiting..”

[Arabella:  Ethel, Aug 28th] [Impression made by postal stamp is embossed in stationery:  Hindman Aug 31 6AM] Wednesday Evening.  “It was nice to get Helen’s Sunday morning letter tonight…”

Sunday Night.  “Dearest Mother and Helen,—Well, you can’t think how good it is to sit…”

Friday Night.  “Dearest Mother and Helen—I just feel as if I had to run home to see…”

Sunday Morning.  “Goodmorning, my two dear ladies!  Shall I think of you in Hubbardston?”

Sunday Afternoon.  “My two dear ladies,—And how are you today?  and are you together…”

Thursday Night.  “You letter has just come—darling lady—and I hasten to tell you….”

Sunday Eveneing. “Dearest Mother and Helen,—Well, well!  how pleased I was to hear….”

“My dearest Helen and Mother,—Well, well!  it does seem too bad that you’ve been so amazingly distressed about me,—out of all proportion to the occasion!”

Sunday Evening.  “Dearest Mother and Helen:  How I wish you could see my pretty room…”

[Impression from postal stamp:  Oct] Tuesday Night.  “Dearest Helen,—If this note gets to Lincoln before you do, it can…”

[Impression from postal stamp: Hindman  Oct  possibly 12 or 13] “Dearest Mother mine,—I would that I could talk to you—this minute—that you…”

“Dearest Mother,—It is evening of the mildest April day—it seems—and we of this…”

11 P.M. Friday Night [Arabella:  October 20]  “To Mother & Helen.  My birthday celebration is just over…”

Sunday Night. [Arabella:  October 22]  “Dearest Mother & Helen!  October is at last here!  It didn’t quite get here for my birthday, but came two days late, with coquetry of wind…”

Monday Night.  “Dearest Helen,—My heartiest congratulations on the coming true of a regular fairy tale!” [contains a tiny flattened pine cone]

Tuesday Night. {Arabella: October 23]   “How I wish I knew whether you got my telegram…”

Thursday Night.  “Dearest Mother,—You can’t think how happy I am to have got…”

Sunday Night.  “Dearest Mother—to think that tomorrow Helen starts for us…”

Wed.  “Helen got in about 3.30.  Dearest Mother—Well, our dear lass is here…”

Monday Morning.  “Dearest Mother, I keep wishing you could share all my interesting experiences and could see the sights and hear the talk and meet the people…”

Sunday Night.  “Well—dearest Mother—just to think that our Helen has been spending…”

Thursday Night.  “My dearest Mother, Miss Furman has been reading to us all…” [end of letter is missing]

Wednesday Night. “My dearest Mother,—How I should like to know where you are…”

Monday Evening. [Arabella: Nov 27/11]  “My dear old precious Mother—I am just thinking what an inimitable letter writer you are!”

Thanksgiving Night.  “Dearest Mother is to have a line from her dearest daughter!”

Monday Night.  [Arabella: December 4]  “This is not a letter, nor a substitute for one—dearest Mother.”

“My dearest Mother,—My heart is full of love and longing, and I wish I could find words…”

Sunday Night.  “My dear precious lady, I am absorbed in thinking what a brave and…”

Undated paper containing dried flowers.

Tuesday Night.  “Dearest Mother—Merry Christmas!  Merry Christmas!  Merry Christmas!”

Christmas card [contains smaller card from Helen] “Dearest Mother—I just haven’t anything pretty to send you, so I am filling this box full of love…”

“Dearest Mother,—I am writing just a word of love—to put in this envelope…”

Christmas Day, at five.  “My dear lady, whom we have thought of and talked of….”

Envelope postmarked Hindman Dec 27 6 AM 1911 addressed to Mrs. George de Long Hubbardston Massachusettes [Arabella has written “Christmas” across it]

Friday Night.  “Dearest Mother— No indeed, you’ve not overwhelmed us with letters…”