Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 07: Directors – Glyn Morris
TAGS: Glyn Morris Study & Recommendations VII Finances; Pine Mountain Settlement School; Harlan County, KY; planning; institutional reports; institutional management; 1942; endowment funds; donors; annual subscriptions; pledges; emergency direct appeals; publicity representatives; Board of Trustees Publicity Committee; calendars; news bulletins; annual appeal letters;
GALLERY: Glyn Morris Study & Recommendations VII Finances
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TRANSCRIPTION: Glyn Morris Study & Recommendations VII Finances
[Slightly edited.]
Funds for maintaining the School have come from three sources, interest on the endowment fund, contributions and annual subscriptions. (See graphs.) The fund, as well as contributions and subscriptions, was raised in the beginning by the founders of the School, who made speaking trips through different areas of the country, chiefly in New York and New England, interesting large numbers of groups and individuals, many of whom indicated their confidence in the work of the School by pledging a certain amount of money annually, to be paid upon notice from the treasurer of Pine Mountain. Others have contributed every year, but without a formal promise to do so. For various reasons, depression, loss of interest, sickness and death, the income from contributions has decreased, as the endowment has increased with legacies. Annual subscriptions have decreased less in amount than contributions. The number of contributors has remained about the same, but the size of the contributions has decreased.
Since there is a number of schools similar to Pine Mountain in the mountains, and all of these school approach a clientele like, or overlapping, Pine Mountain’s with a similar type of appeal, this School has realized that the emergency direct appeal for funds is fast losing its effectiveness. It is quite clear that the School can no longer expect to receive money by asking for it to meet an emergency which in its acute and picturesque form no longer exists.
Pine Mountain then is endeavoring to cement the bond between the School and its contributors by reopening the personal relationship upon which the original interest was established. Therefore, the…
…School has employed for the first time this year a full-time publicity representative to carry on, under the direction of publicity committee from the Board of Trustees, an active full-time publicity program, with the double purpose of establishing and maintaining a personal connection with supporters, and at the same time of educating them concerning the wide social problems in which the School is an integral and important factor at the present time.
Pine Mountain makes four regular contacts with its patrons of the mailing list by means of two news bulletins, a calendar and an annual appeal letter. Patrons are not expected to contribute in response to the bulletins. For the calendar they are asked to contribute the cost of printing and mailing. The letters asks directly for financial help and encloses cards and an envelope for return.
Compared with the form and content of literature published by other schools, the literature prepared and printed by Pine Mountain School would seem to stand high. The School has always endeavored to be completely honest and realistic in the material it sends out. The form is conservative [and the] phraseology has been carefully studied, usually thought through and adjudged by several competent persons before it is printed. The material from Pine Mountain has endeavored to place emphasis upon education and enlightenment rather than mere entertainment of the readers and has erred if at all on the side of understatement rather than overstatement.
See Also: