Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 11: FARM
Series 16: EVENTS
FARM 1937 Community Fair Day

Community Fair Day 1937. (left to rt.): “MK,” (Marian Kingman), “Ruth Gaines,” “MM” (Margaret Melville? Margaret Motter?), “HC” (?), ?, ?
September 25, 1937
TAGS: 1937 Community Fair Day, advertisements, community events, fairs, Pine Mountain Settlement School community, farming, garden displays, craft displays, farm animals, Medical Clinic, barbecue, foodways, ballads, singing, movies, ball games, calling contests, prizes, music, educational exhibits, home products, cooking
The program for the 1937 Community Fair Day provides a look at the collaboration between Pine Mountain and its surrounding community. The program is chock full of advertising and the requisite political candidate endorsements. It is a glimpse of the School and its neighborhood as it existed in 1937.
Community Fair Day is one of many annual events that has a long history at Pine Mountain Settlement School. It started in 1917 as an extension of the Harlan County Fair and the School’s “Farmer’s Day.”
While the fundamental program of the Fair has remained remarkably consistent, the scale and scope of the Fair have varied from year to year as interest in fairs has waxed and waned in the School, the community, and the nation. It continues today as an annual event at the School.
CONTENTS: 1937 Community Fair Day Program
[Note: Transcriptions are slightly edited for clarity.]
[Cover] “Announcement Copy. PINE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY DAY. The Annual Community Event of the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Saturday, September 25, 1937. Pine Mountain, Kentucky. In Case of Rain, Fair Will be Held October 2nd. Come and Have a Good Time.
[Insert] “SPECIAL FOR PINE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY DAY. Special prizes are offered by the late Miss Katherine Pettit’s sister, Mrs. Minnie Bullock of Lexington, Kentucky, for people over 40 years of age:
1. Oldest and prettiest coverlet – [Each category indicates cash amounts for first ($1.50) and second ($1.00) prizes]
2. Oldest and prettiest patch work quilt
3. Oldest and prettiest perfect rifle – or other old articles
4. Best collection of five gourds”
[001] duplicate of [Cover]
[002] Advertisements: Modern Bakery (Harlan, KY), Cumberland Hardware Co., and Harlan Automobile Company.
[003] PROGRAM OF EVENTS. Morning: Ballad Contest, Hog/Chicken/Cow Calling Contests, English Country Dance, Best Health Demonstrations.[Cash amounts for prizes are indicated for the contests.] Advertisements: The Quality Shop (Harlan) and S.T. Turner (food store, Harlan).
[004] Advertisements: The Home Fruit and Produce Co. (Harlan) and Baughman & Dotson (insurance, Harlan).
[005] PROGRAM OF EVENTS. Afternoon: Horseshoe Pitching Contest, Baseball Game, Set Running Contest. “Ice cream sandwiches and cake will be sold.” Advertisements: Hugh Jones Cafe (Harlan, “Produce — Eggs, Chickens, Vegetables, Hogs, and Calves. Bring to Cafe for Quick Sale — We Pay Cash”), and The Harlan National Bank.
[006] Advertisements: Pope-Cawood Lumber and Supply Co., Inter-Mountain Coal and Lumber Company (Putney), Central Drug Company (Harlan), and Modern Electric and Furniture Company (Harlan).
[007] Advertisements: Cumberland Valley Music Company (Harlan), Green Motor Company (Harlan and Cumberland), and Harlan Hardware Company (Maytag Washing Machines, Funeral Directors).
[008] Advertisement: Republican Candidates
[009] Advertisements: Democratic Candidates (Cam Ball, L.C. Wall, Clinton C. Ball, Clarence Poer, I.R. McBrayer, Harry Baughman, Gilbert Blanton), and Lewallen Hotels (The Lewallen in Harlan and the Daniel Boone in Whitesburg. “Under management of Ben Lewallen.”)
[010] Advertisements: McComb Supply Company (Harlan: “Wholesale Hardware, Philco Radios, Mine and Mill Supplies”), Bank of Harlan, and Clarance Patterson.
[011] Advertisement: “The H.T. Hackney Co., Distributors of White Lily Flower, Prattlow Canned Goods and Goodwin’s Jellies and Preserves, Harlan, Kentucky”
[012] Advertisements:Black Motor Company (Harlan) and Kentucky Utilities Co.(W.E. Arnold, Manager).
GALLERY: 1937 Community Fair Day Program
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EVENTS Guide to Past Events
FARM Guide to Community Fair Days
See Also:
ART and CRAFT Guide
COMMUNITY – What is Community? – Post