de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series I – Folder 70. Letters to Ethel from outside her family.

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series I: Ethel Marguerite de Long Zande
Folder 70. Letters to Ethel from outside her family (25 items)

These are letters which Ethel de Long Zande received from other people and shared with her mother Arabella and her sister Helen. They include letters in response to the “Callahan letter” of September 1916 and to the destruction of the first Mary Sinclair Burkham Schoolhouse by fire in January 1919.

April 13 [1913]. Katherine Pettit to Ethel. “How can I write you the letter I long to …”

January 3, 1913. Thomas H. Balliet to Ethel. “Please accept my hearty thanks for the pretty calendar. This is an ingenuous method of bringing before the public the aims and character of this Settlement School.” [possibly 1914]

February 14, 1914. Bessie and Tom Todd to Arabella and Ethel. “I was in Boston when your note arrived…”

[1915?] Two fragments. Eve [Newman] to Ethel. “Pollyanna has had kittens and had them just like asthetic people always do.” and “I wish you could see Bobby and Polly Anna.”

September 22, 1916. C.N. Manning to Ethel. “Your letter concerning John Callahan’s children was wonderfully pathetic and appealing–very effective, too, as the responses show.”

October 15, 1916. Mary W. Carter to Ethel. “The enclosed check is sent you for the family of seven children.”

October 16, 1916. Rejoyce Collins Booth to Ethel. “Your plea for help for the Callahan family came while we were in San Diego…”

October 18, 1916. Mrs. E.P. Ingersoll to Ethel. “Yours of Oct. 15th reached me today and I will reply promptly as I have a small check which I received today…”

October 20, 1916. Miriam F. Carpenter to Ethel. “After a hundred and one delays, I am sending you a tiny check for myself and for Edith M. White…”

[January 1, 1917] Angela Melville to Ethel. “The First Day of the New Year. Pine Mountain—the place of surprises!”

April 11,1917. Angela Meville to Ethel. “I got your letter of March 31st, this morning.”

April 17, 1918. Arthur W. Underwood to Ethel. “Of course I know that is not correct and that you should be addressed as Mrs. Zande, but since I do not know ….”

[1919] Carrie Neill to Ethel. “Nothing can be put into words which will bring much comfort…”

January 27 [1919] Mary [Rockwell] to Ethel. “Oh, what a calamity! I learned of it at noon today when I called up Angela Melville whom I had found in bed yesterday trying to have grippe…”

January 31 [1919] Cora M. Herrick to Ethel, “Ethel—you precious lamb—I just don’t know what to say to you!” [Cora M. Herrick,  served as Isabelle Martin’s, live-in companion and secretary. Isabelle Martin was the wife of Darwin D. Martin, who served on the PMSS Board of Trustees].

[prior to March 9, 1919] [Florence Reeves] to Ethel. “Ethel, my dear,— On Wednesday morning I mailed three boxes to you containing ‘hit’s things’—I hope they reach you safely and in time.” [three index cards in one envelope to Arabella postmarked March 9, 1919]

[circa March 1919] Card. From Henrietta Gray. “Mother has just finished one of her little baby jackets…”

March 27, 1919. H.N. Gardiner to Ethel. “I heartily congratulate you….”

April 1, 1921. Frances G. Calkins to Ethel. “Your card was received when my good Robert was quite ill with a bronchial cold.”

April 18, 1921. Mary A. Jordan to Ethel. “Be sure that I am as much interested in the work as ever…”

[Undated, 1921?] Wilmer Stone to Ethel. “Noel’s kittens have arrived!”

December 18, 1921. Rejoyce Collins Booth to Ethel. “Mac and I are giving each other a Christmas present of a small check to Pine Mt. Settlement…”

February 23 [no year] F.A. Carle to Ethel. “I am more sensitive to the better part of affection than when my life was fuller of vital interests…”

Undated. First six sheets missing. Florence Slusser [to Ethel]. “(7) plantings of lettuce so I decided to try my hand.”

November 15, 1927. May [Ritchie Deschamps] to Ethel. “I sure was glad to have your letter I had written you last and you know I only write as I nearly have to, that is the Ritchie style”