THANKSGIVING at Pine Mountain 1915 -1939

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series: Community and Celebration



“The Puritans”, Will Roark and May RItchie in play at Big Log, c. 1920’s


(From the Pine Cone of 1933 the following poem by student, Tom Madon)


Thanksgiving is the day of praise
For all the good things we raise,
Potatoes, corn, and all the beasts
And on Thanksgiving we have a feast.
Then we go out and kill the meat,
Turkey and pig we like to eat,
Jelly, jam, and gingerbread,
And with them we have the table spread.
——- Thomas Madon



[From the PINE CONE]

“Thanksgiving comes but once a year and the students of Pine Mountain always make the most of this holiday season. Preparations for Thanksgiving began a week before the twenty-fourth, A table in the library was fixed up with lots of leaves and twigs to represent trees, and several turkeys around in the yard.  There were pictures of Indians, turkeys, Puritans, and a picture of the first sermon in America, on the bulletin board.  Miss Wilbur’s class gave a program in assembly on Thursday November the 16.  The play was about the Pilgrims and the frst Thanksgiving. Miss Wallace gave a very interesting talk about the landing of the Pilgrims and the hardships they went through th e first year or two after they landed in their new home.

     Shortly after Thanksgiving service we had a nice dinner with chicken and pumpkin pie. In the afternoon there were several basket-ball games played.  The most exciting one was between the women workers and the first girls team.  Thursday night the workers entertained the school with a very funny and interesting program.  Everyone went to bed tired but happy for the pleasant day….”