Folder 13. Letters, August-October (?) 1922. 15 items.
August 9, 1922. “My Sweetheart Helen; Precious little daughter do you know we have had no first class mail for two nights?”
August 12 [1922] Sunday. Nine o’clock. “My precious, most beloved little daughter; I have just finished reading your most delightful letter, written from the Chateau Frontenac on August the eighth…”
August 13, 1922. “Precious Helen child; Another busy day and I have not had an opportunity to write you. We are having an over-night guest, Miss Medcalf of Line Fork.”
August 14 [1922] Tuesday. 2.30. “Scene—Arabella’s room—Arabella at her desk, young Alberto the son & heir of the Zande house—supposed to be asleep, sitting on the windowsill above Nonna’s bed, looking at a book.”
August 17, 1922. Thursday. “My precious little daughter; It was good indeed to have your little note of Sunday.”
August 21, 1922. “Dearest, deepest loce to you my precious daughter Helen; Your card of the 11th inst was most welcome and Ethel has said two or three times ‘O why didn’t we take that trip…’”
“Wednesday 22 My precious One; Since your dear long letter, telling of your rather exhausting experiences and change of address…” [August 22 was a Tuesday]
August 28, 1922. “Just a word dear “Small Child,” to tell you that your fine letter is greatly appreciated and Ethel is quite thrilled with your Saguenay river trip…” [postmarked Pine Mountain Aug 29 A.M. 1922 Ky]
August 29 [1922] Tuesday. “This is just to welcome you home, my Sweetheart.”
September 1, 1922. “Beloved daughter; It is early Friday morning, that is early for me to begin a letter to you for there are so many things to attend to.”
September 5, 1922. “My beloved Child; No letters either Monday or Tuesday though a card addressed to Luigi came on Saturday which you wrote in haste just as you were leaving Quebec…”
“Darling love; How I hope that the School Board members, voted you an extra teacher on Tuesday night…”
September 22, 1922. 9.30. “Well my best beloved, sweet child Helen; I have been wanting to write you ever since I first awoke this morning…”
September 28, 1922. 36 N. Essex Ave. “Dearest dear; You see, I am here yes, and found your dear letter waiting…”
“Sunday after nine p.m., Beloved; Just too tired to write to-night but I have had a glad day trying to serve the Master.” [a reference to the current weather being ‘just like September weather’ suggests this letter may have been written in October ]