Folder 19. Letters to her family. 1924-25. 4 items.
[February 4, 1924] Monday night. “Alas! I’m reduced to a pencil, for I do hate a steel pen, & I’ve lost my fountain-pen.”
Tuesday night [1924] “well here I am writing at my little desk once more…”
September 17, 1924. “Dearest mother mine, From the very first waking moment…”
[1925] “Sunday, 7:30 A.M. Well dearest my owns, if I should engage a stenographer and dictate just as fast as I could make my tongue fly, it would take a whole morning to relate all the details…”
“Monday night And such a rich child am I to have had two letters and a note from Mother today…”
“Wednesday evening Very most dear ones, You don’t know how much Mother’s letters mean, or how eagerly I seize them over the desk in the office.”
“Friday, 6:35 It’s perfectly absurd, dears, that I should have been so mixed about time…”