de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series II – Folder 12. Letters to her family. 1917.

Folder 12.  Letters to her family.  1917.  14 items. 

Notes for a talk [?] in Helen’s handwriting.  “Uncle William wishing 30 yrs. for school”

 Thursday morning. [January 1917?]  And Helen’s love going to her three at home, mother, Aunt Ida, and baby!”

Friday evening. [January 1917?] “O mother most dear, the number of times I’ve wished you could be hearing and seeing things…”

August 2, 1917. South Norwalk.  ‘Well, dearest, darling little mother:—that was assuredly a hurried leave-taking…”

August 4, 1917. 74 Broad Street, Pittsfield, Mass. “Mother most dear:—Glad, indeed, was I to get your precious letter this morning.”

August 6, 1917. 74 Broad Street, Pittsfield, Mass. “My darling little mother:—How eagerly I await the postman’s coming in order that I may hear from my precious little lady!”

Saturday afternoon.  “And Helen is going to send her precious mother a little letter…”

Wednesday afternoon.  “Dearest mine:—This is out full day, you remember…”

Wed. afternoon. “Thank you so much, dearest, for your note, Ethel’s letter and the lovely pictures that came this morning.”

Thursday afternoon.  “Well, darlint, you know our reputation for being the upsettingest family so you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I am upsetting the plans again.”

August 17 [1917]. Friday noon.  “Darling, my mother:—You can imagine my state of mind when I tell you that the mail which took my letter to you brought the one from you…”

Undated. Sat. A.M.  Darling:—Two precious letters came from you last night.”  [letter about a house in Norwich]

Tuesday afternoon.  “My beloved:—Houses are so on my mind that I can’t seem to think…”

Beginning is missing.  “wisdom.  I admire President Wilson more and more and feel as if he were the greatest president since Lincoln.”  [follow-up letter about house]