de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series I – Folder 58. Letters to her family. January-June 1927.

Folder 58.  Letters to her family.  January-June 1927.    37 items.

“We just loved having you here—Helen darling—& think you made Christmas for us..”

Postmarked Laden Jan 7 1927 Ky.  Friday.  “Downstairs after supper tonight…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Jan 8 AM 1927.  January 7  3:00 P.M.  “Dearest Family—You’ll be proud to know that I’m up…”

Monday.  “Dears—Antoinette is still here—will make two weeks of it…”

Louis. & Noton Jan 30 1927 TR24 R.P.O.  Harlan—Sunday.  “Dearest Nany [?] & Helen (So the telegran was signed that came Friday night)…”

Feb. 7 ‘27.  “Dearest family—Crocuses in bloom off Far House terrace!”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Feb 15 AN 1927.  Valentine’s Night.  “It began—this day—with the children finding red satin-covered heart boxes full of heart candies—by their pillows…”

February 16.  “Dearest Helen—A letter from Antoinette tonight sounds hopeful…”

Friday.  “Dearests—It’s almost the eve of Helen’s birthday.”

Postmarked Laden Feb 25 1927 Ky.  Friday.  “Dearest Arabella & Helen—I am half expecting to see you next week…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 2 AM 1927 Ky.  Envelope addressed to Mrs. de Long, 908 Madison St., Wilmington, Delaware.  Contains a blank Ruth and Naomi card.

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 3 AM 1927.  Wed.  “Dears—Not a word from Dr. Pickett yet—so I don’t know when I’ll see you.”

March 8.  [To her aunt, Mary Van Winkle]  “Of course, old dear, this is a birthday letter to you—who so slyly have been doing this perfectly astonishing thing—living 75 years;—and we’ve never noticed it…”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Mar 9 AM 1927.  March 8.  “Dearest folks—Don’t you think it’s strange that I’ve not had one word from Dr. Pickett to whom I’ve written 2 letters?”

Tues. “Xray pictures reveal nothing wrong.  Dearest Arabella—What sort of a day have you had, my dear?”

Thurs.  “Dearests—Berto & Brit * Nell met me this morning—so I had all the news of the school before I got home.”

Sunday Night.  “Dearest Ladies—I’m wondering if this has been a good day for you.”

Monday.  “Dearest Mother—How grieved I am over yr. relapse!”

Thursday.  “Well, dearests—how much has Arab been up & dressed this week?

Sun. Eve.  [Arabella: April 3]  “Dears—The end of a lovely day—spring is bounding in…”

April 5.  “How lovely, dearests, that you had Bertha with you for the weekend!”

Postmarked Pine Mountain Apr 8 7 AM 1927.  Thurs.  “Dearests—Beautiful days these.”

Thurs.  “Dearests—Raw outside & the world growing prettier every minute.”

Thurs.  “Dearest Helen—So glad for yr. letter!  This is a very hurried note….”

Monday.  11:30 A.M.  “Dearest Arabella—I am discharged—gee-oh—how nice!”

Thursday Evening.  “Dearst Helen—I’ve just finished my supper, & want to tell you two or three things before I leave Cin.”

Sunday Night.  [Arabella: May 1, 1927]  “Well, dears, we’ve been two reunited households this day, haven’t we?”

[Arabella:  May 16/27]  “Elena—just tucked in bed—”Mudda, I whish I had a baby.”

Postmarked Beaufort May 24 12M S.C.  Monday A.M.  “Dearest De Longs—Kay, Sallie, & I have just been cold creaming & powdering our raw red faces.”  [Enclosure:  Moonlight on the Bay postcard]

Thurs. 2:30 P.M.  “Dearests, Arabella & Helen—B.Z. is peacefully sleeping on the seat…”

Wed.  “Just no time for a letter tonight—such busy days picking up threads & jobs.”

Wed.  “Cleaning the living room, dears!  E. to Miss Jones who one night when I was away..”

June 10.  “Dearests, Arab & Helen—L.Z. has just gone to stroll in the moonlight…”

Sunday.  “Dearests—I’m so sorry for Aunt Mary’s trouble—and Aunt Ida’s poor health.”

Sunday Night.  “Dearest Arabella & Helen—Yr. letters were so lovely…”

Thurs.  [Arabella:  June 24/27] “Dearests—A letter from Elena to you got returned…”

Monday Night.  [Arabella:  June 28/27]  “Dearest Two—What a glorious good time in Bethlehem!”