Folder 49. Letters to her family. August-December 1922. 33 items.
Aug. 6. “Dearest Helen—It’s a delight to think of you on the beautiful St. Lawrence…”
Postcard postmarked Pine Mountain September 26 AM 1922, addressed to Mrs. George de Long c/o Mrs. Walter Varndell. Monday. “Have just discovered your cape, my dear…”
Sept. 27. “Dearest Arabella—We’ve been keeping track of your journeyings…”
Wednesday. “Dearest Arabella—I’ll address this to Berlin for that’s where …”
Sunday. “Berto to Patty as he looks at his latest book from Quebec…”
Wednesday. “Dearest Two—Did I tell you that Lucretia Garfield and K. Wright…”
Postcard to Mrs. George de Long, Berlin, Connecticut. Postmarked Pine Mountain October 10 A.M. 1922. Monday. “Dearest Two—I thought I’d surely get a letter….”
Monday. “Dearest Two—I wish I were sure that you were warm, on cold evenings!”
Wed. P.M. “My dears—Wisht I had some news for you!” [sic]
Sunday P.M. “Dearest Two—Well what a birthday I had! full of surprises!” [October 22]
Monday. “My dearests—Rain today—& such lovely gray sky—& Berto ecstatic…” [October 23]
Thurs. “Dear Ones—or Two, Berto—who has just been given permission…” [October 26?]
Sunday P.M. “Well, we thought & thought & thought about that town meeting…” [October 29? Was found in enveloped postmarked Pine Mountain Nov 6 AM 1922 to Mrs. George de Long, Berlin, Connecticut, but doesn’t fit sequence of that week]
Postmarked Pine Mountain Nov 2 AM 1922 to Mrs. George de Long, Berlin, Connecticut. Nov. 1. “Dearest Two—It came last night your box…”
Sunday P.M. “Well—they are all here—12 mules coming over Pine Mt. yesterday…” [November 5. Probably belongs in the envelope postmarked Pine Mountain Nov 6 AM 1922 to Mrs. George de Long, Berlin, Connecticut.]
Tues. “Clinic is in full force. 100 examinations yesterday.” [November 7]
Fragment. “Berto—in clinic week—’Mommie—how would I be xaminated?’”
Sunday Aft. “Do excuse these hasty scrawls I send.” [November 12]
Wednesday. [Helen: Nov. 1922] “Dearest Twose. Yes—it’s been raining—all night…” [November 15]
Sunday. [Helen: Nov. 1922] “Dearests—It’s hard not to fill letters full of Berto—” [November 19]
Wednesday P.M. “Dearest Folks—Are you warm enough? We’ve been having a cold snap…”[November 22]
Sunday. “Well, my dears—Berto has the chicken pox!” [November 26]
Wednesday P.M. [Arabella: November 30. Helen: 1922] “Berto was so pleased with his ‘gingers.’” [November 29]
Monday. [Arab: December 4, 1922] “My dears, I must get off a few words to you while yet there is light.”
Wednesday. [Arab: Dec. 6. Helen: 1922] “Well, my dears, it’s so lovely to hear of your good time in Norwich, & I most believe Arabella had enough turkey!”
Sunday Night. “No, he hasn’t any marks left from chicken pox, but is as rose-leaf….” [December 10]
Wednesday. “Well, Florence is here, & we’re so glad to see her!” [December 13]
December 18. “My dears—Can you believe that I got in bed last night…”
Postmarked Pine Mountain Dec 20 AM 1922] December 19. “Dearest Arabella—This is your very own Christmas letter…”
Christmas Night. “Dearests—The lovely repose of Christmas night is upon us!”
Tuesday. “Berto is sleeping, I’ve just had a nap, the house is in such comparatively…”
December 29. “Dearest Arabella & Helen—I hope the size of this sheet is prophetic…”
Sunday Evening. [Arabella: Jan 2, 1923] “Berto is having supper at Far H.” [December 31]