de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series I – Folder 22. Letters to her family. April-June 1911.

Folder 22.  Letters to her family.  April-June 1911.     29 items.

“Greetings to my dear two!  Well, your adventuresome daughter is in the thick of’ ‘em, this time.”

Monday Night.  “To my dearest Mother and Sister—Greeting!  I am once more back in the land of little creeks…”

Tuesday, April 18.  “My dearest Mother,—So you are in Hubbardston, and I here…”

Wednesday, Apr. 19.  “Dearest Mother,—it is just a week since your letter was written…”

“Dearest Mother mine, —how I wish you were going to walk with Miss Newman…”

April 30, 1911.  “Shall I send this to the two of you, dear ladies…”

May 7, 1911.  “My dear Helen—I am writing to you with a fine new fountain pen…”

“Dearest Mother,—I have just written Helen a long long letter, intended also for you…”

The Kendalls.  “My dear Helen,—You letter, with Mother’s enclosed, has just come.”

Postmarked Indianapolis May 27 12 30 PM 1911.  Friday.  “En route to Laura’s.”

Wednesday P.M.  “My dearest Mother,—Well, I have just this minute gotten dressed…”

“Good morning! No, I reckon it is good afternoon, for I have just bought and eaten…”

Wednesday Noon.  “My dearest Helen,—I am just here, and have just read your letter…”

June 2, 1911.  “Dearest Mother,—I am so sorry you haven’t been a bit well.”

June 3, 1911.  “Dear Helen, Two letters from you in one day…”

Sunday Evening.  “Dearest Mother,—Can you hear the thunder that is rolling outside?”

“Dearest Mother,—I have written Helen that you will be in N.J., for I had a letter…”

“Dear child,—I have had such a nice afternoon…”

“Dearest Helen,—Howdye! At the rapid rate you are telegraphing, I predict either…”

Saturday Noon.  “My dearest little sister,—I have just come from a meeting of the S.A.A…”

Sunday at 7.  “Dearest Helen—It is between bacchalaureate [sic] and vespers…”

Program, Smith College Baccalaureate Service, June 18, 1911.

Monday.  “Lots of folks have been asking about you—dear—among them….”

Poem.  “We’re gathered tonight on this beautiful green…”

Friday.  “Dearest Helen,—Here I am in old Hubbardston, the quietest, peacefullest..”

Monday. “My dear Helen,—my brains are quite gone, for I’ve been darning stockings…”

Tuesday.  “Dearest Mother,—We are just back from Gardner….”

“Dearest Mother and Helen,—It is nice to be on a train again!”

Sunday afternoon.   “Dearest Helen,—I wonder what circle of admirers you are entertaining this afternoon…”