Folder 17. Letters to her family. April-June 1909. 18 items.
“Dearest Mother mine, I am just about to dress to go to hear Gov. Folk who is to speak on The Era of Conscience.”
Monacal’s [Monseal’s?] Crossing—Sunday. “Dearest little Mother, I am just now planning to write to you while it is early in the afternoon, and I can later walk into Brooklyn to the post office.”
“Dearest Mother and Helen, I thought of youall often, yesterday, and of the new tablecloth that betokened a joyful reunion.”
[April 11, 1909] Sunday Evening of Easter “My dear ones—The first thing this morning I heard Miss Sheridan say—outside my door—’You’d better get up—there are things out here for you.’”
“Dearest Mother, I found the rest of my Easter gift when I came home from school today…”
Sunday Afternoon. “Dearest Mother—You can guess how much I have been thinking of youall since your Thursday letter came.”
“Dear ones: Are you better today and enduring less oppressive weather?”
“My dearest Mother and Helen,—I wish you could see the little wren that is hopping about the cherry tree, just outside the east window!”
Sunday Afternoon “My dear Mother—I’ve just been writing to Ida, for Aunt Mary sent me one of the stork postalcards too, so that I got it on Friday.”
1209 Park Avenue, Indianapolis “Dearest Mother—If you could see this room at present, you’d think I ought to get to work hanging up coats and hats, picking up letters…”
“Dearest Mother and Helen—Tomorrow night you will be in Hubbardston!”
“Dearest Mother, Just as I was coming downstairs to write a letter to you in the side yard, under the trees—the special delivery man came with your Friday letter.”
Thursday afternoon “My dear Mother, I have just come from Mr. Marmon’s funeral. He died very suddenly on Monday—though he had not been well all winter…”
“Dearest Mother—I have just been helping my neighbor, Miss Leibold, fix plantain leaves for the poison ivy stings she came home from a picnic with.”
“Dearest Mother: Another rainy Sunday morning, with some prospects of its clearing…”
Sunday afternoon “My dears—The little Carolina wren is the only living thing with energy enough to make a noise on this hot summer day.”
Manual Training High School, Tuesday, June 1st “Dear Mr. Emmerich: We are thinking of you in these days of your great grief with deepest sympathy and strong affection.”
“Dearest Mother—The train is just pulling out of Eminence, Ky. on as pretty a day as one could wish.”
“Dearest Mother—I have just been reading your letter that came tonight—with strong desire to see you!”