Folder 28. Letters to her family. January-July 1914. 40 items.
Lexington, Kentucky, January 4, 1914. “Dearest Mother and Helen—You can scarcely imagine how nice it seems to be sitting down to write you!”
Thursday Night. “Dearest Mother—Here I am at the Auditorium Hotel where….”
“Dearest Mother—How I wished I could have known when you knew, of Aunt Em’s death.”
On the train to Lex. Sat. “Dearest Mother—Isn’t this a flying trip, to organize….”
Wednesday. “Dearest of dear ladies, I am waiting here in the station for Edna Foley…”
Monday 10 A.M. “Dearest Mother—A clear cold sunshiney morning in Detroit!”
Thurs. “Dearest Mother—It was just lovely to get your letter from Briarcliff Manor…”
Fragment. “better than any others. I’ll get stuff at Vantine’s, for Mother to make me…”
Sun. “Mother dear—This is the coldest place I’ve been in for years…”
Wednesday [at end]. “Dearest lady, The ring is to be done, praise be…”
Thurs. “Dearest Mother, I am on the trolley to Haddonfield to address…”
Thurs. “Dearest Helen—You are a peach & I am more fond of you every year & month…”
Postmarked New/torn/N.Y. Mar 3 9 30 PM 1914 Sta.Y, addressed to Mrs. George de Long 48 High Street Northampton Mass. Tues. P.M. “Dearest Mother! Snowed up at…”
“Dearest Mother—Time for a line before I dress for lunch with Mrs. J. Lowrie Bell.”
Friday Morning. “Well, dearest lady, I’ve breakfasted with Gertrude, & soon start…”
“On train again. Dearest Mother—I reckon you must have failed to get one note from me…”
New York—Tuesday. “My dearest, dear lady—Goodmorning, & the top o’ the morning…”
“Dearest Mother—How very very sorry I am to hear that you have been terribly ill.”
Monday, in Rochester. “Dearest lady,—Well, wan’t it nice to have Helen again for ….”
Tues. “I haven;t the slightest idea—precious dear lady—where the letter I began to you…”
Friday. “Easter greetings to my dear Mother and Sister….”
Monday A.M. “Dearest Mother, Ten minutes past eight and a fine breeze blowing…”
Thursday Evening. “Dearest Mother—It is one of the very beautifullest days that ever…”
“Monday Morning—in the lumber yard, overseeing the lumber stacking…”
Monday Evening. “Dearest Mother—Miss Moore is playing on the Victrola the Schubert…”
Postmarked Benham & Pineville R.P.O. May 6 1914 TR49. “Dearest, precious Mother, I have just quieted from my weeping…”
In same envelope as above. “Dearest Mother—This is Thursday morning, & I didn’t….”
In the same envelope as above. “Dearest Mother—I wish I knew how you are this…”
In the same envelope as above. “Dearest Mother, Sunday Night & Eliabeth Moore is going home tomorrow…”
In the same envelope as above. “Dearest Lady—Such lovely letters as yours just call for an answer…”
Postmarked In /spaces/L/illeg/ May /faded poss 26/ PM 1914 Ky. Tuesday A.M. “Dearest Helen—I hope you will like the cake of maple sugar I sent to you…” [May 26 was a Tuesday]
Tuesday A.M. “Dearest Mother Don’t mistake the white soap for something to eat!”
“Dearest Mother—Fountain pen has gone dry, & I’m too lazy to fill it!”
June Seven. “Sunday at eleven—as quiet & lovely an hour as one could wish.”
Monday A.M. “Dearest Mother—and Helen, Are red rambler roses out on Cape Cod…”
Monday Evg. “Raining! after 3 weeks of clear dry days…”
Tues. “Dearest dears—It’s not yet six A.M. but I’ve been up for hours, getting our….”
July 1. “Love to you, darlings! It’s so cool, with a glorious wind blowing outside…”
Wednesday 9:30 P.M. “Dearest Mother—This is the lovely, silent hour of the evening…”
“Dearly beloved Mother—This is afternoon of the same day I sent you a letter…”