Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Samuel Winfrey Correspondence, 1933-1939
Samuel Winfrey, PMSS Farmer & Teacher 1933-1936
Samuel H. Winfrey (1900-1993)
SAMUEL WINFREY Correspondence, August 1933 – April 1939
Farmer & Teacher, 1933 – June 1936
TAGS: Samuel Winfrey, Samuel H. Winfrey, Sam Winfrey, Glyn Morris, Berea College, 4H Clubs, agriculture, Agricultural Home Economics Club, instructor in poultry and dairy work, Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, farmers, dairymen
CONTENTS: Samuel Winfrey Correspondence
[Note: Letters from PMSS staff in the PMSS Collections are carbon copies, typewritten, unsigned, and meant for the Office files. The original signed documents were sent to the correspondents. Letters from Samuel Winfrey are handwritten originals unless specified otherwise. The following list of contents is in chronological order and not necessarily in the order of the image numbers.]
[Note: Several images of confidential material are indicated as “RESTRICTED” and have been removed from this page. Access may be provided on request, pending approval of Pine Mountain Settlement School and the archivist of the PMSS Collections. Contact the main PMSS Office for information.]
001 N.D. Photograph of Sam Winfrey
002-003 N.D. Two pages. Confidential information on Samuel H. Winfrey. RESTRICTED
004-005 August 5, 1933. Two-page handwritten letter to Glyn Morris, PMSS Director, from Sam Winfrey, Esto, KY, who is applying for the position of “teacher of agriculture” which he learned about from Berea College. In June he received a B.S. degree in Agriculture “which qualifies me for teaching Vocational Agriculture under the Smith-Hughes Act.” He is 33 years old, unmarried, and “reared on a farm in Russell County, Kentucky, and…familiar with farming conditions such as you have in Harlan County.” He describes his experience organizing and directing four 4H Club camps. At Berea College he was active in agricultural work. In his senior year he served as president of the Agricultural Home Economics Club. He also had “five years experience as a teacher in the rural schools of Russell County.” He lists his references and will interview with PMSS representatives at Laden, KY, on August 8.
006 August 11, 1933. Handwritten letter to Morris from Winfrey, who expresses appreciation for his visit to PMSS and for “the work you are doing.” However, he declines to accept the position because the salary “is a little under what I had hoped to receive….”
007 August 12, 1933. To Winfrey from Morris, confirming that Winfrey can arrive at PMSS on August 18 to “begin your work as instructor in poultry and dairy work and to take charge of these two departments.”
008 November 4, 1935. To Winfrey from Morris, telling him to tell the boys to be careful not to spill garbage as they take it “up the hill.”
009 February 19, 1936. Handwritten note to Winfrey from “G.A.M.” (Morris), asking him to continue for the rest of the year the procedure which was begun at the barn on February 8th regarding the Milk Boys.
010 April 21, 1936. To Winfrey from [unsigned], asking him to see that the “flanks of the cows” are cleaned.
012 April 15, 1939. To Morris from W.C. Wilson, Assistant State Agent on letterhead for “Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, State of Kentucky,” Lexington, KY. “Mr. Samuel H. Winfrey of Russell Springs, Kentucky, has applied to us for a position in county agent work and gave your name as reference.” The agent asks for Morris’s opinion of Winfrey’s work.
011 N.D. “Mr. Winfrey was employed as assistant farmer and dairyman from 1934 (sic, 1933) to the spring of 1936. He left when the staff was cut to include only one farmer…. He was very likable, and kind, and the children liked him.” [No signature.] RESTRICTED
GALLERY: Samuel Winfrey Correspondence
See Also: